在玩视频游戏(video game)时,您的 PC 可能会突然重新启动,并且您可能会遇到蓝屏(Blue Screen)死机(Death)( BSOD )并显示错误消息(error message) CLOCK_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT。在尝试运行Windows 10的全新安装时,您也可能会遇到此错误。一旦你遇到CLOCK_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT 错误(CLOCK_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT error),你的电脑就会死机,你必须强制重启你的电脑。
由于以下原因,您可能会在 Windows 10 上遇到时钟看门狗超时错误:(Clock Watchdog Timeout Error on Windows 10)
- 您可能已经超频了您的PC 硬件(PC hardware)。
- 损坏的内存
- 损坏或过时的显卡(Graphic Card)驱动程序
- BIOS 配置不正确
- 损坏的系统文件
- 损坏的硬盘
根据Microsoft的说法,CLOCK_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT 错误(CLOCK_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT error)表示在分配的时间间隔内未在多处理器系统(multi-processor system)中接收到辅助处理器上的预期时钟中断。(clock interrupt)无论如何(Anyway),不要浪费任何时间,让我们(time let)看看如何在下面列出的教程的帮助下修复(Fix Clock Watchdog Timeout Error)Windows 10上的时钟看门狗超时错误。
修复(Fix Clock Watchdog Timeout Error)Windows 10上的时钟看门狗超时错误
确保(Make)创建一个还原点(restore point) 以防万一(case something)出现问题。
A.断开(A.Disconnect)连接到您 PC 的所有USB设备。(USB)
B.(B.If)如果您对 PC 进行超频,请确保您没有超频,并查看这是否能解决问题。
C.(C.Make)确保您的计算机不会(computer doesn)过热(t overheat)。如果是这样,那么这可能是时钟看门狗超时错误(Clock Watchdog Timeout Error)的原因。
D.确保(D.Make sure)您最近没有更改您的软件或硬件(software or hardware),例如,如果您添加了额外的RAM或安装了新的显卡,那么这可能是BSOD 错误(BSOD error)的原因,删除最近安装的硬件并卸载设备软件(device software)你的电脑,看看这是否能解决问题。
方法 1:运行 Windows 更新(Method 1: Run Windows Update)
1.按Windows Key + I,然后选择更新和安全。(Update & Security.)
2. 从左侧,菜单点击Windows Update。
3. 现在单击“检查更新(Check for updates)”按钮以检查任何可用的更新。
4. 如果有任何更新待处理,请单击下载并安装更新。(Download & Install updates.)
5. 下载更新后,安装它们,您的 Windows 将成为最新版本。
方法 2:暂时禁用防病毒和防火墙(Method 2: Temporarily Disable Antivirus and Firewall)
有时防病毒程序(Antivirus program)可能会导致错误,(error, )为了验证这里不是这种情况,您需要在有限的时间内禁用您的防病毒软件,以便您可以检查当防病毒软件关闭时错误是否仍然出现。
1. 右键单击系统托盘中的 防病毒程序图标( Antivirus Program icon) 并选择 禁用。(Disable.)
2. 接下来,选择 防病毒软件将保持禁用( Antivirus will remain disabled.)的时间范围。(time frame)
注意:(Note:)选择尽可能短的时间,例如 15 分钟或 30 分钟。
3. 完成后,再次尝试连接以打开Google Chrome并检查错误是否解决。
4.从开始菜单搜索栏搜索(Start Menu search bar and click)控制面板(control panel),点击打开 控制面板。( Control Panel.)
5. 接下来,单击 系统和安全,( System and Security) 然后单击 Windows 防火墙。(Windows Firewall.)
6. 现在从左侧窗格中单击(left window pane click)打开 或关闭 Windows 防火墙。( Turn Windows Firewall on or off.)
7. 选择关闭 Windows 防火墙并重新启动您的 PC。(Select Turn off Windows Firewall and restart your PC.)
再次尝试打开Google Chrome并访问之前显示错误的(error. )网页。(web page)如果上述方法(method doesn)不起作用,请确保按照相同的步骤 再次打开防火墙。( turn on your Firewall again.)
方法 3:将 BIOS 重置为默认设置(Method 3: Reset BIOS to default settings)
1. 关闭您的笔记本电脑,然后打开它,同时按 F2、DEL 或 F12( press F2, DEL or F12)(取决于您的制造商)进入BIOS 设置。( BIOS setup.)
2. 现在你需要找到重置选项(reset option)来加载默认配置,(load the default configuration,)它可能被命名为Reset to default、Load factory defaults、Clear BIOS settings、Load setup defaults或类似的东西。
3. 用箭头键选择它,按Enter,然后确认操作。您的BIOS现在将使用其默认设置。(default settings.)
4. 登录Windows后,查看是否能够修复 Windows 10 上的时钟看门狗超时错误。(Fix Clock Watchdog Timeout Error on Windows 10.)
方法 4:运行 MEMTEST(Method 4: Run MEMTEST)
1. 将USB 闪存(USB flash)驱动器连接到您的系统。
2. 下载并安装适用于 USB Key 的Windows Memtest86 自动安装程序(Windows Memtest86 Auto-installer for USB Key)。
3. 右键单击刚刚下载的图像文件(image file)并选择“在此处提取(Extract here)”选项。
4. 解压后,打开文件夹并运行Memtest86+ USB Installer。
5.选择你插入的U盘(USB drive),烧录MemTest86软件(MemTest86 software)(这将格式化你的U盘(USB drive))。
6. 完成上述过程后,将USB插入出现“(USB)时钟看门狗超时错误(Clock Watchdog Timeout Error)”的 PC 。
7. 重新启动您的 PC 并确保选择从USB 闪存(USB flash)驱动器启动。
8. Memtest86将开始测试您系统中的内存损坏(memory corruption)。
9. 如果你通过了所有的测试,那么你可以确定你的记忆工作正常。
10. 如果某些步骤不成功,那么Memtest86会发现内存损坏(memory corruption),这意味着“时钟看门狗超时错误”是由于内存损坏/损坏。
11. 要 修复 Windows 10 上的时钟看门狗超时错误( Fix Clock Watchdog Timeout Error on Windows 10),如果发现坏内存扇区,您将需要更换RAM 。
方法 5:运行 SFC 和 DISM(Method 5: Run SFC and DISM)
1.打开命令提示符(Command Prompt)。用户可以通过搜索“cmd”然后按 Enter 来执行此步骤。
Sfc /scannow
sfc /scannow /offbootdir=c:\ /offwindir=c:\windows (If above fails then try this one)
4.再次(Again)打开 cmd 并输入以下命令并(command and hit enter)在每个命令后按回车键:
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
5. 让DISM 命令运行并等待(DISM command run and wait)它完成。
6. 如果上述命令(command doesn)不起作用,请尝试以下操作:
Dism /Image:C:\offline /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:c:\test\mount\windows
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:c:\test\mount\windows /LimitAccess
注意:(Note:) 将(Replace)C:RepairSourceWindows 替换为您的修复源(repair source)(Windows 安装或恢复光盘(Windows Installation or Recovery Disc))。
7. 重新启动您的 PC 以保存更改并查看您是否能够修复 Windows 10 上的时钟看门狗超时错误。(Fix Clock Watchdog Timeout Error on Windows 10.)
方法 6:更新设备驱动程序(Method 6: Update Device Drivers)
在某些情况下, 时钟看门狗超时错误(Clock Watchdog Timeout error)可能是由于驱动程序过时、损坏或不兼容造成的。要解决此问题,您需要更新或卸载一些基本设备驱动程序。因此,首先,使用本指南将您的 PC启动到(Start)安全模式(Safe Mode),然后确保按照以下指南(below guide)更新以下驱动程序:
- 网络驱动程序
- 显卡驱动
- 芯片组驱动程序
- VGA 驱动程序
注意:一旦您更新了上述任一设备的驱动程序,您需要重新启动您的电脑,看看这是否能解决您的问题,如果没有,请再次按照相同的步骤更新其他设备的驱动程序并再次重新启动您的电脑。找到时钟看门狗超时错误的罪魁祸首后,(Clock Watchdog Timeout Error,)您需要卸载该特定设备驱动程序(device driver)并从制造商的网站更新驱动程序。
1. 按 Windows 键 + R 然后输入devicemgmt.msc并按 Enter 打开设备管理器。(Device Manager.)
2. 展开显示适配器,然后右键单击您的视频适配器( right-click on your Video adapter)并选择更新驱动程序。(Update Driver.)
3. 选择“自动搜索更新的驱动软件(Search automatically for updated driver software)”并让它完成该过程。
5. 再次选择“更新驱动程序(Update Driver)”,但这次在下一个屏幕上选择“(screen select “)浏览我的计算机以查找驱动程序软件。(Browse my computer for driver software.)”
6. 现在选择“让我从计算机上的可用驱动程序列表中选择”。(“Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer.”)
7. 最后,从列表中选择兼容的驱动程序(select the compatible driver),然后单击下一步。(Next.)
8. 重新启动您的 PC 以保存更改。
现在按照上述方法(above method)更新Network Drivers、Chipset Drivers和VGA Drivers驱动程序。
方法 7:更新 BIOS(Method 7: Update BIOS)
有时更新系统BIOS可以修复此错误。要更新您的BIOS,请访问您的主板制造商网站(manufacturer website)并下载最新的BIOS 版本(BIOS version)并进行安装。
如果您已经尝试了所有方法但仍然遇到USB 设备(USB device)无法识别的问题,请参阅本指南:如何修复(Fix USB Device)Windows无法识别的USB 设备。
方法8:修复安装Windows 10(Method 8: Repair Install Windows 10)
这种方法是最后的手段,因为如果没有任何效果,那么这种方法肯定会修复您 PC 的所有问题。修复安装(Repair Install)使用就地升级来修复系统问题,而不会删除系统上存在的用户数据。因此,请按照本文查看如何轻松(Easily)修复(How)安装Windows 10(Repair Install Windows 10) 。
方法 9:回滚到之前的构建(Method 9: Roll Back to the previous build)
1. 按Windows Key + I 打开设置(Settings),然后单击更新和安全。(Update & Security.)
2. 从左侧菜单(left-hand menu)中,单击恢复。(Recovery.)
3. 在高级启动下单击立即重新启动。(Restart Now.)
4. 系统启动进入高级启动(Advanced startup)后,选择Troubleshoot > Advanced Options.
5. 从“高级(Advanced) 选项(Options)”屏幕中,单击“(click “)返回上一个版本。(Go back to the previous build.)”
6. 再次点击“ Go back to previous build ”并按照屏幕上的说明进行操作。
- (Fix Video TDR Failure)修复Windows 10中的(Windows 10)视频 TDR 故障(atikmpag.sys)
- Wacom 数位板错误(Wacom Tablet Error):您的设备未连接到计算机
- 修复(Fix)您的Windows 许可证即将过期错误(Windows License Will Expire Soon Error)
- (Fix Wacom Tablet Driver)修复在(Found)Windows 10中找不到Wacom 数位板驱动程序
就是这样,您已成功修复 Windows 10 上的时钟看门狗超时错误,(Fix Clock Watchdog Timeout Error on Windows 10)但如果您对本教程仍有任何疑问,请随时在评论部分提出。
Fix Clock Watchdog Timeout Error on Windows 10
While playing a video game, your PC might suddenly restart, and уou may facе Blue Screen of Deаth (BSOD) with еrror message CLOCK_WATCHDOG_TIMEОUT. You can also face this error when trying to run a clean installation of Windows 10. Once yoυ face the CLOCK_WATCHDОG_TIMΕOUT error, your PC will freeze, and you will have to force restart your PC.
You may face the Clock Watchdog Timeout Error on Windows 10 because of the following reasons:
- You may have overclocked your PC hardware.
- Damaged RAM
- Corrupted or outdated Graphic Card drivers
- Incorrect BIOS configuration
- Corrupted System files
- Damaged Hard Disk
According to Microsoft, the CLOCK_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT error indicates that an expected clock interrupt on a secondary processor, in a multi-processor system, was not received within the allocated interval. Anyway, without wasting any time let’s see How to Fix Clock Watchdog Timeout Error on Windows 10 with the help of the below-listed tutorial.
Fix Clock Watchdog Timeout Error on Windows 10
Make sure to create a restore point just in case something goes wrong.
Note: Before continuing with below steps, make sure you:
A.Disconnect all USB devices connected to your PC.
B.If you’re overclocking your PC, make sure you don’t and see if this fixes the issue.
C.Make sure that your computer doesn’t overheat. If it does, then this might be the cause of the Clock Watchdog Timeout Error.
D.Make sure you haven’t changed your software or hardware recently, for example, if you have added extra RAM or installed a new graphics card then maybe this is the reason for BSOD error, remove recently installed hardware and uninstall the device software from your PC and see if this fixes the issue.
Method 1: Run Windows Update
1.Press Windows Key + I and then select Update & Security.
2. From the left-hand side, menu clicks on Windows Update.
3. Now click on the “Check for updates” button to check for any available updates.
4. If any updates are pending, then click on Download & Install updates.
5. Once the updates are downloaded, install them, and your Windows will become up-to-date.
Method 2: Temporarily Disable Antivirus and Firewall
Sometimes the Antivirus program can cause an error, and in order to verify this is not the case here, you need to disable your antivirus for a limited time so that you can check if the error still appears when the antivirus is off.
1. Right-click on the Antivirus Program icon from the system tray and select Disable.
2. Next, select the time frame for which the Antivirus will remain disabled.
Note: Choose the smallest amount of time possible, for example, 15 minutes or 30 minutes.
3. Once done, again try to connect to open Google Chrome and check if the error resolves or not.
4. Search for the control panel from the Start Menu search bar and click on it to open the Control Panel.
5. Next, click on System and Security then click on Windows Firewall.
6. Now from the left window pane click on Turn Windows Firewall on or off.
7. Select Turn off Windows Firewall and restart your PC.
Again try to open Google Chrome and visit the web page, which was earlier showing the error. If the above method doesn’t work, make sure to follow the same steps to turn on your Firewall again.
Method 3: Reset BIOS to default settings
1. Turn off your laptop, then turn it on and simultaneously press F2, DEL or F12 (depending on your manufacturer) to enter into BIOS setup.
2. Now you’ll need to find the reset option to load the default configuration, and it may be named Reset to default, Load factory defaults, Clear BIOS settings, Load setup defaults, or something similar.
3. Select it with your arrow keys, press Enter, and confirm the operation. Your BIOS will now use its default settings.
4. Once you’re logged into Windows see if you’re able to Fix Clock Watchdog Timeout Error on Windows 10.
Method 4: Run MEMTEST
1. Connect a USB flash drive to your system.
2. Download and install Windows Memtest86 Auto-installer for USB Key.
3. Right-click on the image file which you just downloaded and selected “Extract here” option.
4. Once extracted, open the folder and run the Memtest86+ USB Installer.
5. Choose you’re plugged in a USB drive, to burn the MemTest86 software (This will format your USB drive).
6. Once the above process is finished, insert the USB to the PC where you’re getting the “Clock Watchdog Timeout Error“.
7. Restart your PC and make sure that boot from the USB flash drive is selected.
8. Memtest86 will begin testing for memory corruption in your system.
9. If you have passed all the test, then you can be sure that your memory is working correctly.
10. If some of the steps were unsuccessful, then Memtest86 will find memory corruption which means “Clock Watchdog Timeout Error” is because of bad/corrupt memory.
11. To Fix Clock Watchdog Timeout Error on Windows 10, you will need to replace your RAM if bad memory sectors are found.
Method 5: Run SFC and DISM
1. Open Command Prompt. The user can perform this step by searching for ‘cmd’ and then press Enter.
2. Now type the following in the cmd and hit enter:
Sfc /scannow
sfc /scannow /offbootdir=c:\ /offwindir=c:\windows (If above fails then try this one)
3. Wait for the above process to finish and once done, restart your PC.
4. Again open cmd and type the following command and hit enter after each one:
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
5. Let the DISM command run and wait for it to finish.
6. If the above command doesn’t work, then try on the below:
Dism /Image:C:\offline /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:c:\test\mount\windows
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:c:\test\mount\windows /LimitAccess
Note: Replace the C:\RepairSource\Windows with your repair source (Windows Installation or Recovery Disc).
7. Reboot your PC to save changes and see if you’re able to Fix Clock Watchdog Timeout Error on Windows 10.
Method 6: Update Device Drivers
In some cases, Clock Watchdog Timeout error can be caused due to outdated, corrupt or incompatible drivers. And to fix this issue, you need to update or uninstall some of your essential device drivers. So first, Start your PC into Safe Mode using this guide then make sure to follow the below guide to update the following drivers:
- Network Drivers
- Graphics Card drivers
- Chipset Drivers
- VGA Drivers
Note: Once you Update the driver for any one of the above, then you need to Restart your PC and see if this fixes your problem, if not then again follow the same steps to update drivers for other devices and again restart your PC. Once you found the culprit for Clock Watchdog Timeout Error, you need to uninstall that particular device driver and update the drivers from the Manufacturer’s website.
1. Press Windows Key + R then type devicemgmt.msc and hit Enter to open Device Manager.
2. Expand Display Adapter then right-click on your Video adapter and select Update Driver.
3. Select “Search automatically for updated driver software” and let it finish the process.
4. If the above step could fix your problem, then very good, if not then continue.
5. Again select “Update Driver” but this time on the next screen select “Browse my computer for driver software.”
6. Now select “Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer.”
7. Finally, select the compatible driver from the list and click Next.
8. Reboot your PC to save changes.
Now follow the above method to update Network Drivers, Chipset Drivers, and VGA Drivers drivers.
Method 7: Update BIOS
Sometimes updating your system BIOS can fix this error. To update your BIOS, go to your motherboard manufacturer website and download the latest BIOS version and install it.
If you have tried everything but still stuck at USB device not recognized problem, see this guide: How to Fix USB Device not recognized by Windows.
Method 8: Repair Install Windows 10
This method is the last resort because if nothing works out, then, this method will surely repair all problems with your PC. Repair Install uses an in-place upgrade to repair issues with the system without deleting user data present on the system. So follow this article to see How to Repair Install Windows 10 Easily.
Method 9: Roll Back to the previous build
1. Press Windows Key + I to open Settings then click on Update & Security.
2. From the left-hand menu, click on Recovery.
3. Under Advanced startup clicks Restart Now.
4. Once the system boots into the Advanced startup, choose to Troubleshoot > Advanced Options.
5. From the Advanced Options screen, click “Go back to the previous build.”
6. Again click on “Go back to previous build” and follow the on-screen instructions.
That’s it you have successfully Fix Clock Watchdog Timeout Error on Windows 10 but if you still have any questions regarding this tutorial then feel free to ask them in the comment’s section.