谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)是一种流行的网络浏览器,可以通过各种操作系统自由访问。谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)使其脱颖而出的众所周知的属性是其令人难以置信的速度和搜索结果、隐身浏览、动态视图标签、书签同步、用于检查Windows用户浏览器使用情况的特殊任务管理器等。但少数用户有在Chrome上建立安全连接时遇到了各种问题。如果您遇到同样的问题,请阅读本文以解决Chrome无法建立安全连接的问题。
在 Chrome 上建立安全连接的 12 种方法(12 Ways for Establishing Secure Connection on Chrome)
拥有如此多可访问和方便的功能,它肯定会成为用户的首选,并且可以作为默认浏览器使用。由于(Due)用户对浏览器的依恋,他们倾向于解决任何错误弹出窗口并找到解决方案,而不是跳到新的浏览器。好!Chrome在吸引用户方面表现出色。 以下是(Below)Google Chrome连接变得不安全的一些原因。
- 如果Cryptographic 服务出现故障或停止(Cryptographic service has malfunctioned or stopped),您可能会遇到此连接错误。
- 有问题的扩展或附加组件(problematic extension or add-on)也可能导致此错误。
- 有时,防病毒软件可能会延长检查安全性的时间并限制您(antivirus software might prolong the time to check the security and restrict you) 访问该页面(from visiting the page)。
- 某些网页或网站可能与 TLS 1.3 标志不兼容,( webpages or websites might not be compatible with TLS 1.3 flags)从而导致此问题。
- 可能还有其他原因,例如错误配置的 Internet 设置、损坏的 Winsock 配置、代理或 VPN、过时的 Chrome 版本以及加载或损坏的浏览数据(misconfigured Internet settings, corrupt Winsock configuration, proxy or VPN, outdated Chrome version, and loaded or corrupt browsing data)。
方法一:清除浏览器数据(Method 1: Clear Browser Data)
缓存、cookie 和历史文件等浏览数据的异常聚合使用了不必要的Internet资源。当用户尝试连接到安全网站时,这会减慢网络连接速度。因此,请执行以下说明并删除浏览数据以消除此错误。阅读我们关于如何在 Google Chrome 中清除缓存和 Cookie(How to Clear Cache & Cookies in Google Chrome)的指南并清除浏览数据。
方法二:更新 Chrome(Method 2: Update Chrome)
过时的浏览器可能不支持临时版本的网页,从而阻止您访问这些页面。要修复错误和问题,您必须将Google Chrome更新到最新版本。请按照以下步骤操作。
1. 按Windows 键(key),键入Chrome并单击打开(Open)。
2.在地址栏中输入(address bar )chrome://settings/help直接启动关于 Chrome(About Chrome)页面。
3A。如果谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)更新到最新版本,它会显示Chrome 是最新的(Chrome is up to date)。
3B。如果有新的更新可用,浏览器会自动将浏览器更新到最新版本。单击(Click) 重新启动(Relaunch)以重新启动浏览器。
4. 最后,使用最新版本重新启动浏览器。(relaunch)
另请阅读: (Also Read: )修复 ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT Chrome 错误(Fix ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT Chrome error)
方法 3:禁用 Chrome 标志(如果适用)(Method 3: Disable Chrome Flags (If Applicable))
选项 I:禁用 TLS 1.3(Option I: Disable TLS 1.3)
TLS或传输层安全(Transport Layer Security)是负责连接用户计算机和网站之间通信的通道。TLS 1.3是带有增强安全属性的高级版本。只需更改Chrome设置中的一些选项,即可尝试使用旧版本的TLS 。以下是如何禁用TLS1.3以建立与(TLS1.3)Chrome的安全连接。
1. 打开谷歌浏览(Google Chrome)器。
3. 选择可用(Available)选项卡。
4.在搜索栏中输入 TLS 并为(TLS)TLS-related flags选择(TLS-related flags)Disable选项。
5. 单击底部的重新启动按钮。(Relaunch)
选项二:禁用油门标志(Option II: Disable Throttle Flag)
此标志可帮助您将打开的Chrome选项卡限制或控制到最多 1% 的CPU资源。当页面处于非活动状态超过 5 分钟时会发生这种情况。但有时,此标志也可能导致连接问题。按照下面给出的步骤禁用油门标志。
1. 按照选项I中的(Option I)步骤 1-3(Steps 1–3)转到Chrome 标志(Chrome Flags)页面。
2.在搜索栏中(search bar)输入throttle并禁用(disable)Throttle Expensive Background Timers标志。
3. 单击底部的重新启动按钮。(Relaunch)
方法 4:禁用有问题的扩展(如果适用)(Method 4: Disable Problematic Extensions (If Applicable))
如果您最近在Chrome中添加了新扩展程序,则可能会引起安全问题。因此,请按照以下步骤检查任何可疑的加载项并删除它们。如果安装的扩展对您没有帮助,请不要担心。通过禁用并重新启用Google Meet Grid View 扩展(Google Meet Grid View extension)来尝试一次。为此,请按照说明进行操作。
1.如前所述启动Google Chrome 浏览器应用程序。(Google Chrome browser)
2.在Chrome 网址栏中输入(Chrome web address column)chrome://extensions并按Enter。
3. 在Extensions页面上,找到Google Meet Grid View插件。然后,如图所示关闭(turn off)切换开关。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) Fix Google Chrome error He’s Dead, Jim!
方法 5:关闭硬件加速(如果适用)(Method 5: Turn Off Hardware Acceleration (If Applicable))
1. 打开谷歌Chrome(Google Chrome )浏览器,点击页面右上角垂直的三点图标。(vertical three dots icon)
2. 然后,单击设置(Settings )选项。
3. 在左窗格中,展开高级(Advanced)选项卡。
4.通过单击选择系统选项。(System )
5.关闭(Turn off)可用时使用硬件加速(Use hardware acceleration when available )设置的切换。
6. 单击重新启动(Relaunch)。
方法 6:执行网络重置(Method 6: Perform Network Reset)
如果由于技术故障而受到影响,系统的网络组件可能会给您带来麻烦,尤其是您的Chrome 。因此,值得努力尝试并重置您的网络,这反过来又会删除任何触发错误的错误。您可以通过Windows设置或命令提示符重置(Command Prompt)Internet设置。要执行网络重置,请阅读我们关于如何在 Windows 10 上重置网络设置(How to Reset Network Settings on Windows 10)的指南。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何修复 Chromebook 中的 DHCP 查找失败错误(How to Fix DHCP Lookup Failed Error in Chromebook)
方法 7:在 Services 中重启 Cryptographic Services 和 DNS Client(Method 7: Restart Cryptographic Services and DNS Client in Services)
Function Discovery Provider Host和Function Discovery Resource Publication等加密服务负责正确运行文件共享功能。在这种情况下,必须启动和运行这些服务。为此,请执行以下步骤以在Google Chrome上建立安全连接。
1. 同时按下Windows + R 键(keys)并启动运行(Run )对话框。
2.输入services.msc并按Enter 键(Enter key )启动“服务( Services )”窗口。
3. 在服务(Services)窗口中,找到加密服务(Cryptographic Services)。右键单击(Right-click)它并选择Properties。
4. 在属性(Properties)选项卡上,将启动类型(Startup type)设置为自动(Automatic)。然后,单击确定(OK)以保存更改。
注意:(Note:)如果服务状态(Service status)为正在运行(Running),请单击停止(Stop)以结束服务。然后,单击开始(Start)重新启动。
5. 重复上述所有步骤并重新启动DNS 客户端服务(DNS Client Services)。
方法 8:刷新 DNS 缓存
DNS或域系统名称充当机器和人类之间的翻译器。它将您访问的网站名称或域名(例如转换为 IP 地址,以使机器能够理解它。使用Internet通常会自动堆积 IP 地址,从而增加它们的缓存。这些缓存会限制DNS加载,从而影响Chrome浏览器。清除这些缓存后,它会删除导致连接问题的旧数据和过时数据。阅读我们关于如何在 Windows 10 中刷新和重置 DNS 缓存(How to Flush and Reset DNS Cache in Windows 10)的指南以执行相同操作。
方法 9:停用代理或 VPN(Method 9: Deactivate Proxy or VPN)
VPN或虚拟专用网络是一种提供在线隐私的技术,其加密使用户能够保护他们在Internet上接收或发送的所有数据。这些VPN服务或代理可能会在(VPN)Chrome浏览器中造成冲突气氛。因此(Hence),您需要暂时禁用它以解决建立安全连接问题的错误。阅读我们关于如何在 Windows 10 上禁用 VPN 和代理(How to Disable VPN and Proxy on Windows 10)的指南以执行相同操作。
关闭VPN或代理后,打开游戏启动器,查看是否可以完成游戏更新并进行游戏。如果问题得到解决,您可以设置它并(set it up and enable VPN)再次启用 VPN。
方法 10:修改 Internet 设置(Method 10: Modify Internet Settings)
对您的 Internet 属性进行一些小改动可以解决建立安全连接问题的错误。为此,请按照以下步骤操作。
1. 按Windows 键(key)。键入控制面板(Control Panel)并打开它。
2. 将查看方式(View by)设置为类别(Category)。点击网络和互联网(Network and Internet)。
3. 单击突出显示的Internet 选项。(Internet Options )
4. 切换到连接(Connections)选项卡。单击局域网(LAN) 设置(Local Area Network (LAN) Settings)部分下的LAN 设置(LAN settings)按钮。
5. 确保禁用所有复选框。然后,单击确定(OK)以保存所做的更改。
6.重启Chrome应用(Chrome application),检查chrome无法建立安全连接的错误是否解决。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 什么是 Google Chrome 提升服务(What is Google Chrome Elevation Service)
方法11:修改组策略(Method 11: Modify Group Policy)
此方法适用于使用 Windows 10专业版(Pro)或任何其他企业(Enterprise)版的用户。许多用户报告说,在对本地组策略编辑器属性进行某些更改后,浏览器再次开始正常工作。按照步骤进行必要的修改。
注意:(Note:)仅当您使用Windows 10 专业版、企业版和教育版(Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise, and Education editions)时才能访问组策略编辑器(Group Policy Editor)。
1. 同时按下Windows + R keys并启动运行(Run) 对话框(dialog) 。(box)
2. 键入gpedit.msc并按Enter打开组策略编辑器(Group Policy Editor )窗口。
3. 在本地组策略编辑器(Local Group Policy Editor)窗口中,导航到左侧窗格中的Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Public Key Policies
4. 双击Public Key Policies文件夹下的Certificate Path Validation Settings文件。
5. 在商店(Stores)选项卡上,选中定义这些策略设置(Define these policy settings)框并取消选中允许用户信任的根 CA 用于验证证书(推荐)(Allow user trusted root CAs to be used to validate certificates (recommended))框。
6. 现在,单击应用(Apply)并选择确定(OK)以保存所做的更改。
方法 12:禁用防病毒 SSL 加密(不推荐)(Method 12: Disable Antivirus SSL Encryption (Not Recommended))
当使用SSL(SSL)扫描在您的计算机上安装第三方防病毒应用程序时,此属性可能会造成冲突气氛,尤其是Windows 10中的(Windows 10)CryptSVC服务。因此,请按照以下说明在防病毒网络设置中禁用SSL加密,以便在(SSL)Chrome上建立安全连接。
注意:在(Note:)McAfee 防病毒(McAfee antivirus)软件中遵循以下步骤。不同的防病毒软件的过程和步骤会有所不同。
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key),键入McAfee,然后按Enter 键(Enter key)。
2. 单击左上角的三个水平线。(three horizontal lines)
3. 点击我的保护(My Protection)。
4. 点击防火墙(Firewall)。
5. 向下滚动并单击Net Guard。
6. 取消选中打开网络防护(推荐)(Turn on Net Guard (Recommended))选项。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Chrome 无法连接到 Internet(Fix Chrome not Connecting to the Internet)
专业提示:如何删除已保存的书签(Pro Tip: How to Delete Saved Bookmarks)
1.从Windows Search启动Chrome浏览器。
2. 右键单击书签选项卡上(bookmarks)不需要(unwanted bookmark)的书签。
3. 单击删除(Delete)选项。
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够找到在Chrome中(Chrome)建立安全连接(establishing secure connection)的解决方案。请(Feel)随时通过下面的评论部分与我们联系,提出您的疑问和建议。另外,让我们知道你接下来想学什么。
12 Ways for Establishing Secure Connection on Chrome
Google Chrome is a popular web browser thаt can be accessed freelу via various operating sуstems. The well-known attributes of Google Chrome that make it stand out are its incredible speed and search results, incognito browsing, dynamic view tabs, boоkmarks synchronization, special task manаger to check the browser consumption for Windows userѕ, etc. But а few users have fаced various issues in establishing sеcurе conneсtion on Chrome. If you face the same, read this article to resolve that Chrome cannot establish secure cоnnection issue.
12 Ways for Establishing Secure Connection on Chrome
With so many accessible and handy features, it surely stays on top of users’ minds and works around as the default browser. Due to the user’s attachment with the browser, they tend to work out and find solutions to any error popups rather than skipping to a new browser. Well! Chrome played very well in captivating the users. Below are some reasons why Google Chrome connection gets insecure.
- If the Cryptographic service has malfunctioned or stopped, you might face this connection error.
- A problematic extension or add-on might also cause this error.
- Sometimes, antivirus software might prolong the time to check the security and restrict you from visiting the page.
- Some webpages or websites might not be compatible with TLS 1.3 flags and thus causing this issue.
- There might be other reasons, such as misconfigured Internet settings, corrupt Winsock configuration, proxy or VPN, outdated Chrome version, and loaded or corrupt browsing data.
Method 1: Clear Browser Data
Abnormal aggregation of browsing data such as caches, cookies, and history files uses an unnecessary amount of Internet resources. This slows down network connectivity when users try to connect to a secure website. Thus, implement the instructions below and delete the browsing data to get rid of this error. Read our guide on How to Clear Cache & Cookies in Google Chrome and clear the browsing data.
Wait till the unwanted data gets removed. Once done, close the Chrome application. Relaunch it and check if you can establish a secure connection.
Method 2: Update Chrome
Outdated browsers might not support improvised versions of webpages and thus prevent you from visiting those pages. To fix the bugs and problems, you have to update Google Chrome to the latest version. Follow the below steps.
1. Press the Windows key, type Chrome and click on Open.
2. Type chrome://settings/help in the address bar to directly launch the About Chrome page.
3A. If Google Chrome is updated to its latest version, it will show Chrome is up to date.
3B. If a new update is available, the browser will automatically update the browser to the latest version. Click Relaunch to restart the browser.
4. Finally, relaunch the browser with its latest version.
Also Read: Fix ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT Chrome error
Method 3: Disable Chrome Flags (If Applicable)
Sometimes, enabled Chrome flags might also cause issues when connecting to a webpage. Disable either one of the flags or both to resolve the issue.
Note: If you are unable to find these flags on your device, never worry. Proceed with the other methods.
Option I: Disable TLS 1.3
TLS or Transport Layer Security is the channel responsible for connecting communication between a user’s computer and a website. TLS 1.3 is the advanced version that comes with enhanced security attributes. Try once with the older version of TLS by simply altering a few options in Chrome settings. Here is how to disable TLS1.3 for establishing secure connection to Chrome.
1. Open the Google Chrome browser.
2. Type Chrome://flags on the browser page and hit Enter.
3. Select the Available tab.
4. Type TLS in the search bar and select the Disable option for TLS-related flags.
5. Click on the Relaunch button at the bottom.
Option II: Disable Throttle Flag
This flag helps you to throttle or control the open Chrome tab to a maximum of 1% CPU resources. This happens when the page is inactive for more than 5 minutes. But sometimes, this flag might also cause connection issues. Follow the steps given below to disable the throttle flag.
1. Follow Steps 1–3 in Option I to go to the Chrome Flags page.
2. Type throttle in the search bar and disable the Throttle Expensive Background Timers flag.
3. Click on the Relaunch button at the bottom.
Method 4: Disable Problematic Extensions (If Applicable)
If you have recently added a new extension to your Chrome, it might have caused security concerns. Therefore, check for any suspicious add-ons and remove them by following the below steps. If the installed extension did not help you, then do not worry. Try once by disabling and re-enabling the Google Meet Grid View extension. To do so, follow the instructions.
1. Launch the Google Chrome browser application as done earlier.
2. Type chrome://extensions in the Chrome web address column and hit Enter.
3. On the Extensions page, locate the Google Meet Grid View add-on. Then, turn off the toggle as shown.
Also Read: Fix Google Chrome error He’s Dead, Jim!
Method 5: Turn Off Hardware Acceleration (If Applicable)
This method can be considered as bypassing the DMR of Netflix to allow streaming to your audience. Follow the steps mentioned under this method to turn off Hardware acceleration.
1. Open the Google Chrome browser and click on the vertical three dots icon at the top right corner of the page.
2. Then, click on the Settings option.
3. In the left pane, expand the Advanced tab.
4. Select the System option by clicking on it.
5. Turn off the toggle for the Use hardware acceleration when available setting.
6. Click on Relaunch.
Method 6: Perform Network Reset
The network components of your system can cause trouble and give you a hard time, especially your Chrome, if affected due to technical glitches. Therefore, it is worth an effort to try and reset your network, which in turn removes any bugs that are triggering the error. You can either reset Internet settings through Windows settings or Command Prompt. To perform a network reset, read our guide on How to Reset Network Settings on Windows 10.
Now, wait till the process gets completed and restart your system. Once done, launch Chrome and check if the issue still prevails.
Also Read: How to Fix DHCP Lookup Failed Error in Chromebook
Method 7: Restart Cryptographic Services and DNS Client in Services
The cryptographic services such as Function Discovery Provider Host and Function Discovery Resource Publication are responsible for running file sharing features properly. In this case, it is imperative to boot and run these services. To do so, implement the steps given below for establishing secure connection on Google Chrome.
1. Press Windows + R keys together and launch the Run dialog box.
2. Type services.msc and hit Enter key to launch the Services window.
3. On the Services window, locate Cryptographic Services. Right-click on it and select Properties.
4. On the Properties tab, set Startup type as Automatic. Then, click OK to save the changes.
Note: If the Service status is Running, click Stop to end the service. Then, click on Start to restart.
5. Repeat all the steps mentioned above and restart the DNS Client Services.
Method 8: Flush DNS Cache
DNS or domain system name acts as a translator between machine and human. It turns the website name or the domain name you visit, for example,, into an IP address to make the machine understand it. Using the Internet often automatically piles up the IP addresses, increasing their cache. These caches restrict the DNS loading, which thus impacts the Chrome browser. Once these caches are cleared, it removes the old and outdated data causing connectivity issues. Read our guide on How to Flush and Reset DNS Cache in Windows 10 to do the same.
Method 9: Deactivate Proxy or VPN
A VPN or virtual private network is a technology that offers privacy online, where its encryption enables users to secure all the data they receive or send on the Internet. These VPN services or proxies may create a conflict atmosphere in the Chrome browser. Hence, you need to disable it for the time being to resolve the error establishing secure connection problem. Read our guide on How to Disable VPN and Proxy on Windows 10 to do the same.
Once VPN or proxy is turned off, open the game launcher and see if you can complete the game update and play it. If the issue is resolved, you could set it up and enable VPN again.
Method 10: Modify Internet Settings
Some little alterations to your internet properties can fix the error establishing secure connection issue. To do so, follow the steps given below.
1. Hit the Windows key. Type Control Panel and open it.
2. Set View by as Category. Click on Network and Internet.
3. Click on Internet Options as highlighted.
4. Switch to the Connections tab. Click on the LAN settings button under the Local Area Network (LAN) Settings section.
5. Ensure all checkbox is disabled. Then, click on OK to save the changes made.
6. Restart the Chrome application and check if the error chrome cannot establish secure connection is resolved.
Also Read: What is Google Chrome Elevation Service
Method 11: Modify Group Policy
This method is for users who use Windows 10 Pro or any other Enterprise edition. Many users reported that the browser started working fine again after doing certain changes to local group policy editor properties. Follow the steps to make the necessary modification.
Note: You can access Group Policy Editor only if you use Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise, and Education editions.
1. Press Windows + R keys together and launch the Run dialog box.
2. Type gpedit.msc on the and hit Enter to open the Group Policy Editor window.
3. On the Local Group Policy Editor window, navigate to the Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Public Key Policies folder on the left pane.
4. Double-click the Certificate Path Validation Settings file under the Public Key Policies folder.
5. On the Stores tab, check the Define these policy settings box and uncheck the Allow user trusted root CAs to be used to validate certificates (recommended) box.
6. Now, click on Apply and select OK to save the changes made.
Method 12: Disable Antivirus SSL Encryption (Not Recommended)
When a third-party antivirus application is installed on your computer with SSL scanning, this attribute might create a conflict atmosphere, especially with CryptSVC service in Windows 10. Thus, follow the instructions below and disable SSL encryption on the antivirus network settings for establishing secure connection on Chrome.
Note: The below steps are followed in the McAfee antivirus software. The procedure and steps vary for different antivirus software.
1. Press the Windows key, type McAfee and hit the Enter key.
2. Click on the three horizontal lines at the top left corner.
3. Click on My Protection.
4. Click on Firewall.
5. Scroll down and click on Net Guard.
6. Uncheck the option Turn on Net Guard (Recommended).
Also Read: Fix Chrome not Connecting to the Internet
Pro Tip: How to Delete Saved Bookmarks
Also, you can try deleting saved bookmarks to avoid this issue in the future. Follow the below steps.
1. Launch Chrome browser from Windows Search.
2. Right-click on the unwanted bookmark on the bookmarks tab.
3. Click on the Delete option.
We hope this guide was helpful and you were able to find a solution for establishing secure connection in Chrome. Feel free to reach out to us with your queries and suggestions via the comments section below. Also, let us know what you want to learn next.