Windows操作系统中默认的文件管理工具是文件资源(default file management tool)管理器(File Explorer)。这个名为File Explorer(File Explorer)的内置应用程序允许您定位、重命名、添加或删除(locate, rename, add or delete)文件和文件夹。打开文件资源管理器(File Explorer)时,Windows可能会显示一条消息,说明Windows 资源管理器(Windows Explorer)已停止工作或Windows 资源管理器(Windows Explorer)没有响应。此外,屏幕可能会闪烁。通常(Often),文件资源管理器(File Explorer)运行速度太慢,使用户在不同文件夹之间导航的工作变得乏味。如果您正在寻找修复文件资源管理器的解决方案(File Explorer)在Windows 10(Windows 10)中没有响应,那么本指南将为您提供帮助。
如何修复(How to Fix )Windows 10文件资源管理器无响应
(File Explorer Not Responding
下面列出了文件资源管理器在 Windows 10 PC 中没有响应(File Explorer not responding)的主要原因:
- 过时的 Windows 版本
- 系统驱动器中没有空间
- 损坏的操作系统文件
- 病毒或恶意软件攻击
- 过时或损坏的显卡驱动程序(card driver)
- RAM 或 ROM 错误
- 微软登录账户问题
- Windows 搜索栏的问题
- 过多的上下文菜单项
专业提示:确定文件资源管理器没有响应的原因(Pro Tip: Determine Why File Explorer is Not Responding)
使用可靠性历史记录(Reliability History)查找文件资源管理器(File Explorer)未响应错误的原因如下:
1. 单击开始(Start),键入查看可靠性历史记录(View reliability history),然后按Enter 键(Enter key)。
2.等到(Wait)Windows生成查看计算机的可靠性和问题历史(Review your computer’s reliability and problem history)报告。
3. 单击发生错误的最近日期并检查(latest date)可靠性详细信息(Reliability details)。
4. 在这里,您可以查看Windows Explorer 停止工作(Windows Explorer Stopped working)摘要。
5. 单击查看技术详细信息(View technical details )选项以查看错误的完整详细信息。
注意:(Note:)在实施给定的解决方案之前,建议干净启动您的系统。这将仅加载基本文件和程序,并帮助识别导致文件资源管理器在(File Explorer)Windows 10中没有响应等问题的非 Microsoft 应用程序。在此处阅读我们在Windows 10中执行干净启动(Clean boot)的指南。
方法 1:重新启动 Windows 资源管理器(Method 1: Restart Windows Explorer)
结束或重新启动其任务将有助于解决上述问题。请按照以下步骤从任务管理器重新启动文件资源管理器(File Explorer)(以前称为Windows 资源(Windows Explorer)管理器):
1. 同时按下Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys启动任务管理器(Task Manager)。
2. 在进程(Processes)选项卡中,右键单击Windows 资源管理器(Windows Explorer ),然后单击重新启动(Restart),如下图所示。
方法 2:禁用预览和详细信息窗格(Method 2: Disable Preview and Details Panes)
通常,如果启用了预览和详细信息窗格,(Preview and Details panes)文件资源管理器(File Explorer)在打开时可能会遇到问题。请按照以下步骤禁用这些窗格:
1. 同时按下Windows + E keys打开文件资源管理器(File Explorer)。
2. 点击菜单栏中的查看(View),如图所示。
3. 确保预览窗格(Preview pane)和详细信息窗格(Details pane)选项已禁用。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何从Windows 10文件资源管理器中删除(File Explorer)OneDrive
方法 3:删除临时文件(Method 3: Delete Temporary Files)
您的设备应该有足够的磁盘空间(disk space)供文件资源管理器进程和服务(File Explorer process and service)正常运行。磁盘空间(disk space)不足(Insufficient) 也可能是此问题的原因之一。按照(Follow)给定的步骤删除临时文件以释放内存空间(memory space):
1. 同时按下Windows + R keys打开运行(Run)对话框。
2.输入%temp%并按Enter 键(Enter key)打开AppData Local Temp文件夹。
3. 同时按下Ctrl + A keys选择所有不需要的文件,并同时按下Shift + Del keys将它们永久删除。
方法 4:对 Windows 硬件和设备进行故障排除
(Method 4: Troubleshoot Windows Hardware and Devices
Windows为用户提供内置的疑难解答程序来解决任何小问题。因此(Hence),请尝试运行硬件和设备疑难解答(Hardware and Devices troubleshooter)来解决文件资源管理器在(File Explorer)Windows 10中没有响应的问题。
注意:(Note: )此外,要腾出更多空间,请阅读我们关于如何(How)在Windows 10中删除 Win 安装文件(Delete Win Setup Files)的指南。
1. 如前所述启动 运行(Run)对话框。键入msdt.exe -id DeviceDiagnostic 并按 Enter 以打开 硬件和设备(Hardware and Devices) 疑难解答(troubleshooter)。
2. 点击高级(Advanced) 选项,如图所示。
3. 选中自动应用修复(Apply repairs automatically) 选项并单击 下一步(Next)。
4. 单击下一步 (Next )继续。
5. 疑难解答现在将运行。如果检测到问题,它将显示两个选项:
- 应用此修复程序(Apply this fix)
- 跳过此修复。 (Skip this fix. )
6. 在这里,单击应用此修复程序(Apply this fix),然后 重新启动(restart) 您的 PC(your PC)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Windows 10上(Windows 10)弹出外部硬盘驱动器(Eject External Hard Drive)
方法 5:运行 Windows 内存诊断工具
(Method 5: Run Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool
存储卡(memory card)的任何问题也会导致文件资源管理器(File Explorer)出现问题。您可以使用Windows 内存诊断工具(Windows Memory Diagnostic tool)对其进行诊断和修复,如下所示:
1. 单击开始(Start),键入Windows Memory Diagnostic并按Enter 键(Enter key)。
2. 单击立即重新启动并检查(Restart now and check for problems (recommended))突出显示的问题(推荐)选项。
3. 启动后,尝试启动文件资源管理器(File Explorer)。
方法 6:清除文件资源管理器历史记录(Method 6: Clear File Explorer History)
存储文件资源管理器(File Explorer)中所有访问过的位置。清除此缓存有助于修复文件资源管理器在(File Explorer)Windows 10中没有响应的问题,如下所示:
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key),键入控制面板(control panel),然后单击打开(Open)。
2. 将查看方式:(View by:)设置为大图标 (Large icons ),然后从列表中选择文件资源管理器选项。(File Explorer Options)
3. 在“常规”选项卡中,转到“隐私(Privacy)”部分,然后单击“清除文件资源管理器历史记录(Clear File Explorer history)”对应的“清除(Clear)”按钮。
4. 然后,单击确定(OK)保存这些更改。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Windows 11中以管理员身份运行(Administrator)文件资源管理器(File Explorer)
方法 7:重置文件资源管理器选项(Method 7: Reset File Explorer Options)
如果您最近对文件资源管理器(File Explorer)选项进行了更改,那么这也可能导致Windows 10 文件资源管理器(File Explorer)不响应右键单击问题。以下是重置文件资源管理器和文件夹选项(File Explorer and folder options)的方法:
1. 启动控制面板(Control Panel)并按照方法 6(Method 6)中的说明进入文件资源管理器选项(File Explorer Options)。
2. 在这里,在常规(General)选项卡中,单击突出显示的恢复默认值(Restore Defaults)按钮。
3. 接下来,切换到查看(View)选项卡。
4. 点击重置文件夹(Reset Folders),然后点击是(Yes)确认如图所示。
5. 最后,单击应用(Apply)保存更改,然后单击确定(OK )退出。
方法8:打开文件资源管理器到这台电脑(Method 8: Open File Explorer to This PC)
如果即使在清除文件资源管理器历史记录(File Explorer history)后问题仍然存在,请在此 PC上打开文件资源管理器。(File Explorer)请按照以下步骤操作。
1. 再次进入Control Panel > 文件资源管理器选项(File Explorer Options),如方法 6(Method 6)所示。
2. 在常规(General)选项卡下,在打开文件资源管理器到:(Open File Explorer to:)下拉列表中选择这台电脑 (This PC )选项。
3. 单击Apply > 确定(OK) 以保存更改。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Windows 10(Fix Windows 10) 开始菜单搜索(Start Menu Search)不起作用
方法 9:重建搜索索引(Method 9: Rebuild Search Index)
文件资源管理器(File Explorer)与Windows 搜索(Windows Search)集成。因此,Windows 搜索(Windows Search)的任何问题都会导致文件资源管理器(File Explorer)出现问题。按照此方法在Windows 10上重建(Windows 10)搜索索引(search index)。
注意:(Note:)确保您以管理员(administrator)身份登录 PC 。
1. 打开控制面板(Control Panel)并设置View by > Large icons。
2. 然后,从列表中选择索引选项,如图所示。(Indexing Options)
3. 单击高级(Advanced)按钮。
4. 现在,单击“索引设置”(Index Settings)选项卡中的“重建(Rebuild )” 。
5. 单击确定(OK)确认。
6.重新启动您的 PC(Restart your PC)并尝试打开文件资源管理器(File Explorer),因为它应该可以正常工作。
方法 10:更改显示设置(Method 10: Change Display Settings)
更改字体大小和类型(size and type)等显示设置也会导致文件管理器(File Manager)不响应。按照以下步骤修改显示设置:
1. 同时按下Windows + I keys打开设置(Settings)。
2. 单击系统(System )设置图块,如图所示。
3. 在比例和布局(Scale and layout )部分,为以下部分选择推荐选项。(Recommended)
- 更改文本、应用程序和其他项目的大小(Change the size of text, apps, and other items)
- 显示屏分辨率(Display resolution)
4.然后,点击高级缩放设置(Advance scaling settings)
5. 在这里,清除自定义缩放(Custom scaling)下的值,然后单击应用(Apply)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)修复PC打开但没有显示
方法 11:更新显卡驱动(Method 11: Update Graphics Driver)
过时或损坏的视频驱动程序可能是显示问题的原因。这也会导致文件资源管理器(File Explorer)不响应 Windows 7 或 10 问题。请按照以下步骤更新显卡驱动程序:
1. 单击开始(Start),键入设备管理器(device manager),然后按Enter 键(Enter key)。
2. 双击显示适配器(Display adapters)将其展开。
3. 右键单击视频驱动程序(video driver)(例如Intel (R) UHD Graphics)并选择更新驱动程序(Update driver ),如下图所示。
4. 接下来,单击自动搜索驱动程序(Search automatically for drivers),如图所示。
5A。如果驱动程序已经更新,它会显示您设备的最佳驱动程序已安装(The best drivers for your device are already installed)。
5B。如果驱动程序已过时,它们将自动更新(updated automatically)。最后,重新启动您的 PC(restart your PC)。
方法 12:运行 SFC 和 DISM 扫描(Method 12: Run SFC & DISM Scans)
如果任何操作系统(operating system)文件损坏或丢失,则文件资源管理器(File Explorer)等Windows 功能(Windows functionality)可能无法执行。在Windows 10(Windows 10)中修复系统文件将解决大多数问题,包括文件资源管理器(File Explorer)没有响应。
1. 按 Windows 键(Windows key),键入 命令提示符(Command Prompt) 并单击 以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator)。
2.在 用户帐户控制(User Account Control) 提示中单击 是。(Yes)
3. 键入 sfc /scannow 并按 Enter 键(Enter key) 运行系统文件检查器扫描。
注意:(Note:) 系统扫描将启动,需要几分钟才能完成。同时,您可以继续执行其他活动,但请注意不要意外关闭窗口。
- Windows 资源保护未发现任何完整性违规(Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations)
- Windows 资源保护无法执行请求的操作(Windows Resource Protection could not perform the requested operation)
- Windows 资源保护发现损坏的文件并成功修复它们(Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them)
- Windows 资源保护发现损坏的文件,但无法修复其中一些(Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them)
4. 扫描完成后, 重新启动(restart) 您的电脑(your PC)。
5. 再次 以管理员身份启动命令提示符(Command Prompt as administrator) 并依次执行给定的命令:
dism.exe /Online /cleanup-image /scanhealth
dism.exe /Online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
dism.exe /Online /cleanup-image /startcomponentcleanup
注意:(Note:) 您必须具有有效的Internet 连接(internet connection)才能正确执行DISM命令。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在 Windows 11 上配置索引(Indexing) 选项(Options)
方法13:使用本地用户帐户登录(Method 13: Log-in with Local User Account)
Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)中的任何问题也可能导致文件资源管理器(File Explorer)无响应问题。使用本地用户帐户(user account)登录(Log),如下所示:
1. 启动 Windows 设置(Settings ),单击帐户磁(Accounts )贴,如图所示。
2. 单击使用本地帐户登录(Sign in with a local account instead)。
3. 单击您确定要切换到本地帐户(Are you sure you want to switch to a local account)窗口中的下一步(Next)按钮。
4. 输入Windows 安全 PIN 码(Windows Security PIN)进行验证。
5. 然后,输入您的本地帐户信息,即(account info viz) 用户名、新密码、确认密码和密码提示(User name, New password, Confirm password & Password hint),然后单击下一步(Next)。
6. 单击突出显示的注销并完成(Sign out and finish)按钮。
7. 使用您新创建的本地帐户(local account)登录并启动文件资源管理器(File Explorer)。
方法 14:运行恶意软件扫描(Method 14: Run Malware Scan)
有时,病毒或恶意软件(virus or malware)也可能导致您的文件资源管理器(File Explorer)无法工作。请按照以下步骤运行恶意软件扫描:
1.同时按Windows + I keys启动设置(Settings)。
2. 在这里,单击更新和安全(Update & Security)设置,如图所示。
3. 转到左侧窗格中的Windows 安全性。(Windows Security)
4. 单击右窗格中的病毒和威胁防护(Virus & threat protection)选项。
5. 单击快速扫描(Quick Scan)按钮搜索恶意软件。
6A。扫描完成后,将显示所有威胁。单击(Click)当前威胁(Current threats)下的开始操作(Start Actions )。
6B。如果您的设备中没有威胁,设备将显示无当前威胁(No current threats )警报。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)在Windows 10中启用或禁用用户(User) 帐户(Accounts)
方法 15:更新 Windows 操作系统
(Method 15: Update Windows OS
更新Windows将极大地帮助修复Windows 10 文件资源管理器(File Explorer)不响应错误:
1. 导航至Windows Security > 更新和安全(Update & Security),如方法 14(Method 14)所示。
2. 在Windows 更新(Windows Update )选项卡中,单击检查更新(Check for updates)按钮。
3A。如果有新的更新可用,请单击立即安装(Install now)并重新启动您的 PC( restart your PC)以实施它。
3B。否则,如果Windows是最新的,那么它将显示您是最新的(You’re up to date)消息。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Windows 更新错误 0x80070005(Fix Windows Update Error 0x80070005)
方法 16:回滚更新(Method 16: Roll Back Updates)
新的(New)更新可能会导致文件资源管理器(File Explorer)无法响应您设备中的Windows 7/10问题。要解决此问题,您必须按如下方式回滚Windows 更新:(Windows update)
1.如前所示,导航至设置(Settings)>更新和安全。(Update & Security)
2. 在Windows 更新中,(Windows Update, )单击查看更新历史记录(View update history)。
3. 点击卸载更新(Uninstall updates)。
4. 选择Microsoft Windows(Microsoft Windows)的最新更新(例如,KB5007289),然后单击突出显示的卸载(Uninstall)按钮。
5. 最后,重新启动(restart) 您的 Windows 10 PC(your Windows 10 PC)。
常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs))
Q1。重置 PC 是否有助于解决文件资源管理器无响应问题?(Q1. Does resetting the PC help fix File Explorer not responding issue?)
答。是(Ans. Yes)的,这种方法将有助于解决问题。但请确保在重置之前备份文件并安装应用程序。您可以在重置时选择保留我的文件(Keep my files)选项,但此选项仍会删除已安装的应用程序和设置。
Q2。使用恢复模式恢复 PC 是否有助于解决文件资源管理器无响应问题?(Q2. Does restoring the PC using recovery mode help fix the File Explorer not responding issue?)
答。是(Ans. Yes)的,它将有助于解决此问题。与重置 PC 类似,所有已安装的应用程序和游戏都将被删除。确保在重置文件之前备份文件并安装应用程序。
因此,建议定期创建系统还原点。(System Restore Point)
- 如何在Windows 11中禁用(Windows 11)唤醒密码(Wakeup Password)
- 如何修复音频服务(Audio Service)未运行 Windows 10
- 如何修复 Windows 10(Fix Windows 10) 触摸屏(Touchscreen)不工作
- 如何修复 StartupCheckLibrary.dll 丢失错误(Fix StartupCheckLibrary.dll Missing Error)
我们希望本指南可以帮助您修复文件资源管理器在 Windows 10 中没有响应的问题(fix File Explorer not responding in Windows 10)。让我们知道上述哪种方法可以帮助您解决此问题。在下面的评论部分(comment section)中留下您的疑问和建议。
Fix File Explorer Not Responding in Windows 10
The default file management tool in Windows operating system is File Explorer. This in-built application named File Explorer allow you to locate, rename, add or delete files and folders. While opening File Explorer, Windows may display a message stating Windows Explorer has stopped working or Windows Explorer not responding. Also, the screen might flicker. Often, File Explorer works too slow, making the work of navigating between different folders tedious for users. If you are looking for a solution to fix File Explorer not responding in Windows 10, then this guide will help you.
How to Fix Windows 10 File Explorer Not Responding
Listed below are the main reasons for File Explorer not responding in Windows 10 PCs:
- Outdated Windows version
- No space in system drives
- Corrupt operating system files
- Virus or malware attack
- Outdated or damaged video card driver
- RAM or ROM errors
- Microsoft log-in account issue
- Problems with Windows search bar
- Excessive context menu items
Pro Tip: Determine Why File Explorer is Not Responding
Find the cause of File Explorer not responding error using Reliability History as follows:
1. Click on Start, type View reliability history, then press the Enter key.
2. Wait until Windows generates the Review your computer’s reliability and problem history report.
3. Click on the latest date when the error occurred and check Reliability details.
4. Here, you can view Windows Explorer Stopped working summary.
5. Click on View technical details option to see the complete details of the error.
Note: Before implementing the given solutions, it is advised to clean boot your system. This will load only the essential files and programs and help identify the non-Microsoft apps that are causing problems like File Explorer not responding in Windows 10. Read our guide to Perform Clean boot in Windows 10 here.
Method 1: Restart Windows Explorer
Ending or Restarting its task will help fix the said issue. Follow these steps to restart File Explorer, previously known as Windows Explorer, from Task Manager:
1. Hit the Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys simultaneously to launch Task Manager.
2. In the Processes tab, right-click on Windows Explorer and click Restart as depicted below.
Method 2: Disable Preview and Details Panes
Often, File Explorer may face issues while opening if Preview and Details panes are enabled. Follow the below steps to disable these panes:
1. Press Windows + E keys together to open File Explorer.
2. Click on View in the menu bar as shown.
3. Ensure that the Preview pane and Details pane options are disabled.
Also Read: How to Remove OneDrive from Windows 10 File Explorer
Method 3: Delete Temporary Files
Your device should have enough disk space for the File Explorer process and service to run properly. Insufficient disk space may also be one of the reasons for this issue. Follow given steps to delete temp files to free-up memory space:
1. Press the Windows + R keys simultaneously to open Run dialog box.
2. Type %temp% and hit Enter key to open AppData Local Temp folder.
3. Press Ctrl + A keys together to select all the unrequired files and press the Shift + Del keys together to delete them permanently.
Note: Some files cannot be deleted coz they are being used, so you can skip these.
Method 4: Troubleshoot Windows Hardware and Devices
Windows provides users with in-built troubleshooter to fix any minor issues. Hence, try running Hardware and Devices troubleshooter to resolve File Explorer not responding in Windows 10 issue.
Note: Additionally, to clear out more space read our guide on How to Delete Win Setup Files in Windows 10.
1. Launch the Run dialog box as earlier. Type msdt.exe -id DeviceDiagnostic and hit Enter to open the Hardware and Devices troubleshooter.
2. Click on the Advanced option, as shown.
3. Check the Apply repairs automatically option and click on Next.
4. Click on Next to proceed.
5. The troubleshooter will now run. If problems are detected, it will display two options:
- Apply this fix
- Skip this fix.
6. Here, click on Apply this fix, and restart your PC.
Also Read: How to Eject External Hard Drive on Windows 10
Method 5: Run Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool
Any issues with the memory card also cause problems with File Explorer. You can diagnose and fix it using Windows Memory Diagnostic tool as follows:
1. Click on Start, type Windows Memory Diagnostic and press the Enter key.
2. Click on Restart now and check for problems (recommended) option shown highlighted.
3. After booting up, try launching the File Explorer.
Method 6: Clear File Explorer History
All the visited locations in the File Explorer are stored. Clearing this cache can help fix File Explorer not responding in Windows 10 problem as follows:
1. Hit the Windows key, type control panel, and click on Open.
2. Set View by: as Large icons and choose File Explorer Options from the list.
3. In the General tab, go to the Privacy section and click on Clear button corresponding to Clear File Explorer history.
4. Then, click OK to save these changes.
Also Read: How to Run File Explorer as Administrator in Windows 11
Method 7: Reset File Explorer Options
If you have recently made changes to your File Explorer options, then this could also cause the Windows 10 File Explorer not to respond to right-click issue. Here’s how to reset File Explorer and folder options:
1. Launch Control Panel and go to File Explorer Options as instructed in Method 6.
2. Here, in the General tab, click Restore Defaults button shown highlighted.
3. Next, switch to the View tab.
4. Click on Reset Folders, then click Yes to confirm as depicted.
5. Finally, click Apply to save changes and click OK to exit.
Method 8: Open File Explorer to This PC
If the issue persists even after clearing the File Explorer history, then open the File Explorer to this PC. Follow the below steps.
1. Again, go to the Control Panel > File Explorer Options as illustrated in Method 6.
2. Under the General tab, in the Open File Explorer to: drop-down choose This PC option.
3. Click Apply > OK to save changes.
Also Read: Fix Windows 10 Start Menu Search Not Working
Method 9: Rebuild Search Index
File Explorer is integrated with Windows Search. So, any issues with Windows Search will cause problems with File Explorer. Follow this method to rebuild the search index on Windows 10.
Note: Ensure that you log into your PC as an administrator.
1. Open Control Panel and set View by > Large icons.
2. Then, choose Indexing Options from the list as shown.
3. Click on the Advanced button.
4. Now, click on Rebuild in the Index Settings tab.
5. Click on OK to confirm.
6. Restart your PC and try opening File Explorer as it should work without problems.
Method 10: Change Display Settings
Changing the display settings like font size and type can also cause File Manager not to respond. Follow the below steps to modify display settings:
1. Hit the Windows + I keys simultaneously to open Settings.
2. Click on System settings tile, as shown.
3. In the Scale and layout section, choose Recommended options for the following sections.
- Change the size of text, apps, and other items
- Display resolution
4. Then, click on Advance scaling settings
5. Here, clear the values under Custom scaling and click on Apply.
Also Read: Fix PC Turns On But No Display
Method 11: Update Graphics Driver
Outdated or damaged video drivers may be the reason for display issues. This also causes File Explorer not responding Windows 7 or 10 issue. Follow the below steps to update graphics driver:
1. Click on Start, type device manager, and hit the Enter key.
2. Double-click Display adapters to expand it.
3. Right-click on video driver (e.g. Intel (R) UHD Graphics) and choose Update driver as depicted below.
4. Next, click on Search automatically for drivers as shown.
5A. If the drivers have been updated already, it shows The best drivers for your device are already installed.
5B. If the drivers are outdated, then they will get updated automatically. Lastly, restart your PC.
Method 12: Run SFC & DISM Scans
If any of the operating system files get damaged or missing, then the Windows functionality like File Explorer may fail to perform. Repairing system files in Windows 10 will resolve most issues including File Explorer not responding.
1. Hit the Windows key, type Command Prompt and click on Run as administrator.
2. Click on Yes in the User Account Control prompt.
3. Type sfc /scannow and press Enter key to run System File Checker scan.
Note: A system scan will be initiated and it will take a couple of minutes to finish. Meanwhile, you can continue performing other activities but be mindful of not accidentally closing the window.
After completing the scan, it will show either of the messages.
- Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations
- Windows Resource Protection could not perform the requested operation
- Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them
- Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them
4. Once the scan is finished, restart your PC.
Check whether the error prevails. If yes, then follow these instructions to run DISM scan:
5. Again, launch Command Prompt as administrator and execute the given commands one after the other:
dism.exe /Online /cleanup-image /scanhealth
dism.exe /Online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
dism.exe /Online /cleanup-image /startcomponentcleanup
Note: You must have a working internet connection to execute DISM commands properly.
Also Read: How to Configure Indexing Options on Windows 11
Method 13: Log-in with Local User Account
Any issues in Microsoft account may also result in a File Explorer not responding issue. Log in using a local user account as follows:
1. Launch Windows Settings click on Accounts tile, as shown.
2. Click on the Sign in with a local account instead.
3. Click on the Next button in the Are you sure you want to switch to a local account window.
4. Enter the Windows Security PIN to verify.
5. Then, enter your local account info viz User name, New password, Confirm password & Password hint and click on Next.
6. Click Sign out and finish button shown highlighted.
7. Sign in using your newly created local account and launch File Explorer.
Method 14: Run Malware Scan
Sometimes, virus or malware may also cause your File Explorer to not work. Follow the below steps to run malware scan:
1. Hit Windows + I keys simultaneously to launch Settings.
2. Here, click on Update & Security settings as shown.
3. Go to Windows Security in the left pane.
4. Click on the Virus & threat protection option in the right pane.
5. Click on the Quick Scan button to search for malware.
6A. Once the scan is done, all the threats will be displayed. Click on Start Actions under Current threats.
6B. If there is no threat in your device, the device will show the No current threats alert.
Also Read: Enable or Disable User Accounts in Windows 10
Method 15: Update Windows OS
Updating Windows would greatly help in fixing Windows 10 File Explorer not responding errors:
1. Navigate to Windows Security > Update & Security as shown in Method 14.
2. In the Windows Update tab, click on Check for updates button.
3A. If a new update is available, click Install now and restart your PC to implement it.
3B. Otherwise, if the Windows is up-to-date, then it will show You’re up to date message.
Also Read: Fix Windows Update Error 0x80070005
Method 16: Roll Back Updates
New updates may cause File Explorer not responding Windows 7/10 issue in your device. To fix this issue, you have to roll back the Windows update as follows:
1. Navigate to Settings > Update & Security as shown previously.
2. In the Windows Update, Click on the View update history.
3. Click on Uninstall updates.
4. Choose the latest update of Microsoft Windows (For example, KB5007289) and click on Uninstall button as highlighted.
5. Finally, restart your Windows 10 PC.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. Does resetting the PC help fix File Explorer not responding issue?
Ans. Yes, this method would help in fixing the problem. But make sure that you back up your files and install applications before resetting. You can choose the Keep my files option while resetting, but this option will still remove installed applications and settings.
Q2. Does restoring the PC using recovery mode help fix the File Explorer not responding issue?
Ans. Yes, it will help in resolving this issue. Similar to resetting the PC, all the installed applications and games will be deleted. Ensure to back up your files and install applications before resetting them.
Hence, it is advisable to Create a System Restore Point regularly.
We hope that this guide could help you fix File Explorer not responding in Windows 10. Let us know which of the methods above helped you resolve this issue. Drop your queries and suggestions in the comment section below.