Windows 10无疑是您 PC 的最佳操作系统(operating system)。但是,您可能会遇到一些技术问题,例如键盘输入延迟或键(keyboard input lag or keys)偶尔卡住。您可能已经观察到您的键盘响应(keyboard response)很慢,即,当您在键盘上键入内容时,它需要很长时间才能出现在屏幕上。键盘输入(Keyboard input)延迟可能令人沮丧,尤其是当您正在编写学校作业(school assignment)或起草重要的工作电子邮件(work email)时。你不用担心!我们编制了这份小指南,其中解释了键盘延迟(keyboard lag)背后的可能原因以及您可以用来修复的方法(keyboard input lag)Windows 10系统中的键盘输入滞后。
是什么导致 Windows 10 中的键盘输入滞后?(What causes Keyboard Input lag in Windows 10?)
Windows 10系统上键盘输入滞后(keyboard input lag)的一些原因是:
- 如果您使用过时的键盘驱动程序(keyboard driver),您可能会在键入时遇到键盘响应(keyboard response)缓慢的情况。
- 如果您使用无线键盘(wireless keyboard),您可能会更频繁地遇到键盘输入延迟。(keyboard input lag)之所以如此,是因为:
- 键盘中的电池电量不足,无法正常工作。
- 键盘无法通过无线信号进行捕获和通信。
- 不正确的键盘(Incorrect keyboard)设置可能会导致Windows 10中的(Windows 10)键盘响应(keyboard response)缓慢。
- 有时,如果系统上的CPU 使用率(CPU usage)很高,您可能会遇到键盘响应(keyboard response)缓慢的情况。
如何修复 Windows 10 中的键盘输入延迟(How to Fix Keyboard Input lag in Windows 10)
方法一:重启电脑(Method 1: Restart your computer)
有时,重新启动计算机可以帮助您解决系统上的小技术问题,包括键盘响应(keyboard response)缓慢。因此,您应该做的第一件事是重新启动计算机,如下所示:
1. 按键盘上的Windows 键(Windows key)打开开始菜单(Start menu)。
2. 点击电源(Power),然后选择重启(Restart)。
方法 2:使用屏幕键盘 (Method 2: Use the On-screen keyboard )
您可以选择使用屏幕键盘临时修复Windows 10计算机中的键盘输入延迟。(keyboard input lag)请按照以下步骤启用屏幕键盘:
1.通过同时按下键盘上的Windows + I keys设置(Settings)。
2. 单击“轻松访问”(Ease of Access)选项,如图所示。
3. 在左窗格的交互部分(Interaction section)下,单击键盘。(Keyboard.)
4. 在这里,打开(turn on)标题为使用屏幕键盘(Use the on-screen keyboard)的选项的切换开关,如图所示。
如需更持久的解决方案,请阅读以下故障排除方法以更改键盘设置以修复Windows 10中的键盘延迟。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) Windows 10中的鼠标指针滞后(Mouse Pointer Lags)[已解决]
方法 3:关闭过滤器键(Method 3: Turn off Filter keys )
Windows 10 具有内置的过滤键(filter keys) 辅助功能(accessibility feature),可引导键盘为残障人士提供更好的打字体验(typing experience)。但在您的情况下,它可能会导致键盘输入滞后(input lag)。因此,要解决键盘响应(keyboard response)缓慢的问题,请按照给定的步骤关闭过滤键(filter keys)。
1. 启动设置(Settings)并导航到轻松访问(Ease of Access)选项,如前一种方法中所述。
2. 在左窗格的交互部分(Interaction section)下,单击键盘。(Keyboard.)
3.关闭(Toggle off)Use Filter Keys下的选项,如下图所示。
键盘现在将忽略短暂或重复的击键并更改键盘重复(keyboard repeat)率。
方法四:增加键盘重复率(Method 4: Increase Keyboard Repeat Rate )
如果您在键盘设置中设置了较低的键盘重复率(keyboard repeat rate),您可能会遇到键盘响应(keyboard response)缓慢的情况。在这种方法中,我们将增加键盘重复率(keyboard repeat rate)以修复Windows 10中的键盘延迟。
1. 同时按下Windows + R keys启动运行对话框(Run dialog box)
2.出现运行对话框(run dialog box)后,键入控制键盘(control keyboard)并按Enter 键(Enter)。
3. 在速度选项卡下,将(Speed)重复率(epeat rate)的滑块拖动(R)到快速(Fast)。检查屏幕截图以供参考。
4. 最后,单击应用(Apply),然后单击确定(OK)以实施这些更改。
增加重复率(Repeat rate)有助于解决打字时的键盘延迟(keyboard lag)问题。但是,如果没有,请尝试下一个修复。
方法 5:运行硬件和设备疑难解答(Method 5: Run Troubleshooter for Hardware and Devices)
Windows 10带有内置的疑难解答功能(troubleshooter feature),可帮助您解决计算机硬件(computer hardware)(如音频、视频和蓝牙(Bluetooth)驱动程序等)的问题。实施给定步骤以利用此功能修复Windows 10 PC中的键盘输入(Keyboard input)延迟:
选项 1:通过控制面板(Option 1: Through Control Panel)
1.在Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中搜索(bar and launch)控制面板(control panel)并从搜索结果中启动它。
Windows + R keys打开“运行”(Run)对话框。在这里,输入控制面板(control panel)并按Enter。为清楚起见,请参阅下面的图片。
2. 单击给定列表中的故障排除(Troubleshooting)图标,如下所示。
3. 如图所示,单击左侧面板中的查看全部(View all)。
4. 在这里,从列表中单击键盘。(Keyboard)
5. 屏幕上会出现一个新窗口。单击(Click) 下一步(Next)运行疑难解答。
6. Windows 疑难解答将自动检测并解决(automatically detect and solve)您的键盘问题。
选项 2:通过 Windows 设置(Option 2: Through Windows Settings)
1. 按照方法 2(Method 2)中的说明启动 Windows设置(Settings)。
2. 选择更新和安全(Update and Security)选项,如图所示。
3. 单击左窗格中的疑难解答(Troubleshoot)选项卡,然后单击右窗格中的其他疑难解答(Additional troubleshooters)。
4. 在查找并修复其他问题(Find and fix other problems)下,单击键盘(Keyboard)。
5. 最后,单击运行疑难解答(Run the troubleshooter )以自动检测并修复连接到Windows 10计算机的键盘问题。参考下图。
但是,如果此方法无法解决系统上的键盘输入延迟(keyboard input lag)问题,您可以查看下一个修复程序。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) Windows 10上的鼠标滞后或冻结(Mouse Lags or Freezes)?10个有效的方法来解决它!
方法 6:更新或重新安装键盘驱动程序 (Method 6: Update or Reinstall the Keyboard Driver )
如果安装了过时版本的键盘驱动(keyboard driver)程序或您的键盘驱动程序(keyboard driver)已过期,那么您在打字时将面临键盘延迟。(keyboard delay)您可以更新或重新安装键盘驱动程序(keyboard driver)以修复Windows 10中的键盘输入延迟(keyboard input lag)。
1.通过在Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中搜索来启动设备管理器(Device Manager),如下所示。
2. 接下来,找到并双击键盘(Keyboards)选项以展开菜单。
3. 右键单击您的键盘设备(keyboard device)并选择更新驱动程序(Update driver)或卸载设备(Uninstall device)。
4. 在出现的新窗口中,选择自动搜索驱动程序(Search automatically for drivers)。
5. 现在,您的计算机将自动更新(automatically update)键盘驱动程序或重新安装(reinstall)键盘驱动程序。
更新或重新安装键盘驱动程序(keyboard driver)后,您可以重新启动计算机并检查键盘是否正常响应。
方法 7:执行 DISM 扫描(Method 7: Perform DISM Scan)
系统上的Windows(Windows)设置配置不当或技术错误可能会导致键入时键盘响应(keyboard response)缓慢。因此,您可以运行DISM(部署映像服务和管理)(DISM (Deployment Image Servicing and Management))命令来扫描和修复问题,包括Windows 10系统中的键盘输入(Keyboard input)延迟。
1. 转到您的Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏并键入命令提示符(Command prompt)。
2. 点击以管理员身份运行,(Run as administrator)以管理员权限启动它,如图所示。
3. 依次键入以下命令,每条命令后回车(Enter)即可执行。
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
4. 最后,等待部署映像服务和管理工具(image servicing and management tool)检测并修复(detect and fix)系统上的错误。
注意:(Note:) 确保(Make sure)您保持工具运行(tool running),并且不要在两者之间取消。
DISM 工具(DISM tool)大约需要 15-20 分钟才能完成该过程,但可能需要更长的时间。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何将键盘(Keyboard)重置为默认设置(Default Settings)
方法 8:执行干净的系统引导 (Method 8: Perform a Clean System Boot )
如果上述方法都不适合您,请尝试此解决方案。为了 修复 Windows 10 中的键盘输入延迟(fix keyboard input lag in Windows 10),您可以执行系统的干净启动。
1. 首先,以管理员身份(administrator)登录(log in)您的系统。
2.在Windows 搜索(Windows search )框中键入msconfig ,然后从搜索结果中启动系统配置。(System Configuration)请参阅(Refer)给定的图片。
3.从顶部 切换到服务选项卡。(Services)
4. 选中屏幕底部隐藏所有 Microsoft 服务(Hide all Microsoft services)旁边的框。
5. 接下来,点击Disable all按钮,如下图所示。
6. 现在,切换到“启动(Startup)”选项卡,单击链接“打开任务管理器(Open Task Manager)”,如图所示。
7.出现任务管理器窗口(Task Manager window)后,右键单击每个 不重要的应用程序(unimportant app) 并选择 禁用(Disable) ,如下图所示。我们已经为Steam 应用(Steam app)解释了此步骤。
8. 这样做会阻止这些应用程序在Windows 启动时启动(Windows startup)。
最后,重新启动(reboot)您的 PC 并检查这是否可以解决系统上键盘响应(keyboard response)缓慢的问题。
方法 9:修复无线键盘输入延迟 (Method 9: Fix Wireless Keyboard Input Lag )
如果您在 Windows 10 台式机/笔记本电脑上使用无线键盘,并且遇到键盘输入延迟(keyboard input lag),请确保执行以下检查:
1.检查电池:(1. Check batteries:) 首先要检查的是电池。如果需要更换电池,请用新电池更换旧电池。
2.检查蓝牙或USB连接 (2. Check Bluetooth or USB connection )
如果您在使用 USB 连接时遇到键盘输入延迟:(keyboard input lag)
- 确保(Make sure)USB 接收器(USB receiver)和键盘在范围内。
- 此外,您还可以将键盘与USB 接收器(USB receiver)重新同步。
或者,如果您通过蓝牙连接使用(Bluetooth connection)无线键盘(wireless keyboard),请尝试断开蓝牙连接,然后重新连接(Bluetooth connection)。
3. 信号干扰(3. Signal interference):如果您的无线键盘(wireless keyboard)无法正常工作,并且您在打字时遇到键盘响应(keyboard response)缓慢,则可能是您的 Wi-Fi 路由器、无线打印机、无线鼠标(wireless mouse)、手机或USB 网络(USB network)
Wi -Fi 的信号干扰-Fi(Wi-Fi)。在这种情况下,请确保设备之间保持适当的距离,以避免信号干扰。
- 下载东西时Steam 滞后(Steam lags)[已解决]
- 修复站点(Fix Site)无法访问,找不到服务器IP(Server IP Could)
- 如何在您的 PC上创建(Your PC)Windows 10 睡眠定时器(Sleep Timer)
- 如何修复 Spotify 搜索(Fix Spotify Search)不起作用
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够修复 Windows 10 中的键盘输入延迟并解决系统上(fix keyboard input lag in Windows 10)键盘响应(keyboard response)缓慢的问题。让我们知道哪种方法适合您。在下面的评论中留下您的疑问/建议。
Fix keyboard Input lag in Windows 10 [SOLVED]
Windows 10 is undoubtеdly the beѕt operating systеm for your PC. Howevеr, you might exрerience few technical issues such as keyboard input lag or keys getting stuck ocсasionally. You may have observed that your keyboard response is slow, i.e., when yoυ type something on your keуboard, it takes forever to appear on the screen. Keyboard input lag can be frustrating, especially when you are in the middle оf writing your schоol assignment or drafting an important work email. You need not worry! Wе haνe compiled this small guide, which explainѕ the pоssіble reаsons behind kеyboard lag and the methods you сan use to fix keyboard input lag іn Windows 10 systems.
What causes Keyboard Input lag in Windows 10?
Some of the reasons for keyboard input lag on your Windows 10 system are:
- If you use an outdated keyboard driver, you might experience a slow keyboard response while typing.
- If you use a wireless keyboard, you might encounter keyboard input lag more often. It is so because:
- There is not enough battery in the keyboard to function properly.
- The keyboard is unable to capture and communicate via wireless signals.
- Incorrect keyboard settings might cause a slow keyboard response in Windows 10.
- Sometimes, you may experience slow keyboard response if there is high CPU usage on your system.
How to Fix Keyboard Input lag in Windows 10
Listed below are the methods that you can implement to fix computer delays when typing.
Method 1: Restart your computer
Sometimes, restarting your computer can help you fix minor technical issues on your system, including slow keyboard response. Therefore, the first thing that you should do is restart your computer as follows:
1. Press the Windows key on the keyboard to open the Start menu.
2. Click on Power, and select Restart.
Method 2: Use the On-screen keyboard
You can choose to use the on-screen keyboard to temporarily fix keyboard input lag in Windows 10 computers. Follow these steps to enable an on-screen keyboard:
1. Launch Windows Settings by pressing Windows + I keys together on your keyboard.
2. Click on the Ease of Access option, as shown.
3. Under the Interaction section in the left pane, click on Keyboard.
4. Here, turn on the toggle for the option titled Use the on-screen keyboard, as depicted.
Finally, the virtual keyboard will pop up on your screen, which you can use for the time being.
For a more permanent solution, read the following troubleshooting methods to change keyboard settings to fix keyboard lag in Windows 10.
Also Read: Mouse Pointer Lags in Windows 10 [SOLVED]
Method 3: Turn off Filter keys
Windows 10 has an in-built filter keys accessibility feature that guides the keyboard towards a better typing experience for people with disabilities. But it might be causing keyboard input lag in your case. Therefore, to fix the slow keyboard response, follow the given steps to turn off the filter keys.
1. Launch Settings and navigate to the Ease of Access option as explained in the previous method.
2. Under the Interaction section in the left pane, click on Keyboard.
3. Toggle off the option under Use Filter Keys, as depicted below.
The keyboard will now ignore brief or repeated keystrokes and change keyboard repeat rates.
Method 4: Increase Keyboard Repeat Rate
If you have set a low keyboard repeat rate in your keyboard settings, you might encounter a slow keyboard response. In this method, we will increase the keyboard repeat rate to fix keyboard lag in Windows 10.
1. Launch the Run dialog box by pressing the Windows + R keys together
2. Once the run dialog box appears, type the control keyboard and hit Enter.
3. Under the Speed tab, drag the slider for Repeat rate to Fast. Check the screenshot for reference.
4. Finally, click on Apply and then OK to implement these changes.
Increasing the Repeat rate can help resolve the keyboard lag while typing. But, if it doesn’t, try the next fix.
Method 5: Run Troubleshooter for Hardware and Devices
Windows 10 comes with an in-built troubleshooter feature to help you fix issues with your computer hardware like audio, video, and Bluetooth drivers, etc. Implement the given steps to utilize this feature to fix Keyboard input lag in Windows 10 PCs:
Option 1: Through Control Panel
1. Search the control panel in the Windows search bar and launch it from the search results.
Open the Run dialog box by pressing Windows + R keys. Here, type the control panel in and hit Enter. Refer to pic below for clarity.
2. Click the Troubleshooting icon from the given list, as shown below.
3. Click View all from the panel of the left, as depicted.
4. Here, click on Keyboard from the list.
5. A new window will appear on your screen. Click Next to run the troubleshooter.
6. The Windows troubleshooter will automatically detect and solve issues with your keyboard.
Option 2: Through Windows Settings
1. Launch Windows Settings as instructed in Method 2.
2. Select the Update and Security option, as shown.
3. Click on the Troubleshoot tab from the left pane and then click on Additional troubleshooters in the right pane.
4. Under Find and fix other problems, click Keyboard.
5. Finally, click on Run the troubleshooter to automatically detect and fix problems with your keyboard connected to Windows 10 computer. Refer to pic below.
However, if this method is not able to resolve the keyboard input lag on your system, you can check out the next fix.
Also Read: Mouse Lags or Freezes on Windows 10? 10 Effective ways to fix it!
Method 6: Update or Reinstall the Keyboard Driver
If an outdated version of the keyboard driver is installed or your keyboard driver has become over time, then you will face keyboard delay while typing. You can either update or reinstall the keyboard driver to fix keyboard input lag in Windows 10.
Follow the given steps to do the same:
1. Launch Device Manager by searching for it in the Windows search bar, as shown below.
2. Next, locate and double-click on the Keyboards option to expand the menu.
3. Right-click on your keyboard device and select Update driver or Uninstall device.
4. In the new window that appears, select Search automatically for drivers.
5. Now, your computer will automatically update the keyboard driver or reinstall the keyboard driver.
After updating or reinstalling your keyboard driver, you can restart your computer and check whether the keyboard is responding properly.
Method 7: Perform DISM Scan
An improper configuration of Windows settings or technical errors on your system might lead to slow keyboard response while typing. Therefore, you can run DISM (Deployment Image Servicing and Management) command to scan and fix problems, including Keyboard input lag in Windows 10 systems.
Here are the steps to run DISM scan:
1. Go to your Windows search bar and type Command prompt.
2. Launch it with administrator rights by clicking on Run as administrator, as shown.
3. Type the following commands one by one and press Enter after each command to execute it.
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
4. Finally, wait for the deployment image servicing and management tool to detect and fix the errors on your system.
Note: Make sure you keep the tool running and do not cancel in between.
DISM tool will take about 15-20 minutes to complete the process, but it may take longer.
Also Read: How to Reset your Keyboard to Default Settings
Method 8: Perform a Clean System Boot
If none of the above-mentioned methods have worked for you, try this solution. In order to fix keyboard input lag in Windows 10, you can perform a clean boot of your system.
Here is how to do it:
1. First, log in to your system as the administrator.
2. Type msconfig in the Windows search box and launch System Configuration from the search results. Refer to the given pic.
3. Switch to the Services tab from the top.
4. Check the box next to Hide all Microsoft services at the bottom of the screen.
5. Next, click Disable all button, as shown below.
6. Now, switch to the Startup tab click on the link Open Task Manager, as depicted.
7. Once the Task Manager window appears, right-click on each unimportant app and select Disable as depicted in the pic below. We have explained this step for the Steam app.
8. Doing so will prevent these apps from launching on Windows startup.
Finally, reboot your PC and check whether this could resolve the slow keyboard response on your system.
Method 9: Fix Wireless Keyboard Input Lag
If you are using a wireless keyboard with your Windows 10 desktop/laptop, and you are experiencing keyboard input lag, then make sure you perform the following checks:
1. Check batteries: The first thing to check is the batteries. If there is a need to change the batteries, replace the old batteries with new ones.
2. Check Bluetooth or USB connection
If you are facing keyboard input lag using a USB connection:
- Make sure that the USB receiver and your keyboard are well within range.
- Moreover, you can also resynchronize your keyboard with the USB receiver.
Alternatively, if you are using your wireless keyboard over a Bluetooth connection, try to disconnect and then reconnect the Bluetooth connection.
3. Signal interference: If your wireless keyboard is not functioning properly and you are experiencing a slow keyboard response while typing, then there may be signal interference from your Wi-Fi router, wireless printers, wireless mouse, mobile phone, or USB network
Wi-Fi. In such cases, make sure that the devices are kept at a suitable distance from each other to avoid signal interference.
We hope this guide was helpful and you were able to fix keyboard input lag in Windows 10 and resolve the slow keyboard response on your system. Let us know which method worked for you. Leave your queries/suggestions in the comments below.