Valorant是一款流行的基于角色的第一人称战术射击游戏。尽管自发布以来已经进行了改进和更新,但在像Valorant这样的密集图形游戏中不可避免地会出现错误和错误代码。如果你是一个狂热的Valorant游戏玩家,那么游戏的错误代码可以最大限度地惹恼你。它们会阻止您访问游戏,本文重点介绍Valorant错误代码Val 43。这是最近许多Valorant用户面临的主要错误之一。这个勇敢的 Val 43(Valorant Val 43)尝试连接游戏服务器或客户端时出现错误代码。下载游戏补丁后尤其会发生此错误。继续阅读以解决问题。
如何修复 Windows 10 中的 Valorant Val 43 错误(How to Fix Valorant Val 43 Error in Windows 10)
- 如果 Riot Games 宣布服务器维护和停机(server maintenance and downtime)。
- (Vanguard)Riot Games的反作弊系统Vanguard被禁用或停止运行(disabled or stopped running),严重影响游戏的服务器连接。
- AppData 目录中存在Riot Client 游戏设置文件(Riot Client game settings file)。
- 激增的DNS 或域名系统名称缓存(DNS or Domain System Name caches)限制了游戏服务器的启动。
- 第三方或其他后台应用程序(background applications)可能会造成干扰,从而阻止连接到游戏。
- 有故障的调制解调器或路由器(faulty modem or router)可能会影响加载游戏服务器。
- 经常使用Alt + Tab keys
现在,您知道Valorant Val 43错误代码的原因。开始(Start)实施下面给出的解决方案,直到你得到一个潜在的修复。
基本故障排除步骤(Basic Troubleshooting Steps)
为您遇到的任何错误执行的第一个基本步骤应该是重新启动。这种更简单的方法适用于许多游戏玩家。按照以下步骤重新启动您的游戏和 PC。
重新启动游戏:(Restart Game: )大多数用户建议您关闭并重新启动Valorant游戏几次,然后检查错误是否仍然存在。执行给定的步骤以重新开始游戏。使用任务管理器(Task Manager)关闭游戏并结束其所有进程。阅读我们关于如何使用任务管理器结束任务(how to end tasks using Task Manager)的指南。
重新启动 PC:(Restart PC: )如果重新启动游戏对您不起作用,请尝试通过执行以下步骤重新启动您的 PC。
1. 单击开始(Start)设置中的电源图标。(Power icon)
2. 然后,如图所示选择重新启动(Restart)选项。
重启路由器:(Reboot Router: ) Valorant Val 43(Valorant Val 43)错误代码主要是由于连接问题。您的调制解调器或路由器也可能是错误背后的罪魁祸首。因此,重新启动您的路由器或调制解调器,看看您是否可以获得无缝的互联网连接。
1. 按一次ON/OFF 按钮关闭路由器。
2. 断开电源线(power cable )并等待电源完全耗尽。
检查 Valorant 游戏服务器状态:(Check Valorant Game Server Status: )有时由于Riot服务器故障而出现错误代码。您需要等到Riot或Valorant技术团队检查并解决这种情况。您可以参考Riot Games Twitter 支持(Riot Games Twitter Support)句柄或查看Riot Games 服务状态网站(Riot Games Service Status website)以获取有关服务器维护或停机时间和其他相关信息的进一步公告。
避免经常切换标签:(Avoid Switching Tabs Often: )如果您经常按Alt + Tab keys来切换 PC 上的窗口,那么您需要避免这种情况。Alt + Tab键进行多任务处理也可能是Valorant代码错误 43 背后的原因。如果您的游戏客户端没有进入主菜单并反复显示此错误代码,请停止切换选项卡。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Valorant 中对内存位置错误的无效访问
方法 1:运行兼容性疑难解答(Method 1: Run Compatibility Troubleshooter)
与连接相关的问题可能会在加载过程中停止Riot客户端应用程序。(Riot)如果Riot游戏程序未能在规定时间内启动,可能会出现错误代码Val 43。请按照以下步骤运行兼容性疑难解答以检查并解决此问题。
1. 同时按下Windows + E 键(keys)打开文件资源管理器(File Explorer)。
2. 导航到Riot Games的安装路径。(path)
注意:(Note:) E:\Valorant\Riot Games\Riot Client是用于插图的路径作为示例。请(Please)检查您的 C 盘中是否有Riot Game应用程序。
3. 找到RiotClientServices应用程序。
4. 右键单击 RiotClientService并选择故障排除兼容性(Troubleshoot compatibility)选项。
5. 疑难解答人员完成问题分析后,选择疑难解答程序(Troubleshoot Program)选项。
6. 选择您面临的问题,然后单击下一步(Next)。
7. 按照上一个窗口中选择的问题按照屏幕上的说明进行操作。
8. 完成后,重新启动(restart) 您的 PC(your PC)。
方法二:登录 Play Valorant 网站(Method 2: Log In to the Play Valorant Website)
值得一试并登录Riot Games创建的专用(Games)Valorant网站。对于许多在此错误代码中苦苦挣扎的用户来说,这种方法已经奏效。请按照以下步骤进行操作。
1.通过浏览器访问 Play Valorant 官方网站。(Play Valorant website)
2. 点击页面右上角的PLAY NOW红色按钮。(PLAY NOW)
3.在Get Setup to Play弹出窗口中选择SIGN IN选项。
5. 完成登录后,关闭浏览器。尝试启动游戏并检查错误是否已纠正。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 什么是 Valorant 笔记本电脑要求?(What are Valorant Laptop Requirements?)
方法 3:更新网络适配器驱动程序(Method 3: Update Network Adapter Driver)
网络适配器是连接到网络以访问 Internet 的硬件组件。如果它是过时的,它会影响计算机网络连接,从而影响到Valorant Val 43(Valorant Val 43)错误游戏的服务器连接。因此,更新您的网络驱动程序至关重要。阅读我们关于如何在 Windows 10 上更新网络适配器驱动程序(How to Update Network Adapter Drivers on Windows 10)的指南以执行相同操作。然后,启动游戏应用程序并检查是否可以在没有错误代码的情况下连接到服务器。
方法四:删除 Riot 客户端设置文件(Method 4: Delete Riot Client Setting file)
由于您的Windows 操作系统 AppData(Windows OS AppData)目录中存在Riot Client私有设置,可能会出现错误代码Val 43 。您需要找到并删除这种情况的文件才能解决问题。请按照下面提到的步骤进行操作。
1. 在Windows 搜索栏中键入(Windows search bar)%localappdata%并单击打开(Open)。
2. 然后,导航到路径:Riot Games > Riot Client > Data。
3. 右键单击 RiotClientPrivateSettings.yaml文件并选择删除(Delete)。
4. 关闭窗口。右键单击游戏图标(game icon)并选择以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator)。
方法 5:清除 DNS 缓存(Method 5: Clear DNS Cache)
DNS或域系统名称充当机器和人类之间的翻译器。它将您访问的网站或域名转换为IP地址,以使机器理解它。在使用Internet时,它经常会自动裁剪 IP 地址,从而增加其缓存。这些缓存限制了DNS加载,从而影响了Riot游戏。一旦这些缓存被清除,它就会删除旧的和过时的数据。阅读我们关于如何在 Windows 10 中刷新和重置 DNS 缓存(How to Flush and Reset DNS Cache in Windows 10)的指南以执行相同操作。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何下载 Hextech 修复工具(How to Download Hextech Repair Tool)
方法六:删除系统临时文件(Method 6: Delete Temporary Files of the System)
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key),键入%temp%并单击打开(Open)。
3. 现在,选择该位置的所有文件和文件夹(files and folders),然后右键单击屏幕(screen)。
4. 在这里,选择删除(Delete )选项以从系统中删除所有临时文件(temporary files)。
5.最后,重定向到回收站(Recycle Bin )并永久删除您现在删除的文件和文件夹。
方法七:开启 VGC 服务(Method 7: Turn On VGC Services)
Riot Games拥有自己的安全软件来保护其游戏的完整性。如果你没记错的话,你会知道在安装Riot启动器的同时,还安装了反作弊软件。这也称为Vanguard,负责运行软件。虽然此VGC服务已启用,但它在崩溃时会更改为停止模式。必须开始运行服务来修复Valorant 错误代码 Val 43(Valorant Error Code Val 43)问题,这里是如何做到的。
注意:(Note:)建议在执行下面给出的步骤之前通过任务管理器结束 Valorant 或 Riot 程序的任务。(End Task the Valorant or Riot programs via Task Manager)在这里,找到Valorant 和 Riot 应用程序(Valorant and Riot applications)并结束它们。
1. 同时按下Windows + R 键(keys)启动运行(Run)对话框。
3. 找到vgc并双击它以打开其属性(Properties)窗口。
4. 将启动类型(Startup type)更改为自动(Automatic)。
注意:(Note:)如果服务状态已停止,请单击“服务状态”部分下突出显示的“(Service status)开始(Start)”按钮以开始运行 vgc 服务。
5. 选择应用(Apply)并单击确定(OK)以保存在 vgc 属性中所做的更改。
6. 完成后,启动Valorant并查看错误代码是否消失。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复守望先锋 FPS 掉落问题(Fix Overwatch FPS Drops Issue)
方法八:开启先锋服务(Method 8: Enable Vanguard Service)
1. 同时按下Windows + R keys打开运行(Run) 对话框(dialog box)。
2. 键入msconfig并按Enter键。
3. 切换到服务(Services)选项卡。如图所示,找到并启用vgc复选框。
4. 选择应用(Apply),然后单击确定(OK)以保存所做的更改。
4.在System Configuration弹出窗口中选择Restart按钮以运行已启用的 vgc 服务。
5. 然后,重新启动Valorant 游戏(Valorant game),看看Valorant Val 43错误代码是否被删除。
方法 9:执行干净启动(Method 9: Perform Clean Boot)
干净启动背后的基本思想是确定是否有后台运行的应用程序对游戏造成干扰。此方法是一种故障排除技术,可帮助识别侵入 Valorant 游戏的程序。阅读我们关于如何在 Windows 10 中执行干净启动(How to Perform Clean Boot in Windows 10)的指南以执行相同的操作。确保重新启动 PC 以使更改生效。然后,启动 Valorant 游戏,看看您是否可以玩该游戏。
1. 同时按下Windows + I keys打开设置(Settings)。
2. 单击应用程序。(Apps.)
3. 向下滚动并选择Riot Vanguard。
4. 点击卸载(Uninstall)。
5. 再次单击弹出窗口中的卸载。(Uninstall)
6.在用户帐户控制(User Account Control )提示中单击是。(Yes)
7. 现在,单击是(Yes)确认卸载。
8. 同样,搜索Valorant并安装它。
9.在Windows 搜索栏中键入(Windows search bar)%localappdata%并打开本地(Local)文件夹。
10. 右键单击 Riot 游戏(Riot games)文件夹并选择删除(Delete)。
11. 同样,删除Valorant文件夹。
12. 再次,在Windows 搜索栏中键入(Windows search bar)%appdata%并打开它。
13. 如果您找到Riot 游戏(Riot games)和Valorant文件夹,请单击它们并删除它们。
14. 完成后,重新启动(restart)计算机。
15. 然后,再次安装游戏。阅读我们的指南,了解如何在 PC 上下载 Valorant。
另请阅读: (Also Read: )解决下雨风险的 8 种方法 2 多人游戏不起作用(8 Ways To Fix Risk of Rain 2 Multiplayer Not Working)
方法 11:联系 Valorant 支持(Method 11: Contact Valorant Support)
联系您的ISP或Internet 服务提供商(Internet Service Provider),告知他们您在连接Valorant游戏时遇到的困难。路由问题可能会影响您的网络并导致错误代码,这需要ISP的帮助。如果您的网络运行良好,您手头的最后一种方法是联系Riot 支持中心(Riot Support Center)。
1. 在您的网络浏览器中访问 Valorant 支持网页(Valorant Support webpage)。
2. 在这里, 从下拉菜单中选择一个请求类型。(CHOOSE A REQUEST TYPE)
3. 在给定的表格中输入所需的详细信息 。(Required details )
4. 最后,点击 提交(SUBMIT)。
我们希望这篇文章对您有所帮助。让我们知道哪种解决方案最适合您修复Windows 10中的(Windows 10)Valorant Val 43错误。请随时通过下面给出的评论部分提出您的疑问和建议。另外,让我们知道你接下来想学什么。
Fix Valorant Val 43 Error in Windows 10
Valorant is a popular сharacter-based first-person tactical shooter game. Though thеre have been imрrovements and uрdates since its release, bugs and error codes are inevitable in intensive graphics gamеs like Valorant. If you are an avid Valorant gamer, then the error codes оf the game сan annoy you to the maximum extent. They prevent you from accessing the game, and this article focuses on thе Valorant error code Val 43. It is one of the major еrrorѕ many Valorant users have faced in recent times. Thіs Valorant Val 43 error code appears when you are trying to connect the game servers or client. This error especially happens after downloading a patch for the game. Continue reading to resolve the issue.
How to Fix Valorant Val 43 Error in Windows 10
There could be various reasons for this error code to persist. To get an overall idea of what caused this error, check out the causes listed below.
- If the Riot Games announce server maintenance and downtime.
- Vanguard, the anti-cheat system of Riot Games, is disabled or stopped running, majorly impacting the game’s server connection.
- Presence of Riot Client game settings file in the AppData directory.
- Surging DNS or Domain System Name caches restricts the game server to launch.
- Third-party or other background applications can cause interference and thus prevent from connecting to the game.
- A faulty modem or router can affect loading the game server.
- Using Alt + Tab keys to switch between windows very often.
Now, you know the causes of the Valorant Val 43 error code. Start implementing the solution given below until you get a potential fix.
Basic Troubleshooting Steps
The first fundamental step to perform for any error you are struggling with should be restarting. This simpler way worked out for many gamers. Follow these steps to reboot your game and PC.
Restart Game: Most users advise you to close and restart your Valorant game a few times and check if the error persists. Implement the given steps to restart the game. Close the game and end all its processes using Task Manager. Read our guide on how to end tasks using Task Manager.
Restart PC: If restarting the game did not work for you, try rebooting your PC once by implementing the steps below.
1. Click on the Power icon from the Start settings.
2. Then, select the Restart option as shown.
3. Wait till the system gets restarted.
Reboot Router: The Valorant Val 43 error code is mainly due to a connectivity issue. It is also possible that your modem or router is the culprit behind the error. Therefore, restart your router or modem and see if you can get a seamless internet connection.
1. Press the ON/OFF button once to turn OFF your router.
2. Disconnect the power cable and wait until the power is entirely drained.
3. Wait for a minute until the network connection is re-established.
Check Valorant Game Server Status: Sometimes the error code appears because of the Riot server breakdown. You need to wait until the Riot or Valorant tech team checks and resolves it for such a scenario. You can refer to Riot Games Twitter Support handle or check the Riot Games Service Status website for further announcements regarding the server maintenance or downtime and other relevant information.
Avoid Switching Tabs Often: If you are pressing the Alt + Tab keys often to switch windows on your PC, then this is something you need to avoid. Multitasking with Alt + Tab keys could also be the reason behind the Valorant code error 43. If your game client does not go to the main menu and repeatedly shows you this error code, stop switching tabs.
Also Read: Fix Invalid Access to Memory Location Error in Valorant
Method 1: Run Compatibility Troubleshooter
The connectivity-related problems can stall the Riot client application in the loading process. If the Riot game program fails to launch in the stipulated time, the error code Val 43 could occur. Follow the below steps to run the compatibility troubleshooter to check and fix this issue.
1. Press Windows + E keys together to open File Explorer.
2. Navigate to the path where your Riot Games is installed.
Note: E:\Valorant\Riot Games\Riot Client is the path used for illustrations as an example. Please check your C drive for the Riot Game application.
3. Locate the RiotClientServices application.
4. Right-click on RiotClientService and select the Troubleshoot compatibility option.
5. Once the troubleshooter completes analyzing the issue, select the Troubleshoot Program option.
6. Select the problem you are facing and click Next.
7. Follow the on-screen instructions as per the issue selected in the previous window.
8. Once done, restart your PC.
Method 2: Log In to the Play Valorant Website
It is worth a shot to try and log in to the devoted Valorant website created by Riot Games. This way has worked out for many users struggling with this error code. Follow the steps given below to do it.
1. Go to the official Play Valorant website via a browser.
2. Click on the PLAY NOW red button present at the top right corner of the page.
3. Select the SIGN IN option on the Get Setup to Play pop-up.
4. Fill up your credentials on the Sign-in page.
5. Once you are done signing in, close the browser. Try launching the game and check if the error is rectified.
Also Read: What are Valorant Laptop Requirements?
Method 3: Update Network Adapter Driver
The network adapter is a hardware component that connects to a network for internet access. If it is outdated, it impacts the computer network connection, which affects the server connection to the game of Valorant Val 43 error. So, it is essential to update your network driver. Read our guide on How to Update Network Adapter Drivers on Windows 10 to do the same. Then, launch the game application and check if you can connect to the server without the error code.
Method 4: Delete Riot Client Setting file
The error code Val 43 may occur due to the presence of Riot Client private settings in your Windows OS AppData directory. You need to locate and delete the file for such a condition to resolve the issue. Follow the steps mentioned below to do it.
1. Type %localappdata% in the Windows search bar and click Open.
2. Then, navigate to the path: Riot Games > Riot Client > Data.
3. Right-click the RiotClientPrivateSettings.yaml file and select Delete.
4. Close the window. Right-click on the game icon and select Run as administrator.
Method 5: Clear DNS Cache
DNS or domain system name acts as a translator between machine and human. It turns the website or domain name you visit into an IP address to make the machine understand it. While using the Internet, it often crops the IP addresses automatically, increasing its cache. These caches restrict the DNS loading, which thus impacts the Riot games. Once these caches are cleared, it removes the old and outdated data. Read our guide on How to Flush and Reset DNS Cache in Windows 10 to do the same.
Also Read: How to Download Hextech Repair Tool
Method 6: Delete Temporary Files of the System
If the issue persists after clearing the DNS cache, you can sort out this error by removing the temporary files in your system. Then, follow the instructions to implement the same.
1. Press the Windows key, type %temp% and click on Open.
3. Now, select all the files and folders in the location and right-click on the screen.
4. Here, select the Delete option to remove all the temporary files from the system.
5. Finally, redirect to the Recycle Bin and permanently delete the files and folders you have deleted now.
Method 7: Turn On VGC Services
Riot Games have their own security software to protect the integrity of their games. If you remember correctly, you will know that while installing the Riot launcher, anti-cheat software also got installed alongside. This is also known as Vanguard, responsible for running the software. Though this VGC service is enabled, it changes to the stopped mode when it crashes. It is imperative to start running the service to fix the Valorant Error Code Val 43 issue, and here is how to do it.
Note: It is recommended to End Task the Valorant or Riot programs via Task Manager before implementing the steps given below. Here, locate Valorant and Riot applications and end them.
1. Press Windows + R keys together to launch the Run dialog box.
2. Type services.msc and hit Enter.
3. Locate vgc and double-click it to open its Properties window.
4. Change the Startup type to Automatic.
Note: If the service status is stopped, click the Start button highlighted under the Service status section to start running the vgc service.
5. Select Apply and click OK to save the changes made in vgc properties.
6. Once done, launch Valorant and see if the error code has vanished.
Also Read: Fix Overwatch FPS Drops Issue
Method 8: Enable Vanguard Service
The anti-cheat system installed alongside the Riot games launcher is software that detects if any cheats are happening in the Valorant game. If the software finds anything unusual, it does not load the game. Therefore, follow the below steps to check and enable Vanguard, which is mandatory to play Valorant.
1. Press Windows + R keys together to open the Run dialog box.
2. Type msconfig and hit the Enter Key.
3. Switch to the Services tab. Locate and enable the vgc check box as shown.
4. Select Apply and then click OK to save the made changes.
4. Select the Restart button on the System Configuration pop-up to run the enabled vgc service.
5. Then, relaunch the Valorant game and see if Valorant Val 43 error code is removed.
Method 9: Perform Clean Boot
The basic idea behind clean boot is to determine whether any background applications running behind are causing interference to a game. This method is a troubleshooting technique that helps identify the programs trespassing the Valorant game. Read our guide on How to Perform Clean Boot in Windows 10 to do the same. Ensure you restart your PC for changes to be effective. Then, launch the Valorant game and see if you can play the game.
Method 10: Reinstall Vanguard
If none of the solutions above helped you, the final way is to reinstall the application. Follow the instructions closely to do it.
1. Press Windows + I keys together to open Settings.
2. Click Apps.
3. Scroll down and select Riot Vanguard.
4. Click Uninstall.
5. Again, click Uninstall in the pop-up.
6. Click Yes in the User Account Control prompt.
7. Now, click Yes to confirm the uninstallation.
8. Similarly, search for Valorant and install it.
9. Type %localappdata% in the Windows search bar and open the Local folder.
10. Right-click the Riot games folder and select Delete.
11. Similarly, delete the Valorant folder.
12. Again, type %appdata% in the Windows search bar and open it.
13. If you find Riot games and Valorant folders, click on them and delete them.
14. Once done, restart your computer.
15. Then, install the game again. Read our guide on how to download Valorant on PC.
Also Read: 8 Ways To Fix Risk of Rain 2 Multiplayer Not Working
Method 11: Contact Valorant Support
Contact your ISP or Internet Service Provider and inform them about your struggles with connecting to the Valorant game. Routing issues can impact your network and lead to an error code, which requires ISP assistance. If your network is working perfectly fine, the last way you have at hand is to contact the Riot Support Center.
1. Go to the Valorant Support webpage in your web browser.
2. Here, CHOOSE A REQUEST TYPE from the drop-down menu.
3. Enter the Required details in the form given.
4. Finally, click on SUBMIT.
We hope that this article was helpful. Let us know which solution worked the best for you to fix Valorant Val 43 error in Windows 10. Please feel free to drop your queries and suggestions via the comment section given below. Also, let us know what you want to learn next.