Windows 10中的搜索菜单(search menu)比以前版本的Windows使用得更多。您可以使用它导航到任何文件、应用程序、文件夹、设置等。但是,有时,您可能无法搜索任何内容,或者您可能会得到一个空的搜索结果(search result)。Cortana 搜索(Cortana search)存在一些问题,这些问题已由最新更新修复。但许多用户仍然面临Windows 10开始菜单或 Cortana(Start menu or Cortana)搜索栏(search bar)无法正常工作等问题。今天,我们将解决相同的问题。那么,让我们开始吧!
如何修复 Windows 10 开始菜单或 Cortana 搜索不起作用(How to Fix Windows 10 Start Menu or Cortana Search Not Working)
许多用户报告说他们在 2020 年 10 月更新后(after October 2020 update)遇到了这个问题。当您在搜索栏中(search bar)键入内容时,不会显示任何结果。因此(Hence),微软(Microsoft)也发布了一个故障排除指南(troubleshooting guide)来修复 Windows 搜索中的问题(Fix problems in Windows search)。导致此问题的原因可能有多种,例如:
- 文件损坏或不匹配
- 后台运行的应用程序太多
- 存在病毒或恶意软件
- 过时的系统驱动程序
方法一:重启电脑(Method 1: Restart PC)
在尝试其他方法之前,建议您重新启动系统,因为它通常可以解决操作系统(operating system)应用程序中的小故障。
1. 同时按 Win + X keys导航到Windows 高级用户菜单(Windows Power User Menu) 。
2. 选择关机或注销(Shut down or sign out )>重新启动(Restart),如图所示。
方法 2:运行搜索和索引疑难解答(Method 2: Run Search and Indexing Troubleshooter)
1. 同时按下Windows + I 键(keys)打开设置(Settings)。
2. 点击更新和安全(Update & Security)。
3. 单击左侧窗格中的疑难解答(Troubleshoot)。
4. 接下来,选择Additional Troubleshooters。
5. 向下滚动并单击搜索和索引。(Search and Indexing.)
6. 现在,单击运行疑难解答(Run the troubleshooter )按钮。
7. 等待该过程完成,然后重新启动(restart)PC。
另请阅读:(Also Read: )如何在Windows 10中更改(Windows 10)启动程序(Startup Programs)
方法 3:重新启动文件资源管理器和 Cortana
(Method 3: Restart File Explorer & Cortana
为了管理Windows 文件(Windows file)系统,内置了一个文件管理器应用程序(file manager application),称为文件资源管理器或 Windows 资源管理器(File Explorer or Windows Explorer)。这使图形用户界面(user interface)更加平滑,并确保“开始”菜单(Start menu)搜索功能正常。因此,请尝试重新启动文件资源管理器和 Cortana(File Explorer and Cortana),如下所示:
1. 同时按下Ctrl + Shift + Esc键(keys )启动任务管理器(Task Manager)。
2. 在进程(Processes)选项卡中,搜索并右键单击Windows 资源管理器。(Windows Explorer.)
3. 现在,选择重新启动(Restart),如下图所示。
4. 接下来,单击Cortana的条目。然后,单击突出显示的结束任务(End task )。
5. 现在,按Windows 键(Windows key)打开开始(Start) 菜单并搜索(menu and search)所需的文件/文件夹/应用程序。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)在Windows 10的(Windows 10)任务管理器(Task Manager)中修复 100%磁盘使用率(Disk Usage)
方法 4:卸载 Windows 更新(Method 4: Uninstall Windows Updates)
如前所述,此问题在2020 年 10 月(Oct 2020)更新后开始出现。在最近的Windows 10(Windows 10)更新后,许多用户抱怨这个问题。因此(Hence),请卸载Windows 更新(Windows update)以解决该问题,如下所述:
1. 导航至Settings > Update & Security,如方法 2(Method 2)所示。
2. 点击查看更新历史(View update history ),如下图所示。
3. 单击下一个屏幕上的卸载更新。(Uninstall updates)
4.在这里,单击您遇到问题后的更新,然后单击突出显示的( Update)卸载(Uninstall )选项。
5. 按照屏幕上的说明(on-screen instructions)完成卸载。
方法 5:(Method 5: )强制 Cortana 重建自身
如果上述方法不起作用,您可以强制Cortana自行重建以修复开始菜单搜索在(Cortana)Windows 10中不起作用的问题。
1. 同时按下Windows + R keys打开运行(Run)对话框。
2. 键入cmd并按Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys启动管理员:命令提示符。(Administrator: Command Prompt.)
3. 一一键入以下命令,并在每个命令后按Enter :
CD /d "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy"
Taskkill /F /IM SearchUI.exe
RD /S /Q Settings
此外,请按照本指南修复与Windows 10 PC中的Cortana 搜索(Cortana search)功能相关的任何问题。
方法 6:运行 SFC 和 DISM 扫描(Method 6: Run SFC & DISM Scans)
Windows 10用户可以通过运行SFC 和 DISM(SFC and DISM)扫描来自动扫描和修复他们的系统文件,以修复Windows 10 开始菜单(Start menu)搜索不起作用的问题。
1.按照前面方法中的说明使用管理权限(Command Prompt with administrative privileges)启动命令提示符。
2.输入sfc /scannow 并按Enter 键(Enter key)。
3.系统文件检查器(System File Checker )将开始其进程。等待(Wait)Verification 100 % completed 声明,然后重新启动您的 PC。
检查(Check)Windows 10 开始菜单或 Cortana(Start menu or Cortana)是否正常工作。如果没有,请按照给定的步骤操作:
4.如前所述启动命令提示符(Command Prompt )并按给定顺序执行以下命令:(commands)
DISM /Online /Cleanup-image /Checkhealth
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /ScanHealth
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
5.最后,等待进程运行成功,关闭窗口。重新启动您的电脑(Restart your PC)。
另请阅读: (Also Read: )修复 Windows 10 中的 DISM 错误 87
方法 7:启用 Windows 搜索服务(Method 7: Enable Windows Search Service )
当Windows 搜索(Windows Search) 服务(Services)被禁用或无法正常运行时,您的系统中会出现 Windows 10开始菜单(Start menu)搜索不工作错误。启用服务后可以解决此问题,如下所示:
1. 同时按Windows + R keys 运行(Run)对话框。
2. 键入 services.msc 并单击确定。(OK.)
3. 在服务(Services)窗口中,右键单击Windows 搜索(Windows Search)并选择属性(Properties),如下图所示。
4. 现在,从下拉菜单中将启动类型(Startup type)设置为自动 (Automatic )或自动(Automatic) (延迟启动) 。((Delayed Start))
5A。如果服务状态(Service status)状态为Stopped,则单击Start按钮。
5B。如果服务状态(Service status)为Running,请单击Stop并在一段时间后单击Start按钮。(Start)
6. 最后,单击应用(Apply )>确定(OK )以保存更改。
方法 8:运行防病毒扫描(Method 8: Run Antivirus Scan)
有时由于病毒或恶意软件,您的系统中可能会出现 Windows 10开始菜单(Start menu)搜索不起作用的问题。您可以通过在系统中运行防病毒扫描来删除这些病毒或恶意软件。
1. 进入Settings > Update & Security,如图所示。
2. 现在,单击左窗格中的Windows 安全性。(Windows Security )
3. 接下来,单击保护区域下的(Protection areas)病毒和威胁保护(Virus & threat protection )选项。
4. 点击扫描选项(Scan Options),如图所示。
5.根据您的喜好选择(preference and click)扫描选项(scan option )(例如快速扫描(Quick scan)),然后单击立即扫描。(Scan Now.)
6A。如果发现威胁,请单击开始操作(Start actions)以修复威胁。
6B。如果在扫描期间未发现威胁,您将收到不需要操作的消息。(No actions needed)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复无法(Fix Unable)激活Windows Defender 防火墙(Activate Windows Defender Firewall)
方法 9:移动或重建 Swapfile.sys(Method 9: Move or Rebuild Swapfile.sys)
通常,过多的RAM 使用会被称为(RAM usage)Pagefile的一定量的硬盘空间补偿。Swapfile的作用相同,但它更多地集中在现代Windows应用程序上。移动或重新启动Pagefile将重建Swapfile,因为它们相互依赖。我们不建议禁用Pagefile。您可以按照给定的说明将其从一个驱动器移动到另一个驱动器:
1. 同时按下Windows + X keys 并选择系统(System )选项,如图所示。
2. 单击左侧窗格中的关于(About )。然后,单击右侧窗格中的系统信息(System info )。
3.在下一个窗口中单击高级系统设置。(Advanced system settings)
4. 转到高级(Advanced )选项卡,然后单击性能(Performance)部分下的设置(Settings)按钮。
5. 接下来,切换到高级(Advanced )选项卡并单击更改...(Change… ),如下所示。
6.将弹出虚拟内存窗口。(Virtual Memory )在这里,取消选中标题为Automatically manage paging file size for all drives的框。
7. 然后,选择要移动文件的驱动器。(drive )
8. 单击自定义大小(Custom size )并输入初始大小 (MB)(Initial size (MB) )和最大大小 (MB)(Maximum size (MB))。
9. 最后,单击确定(OK )以保存更改并重新启动您的Windows 10 PC。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复开始菜单在(Fix Start Menu)Windows 10中不起作用
方法10:重置开始菜单搜索栏(Method 10: Reset Start Menu Search Bar)
如果这些方法都没有帮助您,那么您可能需要重置开始菜单(Start Menu)。
注意:(Note: )这将删除除内置应用程序之外的所有应用程序。
1. 同时按下Windows + X keys 并单击Windows PowerShell (Admin)。
2. 现在,输入以下命令(command)并按Enter:
Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml"}
3. 这将安装原始Windows 10应用程序,包括“开始”菜单(Start menu)搜索。重新启动(Restart )系统以实施这些更改。
- 如何在Windows 11中启用(Windows 11)上帝模式(God Mode)
- 修复PC打开但没有显示
- 修复 Windows 10(Fix Windows 10) 开始按钮(start button)不起作用
- 如何在 Windows 11 上更新应用程序
我们希望本指南对您有用,并且您学会了修复(fix) Windows 10 开始菜单或 Cortana 搜索栏无法正常工作(Windows 10 Start menu or Cortana search bar not working)的问题。让我们知道这篇文章如何帮助您。另外,如果您有任何疑问/建议,请将它们放在评论部分。
Fix Windows 10 Start Menu Search Not Working
The search menu in Windows 10 is used much more than it was in the previous version of Windows. You can υse it to navigate to any file, application, folder, setting, etc. But, sometimes, you may not be able to search anything or you maу get аn empty search result. There were a few issues with the Cortana seаrch, which were fixed by the latest updates. Bυt many users still face issues like Windows 10 Start menu or Cortana sеarch bar not working. Today, we will fix the same. So, let us begin!
How to Fix Windows 10 Start Menu or Cortana Search Not Working
Many users have reported that they faced this issue after October 2020 update. No results are shown when you type something in the search bar. Hence, Microsoft too published a troubleshooting guide to Fix problems in Windows search. There can be several reasons causing this problem, such as:
- Corrupt or mismatched files
- Too many apps running in the background
- Presence of Virus or Malware
- Outdated system drivers
Method 1: Restart PC
Before trying the rest of the methods, you are advised to reboot your system as it often solves minor glitches in the operating system applications.
1. Navigate to the Windows Power User Menu by pressing Win + X keys simultaneously.
2. Select the Shut down or sign out > Restart, as shown.
Method 2: Run Search and Indexing Troubleshooter
The in-built Windows troubleshooting tool can also help you in resolving the issue, as explained below:
1. Press Windows + I keys together to open Settings.
2. Click on Update & Security.
3. Click on Troubleshoot in the left pane.
4. Next, select Additional Troubleshooters.
5. Scroll down and click on Search and Indexing.
6. Now, click on Run the troubleshooter button.
7. Wait for the process to be completed and then restart the PC.
Also Read: How to Change Startup Programs in Windows 10
Method 3: Restart File Explorer & Cortana
To manage Windows file systems, a file manager application, known as File Explorer or Windows Explorer comes in-built. This smoothens the graphical user interface and ensures the proper functioning of the Start menu search. So, try restarting the File Explorer and Cortana as follows:
1. Launch Task Manager by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys together.
2. In the Processes tab, search and right-click on Windows Explorer.
3. Now, select Restart as depicted below.
4. Next, click on the entry for Cortana. Then, click on End task shown highlighted.
5. Now, press the Windows key to open the Start menu and search for the desired file/folder/app.
Also Read: Fix 100% Disk Usage In Task Manager In Windows 10
Method 4: Uninstall Windows Updates
As mentioned earlier, this issue started popping up after Oct 2020 update. Many users complained of this problem after the recent Windows 10 update. Hence, uninstall the Windows update to fix the issue, as explained below:
1. Navigate to Settings > Update & Security as shown in Method 2.
2. Click on View update history as shown below.
3. Click on Uninstall updates on the next screen.
4. Here, click on the Update after which you faced the issue, and click Uninstall option shown highlighted.
5. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the uninstallation.
Method 5: Force Cortana to Rebuild Itself
If the above methods do not work, you can force Cortana to rebuilt itself to fix start menu search not working in Windows 10.
1. Press Windows + R keys together to open Run dialog box.
2. Type cmd and press Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys to launch Administrator: Command Prompt.
3. Type the following commands one by one and hit Enter after each command:
CD /d "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy"
Taskkill /F /IM SearchUI.exe
RD /S /Q Settings
Moreover, follow this guide to fix any issues related to Cortana search feature in Windows 10 PC.
Method 6: Run SFC & DISM Scans
Windows 10 users can automatically scan and repair their system files by running SFC and DISM scans to fix Windows 10 Start menu search not working issue.
1. Launch Command Prompt with administrative privileges as instructed in the previous method.
2. Type sfc /scannow and press the Enter key.
3. System File Checker will begin its process. Wait for the Verification 100 % completed statement then, restart your PC.
Check whether Windows 10 Start menu or Cortana works properly. If not, follow the given steps:
4. Launch Command Prompt as earlier and execute the following commands in the given order:
DISM /Online /Cleanup-image /Checkhealth
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /ScanHealth
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
5. Finally, wait for the process to run successfully and close the window. Restart your PC.
Also Read: Fix DISM Error 87 in Windows 10
Method 7: Enable Windows Search Service
When the Windows Search Services is disabled or not functioning properly, Windows 10 Start menu search not working error occurs in your system. This can be fixed when you enable the service, as follows:
1. Launch the Run dialog box by pressing Windows + R keys simultaneously.
2. Type services.msc and click OK.
3. In the Services window, right-click on Windows Search and select Properties as depicted below.
4. Now, set the Startup type to Automatic or Automatic (Delayed Start) from the drop-down menu.
5A. If the Service status states Stopped, then click on the Start button.
5B. If the Service status is Running, click on Stop and click on the Start button after some time.
6. Finally, click on Apply > OK to save the changes.
Method 8: Run Antivirus Scan
Sometimes due to viruses or malware, Windows 10 Start menu search not working issue may arise in your system. You can remove those viruses or malware by running an antivirus scan in your system.
1. Go to Settings > Update & Security, as shown.
2. Now, click on Windows Security in the left pane.
3. Next, click on Virus & threat protection option under Protection areas.
4. Click on Scan Options, as shown.
5. Choose a scan option (e.g. Quick scan) as per your preference and click on Scan Now.
6A. Click on Start actions to fix threats, if found.
6B. You will receive a message of No actions needed if there are no threats found during the scan.
Also Read: Fix Unable to Activate Windows Defender Firewall
Method 9: Move or Rebuild Swapfile.sys
Often, excessive RAM usage is compensated by a certain amount of hard drive space known as Pagefile. The Swapfile does the same, but it is concentrated more on modern Windows applications. Moving or restarting Pagefile will rebuild the Swapfile since they are co-dependent on each other. We do not suggest disabling the Pagefile. You can move it from one drive to another by following the given instructions:
1. Press Windows + X keys together and select the System option as shown.
2. Click on About in the left pane. Then, click on System info in the right pane.
3. Click on Advanced system settings in the next window.
4. Go to the Advanced tab and click on the Settings button under Performance section.
5. Next, switch to the Advanced tab and click on Change… as highlighted below.
6. The Virtual Memory window will pop up. Here, uncheck the box titled Automatically manage paging file size for all drives.
7. Then, select the drive where you want to move the file.
8. Click on the Custom size and type the Initial size (MB) and Maximum size (MB).
9. Finally, click on OK to save the changes and restart your Windows 10 PC.
Also Read: Fix Start Menu Not Working in Windows 10
Method 10: Reset Start Menu Search Bar
If none of the methods have helped you, then you may need to reset the Start Menu.
Note: This will remove all the applications other than in-built ones.
1. Press Windows + X keys together and click on Windows PowerShell (Admin).
2. Now, type the following command and hit Enter:
Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml"}
3. This will install original Windows 10 apps including the Start menu search. Restart your system to implement these changes.
We hope this guide was useful and you learned to fix Windows 10 Start menu or Cortana search bar not working issue. Let us know how this article helped you. Also, if you have any queries/suggestions, please drop them in the comments section.