各种因素会影响计算机的性能,并可能导致运行缓慢的问题。您是否在思考为什么我的 Windows 10 电脑这么慢?为什么我的电脑卡顿了?如何解决PC上的延迟?(Why is my Windows 10 computer so slow? Why is my computer lagging? How to fix lag on PC? )不用担心,请阅读本文,因为我们已经解释了这些问题的可能原因和解决方法。
多个后台应用程序(Multiple Background Applications):如果您在后台运行的应用程序太多,您将在Windows 10 PC上遇到计算机滞后问题。
旧硬盘驱动器:硬盘驱动器(Old Hard Drive:)的使用寿命有限,因此计算机的速度也逐渐降低。
内存空间不足:(Insufficient memory space: )清理所有临时文件和残留文件以释放一些内存空间并加快系统速度。
过多的浏览器扩展和附加组件:(Excessive browser extensions and add-ons: )这些也可能会增加计算机滞后问题。此外,浏览器中打开的选项卡过多会导致 PC 无缘无故出现延迟问题。
视频和音乐流媒体应用程序:(Video and music streaming apps: )它们可能会降低系统性能。
防病毒扫描(Anti-virus scans):在后台运行的扫描会使您的系统相对较慢。根据您的方便禁用自动防病毒扫描程序或安排扫描。
存在(Presence of) 病毒、恶意软件、间谍软件:(virus, malware, spyware: )也可能导致 PC 速度变慢。
过时的 Windows:(Outdated Windows:)旧版本的Windows 操作系统(Windows Operating System)会使您的系统变慢。同样,避免使用过时的驱动程序和应用程序来修复计算机滞后的Windows 10问题。
多尘的环境(Dusty Environment )也可能导致系统性能下降,因为灰尘的堆积会阻碍计算机的通风。这也可能导致过度过热和损坏设计组件。
启用低功耗模式(Low power mode enabled):在这种情况下,您的系统显然会运行缓慢,以最大限度地减少资源消耗。
旧电脑(Old computer) 或硬件组件:(or hardware components:)如果硬盘驱动器、内存(RAM)、主板和风扇损坏,您将面临Windows 10中的计算机滞后问题。升级您的系统并检查组件故障以解决计算机滞后问题。

如何修复(How to Fix )Windows 10(Windows 10 C)计算机如此缓慢的问题
(omputer So Slow Problem
方法 1:重新启动 Windows PC
(Method 1: Restart your Windows PC
1. 导航到 开始菜单(Start menu)。
2. 现在,单击电源图标。(Power icon.)
注意:在(Note:)Windows 10系统中位于底部,在Windows 8(Windows 8)系统中位于顶部。
3. 会显示休眠、关机、重启等几个选项。在这里,单击Restart,如图所示。

方法 2:关闭不需要的后台应用程序(Method 2: Close Unwanted Background Applications)
当后台运行的应用程序过多时, CPU和内存的使用会增加,从而影响系统的性能。(CPU)通过关闭后台任务,你可以回答为什么你的 Windows 10 电脑查询这么慢。请按照以下步骤执行此操作:
1.右键单击任务栏中的空白区域,然后(Taskbar )单击任务管理器,启动任务管理器(Task Manager),(Task Manager )如图所示。

2. 从进程( Processes)选项卡中搜索并选择那些不必要地运行的任务。(tasks)
注意:(Note:) 避免(Avoid)选择第三方程序以及Windows和Microsoft服务。

3. 最后,选择结束任务(End Task)并重新启动系统(reboot the system)。
检查Windows 10计算机是否如此缓慢的问题仍然存在。如果是,请转到下一个方法。
方法 3:执行硬盘检查(Method 3: Perform Hard Drive Check)
运行硬盘检查并修复存在的任何问题。请按照以下步骤修复计算机滞后的Windows 10问题:
1. 双击桌面上的(Desktop)这台电脑(This PC)图标。
2. 右键单击您的硬盘并选择Properties,如图所示。

3. 切换到“属性”窗口中的“工具”选项卡。(Tools)
4. 点击检查(Check),如下图所示。

5. 选择扫描驱动器(Scan drive)以查找错误。

现在,Windows 将运行扫描并修复发现的任何错误。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) Mac Fusion Drive Vs SSD Vs Hard Drive
方法 4:关闭选项卡并禁用扩展(Method 4: Close Tabs and Disable Extensions)
禁用 Web 浏览器上的所有扩展程序和附加组件,并检查这是否可以回答您的计算机滞后的问题。当打开太多标签时,浏览器加载速度和计算机运行速度会变得很慢。在这种情况下,您的系统将无法正常运行,并会触发Windows 10计算机无故滞后的问题。因此(Hence),请关闭所有不必要的选项卡和/或禁用扩展来解决此问题。
注意:(Note:)我们提供了从Google Chrome中删除扩展程序的说明。您可以使用类似的步骤在不同的 Web 浏览器上执行相同的操作。
1. 启动谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome )并点击右上角的三点图标(three-dotted icon )。
2. 在这里,选择更多工具(More tools )选项,如突出显示的那样。

3. 点击扩展(Extensions),如图所示。

4. 最后,关闭(turn off )您要禁用的扩展程序。

5.关闭额外的标签(Close extra tabs too)。刷新浏览器并验证Windows 10计算机滞后问题是否已修复。
方法 5:通过谷歌浏览器卸载有害程序(Method 5: Uninstall Harmful Programs via Google Chrome)
设备中很少有不兼容的程序会使您的 PC 变慢。以下是通过从系统中完全删除它们来修复 PC 上的延迟的方法,如下所示:
1. 启动Chrome并单击三点(three-dotted )图标。
2. 现在,选择设置(Settings)。

3. 单击左侧窗格中的高级(Advanced )设置,然后选择重置并清理。(Reset and clean up.)
4. 选择清理计算机(Clean-up computer )选项,如下图所示。

5. 在这里,单击查找(Find )以使Chrome能够在您的计算机上查找有害软件并将其删除。

6.等待该过程完成并删除(Remove )谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)检测到的有害程序。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何修复 Chromebook 中的 DHCP 查找失败错误(How to Fix DHCP Lookup Failed Error in Chromebook)
方法 6:通过清除文件释放磁盘空间
(Method 6: Free up Disk Space by Clearing Out Files
方法 6A:手动清理(Method 6A: Manual Clean-up)
1. 导航到开始菜单(Start menu)并输入%temp%。
2. 单击打开(Open)导航到Temp文件夹。

3.选择所有(Select all)文件和文件夹,右键单击,然后单击删除。 (Delete. )

4. 最后,重定向到回收站(Recycle Bin)并重复步骤 3 和 4(repeat Steps 3& 4)以永久删除这些文件和文件夹。
方法 6B:系统清理(Method 6B: Systematic Clean-up)
1.在Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中键入Disk Cleanup并从此处打开它。(Disk Cleanup)

2. 选择您要执行清理的驱动器(Drive)(例如,C),然后单击确定(OK)。

3. 选中标记为Temporary Internet Files的框,然后单击Clean up system files。

方法 6C:删除 Windows 旧文件(Method 6C: Delete Windows Old Files)
C:WindowsDownloaded Program Files 文件(Program Files)夹包含ActiveX控件和Internet Explorer的(Internet Explorer)Java Applet(Java Applets)使用的文件。这些文件用处不大,但占用了大量磁盘空间,因此,您应该定期清除它们以修复 Windows 10 计算机滞后问题。(fix Windows 10 computer lagging issue.)
1. 导航至Local Disk (C:) > Windows,如下图所示。

2.向下滚动(Scroll)并双击Downloaded Program Files 文件(Downloaded Program Files)夹。

3. 按Ctrl + A keys选择所有文件。
4. 然后,右键单击并选择删除(Delete)。
方法 7:通过卸载应用程序释放磁盘空间
(Method 7: Free-up Disk Space by Uninstalling Apps
如果您的 PC 上没有足够的磁盘空间,您的系统性能将一天比一天慢。您有以下Windows 替代方案:(alternatives to Windows:)
- 联系技术人员并将您的系统从HDD 升级到 SSD(HDD to SSD)。
清除(Clear all residual & unwanted files)系统中所有残留和不需要的文件。
(Uninstall unwanted applications)如本方法中所述,使用控制面板(Control Panel)卸载不需要的应用程序和程序。
1.通过Windows搜索(Search )框启动控制面板,如图所示。(Control Panel)

2. 选择View > Small icons,然后单击程序和功能(Programs and Features),如图所示。

3. 现在,搜索rarely used application/program并单击它。
4. 点击卸载,( Uninstall, )如下图所示。

5. 单击卸载确认提示。(Uninstall. )
另请阅读:(Also Read: )如何修复更新后运行缓慢的 Windows 10(How to Fix Windows 10 running slow after update)
Method 8: Disable/ Uninstall Third-Party Antivirus Software (If applicable)
注意:此方法以(Note:) Avast Free Antivirus为例。
方法 6A:禁用 Avast 免费杀毒软件(Method 6A: Disable Avast Free Antivirus)
1. 导航到任务栏中的Avast (Taskbar)Free Antivirus(Avast Free Antivirus)图标并右键单击它。
2. 现在,选择Avast shields control。

3.根据您的方便选择以下任何选项:(any option )
- 禁用 10 分钟
- 禁用 1 小时
- 禁用直到计算机重新启动
- 永久禁用
方法 6B:卸载 Avast Free Antivirus(Method 6B: Uninstall Avast Free Antivirus)
1. 启动控制面板(Control Panel)并打开程序和功能(Programs and Features)窗口,如前所述。
2. 右键单击 Avast,然后单击卸载,(Uninstall, )如图所示。

现在检查计算机滞后Windows 10问题是否已解决。如果没有,请尝试下一个修复。
Method 9: Update/Reinstall All System Drivers
如果系统驱动程序相对于Windows版本已经过时,那么它会使您的 PC 变慢。此外,如果新安装或更新的驱动程序不兼容,您可能会觉得 PC 运行缓慢。阅读此方法以更新或重新安装驱动程序,以满足查询为什么Windows 10计算机如此缓慢的需要。
方法 9A:更新系统驱动程序(Method 9A: Update System Drivers)
1. 点击 Windows 键(Windows key)并在搜索栏中输入设备管理器。(Device Manager)然后,从搜索结果中打开它。

2. 单击显示适配器(Display adapters)旁边的箭头。
3. 右击显卡驱动(video card driver) ,点击更新驱动(Update driver),如下图。

4. 选择浏览我的计算机以查找驱动程序(Browse my computer for drivers )以手动查找和安装驱动程序。
5. 现在,点击Browse...按钮选择安装目录。单击(Click) 下一步。(Next.)

6B。如果它们已经处于更新阶段,屏幕将显示,您的设备的最佳驱动程序已安装。(The best drivers for your device are already installed.)在这种情况下,只需单击关闭(Close )即可退出。

7. 对音频、设备和网络驱动程序(audio, device & network drivers)也重复相同的操作。
方法 9B:重新安装系统驱动程序(Method 9B: Reinstall System Drivers)
如果更新驱动程序没有太大帮助,以下是如何通过重新安装它们来修复 PC 上的延迟:
1. 像之前一样转到Device Manager > Display Adapters 。

2. 现在,右键单击显卡驱动程序(video card driver)并选择卸载设备(Uninstall device)。

3. 勾选Delete the driver software for this device并点击(Delete the driver software for this device)Uninstall确认提示。

4.通过导航到制造商的网站手动下载并安装驱动程序。(Download and install)例如, AMD、NVIDIA或Intel。
5. 对音频、设备和网络驱动程序(audio, device & network drivers)也重复相同的操作。
另请阅读: (Also Read: )如何修复错误 0x80300024(How to Fix Error 0x80300024)
方法 10:更新 Windows 操作系统(Method 10: Update Windows OS)
1. 同时按下Windows + I keys 打开系统中的设置(Settings )。
2. 现在,选择更新和安全(Update & Security),如图所示。

3. 现在,从右侧面板中选择检查更新。(Check for Updates )

4A。单击立即安装(Install Now)以下载并安装可用的最新更新(updates available)。

4B。如果您的系统已经是最新的,那么它将显示您是最新的(You’re up to date)消息。

5.重新启动您的 PC(Restart your PC )并检查问题现在是否已解决。
方法 11:保持清洁、通风的环境(Method 11: Maintain Clean, Ventilated Ambience)
Windows 10 计算机为何如此缓慢(why the Windows 10 computer is so slow)的答案可能是环境不干净。由于灰尘的堆积会阻碍计算机的通风,因此会增加系统的温度,从而可能会损坏所有内部组件,并且有时您的系统可能会崩溃。
- 如果您使用的是笔记本电脑,请清洁其通风口(clean its vents )并确保有足够的空间进行适当的通风。( proper ventilation.)
- 避免(Avoid)将系统/笔记本电脑放在枕头等柔软表面上。(soft surface)这将使系统沉入表面并阻碍空气流通。
- 您可以使用压缩空气清洁器(compressed air cleaner )清洁系统中的通风口。小心不要损坏其中的任何内部组件。
方法 12:重置您的电脑
(Method 12: Reset Your PC
1. 导航至Settings > Update & Security,如前一种方法中所述。
2.从左窗格单击恢复并从右窗格单击(Recovery )开始(Get started)。

3. 现在,从重置此 PC(Reset this PC )窗口中选择一个选项。
保留我的文件:(Keep my files: )将删除应用程序和设置,但保留您的个人文件。
删除所有内容:(Remove everything: )将删除您的所有个人文件、应用程序和设置。

4. 最后,按照屏幕上的说明重置您的计算机。
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够理解为什么Windows 10计算机如此缓慢并且可以解决 Windows 10 计算机滞后问题。(fix Windows 10 computer lagging issue.)让我们知道哪种方法适合您。此外,如果您对本文有任何疑问/建议,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
Why is My Windows 10 Computer So Slow?
Various factors impact the performance of your comрuter and mаy contribute to slow functioning рroblems. Are you pondering over Why is my Windows 10 computer so slow? Why is my computer lagging? How to fix lag on PC? Don’t worry, read this article as we have explained the possible reasons and fixes for these questions.
It is imperative to go through the list of causes that trigger computer lagging issues first.
Multiple Background Applications: You will face a computer lagging issue on Windows 10 PC if you have too many applications running in the background.
Old Hard Drive: The lifespan of your hard drive is limited and thus, the speed of the computer also decreases gradually.
Insufficient memory space: Clean up all temporary files and residual files to free some memory space and speed up your system.
Excessive browser extensions and add-ons: These might also add to the computer lagging issue. Moreover, too many tabs open in your browser cause PC lagging for no reason problem.
Video and music streaming apps: They may slow down the performance of your system.
Anti-virus scans: Scans running in the background make your system relatively slow. Disable automatic antivirus scanning programs or schedule scans according to your convenience.
Presence of virus, malware, spyware: It may also cause PC to slow down.
Outdated Windows: The older versions of the Windows Operating System will turn your system slow. Similarly, avoid using outdated drivers and applications to fix the computer lagging Windows 10 issue.
Dusty Environment might also contribute to the poor performance of your system since the accumulation of dust will block the ventilation to the computer. This might also lead to excessive overheating and damaged to devise components.
Low power mode enabled: In this case, your system will obviously run slow to minimize the resources being consumed.
Old computer or hardware components: If the hard drive, RAM, motherboard, and fan are damaged you will face the computer lagging issue in Windows 10. Upgrade your system and check for component failure to fix the computer lagging issues.

How to Fix Windows 10 Computer So Slow Problem
Implement the given solutions until you find a solution for the same.
Method 1: Restart your Windows PC
In most cases, a simple restart will fix the issue without any challenging layouts. So, reboot your system by:
1. Navigate to the Start menu.
2. Now, click the Power icon.
Note: It is found at the bottom, in Windows 10 system, and located at the top in Windows 8 system.
3. Several options like sleep, shut down, and restart will be displayed. Here, click on Restart, as depicted.

Method 2: Close Unwanted Background Applications
The CPU and memory usage increases when too many applications run in the background, thereby affecting the performance of the system. By closing background tasks, you can answer why is your Windows 10 computer so slow query. Follow the below-mentioned steps to do so:
1. Launch Task Manager by right-clicking on empty space in Taskbar and then, clicking on Task Manager, as shown.

2. Search and select those tasks that are unnecessarily running from the Processes tab.
Note: Avoid selecting third-party programs and Windows and Microsoft services.

3. Finally, select End Task and reboot the system.
Check if the Windows 10 computer is so slow problem still persists. If yes, move to the next method.
Method 3: Perform Hard Drive Check
Run a hard drive check and fix any problem that exists. Follow these steps to fix computer lagging Windows 10 issue:
1. Double-click on This PC icon on your Desktop.
2. Right-click on your hard drive and choose Properties, as depicted.

3. Switch to the Tools tab in the Properties window.
4. Click on Check as shown below.

5. Select Scan drive to look for errors.

Now, windows will run the scan and fix any errors that are found.
Also Read: Mac Fusion Drive Vs SSD Vs Hard Drive
Method 4: Close Tabs and Disable Extensions
Disable all extensions and add-ons on your web browser and check if this could answer why is your computer lagging question. When too many tabs are open, browser loading speed & computer operating speed become very slow. In this case, your system will not operate normally and will trigger a Windows 10 computer lagging for no reason issue. Hence, close all the unnecessary tabs and/or disable extensions to fix this problem.
Note: We have provided instructions to delete the extensions from Google Chrome. You can use similar steps to do the same on different web browsers.
1. Launch Google Chrome and click on the three-dotted icon from the top right corner.
2. Here, select the More tools option, as highlighted.

3. Click on Extensions, as shown.

4. Finally, turn off the extension you want to disable.

5. Close extra tabs too. Refresh your browser and verify if Windows 10 computer lagging issue is fixed.
Method 5: Uninstall Harmful Programs via Google Chrome
Few incompatible programs in your device will make your PC slow. Here’s how to fix lag on PC by removing them completely from your system, as follows:
1. Launch Chrome and click on the three-dotted icon.
2. Now, select Settings.

3. Click on the Advanced setting from the left pane and then, select Reset and clean up.
4. Choose the Clean-up computer option, as depicted below.

5. Here, click on Find to enable Chrome to look for harmful software on your computer and remove it.

6. Wait for the process to be completed and Remove harmful programs detected by Google Chrome.
Also Read: How to Fix DHCP Lookup Failed Error in Chromebook
Method 6: Free up Disk Space by Clearing Out Files
Clean up all temporary files and residual files to free some disk space in your system:
Method 6A: Manual Clean-up
1. Navigate to the Start menu and type %temp%.
2. Click on Open to navigate to the Temp folder.

3. Select all files and folders, make a right-click and then, click Delete.

4. Finally, redirect to Recycle Bin and repeat Steps 3& 4 to delete these files and folders permanently.
Method 6B: Systematic Clean-up
1. Type Disk Cleanup in the Windows search bar and open it from here.

2. Select the Drive (For example, C) you want to perform a clean-up for, and click OK.

3. Check the box marked Temporary Internet Files and then, click on Clean up system files.

Method 6C: Delete Windows Old Files
The C:\Windows\Downloaded Program Files folder contains the files used by ActiveX controls and Java Applets of Internet Explorer. These files aren’t of much use but occupy a lot of disk space, and hence, you should clear them periodically to fix Windows 10 computer lagging issue.
1. Navigate to Local Disk (C:) > Windows as shown in the picture below.

2. Scroll down and double-click on the Downloaded Program Files folder.

3. Select all files by pressing Ctrl + A keys.
4. Then, make a right-click and select Delete.
Method 7: Free-up Disk Space by Uninstalling Apps
The performance of your system will become slower day by day if you do not have enough disk space on your PC. You have the following alternatives to Windows:
- Contact a technician and upgrade your system from HDD to SSD.
Clear all residual & unwanted files in your system.
Uninstall unwanted applications & programs using Control Panel, as explained in this method.
1. Launch Control Panel through the Windows Search box, as shown.

2. Select View > Small icons and click Programs and Features, as shown.

3. Now, search for rarely used application/program and click on it.
4. Click on Uninstall, as depicted below.

5. Confirm the prompt by clicking on Uninstall.
Also Read: How to Fix Windows 10 running slow after update
Method 8: Disable/ Uninstall Third-Party Antivirus Software (If applicable)
Disable automatic antivirus scanning programs or remove them from your system to solve the said problem. We recommend that you schedule scans and updates during your non-working hours.
Note: Avast Free Antivirus is taken as an example for this method.
Method 6A: Disable Avast Free Antivirus
You can also disable the software temporarily if you do not wish to uninstall it from the system.
1. Navigate to the Avast Free Antivirus icon in the Taskbar and right-click on it.
2. Now, select Avast shields control.

3. Choose any option below according to your convenience:
- Disable for 10 minutes
- Disable for 1 hour
- Disable until computer is restarted
- Disable permanently
Method 6B: Uninstall Avast Free Antivirus
Follow the steps mentioned below to uninstall the third-party antivirus software:
1. Launch Control Panel and open Programs and Features window, as earlier.
2. Right-click on Avast and then, click on Uninstall, as illustrated.

3. Click Uninstall in the confirmation prompt as well.
Now check if the computer lagging Windows 10 issue is resolved. If not, try the next fix.
Method 9: Update/Reinstall All System Drivers
If system drivers are outdated in reference to the Windows version, then it will make your PC slow. Furthermore, you might feel the PC is slow if the newly installed or updated drivers are incompatible. Read this method to update or re-install drivers, as need be to satisfy the query why is the Windows 10 computer so slow.
Method 9A: Update System Drivers
1. Hit the Windows key and type Device Manager in the search bar. Then, open it from your search results.

2. Click on the arrow next to Display adapters.
3. Right-click on the video card driver and click on Update driver, as shown below.

4. Choose to Browse my computer for drivers to locate and install a driver manually.
5. Now, click on the Browse… button to choose the installation directory. Click Next.

6A. The drivers will update to the latest version if they are not updated.
6B. If they are already in an updated stage, the screen displays, The best drivers for your device are already installed. In this case, simply click on Close to exit.

7. Repeat the same for audio, device & network drivers as well.
Method 9B: Reinstall System Drivers
If updating the drivers didn’t help much, here’s how to fix lag on PC by reinstalling them:
1. Go to Device Manager > Display Adapters as earlier.

2. Now, right-click on the video card driver and select Uninstall device.

3. Check the box Delete the driver software for this device and confirm the prompt by clicking Uninstall.

4. Download and install the drivers manually by navigating to the manufacturer’s website. For instance, AMD, NVIDIA, or Intel.
Note: When installing a new driver on your device, your system may reboot several times.
5. Repeat the same for audio, device & network drivers as well.
Also Read: How to Fix Error 0x80300024
Method 10: Update Windows OS
Always ensure that you use your system in its updated version. Otherwise, the system will turn slow and poor in performance.
1. Press the Windows + I keys together to open Settings in your system.
2. Now, select Update & Security, as shown.

3. Now, select Check for Updates from the right panel.

4A. Click on Install Now to download and install the latest updates available.

4B. If your system is already up-to-date, then it will show You’re up to date message.

5. Restart your PC and check if the issue is resolved now.
Method 11: Maintain Clean, Ventilated Ambience
The answer to why the Windows 10 computer is so slow could be unclean surroundings. Since the accumulation of dust will block the ventilation to the computer, it will increase the temperature of the system, and thereby all the internal components might get damaged, and your system may crash sometimes.
- If you are using a laptop, clean its vents and ensure enough space for proper ventilation.
- Avoid placing your system/laptop on a soft surface like pillows. This will make the system sink into the surface and block the air ventilation.
- You can use a compressed air cleaner to clean the vents in your system. Be careful not to damage any internal components in it.
Method 12: Reset Your PC
Sometimes, your device may not allow you to delete unwanted applications or programs in your system. In such cases, try to perform a clean installation instead.
1. Navigate to Settings > Update & Security as explained in the previous method.
2. Click on Recovery from the left pane and Get started from the right pane.

3. Now, choose an option from the Reset this PC window.
Keep my files: will remove apps and settings, but keep your personal files.
Remove everything: will remove all your personal files, apps, and settings.

4. Finally, follow the on-screen instructions to reset your computer.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you were able to understand why the Windows 10 computer is so slow and could fix Windows 10 computer lagging issue. Let us know which method worked for you. Also, if you have any queries/suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.