Microsoft Office是您日常使用的一款软件。无论是撰写文档、准备数据表还是演示演示文稿,您都不能忽视MS Office程序的重要性。(MS Office)由于Microsoft Office套件存在一些困难,因此打开Microsoft Word或Excel可能是一场噩梦。当您启动Microsoft Word或Microsoft Excel时,Windows会尝试设置Microsoft Office 2007,这很繁琐,因此您会收到 stdole32.tlb 错误。继续阅读本文以修复此错误。
如何修复 Windows 10 中的 Excel stdole32.tlb 错误(How to Fix Excel stdole32.tlb Error in Windows 10)
Excel stdole32.tlb 内存泄漏错误:(Error in Excel stdole32.tlb Memory Leak: )当发生内存泄漏问题时,Excel内存大小会定期增加,从而降低整体系统性能。它还会启动无限循环或同一作业的重复执行。
错误 stdole32.Tlb 逻辑故障:(Error stdole32.Tlb Logic Fault:)尽管分配了正确的输入,但由于此逻辑错误,您可能会开始接收错误的输出。此错误的主要原因是负责处理所有传入数据的Microsoft Corporation源代码中的缺陷。(Microsoft Corporation)
stdole32.tlb 错误崩溃:(stdole32.tlb Error Crash: )此错误会阻止您的Excel软件执行任何任务。除此之外,Excel程序无法提供适当的输出来响应给定的输入。
当Excel程序崩溃或失败时会发生此错误。该错误意味着某些代码在运行时未运行,但并不一定表明它已损坏。这个Excel 错误(Excel Error)非常烦人,因为它阻碍了进程。Excel 2007 用户经常遇到此问题,尽管它不受限制。Excel 2019和 2016 的用户也报告了此问题。如果您遇到此Excel错误的问题,本文将非常有帮助。
方法 1:修复 Microsoft Office(Method 1: Repair Microsoft Office)
如前所述,由于Microsoft Office产品中的错误,客户遇到了错误。修复Microsoft Office 2007是您可能尝试的第一个选项。如果文件损坏,修复Microsoft Office时将用新文件替换文件。因此,建议您修复Microsoft Office 2007软件包,因为这是Excel 2007的常见问题。这将解决文件损坏问题,并在修复Microsoft Office后将文件替换为新文件。以下是要采取的措施:
1. 同时按Windows + R keys打开运行(Run)对话框。
2.输入appwiz.cpl并按Enter 键(Enter key)打开程序和功能(Programs and Features)的小程序。
3.右键单击(Right-click) Microsoft Office 2007(Microsoft Office 2007)并单击更改(Change)。
4. 在提示中单击是(Yes)。
5. 之后,单击修复(Repair),然后单击继续(Continue)。
6. 再次点击修复(Repair)。
7. Microsoft Office 2007完成修复后,单击关闭(Close)。
方法 2:更新 Windows(Method 2: Update Windows)
Windows更新解决了各种问题和错误。检查以确定最新的补丁是否已应用于您的Windows。因此,您将在此阶段更新操作系统以解决问题。阅读我们关于如何下载和安装 Windows 10 最新更新(How to Download and Install Windows 10 Latest Update)的指南。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Microsoft Office 无法在 Windows 10 上打开的问题(Fix Microsoft Office Not Opening on Windows 10)
方法 3:运行恶意软件扫描(Method 3: Run Malware Scan)
如果您在尝试上述解决方案后仍然在Excel中遇到此问题,则可能是病毒或恶意软件感染已渗入您的系统并导致 stdole32.tlb 错误。(Excel)因此,强烈建议您扫描并从您的计算机中删除任何恶意软件或病毒。阅读我们关于如何在 Windows 10(How to Remove Malware from your PC in Windows 10)中从您的 PC 中删除恶意软件的指南。
方法4:修复系统文件(Method 4: Repair System Files)
一些重要的系统文件可能已损坏,从而导致Excel中出现 stdole32.tlb 错误。系统文件检查 ( SFC ) 扫描将对处理这种情况提供极大的帮助。SFC扫描方法在修复之前检查所有损坏的文件。因此,建议您执行完整的系统文件检查(Files Check)扫描以解决问题。以下是您必须采取的措施。阅读我们关于如何在 Windows 10 上修复系统文件(How to Repair System Files on Windows 10)的指南,并按照说明的步骤修复所有损坏的文件。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Excel 中不使用公式复制和粘贴值(How to Copy and Paste Values Without formulas in Excel)
方法 5:更改注册表项的权限(Method 5: Change Permission for Registry Keys)
1. 同时按Windows + R keys启动运行(Run )对话框。
2. 键入regedit并按Enter 键(Enter key)打开注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)窗口。
3.在 用户帐户控制(User Account Control)提示中单击是。(Yes)
4. 选择文件(File),然后从下拉菜单中选择导出。(Export)
4. 然后,输入文件名(File name)。在Export range下,选择All并单击Save。
5. 转到注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)中的给定位置路径。
6.右键单击(Right-click) Excel.Chart.8并(Excel.Chart.8)从下拉菜单中选择权限。(Permissions)
7. 单击权限窗口中的添加(Add)。
8.在输入对象名称(Enter the object names)下键入所有人(Everyone),然后单击检查名称(Check Names)。
9. 要确认添加项目Everyone,请单击OK。
10. 之后,单击高级(Advanced)按钮。
11. 单击更改(Change)更改所有者。
12.在输入对象名称(Enter the object names)下键入所有人(Everyone),然后单击检查名称(Check Names)。
13. 要确认添加项目“所有人(Everyone)”,请单击“确定(OK)” 。
14. 之后,单击应用(Apply),然后单击确定(OK)。
15. 选择权限(Permissions)下的所有人(Everyone),然后勾选完全控制(Full Control)和阅读(Read)框。
16. 单击应用(Apply)和确定(OK)。
17. 按F5 键(F5 key)刷新注册表数据库,从而在Excel.Chart.8 下创建一个名为Protocol的新(Protocol)Sub键。(Sub)
18. 重复步骤 7(Steps 7) - 16以更新此密钥的权限。
19. 按F5 键(F5 key)刷新注册表数据库并重复这些过程以授予StdFileEditing\Server子键权限。
20. 最后,关闭注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)窗口。
方法 6:从注册表数据库中删除 Office 密钥(Method 6: Delete Office Keys from Registry Database)
要修复此错误,您必须再次处理注册表。在进行任何注册修改之前,我们建议您备份您的注册表数据库。您可以像以前的方法一样进行备份。如果存在注册表配置错误,您可以将注册表数据库恢复到之前一切正常的状态。了解如何执行概述的操作以修复 stdole32.tlb 错误。
1. 同时按Windows + R keys启动运行对话框(Run dialog box)。
2. 键入regedit并按Enter 键(Enter key)打开注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)窗口。
4. 选择文件(File),然后从下拉菜单中选择导出。(Export)
5. 然后,输入文件名。(File name.)在Export range下,选择All并单击Save。
6. 转到注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)中的以下位置。
8. 然后,打开子文件夹8.0、9.0、10.0、11.0 和 12.0(8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0, and 12.0),并删除(delete)子项Excel和Word。
注意 1:(Note 1:)如果您遇到Word问题,请删除子项Word,如果您同时遇到问题,请删除Word和Excel。
注意 2:(Note 2: )如果找不到这些子文件夹,请查找其他版本,例如15.0 和 16.0(15.0 and 16.0)。
9. 单击是(Yes)确认删除密钥。
11. 最后,关闭注册表编辑器(Registry Editor )窗口。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何阻止 Microsoft Teams 在启动时打开(How to Stop Microsoft Teams from Opening on Startup)
方法 7:删除临时文件(Method 7: Delete Temporary Files)
某些(Certain)数据由应用程序缓存,以提高加载速度和用户体验。但是,此缓存可能会随着时间的推移而损坏,从而干扰关键系统功能。缓存数据过多也会导致此内存泄漏错误。因此,您将删除计算机上的所有临时文件,如以下步骤所示以修复 stdole32.tlb 错误。
1. 同时按Windows + R keys启动运行对话框(Run dialog box)。
2.输入%temp%并按Enter 键(Enter key)打开临时文件夹(temp folder)。
3. 要选择所有文件,请按Ctrl + A keys,然后按Shift + Delete keys以完全删除它们。
方法 8:重命名设置文件(Method 8: Rename Setup File)
1. 按Windows + I keys打开文件资源管理器(File Explorer)。
2. 导航到以下位置路径(path)。
C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\OFFICEX\Office Setup Controller
注意 1:(Note 1:)如果您无法导航到此路径,请尝试以下路径。
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\OFFICEX\Office Setup Controller
注意 2:(Note 2:) X必须(X)替换为您系统中安装的 Microsoft Office 版本。(version of Microsoft Office)
3. 现在,右键单击(right-click)设置文件(setup file)并选择重命名。(Rename.)
5. 遇到错误时,运行程序并选择OK。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Excel 中锁定或解锁单元格(How To Lock Or Unlock Cells In Excel)
方法 9:卸载最近的更新(Method 9: Uninstall Recent Updates)
Windows 10 PC 上的任何先前不兼容的更新可能也不会导致此问题。因此(Hence),建议您卸载计算机上安装的最新更新以解决Excel stdole32.tlb 错误。做这个任务很容易,步骤演示如下。
1. 点击Windows 键(Windows key )并输入控制面板(Control Panel)。然后,点击打开(Open ),如图所示。
2.将查看方式(View by)设置为类别(Category)。
3. 现在,单击“程序(Programs )”菜单下的“卸载程序(Uninstall a program )”选项,如图所示。
4. 单击左窗格中的查看已安装更新(View installed updates ),如图所示。
5. 现在,通过参考安装(Installed On the )日期并单击卸载(Uninstall )选项来搜索并选择最新更新,如下所示。
6. 最后,确认任何提示并重新启动您的电脑(restart your PC)。
方法 10:重新安装 Microsoft Office(Method 10: Reinstall Microsoft Office)
由于Microsoft Office(Microsoft Office)应用程序安装不完整,许多人都遇到了这个 stdole32.tlb 错误。因此,建议您从微软(Microsoft)官网获取Office后,将Office完全删除,然后重新安装。手动卸载应用程序不会清除机器上的任何残留组件。若要从您的计算机中删除Office ,请按照下列步骤操作:(Office)
1. 同时按下Windows + I keys 打开设置(Settings)。
2. 选择应用程序(Apps)。
3. 向下滚动并单击Microsoft Office。
4. 点击卸载(Uninstall)。
5. 在弹出窗口中点击卸载(Uninstall),然后在弹出窗口中点击是(yes)。
6. 然后,重启电脑(reboot the PC)。
7.从官网下载(official website)微软Office(Microsoft Office)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Excel 中冻结行和列(How to Freeze Rows and Columns in Excel)
方法 11:执行系统还原(Perform System Restore)
如果这些方法都不适合您,请将您的计算机恢复到以前的版本作为最后的手段。为此,请按照我们关于如何在 Windows 10 上使用系统还原(How to use System Restore on Windows 10)的指南进行操作,并按照演示执行说明。最后,您的计算机将恢复到完全没有任何错误的先前状态。
恢复 Windows 10 PC 后,检查错误是否已解决。
Fix Excel stdole32.tlb Error in Windows 10
Microsoft Office is а piece of software that you use daily. You сan’t ignore the importance of an MS Office program, whether composing a document, preparing a datasheet, or presenting а presentation. Because of several difficulties with the Microsoft Office suite, оpening Microsоft Word or Εxcel might be a nightmare. When yoυ launch Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel, Windows tries to set up Microsoft Office 2007, which is tedious, and you receive stdole32.tlb error as a result. Continue reading this аrticle to fix this error.
How to Fix Excel stdole32.tlb Error in Windows 10
Error in Excel stdole32.tlb Memory Leak: When a memory leak problem occurs, the size of Excel memory regularly increases, lowering overall system performance. It also initiates an infinite loop or the repeated performance of the same job.
Error stdole32.Tlb Logic Fault: Despite assigning the right input, you may begin to receive the wrong output due to this logic error. The major cause of this mistake is a flaw in the Microsoft Corporation source code, which is in charge of handling all the incoming data.
stdole32.tlb Error Crash: This mistake prevents your Excel software from carrying out any tasks. Aside from that, the Excel program is unable to provide appropriate output in response to the given input.
This error occurs when Excel programs crash or fail. The error means some code isn’t operating during runtime, but it doesn’t necessarily indicate that it’s corrupted. This Excel Error is pretty annoying since it obstructs the process. Excel 2007 users are frequently confronted with this issue, although it is not restricted. Users of Excel 2019 and 2016 have also reported this problem. This article will be very helpful if you have problems with this Excel error.
Method 1: Repair Microsoft Office
As previously stated, customers are experiencing the error due to a bug in the Microsoft Office product. Repairing Microsoft Office 2007 is the first option you may attempt. In the event of file corruption, files will be replaced with fresh ones when Microsoft Office is repaired. As a result, it is suggested that you fix the Microsoft Office 2007 package, as this is a regular problem with Excel 2007. This will resolve the file corruption, and files will be replaced with fresh ones when Microsoft Office has been repaired. Here are the actions to take:
1. Press Windows + R keys simultaneously to open the Run dialog box.
2. Type appwiz.cpl and press the Enter key to open the applet for Programs and Features.
3. Right-click on Microsoft Office 2007 and click on Change.
4. Click on Yes in the prompt.
5. After that, click on Repair and then Continue.
6. Again, click on Repair.
7. After Microsoft Office 2007 has completed its repair, click on Close.
Method 2: Update Windows
Windows updates solve a variety of issues and errors. Check to determine if the most current patch has been applied to your Windows. As a result, you’ll update the operating system in this stage to address the problem. Read our guide on How to Download and Install Windows 10 Latest Update to do so.
Also Read: Fix Microsoft Office Not Opening on Windows 10
Method 3: Run Malware Scan
If you’re still experiencing this issue in Excel after trying the solutions above, it’s possible that a virus or malware infestation has infiltrated your system and is causing the stdole32.tlb error. As a result, scanning and removing any malware or virus from your computer is highly advised. Read our guide on How to Remove Malware from your PC in Windows 10 to do so.
Method 4: Repair System Files
There’s a chance that some vital system files have become damaged, resulting in the stdole32.tlb error in Excel. The system file check (SFC) scan will be of tremendous assistance in dealing with this scenario. The SFC scan method examines all damaged files before repairing them. As a result, it is advised that you conduct a full System Files Check scan to resolve the issue. The following are the measures you must take. Read our guide on How to Repair System Files on Windows 10 and follow the steps as instructed to repair all your corrupt files.
Also Read: How to Copy and Paste Values Without formulas in Excel
Method 5: Change Permission for Registry Keys
If the above procedure fails to work, attempt to alter various permissions in the registry database using this way. Follow the instructions below to do so.
Note: To avoid additional problems, it is suggested that you back up the registry database before making any modifications. In the event of a misconfiguration, you can restore the registry database to a prior state where everything was working well.
1. Press Windows + R keys simultaneously to launch the Run dialog box.
2. Type regedit and press the Enter key to open the Registry Editor window.
3. Click on Yes in the User Account Control prompt.
4. Select File, then Export from the drop-down menu.
4. Then, type File name. Under Export range, pick All and click Save.
5. Go to the given location path in the Registry Editor.
6. Right-click on Excel.Chart.8 and choose Permissions from the drop-down menu.
7. Click on Add in the Permissions window.
8. Type Everyone under Enter the object names and then click Check Names.
9. To confirm the addition of the item Everyone, click on OK.
10. After that, click on the Advanced button.
11. Change the owner by clicking Change.
12. Type Everyone under Enter the object names and then click on Check Names.
13. To confirm the addition of the item Everyone, click OK.
14. After that, click on Apply and then OK.
15. Select Everyone under Permissions and tick the Full Control and Read boxes.
16. Click on Apply and OK.
17. Press the F5 key to refresh the registry database, resulting in the creation of a new Sub key named Protocol below Excel.Chart.8.
18. Repeat Steps 7–16 to update the permissions of this key.
19. Refresh the registry database by pressing the F5 key and repeat the procedures to grant permission to the StdFileEditing\Server subkey.
20. Finally, close the Registry Editor window.
Method 6: Delete Office Keys from Registry Database
To fix this error, you’ll have to deal with the registry once again. Before making any registration modifications, we recommend that you make a backup of your registry database. You can make a backup as you did in the previous method. If there’s a registry misconfiguration, you can restore the registry database to a previous state where everything functioned fine. Recognize how to carry out the actions outlined to fix stdole32.tlb error.
Note: If you can’t remove or find any keys, don’t worry about it; it won’t affect the outcome of the troubleshooting.
1. Press Windows + R keys simultaneously to launch the Run dialog box.
2. Type regedit and press the Enter key to open the Registry Editor window.
3. Click on Yes in the prompt.
4. Select File, then Export from the drop-down menu.
5. Then, type File name. Under Export range, pick All and click Save.
6. Go to the following location in the Registry Editor.
7. Right-click on the subkeys Word and Excel and select Delete to remove them.
8. Then, open the subfolders 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0, and 12.0, and delete the subkeys Excel and Word.
Note 1: If you’re having trouble with Word, delete the subkey Word, and if you’re having trouble with both, delete both Word and Excel.
Note 2: If you cannot find these subfolders, look for other versions like 15.0 and 16.0.
9. Click on Yes to confirm the deletion of the key.
10. Similarly, delete the subkeys labeled Word and Excel in the path
11. Finally, close the Registry Editor window.
Also Read: How to Stop Microsoft Teams from Opening on Startup
Method 7: Delete Temporary Files
Certain data is cached by applications to improve loading speeds and user experience. However, this cache might get damaged with time, interfering with key system functions. Too much-cached data also causes this memory leak error. As a result, you’ll delete all the temporary files on the computer as shown in the below steps to fix stdole32.tlb error.
1. Press Windows + R keys simultaneously to launch the Run dialog box.
2. Type %temp% and hit the Enter key to open the temp folder.
3. To select all the files, press Ctrl + A keys and then Shift + Delete keys to entirely remove them.
Method 8: Rename Setup File
Renaming the setup file may assist you in getting around this problem in some circumstances. This Excel issue can be solved this way. As an example,
1. Press the Windows + I keys to open File Explorer.
2. Navigate to the following location path.
C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\OFFICEX\Office Setup Controller
Note 1: If you cannot navigate to this path, try the following path.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\OFFICEX\Office Setup Controller
Note 2: The X has to be replaced with the version of Microsoft Office installed in your system.
3. Now, right-click on the setup file and select Rename.
Note: Rename the file to something other than Setup.
4. Confirm any prompts, if any.
5. When you encounter the error, run the program and select OK.
Also Read: How To Lock Or Unlock Cells In Excel
Method 9: Uninstall Recent Updates
Any previous incompatible updates on your Windows 10 PC might not also cause this issue. Hence, you are advised to uninstall the recent updates installed on your computer to resolve the Excel stdole32.tlb error. It is very easy to do the task, and the steps are demonstrated as follows.
1. Hit the Windows key and type Control Panel. Then, click on Open as shown.
2. Set the View by as Category.
3. Now, click on Uninstall a program option under the Programs menu as depicted.
4. Click on View installed updates in the left pane as shown.
5. Now, search and select the most recent update by referring to Installed On the date and clicking on Uninstall option as shown below.
6. Finally, confirm any prompt and restart your PC.
Method 10: Reinstall Microsoft Office
Many people are experiencing this stdole32.tlb error due to an incomplete installation of a faulty Microsoft Office application. As a result, it is advised that you delete Office fully and then reinstall it after obtaining it from the Microsoft official website. Manually uninstalling an application will not erase any residual components from the machines. To remove Office from your computer, follow these steps:
1. Press the Windows + I keys simultaneously to open Settings.
2. Select Apps.
3. Scroll down and click on Microsoft Office.
4. Click on Uninstall.
5. Click on Uninstall in the pop-up, then yes from the pop-up.
6. Then, reboot the PC.
7. Download Microsoft Office from the official website.
Also Read: How to Freeze Rows and Columns in Excel
Method 11: Perform System Restore
If none of these methods worked for you, restore your computer to its previous version as a last resort. To do so, follow our guide on How to use System Restore on Windows 10 and implement the instructions as demonstrated. In the end, your computer will be restored to a previous state where it does not face any errors at all.
After restoring your Windows 10 PC, check if the error has been resolved.
We hope you found this information useful and that you were able to resolve stdole32.tlb error. Please let us know which technique was the most beneficial for you. If you have any questions or comments, please use the form below.