TeamViewer是远程IT 协助(IT assistance)的最佳选择之一。强烈推荐用于视频聊天和远程控制服务。大约 4 亿台设备使用TeamViewer,根据报告,在给定时间大约有 3000 万台设备连接到TeamViewer。TeamViewer的一些已知功能包括屏幕共享、远程访问、视频会议(video conferencing)、反恶意软件、远程桌面、专业聊天、在线白板等等。然而,很少有用户会遇到常见错误,例如TeamViewer未准备好检查您的连接。有几种标准方法可以解决TeamViewer未准备好检查您的连接问题(connection issue)。我们建议您阅读导致TeamViewer无法连接问题的原因以及解决这些问题的故障排除方法。所以,继续阅读。
如何修复 Teamviewer 在 Windows 10 中无法连接(How to Fix Teamviewer Not Connecting in Windows 10)
TeamViewer有自己的成功故事(success story),但这并不意味着它不会有任何错误。许多用户面临TeamViewer未准备好检查您的连接问题(connection issue)。如果您访问TeamViewer 支持(TeamViewer support)页面,您就会知道情况有多糟糕。以下是导致TeamViewer无法检查您的连接问题(connection problem)的几个原因。
- 您必须检查的第一件事是您是否有稳定的互联网连接(internet connection)。如果您有旧的路由器和接收器(old routers and receivers),您可能会遇到上述问题。运行 ping 测试,重新启动路由器或在必要时将其重置。
- 如果您的防病毒程序(antivirus program )或Windows Defender 防火墙正在(Windows Defender Firewall is blocking TeamViewer)阻止程序列表中阻止 TeamViewer,您将面临TeamViewer未准备好检查您的连接问题(connection problem)。在防病毒/防火墙程序中添加(Add)排除项或禁用它们以解决问题。
- 如果当前版本的 TeamViewer 与您的 PC 不兼容( current version of TeamViewer is not compatible with your PC),您可能会遇到TeamViewer无法连接的问题。切换到TeamViewer的旧界面将防止上述问题。
- 为了修复该错误,TeamViewer会定期发布更新以改进应用程序。如果您有一个过时的应用程序(outdated application),您可能会面临TeamViewer未准备好检查您的连接问题(connection issue)。定期更新 TeamViewer(Update TeamViewer)以解决上述问题。
在尝试其他方法之前,建议您重新启动系统。在大多数情况下,简单的重新启动将解决问题,而无需任何具有挑战性的布局。因此,请尝试按照以下任何一种方法重新启动系统并检查您是否再次遇到问题。或者,您可以使用电源选项(Power)完全关闭(fully shut down)系统,然后再次打开。
1. 导航到 开始菜单(Start menu)。
2. 现在,选择 电源图标(power icon)。
注意:(Note:) 在Windows 10中,电源图标(Power icon)位于底部。而(Whereas)在Windows 8中,电源图标(Power icon)位于顶部。
3. 会显示几个选项,如 睡眠(Sleep)、 关机(Shut down)和 重启(Restart) 。在这里,单击 重新启动(Restart)。
方法 2:禁用 TeamViewer 进程(Method 2: Disable TeamViewer Process)
您可以通过禁用所有TeamViewer进程并重新启动应用程序来修复TeamViewer而不是连接问题。(connecting problem)以下是通过任务管理器禁用(Task Manager)TeamViewer进程的几个步骤。
1. 同时按Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys启动任务管理器(Task Manager)。
2. 在任务管理器窗口(Task Manager window)中,单击进程(Processes)选项卡。
3. 现在,搜索并选择在后台不必要地运行的TeamViewer任务。(TeamViewer)
4. 最后,如上图所示选择结束任务并(End Task)重新启动您的 PC(reboot your PC)并再次启动 TeamViewer。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)修复远程桌面在Windows 10中无法(Windows 10)连接(Connect)
方法三:重启 TeamViewer 服务(Method 3: Restart TeamViewer Service)
您可以通过停止服务并在几分钟后重新启动来重新启动TeamViewer 服务。(TeamViewer service)以下是重启TeamViewer 服务(TeamViewer service)的几个步骤。
1. 同时按下Windows + R keys打开运行(Run)对话框。
2. 输入services.msc并按Enter 键(Enter key)启动服务(Services)程序。
3. 现在,在“服务(Services)”窗口中,向下滚动并搜索TeamViewer 服务并单击(TeamViewer service and click)它。
4. 现在,单击属性(Properties ),如下图所示。
注意:(Note: )您也可以双击TeamViewer 服务(TeamViewer service)打开“属性”窗口。
5. 现在,将启动类型设置为自动,(set the Startup type to Automatic, )如下所示。如果服务状态(Service status)不是Running,请单击Start 按钮。( on the Start button.)
注意:(Note: )如果服务状态(Service status)为Running,请停止一段时间,然后重新启动。
6. 最后,单击Apply > OK以保存更改。检查您是否已解决问题。
方法 4:从主机文件中删除 TeamViewer(如果适用)(Method 4: Delete TeamViewer from the Host File ( If Applicable))
如果您在主机文件(host file)中有损坏的TeamViewer 条目(TeamViewer entry),您将面临TeamViewer未准备好检查您的连接问题(connection problem)。要解决此问题,请按照以下说明从主机文件中删除(host file)TeamViewer 部分(TeamViewer section)。
1. 同时按下Windows + E keys打开Windows 资源管理器(Windows Explorer)。
2. 现在,切换到查看(View )选项卡并选中Show/hide 部分中的隐藏项目(Hidden items )框。
3. 现在,从文件资源管理器(File Explorer)的地址栏中转到以下路径(path)。
4. 现在,选择并右键单击hosts文件,然后选择Open with选项,如图所示。
5. 现在,从列表中选择记事本(Notepad )选项,然后单击确定(OK),如图所示。
7. 现在,单击Ctrl + F keys打开查找(Find )窗口。在这里,在Find what字段中键入Teamviewer ,然后单击Find Next,如图所示。
8. 如果您没有得到任何搜索结果,则表示您的 PC 上没有任何损坏的TeamViewer文件。如果您找到 #Teamviewer部分,请右键单击它并删除(delete )它们。
9. 现在,通过同时单击Ctrl+ S 键来保存文件。
10. 退出记事本(Notepad)并检查您是否已修复TeamViewer未准备好检查您的连接问题(connection issue)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在 Windows 10 中启用 Telnet
方法 5:重置 Winsock(Method 5: Reset Winsock)
将Winsock 目录(Winsock directory)重置为其默认设置将解决TeamViewer无法连接的问题。如果您无法登录TeamViewer,请按照此方法解决。
1. 按 Windows 键(Windows keys),键入 命令提示符(command prompt),然后单击 以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator)。
2、然后,在命令窗口(command window)中一一键入以下命令,每个命令后按回车键(Enter )。
reset winsock nets
resetting nets inside ip
3. 最后,等待Winsock 重置完成成功(Winsock reset completed successfully )消息并检查您现在是否已解决问题。
方法 6:禁用 IPV6(Method 6: Disable IPV6)
尽管IPv6比IPv4增加了优势,但它也有一些限制。但是,如果您的系统不适应IPv6 协议(IPv6 protocol),那么您将面临TeamViewer未准备好检查您的连接问题(connection problem)。因此(Hence),建议您按照以下说明禁用IPv6。
1. 右键单击系统托盘中的 网络图标(network icon) ,然后选择 打开网络和 Internet 设置(Open Network & Internet settings)。
2. 单击 更改适配器选项(Change adapter options)。
3. 现在,右键单击 活动网络适配器(active network adapter) ,然后单击 属性(Properties) ,如图所示。
4. 将弹出Wi-Fi 属性窗口。(Wi-Fi Properties)在这里,取消选中 Internet Protocol Version 6(TCP/IPv6) 选项。
5. 最后,单击 OK 保存更改并 重新启动(Restart) 您的 PC。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 在Windows 10的WinX 菜单中(WinX Menu)显示控制面板(Show Control Panel)
方法 7:更改 DNS 地址(Method 7: Change DNS Address)
一些用户报告说TeamViewer未准备好检查您的连接问题(connection issue)将通过更改您的Internet 服务提供商提供的(Internet Service Provider)DNS 地址(DNS address)来解决。您可以使用Google DNS 地址(Google DNS address)来解决此问题,这里有一些更改PC的DNS 地址的说明。(DNS address)
1. 按 Windows 键(Windows key),键入 控制面板(Control Panel) 并单击 打开(Open)。
2. 设置 View by: > Large icons并 从列表中 单击 网络和共享中心。( Network and Sharing Center)
3. 接下来,单击左侧窗格中的 更改适配器设置 ( Change adapter settings )超链接。
4. 右键单击您当前的网络连接(network connection)(例如 Wi-Fi)并选择 属性(Properties),如图所示。
5:在 此连接下使用以下项目:(This connection uses the following items:) 列出,找到并单击 Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)。
6. 单击 属性 (Properties )按钮,如上所示。
7. 在这里,选择 使用以下 DNS 服务器地址:(Use the following DNS server addresses:) 选项并输入以下内容:
首选 DNS 服务器:
备用 DNS 服务器:
8. 单击 确定(OK) 保存更改。
方法 8:修改 LAN 设置(Method 8: Modify LAN Settings)
如果您在系统中自动更改LAN设置,更多时候您将面临TeamViewer未准备好检查您的连接问题(connection problem)。因此,修改设置为系统带来足够的互联网连接(internet connection)。
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key),键入控制面板(Control Panel),然后单击打开(Open)。
2. 现在,将 View by 选项设置为 Category。
3. 选择 网络和互联网 (Network and Internet )设置。
4. 在这里,单击 Internet 选项 (Internet Options ),如下所示。
5. 现在,在 Internet 属性(Internet Properties) 窗口中,切换到 连接 (Connections )选项卡。
6. 选择 LAN 设置(LAN settings),如下所示。
7. 在这里,选中 自动检测设置 (Automatically detect settings )框并确保 未选中为您的 LAN 使用代理服务器 (Use a proxy server for your LAN )框。
注意:(Note:) 您可以在需要时再次启用该选项。
8. 最后,单击“ 确定 (OK )”保存更改并检查问题是否已解决。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)在Windows 10中杀死进程的(A Process)3种方法(Ways)
方法 9:更新或回滚网络驱动程序(Update or Rollback Network Drivers)
选项 1:更新驱动程序(Option 1: Update Driver)
以下是更新网络驱动程序(network driver)以修复Teamviewer无法连接问题的步骤。
1. 按 Windows 键(Windows key),键入 设备管理器(Device Manager),然后单击 打开(Open)。
2. 双击 网络适配器(Network adapters) 将其展开。
3. 右键单击您的 无线网络驱动程序 (wireless network driver )(例如 Qualcomm Atheros QCA9377 无线网络适配器( Qualcomm Atheros QCA9377 Wireless Network Adapter))并选择 更新驱动程序(Update driver),如下图所示。
4. 接下来,单击 自动搜索驱动程序 (Search automatically for drivers )以自动下载并安装最佳可用驱动程序。
5B。如果它们已经处于更新阶段,则会显示消息 “您的设备的最佳驱动程序已安装” (The best drivers for your device are already installed )。
6. 单击 关闭 (Close )按钮退出窗口并 重新启动您的 PC( restart your PC)。
选项 2:回滚驱动程序更新(Option 2: Roll Back Driver Updates)
1. 像之前一样进入Device Manager > Network adapters 。
2. 右键单击您的 网络驱动程序(network driver) (例如 Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 3168)并选择 属性(Properties),如图所示。
3. 切换到 驱动程序选项卡 (Driver tab )并选择 回滚驱动程序(Roll Back Driver),如突出显示的那样。
注意:(Note:) 如果“ 回滚驱动器(Roll Back Drive)r”选项显示为灰色,则表示您的计算机没有预装驱动程序文件或从未更新过。
4. 提供你 为什么要回滚的原因?(Why are you rolling back?) 在 驱动程序包回滚(Driver Package rollback)。然后,单击 Yes,如下图所示。
5. 然后,单击 确定(OK) 以应用此更改。最后, 重新启动您的 PC(restart your PC)。
Method 10: Add Exclusion in Firewall/Antivirus
如果Windows 防火墙(Windows Firewall)没有与TeamViewer发生冲突,则系统上的防病毒软件(antivirus software)可能会阻止TeamViewer 客户端,反之亦然(TeamViewer client or vice-versa)。您可以为TeamViewer(TeamViewer)添加排除项以解决问题。
选项 I:通过 Windows 安全性 (Option I: Through Windows Security )
1. 按 Windows 键(Windows key),键入 病毒和威胁防护(virus and threat protection),然后按 Enter 键(Enter key)。
2. 现在,点击 管理设置(Manage settings)。
3. 向下滚动并单击 添加或删除排除 (Add or remove exclusions )项,如下所示。
4. 在 排除(Exclusions) 选项卡中,选择 添加排除(Add an exclusion) 选项并单击 文件 (File ),如图所示。
5. 现在,导航到 安装程序的 文件目录( file directory)并选择(program and select) Teamviewer文件。
选项二:通过第三方杀毒软件(Option II: Through Third-party Antivirus)
注意:(Note:) 在这里,我们以 Avast Free Antivirus 为例。
1. 启动 Avast Antivirus。点击右上角的 菜单(right corner)选项 (Menu ),如图所示。
2. 在这里,从下拉列表中单击 设置 。(Settings )
3. 选择 General > Blocked & Allowed apps。单击 允许的应用(ALLOW APP)程序列表部分 下 的允许应用程序(List of allowed apps section),如下所示。
4. 现在,点击 TeamViewer 对应的ADD > 将其添加到白名单中。或者,您也可以通过选择 SELECT APP PATH 选项来浏览Steam 应用程序。(Steam app)
注意:(Note:) 我们在下面显示 了App Installer 作为排除项添加。
5. 最后,点击 提示中的添加,将 TeamViewer (ADD )应用(TeamViewer)添加到 Avast 白名单。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)修复远程桌面在Windows 10中无法(Windows 10)连接(Connect)
方法 11:重新安装 TeamViewer(Method 11: Reinstall TeamViewer)
如果这些方法都没有帮助您,请尽可能尝试重新安装软件。重新安装 TeamViewer 时,所有设置和配置设置都将刷新,因此您有更多机会修复Teamviewer无法连接问题。
1. 同时按下Windows + R keys运行(Run)对话框。
2. 输入 appwiz.cpl(appwiz.cpl) 并点击 OK。
3.程序和功能(Programs and Features )实用程序将打开,现在搜索TeamViewer。
4. 现在,单击TeamViewer并选择卸载(Uninstall )选项。
5. 现在,如果系统提示您,您确定要卸载 TeamViewer 吗?(Are you sure want to uninstall TeamViewer?)然后单击是(Yes)。
6.完成上述所有步骤后,重新启动 PC 。(Restart your PC)
7.从官网下载(official website)TeamViewer。
8. 现在,导航到我的下载(My downloads )并启动TeamViewer 设置(TeamViewer setup)文件。
9. 按照屏幕上的说明(on-screen instructions)在您的 PC 上完成安装。
最后,您已在计算机上重新安装了TeamViewer 。这将解决与应用程序相关的所有问题。
- 修复您的连接在(Fix)Windows 10中被中断
- 如何下载(Download)、安装(Install)和使用适用于Windows 10的(Windows 10)WGET(Use WGET)
- 如何修复不和谐相机(Fix Discord Camera)不工作
- 修复缩放音频(Fix Zoom Audio)不工作(Working)Windows 10
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,您可以修复TeamViewer(TeamViewer not connecting)在Windows 10中无法连接的问题。请(Feel)随时通过下面的评论部分与我们联系,提出您的疑问和建议。让我们知道您希望我们接下来探索哪个主题。
Fix Teamviewer Not Connecting in Windows 10
One of the best options for remote IT assistance is TeamViewer. It is highly recommended for video chats and remotе control services. Arоund 400 mіllion devices use TeamViewer, and as per the report, about 30 million devices are connected to TeamVіewer at a given timе. Some of the known features of TeamViewer include ѕcreen sharing, remote accesѕ, video conferencing, anti-malware, remote desktop, professіonal chat, оnline whiteboards, and a lot more. Yet, few users experiеnce common errors like TeamViewer not ready to check your conneсtion. There are several standard methods to resolve TeamViewer not rеady check your сonnection issue. We suggest you rеad the reasons that cause TeamViewer not connecting issue and the troubleshooting methods to resolve them. Ѕo, continue reading.
How to Fix Teamviewer Not Connecting in Windows 10
TeamViewer has its own success story, yet it does not mean it will not have any errors. Many users are facing TeamViewer not ready to check your connection issue. If you visit the TeamViewer support page, you will come to know how bad the situation is. Here are a few reasons that cause TeamViewer not ready to check your connection problem.
- The first thing you have to check is whether you have a stable internet connection. If you have old routers and receivers, you may face the said problem. Run a ping test, restart your router or reset it if necessary.
- If your antivirus program or Windows Defender Firewall is blocking TeamViewer from the list of blocked programs, you will face TeamViewer not ready to check your connection problem. Add exclusions in the antivirus/ firewall program or disable them to resolve the problem.
- If the current version of TeamViewer is not compatible with your PC, there are more chances that you may face TeamViewer not connecting issue. Switching to the older interface of TeamViewer will prevent the said problem.
- To fix the bug, TeamViewer releases regular updates to improve the application. If you have an outdated application, you may face TeamViewer not ready to check your connection issue. Update TeamViewer regularly to resolve the said problems.
We have compiled a list of methods to resolve TeamViewer not connecting problem. The methods are arranged from basic to advanced level; hence if you need quicker results, follow them in the same order.
Method 1: Restart PC
Before trying the rest of the methods, you are advised to reboot your system. In most cases, a simple restart will fix the issue without any challenging layouts. So, try to reboot your system by following any of the below-mentioned methods and checking if you face the problem again. Alternatively, you can fully shut down the system using the Power options and turn it on again.
1. Navigate to the Start menu.
2. Now, select the power icon.
Note: In Windows 10, the Power icon is found at the bottom. Whereas in Windows 8, the Power icon is located at the top.
3. Several options like Sleep, Shut down, and Restart will be displayed. Here, click on Restart.
Method 2: Disable TeamViewer Process
You can fix TeamViewer not a connecting problem, by disabling all TeamViewer processes and relaunching the application. Here are a few steps to disable the TeamViewer processes via Task Manager.
1. Launch Task Manager by hitting Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys simultaneously.
2. In the Task Manager window, click on the Processes tab.
3. Now, search and select TeamViewer tasks that are unnecessarily running in the background.
4. Finally, select End Task as depicted in the above picture and reboot your PC and launch TeamViewer again.
Also Read: Fix Remote Desktop Won’t Connect in Windows 10
Method 3: Restart TeamViewer Service
You can restart the TeamViewer service by stopping the service once and starting it again after a few minutes. Here are a few steps to restart the TeamViewer service.
1. Press the Windows + R keys together to open the Run dialog box.
2. Type services.msc and hit the Enter key to launch the Services program.
3. Now, in the Services window, scroll down and search for TeamViewer service and click on it.
4. Now, click on Properties as depicted in the picture below.
Note: You can also double-click on the TeamViewer service to open the Properties window.
5. Now, set the Startup type to Automatic, as shown below. If the Service status is not Running, click on the Start button.
Note: If the Service status is Running, Stop it for a while and start it again.
6. Finally, click on Apply > OK to save the changes. Check if you have fixed the issue.
Method 4: Delete TeamViewer from the Host File ( If Applicable)
If you have a corrupt TeamViewer entry in the host file, you will face TeamViewer not ready to check your connection problem. To resolve this, delete the TeamViewer section from the host file as instructed below.
1. Press Windows + E keys together to open Windows Explorer.
2. Now, switch to the View tab and check the Hidden items box in the Show/hide section.
3. Now, go to the following path from the address bar of the File Explorer.
4. Now, select and right-click on the hosts file and select Open with option as shown.
5. Now, select the Notepad option from the list and click on OK as depicted.
6. The hosts file will be opened in Notepad as follows:
7. Now, click on Ctrl + F keys to open Find window. Here, type Teamviewer in the Find what field and click on Find Next as shown.
8. If you did not get any search results, it means you do not have any corrupt TeamViewer files on your PC. If you find the #Teamviewer section, right-click on it and delete them.
9. Now, save the file by clicking on Ctrl+ S keys together.
10. Exit Notepad and check if you have fixed TeamViewer not ready check your connection issue.
Also Read: How to Enable Telnet in Windows 10
Method 5: Reset Winsock
Resetting the Winsock directory to its default settings will resolve TeamViewer not connecting issue. If you cannot log in to TeamViewer, follow this method to resolve the same.
1. Press the Windows keys, type command prompt, and click on Run as administrator.
2. Then, type the following commands one by one in the command window and hit Enter after each command.
reset winsock nets
resetting nets inside ip
3. Finally, wait for Winsock reset completed successfully message and check if you have fixed the issue now.
Method 6: Disable IPV6
Even though IPv6 has added advantages over IPv4, there are a few limitations to it. However, if your system does not adapt IPv6 protocol, then you will face TeamViewer not ready to check your connection problem. Hence, you are advised to disable IPv6 as instructed below.
1. Right-click on the network icon in the system tray and select Open Network & Internet settings.
2. Click Change adapter options.
3. Now, right-click on the active network adapter and click on Properties as shown.
4. Wi-Fi Properties window will pop up. Here, uncheck the Internet Protocol Version 6(TCP/IPv6) option.
5. Finally, click OK to save the changes and Restart your PC.
Also Read: Show Control Panel in WinX Menu in Windows 10
Method 7: Change DNS Address
Several users have reported that TeamViewer not ready check your connection issue will be fixed by changing the DNS address provided by your Internet Service Provider. You may use Google DNS address to tackle the issue and here are few instructions to change the DNS address of your PC.
1. Press the Windows key, type Control Panel and click on Open.
2. Set View by: > Large icons and click on the Network and Sharing Center from the list.
3. Next, click on the Change adapter settings hyperlink present in the left pane.
4. Right-click on your current network connection (e.g. Wi-Fi) and select Properties, as depicted.
5: Under This connection uses the following items: list, locate and click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4).
6. Click the Properties button, as highlighted above.
7. Here, select Use the following DNS server addresses: option and enter the following:
Preferred DNS server:
Alternate DNS server:
8. Click on OK to save changes.
Method 8: Modify LAN Settings
If you have an automatic change in LAN settings in your system, more often, you will face TeamViewer not ready check your connection problem. Thus, modify the settings to bring an adequate internet connection to the system.
1. Press the Windows key, type Control Panel, and click on Open.
2. Now, set the View by option to Category.
3. Select the Network and Internet settings.
4. Here, click on Internet Options as shown below.
5. Now, in the Internet Properties window, switch to the Connections tab.
6. Select LAN settings, as highlighted below.
7. Here, check the box Automatically detect settings and ensure Use a proxy server for your LAN box is unchecked.
Note: You can enable the option again when you need it.
8. Finally, click on OK to save the changes and check if the issue is resolved.
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Method 9: Update or Rollback Network Drivers
If the current drivers in your system are incompatible/outdated with the TeamViewer files, then you will face TeamViewer not ready check your connection. Therefore, you are advised to either update or roll back drivers to prevent the said problem.
Option 1: Update Driver
Here are the steps to update your network driver to fix Teamviewer not connecting issue.
1. Press the Windows key, type Device Manager, and click on Open.
2. Double-click on Network adapters to expand it.
3. Right-click on your wireless network driver (e.g. Qualcomm Atheros QCA9377 Wireless Network Adapter) and select Update driver, as depicted below.
4. Next, click on Search automatically for drivers to automatically download and install the best available driver.
5A. Now, the drivers will update and install to the latest version, if they are not updated.
5B. If they are already in an updated stage, the message saying The best drivers for your device are already installed will be shown.
6. Click on the Close button to exit the window and restart your PC.
Option 2: Roll Back Driver Updates
Follow these steps to roll back driver updates to fix Teamviewer not connecting issue.
1. Go to Device Manager > Network adapters as earlier.
2. Right-click on your network driver (e.g. Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 3168) and select Properties, as depicted.
3. Switch to the Driver tab and select Roll Back Driver, as highlighted.
Note: If the option to Roll Back Driver is greyed out, it indicates that your computer does not have the pre-installed driver files or it has never been updated.
4. Provide your reason for Why are you rolling back? in Driver Package rollback. Then, click on Yes, as illustrated below.
5. Then, click on OK to apply this change. Finally, restart your PC.
Method 10: Add Exclusion in Firewall/Antivirus
If Windows Firewall is not causing a conflict with TeamViewer, the antivirus software on your system is likely blocking the TeamViewer client or vice-versa. You can add an exclusion for TeamViewer to fix the problem.
Option I: Through Windows Security
1. Hit the Windows key, type virus and threat protection, and press the Enter key.
2. Now, click on Manage settings.
3. Scroll down and click Add or remove exclusions as depicted below.
4. In the Exclusions tab, select the Add an exclusion option and click on File as shown.
5. Now, navigate to the file directory where you have installed the program and select Teamviewer file.
Option II: Through Third-party Antivirus
Note: Here, we have used Avast Free Antivirus as an example.
1. Launch Avast Antivirus. Click on the Menu option from the top right corner, as shown.
2. Here, click on Settings from the drop-down list.
3. Select General > Blocked & Allowed apps. Click on ALLOW APP under List of allowed apps section, as highlighted below.
4. Now, click on ADD > corresponding to TeamViewer to add it to the whitelist. Alternately, you may also browse for the Steam app by selecting the SELECT APP PATH option.
Note: We have shown App Installer being added as an exclusion below.
5. Finally, click on ADD in the prompt to add the TeamViewer app to the Avast whitelist.
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Method 11: Reinstall TeamViewer
If none of the methods have helped you, then try to reinstall the software if possible. All the settings and configurational setup will be refreshed when you reinstall TeamViewer, and hence there are more chances that you will attain a fix for Teamviewer not connecting problem.
1. Launch the Run dialog box by pressing the Windows + R keys together.
2. Type appwiz.cpl and click OK.
3. The Programs and Features utility will be opened up, and now search for TeamViewer.
4. Now, click on TeamViewer and select Uninstall option.
5. Now, if you are prompted, Are you sure want to uninstall TeamViewer? then click on Yes.
6. Restart your PC once you have completed all the steps mentioned above.
7. Download TeamViewer from the official website.
8. Now, navigate to My downloads and launch the TeamViewer setup file.
9. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation on your PC.
Finally, you have reinstalled TeamViewer on your computer. This would fix all the issues associated with the app.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you could fix TeamViewer not connecting in Windows 10. Feel free to reach out to us with your queries and suggestions via the comments section below. Let us know which topic you want us to explore next.