虽然Windows上出现的任何错误对话框(error dialog box)都会带来一波挫败感,但死屏几乎让每个用户都心脏病发作(heart attack)。当发生致命的系统错误(system error)或系统崩溃时,(system crash)死亡(death surface)屏幕会出现。我们中的大多数人在我们的Windows 生命周期(Windows lifetime)中至少遇到过一次蓝屏死机。但是,蓝屏死机在红屏(Red Screen)死机(Death)和黑屏(Black Screen)死机(Death)中还有其他几个臭名昭著的表亲。
与蓝屏(Blue Screen)死机(Death)相比,红屏(Red Screen)死机(Death)( RSOD ) 错误相当罕见,但在所有 Windows 版本中都遇到类似情况(Windows)。RSOD在Windows Vista的早期 beta 版本中首次出现(RSOD),此后继续出现在Windows XP、7、8、8.1 甚至 10 上。但是,在较新版本的Windows 8和 10 中,RSOD已被替换通过某种形式的蓝屏死机(BSOD)。
我们将在本文中讨论导致红屏(Red Screen)死机(Death)的原因,并为您提供各种解决方案来摆脱它。
是什么导致 Windows PC 上的红屏死机?(What causes the Red Screen of Death on Windows PC?)
可怕的RSOD可能会在很多情况下出现。有些人可能会在玩某些游戏或观看视频时遇到它,而另一些人可能会在启动计算机或更新(computer or updating)Windows 操作系统时成为(Windows OS)RSOD的牺牲品。如果你真的不走运,当你和你的电脑闲置无所事事时, RSOD也可能出现。(RSOD)
红屏(Red Screen)死机(Death)通常是由于某些硬件故障或不受支持的驱动程序引起的。根据RSOD出现的时间或地点,有各种罪魁祸首。如果在玩游戏或执行任何硬件紧张任务时遇到RSOD,罪魁祸首可能是显卡驱动程序损坏或不兼容。接下来(Next),过时的BIOS或UEFI软件会在启动或更新 Windows 时提示RSOD 。其他罪魁祸首包括硬件组件(GPU 或 CPU(GPU or CPU))超频不佳、使用新硬件组件而不安装适当的驱动程序等。
对于大多数用户来说,死机红(Death)屏(Red Screen)会导致他们的计算机完全没有响应,即不会注册来自键盘和鼠标的任何输入。(keyboard and mouse)有些人可能会得到一个完全空白的红色屏幕,没有(screen devoid)任何关于如何继续的说明,有些人可能仍然能够在RSOD上移动(RSOD)鼠标光标(mouse cursor)。不过(Nevertheless),您可以修复/更新一些内容以防止RSOD再次出现。
在 Windows 10 上修复红屏死机错误 (RSOD) 的 5 种方法(5 Ways to Fix Red Screen of Death Error (RSOD) on Windows 10)
尽管很少遇到,但用户已经找到了多种修复红屏(Red Screen)死机(Death)的方法。有些人可能可以通过简单地更新显卡驱动程序或以安全模式启动来修复它,而有些人可能需要执行下面提到的高级解决方案。
注意:(Note:)如果您在安装战地游戏后开始遇到(Battlefield game)RSOD,请先检查方法 4(Method 4),然后再检查其他方法。
方法 1:更新您的 BIOS
红屏(Red Screen)死机(Death)最常见的罪魁祸首是过时的BIOS 菜单(BIOS menu)。BIOS代表“基本输入和输出系统”,是您按下(BIOS)电源按钮(power button)时运行的第一个程序。它初始化启动过程并确保您的(booting process)计算机软件和硬件(computer software and hardware)之间的顺畅通信(数据流)。
如果BIOS 程序(BIOS program)本身已过时,您的 PC 可能难以启动,因此会出现RSOD。每个主板的BIOS 菜单(BIOS menus)都是独一无二的,最新版本可以从制造商的网站下载。然而,更新BIOS并不像点击安装或更新(install or update)那么简单,并且需要一些专业知识。不正确的安装(Improper installation)可能会使您的计算机无法运行,因此在安装更新时要格外小心,并阅读制造商网站上提到的说明。
要了解有关BIOS的更多信息以及如何更新它的详细指南,请阅读 – 什么是BIOS 以及如何(BIOS and How)更新?
超频组件以提高其性能是一种常见的做法。然而,超频硬件并不像馅饼那么容易,需要(pie and demands)不断调整才能达到完美的组合。超频后遇到RSOD的用户表示组件配置不正确,您可能对它们的要求比他们实际提供的要多得多。这将导致组件过热并最终导致热关断。
所以打开BIOS 菜单(BIOS menu),要么减少超频量,要么将值恢复到默认状态(default state)。现在使用您的计算机并检查RSOD 是否(RSOD)返回。如果没有,您很可能在超频方面做得很糟糕。但是,如果您仍然希望对计算机进行超频,请不要最大化性能参数或向专家寻求有关该主题的帮助。
此外,超频组件意味着它们需要更多的汁液(电源)才能运行,如果您的电源(power source)无法提供所需的电量,计算机可能会崩溃。如果在高设置下玩任何图形密集型游戏或执行资源密集型任务时出现RSOD ,这也是正确的。在您急于购买新电源(power source)之前,请拔下您当前不需要的组件的电源输入,例如(power input)DVD 驱动器(DVD drive)或辅助硬盘驱动器,然后重新运行游戏/任务。如果RSOD(RSOD doesn)现在没有出现(t appear),您应该考虑购买新的电源(power source)。
方法三:卸载softOSD.exe进程(softOSD.exe process)
在少数特殊情况下,已发现softOSD 应用程序会导致(softOSD application)RSOD。对于那些不知道的人来说,soft old 是一种显示控制软件,用于管理多个连接的显示器和修改显示设置,并且是预安装的。softOSD.exe 进程不是Windows正常运行的必要服务,因此可以卸载。
1. 同时按 Windows 键和 I(Windows key and I)打开Windows 设置 (Windows Settings )。
2. 点击应用程序(Apps)。
3. 确保您位于“应用程序和功能”页面(Apps & Features page)并在右侧向下滚动,直到找到 softOSD。
4. 找到后,单击它,展开可用选项,然后选择卸载(Uninstall)。
5.您将收到另一个要求确认(requesting confirmation)的弹出窗口;再次单击卸载 (Uninstall )按钮。
6.卸载过程(uninstallation process)后,可能会提示您删除sds64a.sys 文件(sds64a.sys file)跳过它。
战地风云:坏连队 2(Bad Company 2)是一款流行的第一人称射击游戏(shooter game),经常被报道导致 Windows 10 出现红屏(Red Screen)死机错误(Death Error)( RSOD )。虽然其确切原因尚不清楚,但可以通过修改与游戏关联的settings.ini 文件。(settings.ini file)
1. 按Windows key + E 启动Windows 文件资源管理器(Windows File Explorer)并导航到 Documents 文件夹。
2. 双击BFBC2 文件夹将其打开。对于某些人来说,该文件夹将位于“我的游戏”子文件夹(‘My Games’ sub-folder)中。
3. 找到 settings.ini 文件并右键单击(file and right-click)它。在随后的上下文菜单(context menu)中,选择 打开(Open With)方式, 然后 选择记事本(Notepad)。(如果“打开方式”应用程序(’ app) 选择菜单没有(selection menu doesn)直接使用Notepad,请单击“选择(Choose)另一个应用程序(App)” ,然后手动选择“记事本(Notepad)” 。)
4. 打开文件后,找到 “DxVersion=auto” 行并将 change it to “DxVersion=9”。确保您没有更改任何其他线路,否则游戏可能会停止运行。
5.按Ctrl + S或转到File > Save更改 (Save )。
现在,运行游戏并检查您是否能够修复红屏死机错误 (RSOD)。 (fix Red Screen of Death Error (RSOD). )
如果上述方法都没有解决Red Screen of Death,您可能有一个损坏的硬件组件(hardware component)需要立即更换。这在旧电脑中很常见。Windows上的事件查看器应用程序(Event Viewer application)会记录您遇到的所有错误及其详细信息,因此可用于检测有故障的硬件组件(faulty hardware component)。
1. 按Windows key + R 调出运行命令框(Run Command box),键入 Eventvwr.msc, 然后单击 确定 (OK )启动事件查看器。
2. 应用程序打开后,单击自定义视图(Custom Views)旁边的箭头,然后双击 管理事件(Administrative Events)以查看所有严重错误和警告。
3. 使用日期和时间列(Date and Time column),识别红屏死机错误(Red Screen of Death error),右键单击它,然后选择事件属性(Event Properties)。
4. 在以下对话框的(dialog box)常规选项卡(General tab)上,您将找到有关错误来源、罪魁祸首组件(culprit component)等的信息。
5. 复制错误信息(error message)(左下角有一个按钮)并执行谷歌搜索(Google search)以获取更多信息。您也可以切换到“详细信息 (Details )”选项卡。
6. 一旦你挑出了行为不端并提示红屏(Red Screen)死机(Death)的硬件,从设备管理器(Device Manager)更新其驱动程序或使用DriverEasy等第三方应用程序自动更新它们。
如果更新故障硬件(faulty hardware didn)的驱动程序没有帮助,您可能需要更换它。检查您的计算机的保修期(warranty period),并访问最近的服务中心(service center)进行检查。
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因此,这些是用户通常用来摆脱Windows 10上可怕的Red Screen of Death 错误(Death error)的五种方法(以及更新显卡驱动程序和以安全模式启动) 。不能保证这些可能对您有用,如果它们不起作用,请联系计算机技术人员(computer technician)寻求帮助。您也可以尝试完全重新安装Windows。在评论部分与我们联系以获得任何其他帮助。
Fix Red Screen of Death Error (RSOD) on Windows 10
While the appearance of any error dialog box on Windowѕ brings along a wave of frustration, the screens of death nearly give every υser a heart attack. The screens of death surface when a fatal system еrror or a system сrash has transpired. Most of us have had the unfortunate pleasure of encoυntеring the blue screen of death at least once in our Windows lifetime. Howeνer, the blue screen of deаth has a few other notorious coυsins in the Red Screen of Death and the Black Screen of Death.
Compared to the Blue Screen of Death, a Red Screen of Death (RSOD) error is rather rare but encountered alike in all Windows versions. The RSOD was first witnessed in the early beta versions of Windows Vista and has continued to appear thereafter on Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1, and even 10. However, in the newer versions of Windows 8 and 10, the RSOD has been replaced by some form of BSOD.
We will be discussing the causes that prompt the Red Screen of Death in this article and provide you with various solutions to get rid of it.
What causes the Red Screen of Death on Windows PC?
The frightening RSOD can arise on a number of occasions; some might encounter it while playing certain games or watching videos, while others might fall prey to the RSOD when booting up their computer or updating Windows OS. If you are really unlucky, the RSOD may also appear when you & your computer are sitting idle and doing nothing at all.
The Red Screen of Death is generally caused due to some hardware mishaps or unsupported drivers. Depending upon when or where the RSOD appears, there are various culprits. If the RSOD is encountered when playing games or performing any hardware straining task, the culprit might be corrupt or incompatible graphic card drivers. Next, outdated BIOS or UEFI software can prompt the RSOD while booting or updating Windows. Other culprits include poorly overclocked hardware components (GPU or CPU), using new hardware components without installing appropriate drivers, etc.
For most users, the Red Screen of Death will render their computers completely unresponsive, i.e., any input from the keyboard and mouse will not be registered. A few might get a totally blank red screen devoid of any instructions on how to continue, and some might still be able to move their mouse cursor on the RSOD. Nevertheless, there are a few things that you can fix/update to prevent the RSOD from appearing again.
5 Ways to Fix Red Screen of Death Error (RSOD) on Windows 10
Although rarely encountered, users have figured out multiple ways to fix the Red Screen of Death. Some of you might be able to fix it by simply updating your graphic card drivers or booting in safe mode, while a few might need to execute the below mentioned advanced solutions.
Note: If you started encountering the RSOD after installing a Battlefield game, check Method 4 first and then the other ones.
Method 1: Update your BIOS
The most common culprit for the Red Screen of Death is an outdated BIOS menu. BIOS stands for ‘Basic Input and Output System’ and is the first program that runs when you press the power button. It initializes the booting process and ensures smooth communication (data flow) between your computer software and hardware.
If the BIOS program itself is outdated, your PC may have some difficulty getting started and hence, the RSOD. BIOS menus are unique for each motherboard, and their latest version can be downloaded from the manufacturer’s website. However, updating BIOS is not as simple as clicking on install or update and requires some expertise. Improper installation can render your computer non-functional, so be extremely careful when installing the update and do read the instructions mentioned on the manufacturer’s website.
To know more about BIOS and a detailed guide on how to update it, read – What is BIOS and How to Update?
Method 2: Remove Overclock Settings
Overclocking components to improve their performance is a commonly practiced deed. However, overclocking hardware is not as easy as pie and demands constant adjustments to attain the perfect combination. Users who encounter the RSOD after overclocking indicate that the components haven’t been configured properly, and you might be demanding a lot more from them than they can actually deliver. This will lead to the components overheating and result in a thermal shutdown ultimately.
So open up the BIOS menu and either reduce the amount of overclocking or return the values to their default state. Now use your computer and check if the RSOD returns. If it doesn’t, you most likely did a lousy job at overclocking. Although, if you still wish to overclock your computer, do not maximize the performance parameters or ask an expert for some assistance on the subject.
Also, overclocking components means they require way more juice (power) to operate, and if your power source is incapable of delivering the required amount, the computer might crash. This is also true if the RSOD appears when you play any graphics-heavy game on high settings or are performing a resource-intensive task. Before you rush to buy a new power source, unplug the power input to components that you do not need currently, for example, the DVD drive or a secondary hard drive, and re-run the game/task. If the RSOD doesn’t appear now, you should consider buying a new power source.
Method 3: Uninstall softOSD.exe process
In a few unique cases, the softOSD application has been found to cause the RSOD. To those unaware, soft old is a display-control software used to manage multiple connected displays & to modify display settings and comes pre-installed. The softOSD.exe process is not an essential service for the normal functioning of Windows and, therefore, can be uninstalled.
1. Open Windows Settings by pressing the Windows key and I simultaneously.
2. Click on Apps.
3. Ensure you are on the Apps & Features page and scroll down on the right until you find softOSD.
4. Once found, click on it, expand the available options, and select Uninstall.
5. You will receive another pop-up requesting confirmation; click on the Uninstall button again.
6. After the uninstallation process, you might be prompted to remove sds64a.sys file skips it.
Method 4: Modify settings.ini file
Battlefield: Bad Company 2, a popular first-person shooter game, has often been reported to cause the Red Screen of Death Error (RSOD) on Windows 10. While the exact reasons for it are unknown, one can resolve the issue by modifying the settings.ini file associated with the game.
1. Press Windows key + E to launch the Windows File Explorer and navigate to the Documents folder.
2. Double-click on the BFBC2 folder to open it. For some, the folder will be located inside the ‘My Games’ sub-folder.
3. Locate the settings.ini file and right-click on it. In the ensuing context menu, select Open With followed by Notepad. (If the ‘Open With’ app selection menu doesn’t directly enlist Notepad, click on Choose Another App and then manually select Notepad.)
4. Once the file opens up, find the “DxVersion=auto” line and change it to “DxVersion=9”. Make sure you do not change any other lines or the game might stop working.
5. Save the changes by pressing Ctrl + S or by going to File > Save.
Now, run the game and check if you’re able to fix Red Screen of Death Error (RSOD).
Method 5: Check for Hardware malfunctions
If none of the above methods resolved the Red Screen of Death, you likely have a corrupt hardware component that needs immediate replacement. This is very common with older computers. The Event Viewer application on Windows keeps a log of all the errors you have encountered and details on them and can thus be used to detect a faulty hardware component.
1. Press Windows key + R to bring up the Run Command box, type Eventvwr.msc, and click on OK to launch Event Viewer.
2. Once the application opens up, click on the arrow next to Custom Views, and then double-click on Administrative Events to look at all the critical errors and warnings.
3. Using the Date and Time column, identify the Red Screen of Death error, right-click on it, and select Event Properties.
4. On the General tab of the following dialog box, you will find information regarding the source of the error, the culprit component, etc.
5. Copy the error message (there is a button for that on the bottom left) and perform a Google search to obtain more information. You can also switch to the Details tab for the same.
6. Once you have singled out the hardware that has been misbehaving and prompting the Red Screen of Death, update its drivers from the Device Manager or use a third-party application like DriverEasy to update them automatically.
If updating drivers of the faulty hardware didn’t help, you might need to replace it. Check the warranty period on your computer and visit the nearest service center to have it inspected.
So those were five methods (along with updating graphic card drivers and booting in safe mode) that users generally employ to get rid of the terrifying Red Screen of Death error on Windows 10. There is no guarantee that these might work for you, and if they don’t, contact a computer technician for help. You can also try performing a clean reinstall of Windows altogether. Connect with us in the comments section for any other assistance.