想要提高您的计算机速度和性能?( Increase Your Computer Speed and Performance? )您的 PC 是否需要很长时间才能启动和执行进程?您的 PC 性能是否会妨碍您的工作?毫无疑问,如果您的计算机无法达到您的期望,那会变得非常令人沮丧。以下是提高计算机速度和性能(Increase Your Computer Speed and Performance)的几种方法,您可以通过这些方法加快计算机速度。虽然您可以添加更多RAM或更快的SSD,但如果您可以免费管理一些速度和性能,为什么还要花钱呢?尝试以下方法以加快计算机速度。
提高计算机速度和性能的 15 个技巧(15 Tips To Increase Your Computer Speed & Performance)
确保 创建一个还原点(create a restore point) 以防万一出现问题。
如果您正在寻找一种方法来加速运行缓慢的计算机,那么请不要担心,因为我们将讨论 15 种不同的技巧来加速您的 PC:
方法一:重启电脑(Method 1: Reboot your Computer)
我们大多数人都知道这个非常基本的技巧。重新启动计算机有时可以释放计算机上的任何额外负载,并通过重新启动计算机来提高计算机速度和性能(increase Your Computer Speed and Performance )。因此,如果您宁愿让计算机进入睡眠状态,那么重新启动计算机是一个好主意。
1.单击开始菜单(Start menu),然后单击左下角的电源按钮(Power button)。
方法 2:禁用启动程序
有许多程序和应用程序会在您的计算机启动后立即开始加载。这些应用程序在您不知情的情况下静默加载和运行,并减慢系统启动速度。虽然其中一些应用程序是必不可少的并且需要自动加载才能正常运行,例如您的防病毒软件,但有些应用程序您并不真正需要并且无缘无故导致您的系统变慢。停止和禁用这些应用程序可以帮助您提高计算机速度和性能(increasing Your Computer Speed and Performance)。要查找和禁用这些应用程序,
1.按键盘上的Ctrl + Alt + Del键。
2.点击“任务管理器”。( ‘Task Manager’.)
3.在任务管理器窗口中,切换到“启动”(‘Startup’)选项卡。如果看不到“启动”选项卡,请单击屏幕底部的“更多详细信息” 。(‘More details’)
4.您将能够看到所有在启动时自动加载的应用程序的列表。(all those apps which load automatically on boot.)
如果您在执行上述方法时遇到问题,那么您可以通过4 种不同的方法来禁用 Windows 10 中的启动程序(4 different ways to disable startup programs in Windows 10)。
方法 3:停止繁重的进程
1.按键盘上的 Ctrl + Alt + Del键。
2.点击“任务管理器(Task Manager)”。
3.在任务管理器窗口中,切换到“进程(Processes)”选项卡。如果看不到任何选项卡,请单击屏幕底部的“更多详细信息”。(More details)
5.如果您看到一些不需要但占用大部分CPU的进程,请右键单击该进程并选择“结束任务(End Task)”。
方法 4:卸载任何未使用的程序
您还可以通过以下方式查找和卸载应用程序:(You can also locate and uninstall the apps by:)
1.右键单击位于任务栏上的(Taskbar)开始图标(Start icon)。
2.从列表中选择“应用程序和功能”。(Apps and Features)
4.单击要卸载的应用程序。(app that you want to uninstall.)
您(Did)是否知道您的Windows让您可以选择在系统性能和电池寿命之间进行权衡?是的,它确实。默认情况下,Windows采用平衡模式,将这两个因素都考虑在内,但如果您确实需要更高的性能并且不介意缩短电池寿命,则可以打开Windows 高性能(Windows High-performance)模式。打开它,
1.在位于任务栏上的搜索字段中,键入“控制面板(Control Panel)”并打开它。
2.单击“硬件和声音(Hardware and Sound)”。
3.单击“电源选项(Power Options)”。
4.单击“显示附加计划(Show additional plans)”并选择“高性能(High performance)”。
4.如果您没有看到此选项,请单击左侧窗格中的“创建电源计划(Create a power plan)”。
5.选择“高性能(High performance)”并单击下一步。( Next.)
一旦您开始使用“高性能(High Performance)”模式,您就可以提高您的计算机速度和性能。 (increase your computer speed & performance. )
1.在任务栏的搜索字段中键入“高级系统设置(Advanced system setting)”。
2.单击“查看高级系统设置(View advanced system settings)”。
4.选择“调整以获得最佳性能(Adjust for best performance)”并单击“应用(Apply)”。
方法 7:禁用搜索索引
1. 按 Windows 键 + E打开文件资源管理器。(File Explorer)
2.右键单击您的C: 驱动器(C: drive)并选择“属性(Properties)”。
3.现在,取消选中(uncheck) “允许此驱动器上的文件除了文件属性之外还有内容索引(Allow files on this drive to have contents indexed in addition to file properties)”。
此外,如果您只想在特定位置而不是所有计算机上关闭索引,请遵循本文(follow this article)。
方法 8:关闭 Windows 提示
Windows不时为您提供提示,指导您如何更好地使用它。Windows通过检查您在计算机上所做的任何事情来产生这些提示,从而消耗您的系统资源。关闭Windows提示是提高计算机速度的好方法。& 提高系统性能。要关闭Windows提示,
1.按 Windows 键 + I 打开设置(Settings)并单击“系统”(System’)。
2.从左侧窗格中选择“通知和操作”。(Notifications and actions)
4.在“通知(Notifications)”块下,取消选中(uncheck)“在使用 Windows 时获取提示、技巧和建议(Get tips, tricks, and suggestions as you use Windows)”。
方法 9:释放您的内部存储空间
如果您的计算机硬盘几乎或完全已满,那么您的计算机可能运行缓慢,因为它没有足够的空间来正常运行程序和应用程序。因此,如果您需要在驱动器上腾出空间,可以使用以下几种方法来清理硬盘(few ways that you can use to clean up your hard disk)并优化空间利用率以加快计算机速度。( speed up your computer.)
对硬盘进行碎片整理(Defragment Your Hard Disk)
1.在Windows 搜索框中键入(Windows Search)碎片(Defragment)整理,然后单击碎片整理和优化驱动器。(Defragment and Optimize Drives.)
3. 同样,对于所有列出的驱动器,单击优化。(Optimize.)
注意:(Note:)请勿对SSD 驱动器进行碎片整理(Defrag SSD Drive),因为它可能会缩短其使用寿命。
4.重新启动您的PC以保存更改,看看您是否能够 加速您的慢速计算机(speed up your slow computer),如果不能,则继续。
验证硬盘的完整性(Verify the integrity of your hard disk)
偶尔运行磁盘错误检查(Disk Error-checking)可确保您的驱动器没有性能问题或由坏扇区、不正确关机、损坏或损坏的硬盘等引起的驱动器错误。磁盘(Disk)错误检查只不过是检查磁盘(Chkdsk )(Check Disk (Chkdsk))检查硬盘驱动器中的任何错误。
方法 10:使用疑难解答
2.运行所有给定选项的疑难解答。单击(Click)任何选项并选择“运行疑难解答(Run the troubleshooter)”以执行此操作。
4.在Windows 搜索(Windows Search)中键入 control,然后从搜索结果中单击控制面板。(Control Panel)
5.单击“系统和安全(System and Security)”,然后单击“安全和维护(Security and Maintenance)”。
7.在维护块中,单击“开始维护(Start maintenance)”。
方法 11: 检查您的 PC 是否存在恶意软件(Check your PC for malware)
病毒(Virus)或恶意软件(Malware)也可能是您的计算机运行缓慢问题的原因。如果您经常遇到此问题,则需要使用更新的防恶意软件(Anti-Malware)或防病毒(Antivirus)软件(如Microsoft Security Essential )(这是(Microsoft Security Essential)Microsoft的免费官方防病毒(Antivirus)程序)扫描您的系统。否则,如果您有第三方防病毒(Antivirus)或恶意软件(Malware)扫描程序,您也可以使用它们从系统中删除恶意软件程序。
因此,您应该使用防病毒软件扫描您的系统,并立即清除任何不需要的恶意软件或病毒(get rid of any unwanted malware or virus immediately)。如果您没有任何第三方防病毒(Antivirus)软件,请不要担心,您可以使用名为Windows Defender的(Windows Defender)Windows 10内置恶意软件扫描工具。
1.打开Windows Defender。
2.单击病毒和威胁部分。(Virus and Threat Section.)
3.选择高级部分(Advanced Section)并突出显示Windows Defender 脱机(Windows Defender Offline)扫描。
4.最后,点击立即扫描。( Scan now.)
5.扫描完成后,如果发现任何恶意软件或病毒,Windows Defender将自动删除它们。'
6.最后,重新启动你的电脑,看看你是否能够提高你的电脑速度。( increase your computer speed. )
方法 12:使用游戏模式
如果您使用的是最新版本的Windows 10,您可以打开游戏模式(turn on game mode)以获得一点额外的速度。虽然游戏模式是专为游戏应用程序设计的,但它还可以通过减少计算机上运行的后台应用程序数量来提高系统速度。要启用游戏模式,
1.按Windows Key + I打开设置(Settings ),然后单击“游戏(Gaming)”。
4.选择“游戏模式”并在“(Game mode)游戏模式( Game mode)”下打开切换开关。
5.启用后,您可以通过按Windows key + G.
方法 13:管理 Windows更新(Update)设置
1.按 Windows 键 + I 打开设置(Settings),然后单击更新和安全。( Update & Security.)
2.从左侧菜单中,单击Windows 更新。(Windows Update.)
3.现在单击“检查更新(Check for updates)”按钮以检查任何可用的更新。
4.如果有任何更新待处理,请单击下载并安装更新。(Download & Install updates.)
下载更新后,安装它们,您的 Windows 将变为最新。现在您需要更改 Windows 10 更新(change active hours for Windows 10 update)的活动时间,以限制Windows自动安装这些更新的时间。
如果您已更新 Windows,但在Windows 10上仍然遇到性能问题,则原因可能是设备驱动程序损坏或过时。Windows 10运行缓慢可能是因为设备驱动程序不是最新的,您需要更新它们(update them)才能解决问题。设备(Device)驱动程序是必不可少的系统级软件,有助于在连接到系统的硬件和您在计算机上使用的操作系统之间建立通信。
方法 14:设置计量连接
1.按Windows Key + I打开设置(Settings ),然后单击“网络和 Internet 设置(Network and Internet settings)”。
3.单击您当前的网络连接(network connection )并向下滚动到“计量连接(Metered connection)”部分。
5.打开“设置为计量连接(Set as metered connection)”。
方法 15: 禁用快速启动(Disable Fast Startup)
快速启动结合了 冷或完全关机和休眠(Cold or full shutdown and Hibernates)(Cold or full shutdown and Hibernates)的特性。当您在启用快速启动功能的情况下关闭 PC 时,它会关闭您 PC 上运行的所有程序和应用程序,并注销所有用户。它充当新启动的Windows。但是Windows 内核(Windows kernel)已加载并且系统会话正在运行,这会提醒设备驱动程序为休眠做准备,即在关闭它们之前保存所有当前在您的 PC 上运行的应用程序和程序。
所以现在您知道快速启动(Fast Startup)是 Windows 的一项基本功能,因为(Windows)它会在您关闭 PC 并更快地启动Windows时保存数据。(Windows)但这也可能是您面临运行Windows 10(Windows 10)问题的慢速 PC 的原因之一。许多用户报告说,禁用快速启动功能(disabling the Fast Startup feature)已经解决了他们 PC 上的这个问题。
额外提示:替换或替换繁重的应用程序(Bonus Tip: Substitute or replace heavy apps)
我们使用了许多程序和应用程序,它们非常繁重。它们使用大量系统资源并且速度非常慢。许多这些程序,如果不卸载,至少可以用更好更快的应用程序代替。例如,您可以将VLC用于视频和媒体播放器应用程序。使用 Google Chrome(Use Google Chrome)而不是Microsoft Edge,因为它是目前最快的浏览器。同样(Similarly),您使用的许多应用程序可能不是最好的,您可以用更好的应用程序代替它们。
15 Tips To Increase Your Computer Speed
Want to Increase Your Computer Speed and Performance? Does your PC take really long time to start and execute processes? Does your PC’s performance create hindrance in your work? No doubt, it can become really frustrating if your computer can’t match up to your expectations. Here are a few ways to Increase Your Computer Speed and Performance by which you can speed up your computer. While you can go for adding more RAM or a faster SSD, but why spend money if you can manage some speed and performance for free? Try the following methods in order to speed a slow up your computer.
15 Tips To Increase Your Computer Speed & Performance
Make sure to create a restore point just in case something goes wrong.
If you are looking for a way to speed up your slow running computer then don’t worry as we are going to discuss 15 different tips to speed up your PC:
Method 1: Reboot your Computer
Most of us know about this very basic trick. Rebooting your computer can sometimes free up any extra load on your computer and increase Your Computer Speed and Performance by giving it a fresh start. So if you are someone who would rather put their computer on sleep, restarting your computer is a good idea.
1.Click on the Start menu and then click on the Power button available at the bottom left corner.
2.Next, click on the Restart option and your computer will restart itself.
After the computer restarts, check if your problem is resolved or not.
Method 2: Disable Startup Programs
There are many programs and apps that starts to load as soon as your computer start. These apps load & run silently, without your knowledge and slow down your system booting speed. While some of these apps are essential and need to load automatically in order to function properly, like your antivirus, there are some apps that you don’t really need and which for no reason are causing your system to slow down. Stopping and disabling these apps can help you in increasing Your Computer Speed and Performance. To find and disable these apps,
1.Press Ctrl + Alt + Del keys on your keyboard.
2.Click on ‘Task Manager’.
3.In the task manager window, switch to the ‘Startup’ tab. Click on ‘More details’ at the bottom of the screen if you can’t see the ‘Startup’ tab.
4.You will be able to see the list of all those apps which load automatically on boot.
5.Search for the apps that you don’t generally use.
6.To disable an app, right-click on that app and select ‘Disable’.
7.Disable the apps that you don’t need.
If you have trouble following the above method then you can go through 4 different ways to disable startup programs in Windows 10.
Method 3: Stop Heavy Processes
Some processes tend to exploit most of your system’s speed and memory. It is favorable if you stop these processes which are taking up a large part of your CPU and Memory. To stop such processes,
1.Press Ctrl + Alt + Del keys on your keyboard.
2.Click on ‘Task Manager’.
3.In the task manager window, switch to the ‘Processes’ tab. Click on ‘More details’ at the bottom of the screen if you can’t see any tab.
4.Click on CPU to sort the apps according to their CPU usage.
5.If you see some process that is not needed but is taking up a large part of CPU, right-click on the process and select ‘End Task’.
Similarly, sort the apps based on Memory usage and get rid of any unwanted processes.
Method 4: Uninstall Any Unused Programs
If you have a lot of programs installed on your computer, it might lower its speed. You should uninstall those programs that you don’t use. To uninstall an app,
1.Locate your app on the Start menu.
2.Right-click on the app and select ‘Uninstall’.
3.Your app will be uninstalled immediately.
You can also locate and uninstall the apps by:
1.Right-click on the Start icon located on your Taskbar.
2.Select ‘Apps and Features’ from the list.
3.Here, you can sort the apps according to their size if you want and you can even filter them by their location.
4.Click on the app that you want to uninstall.
5.Next, click on the ‘Uninstall’ button.
Method 5: Turn On High Performance
Did you know that your Windows gives you an option to trade-off between your system performance and battery life? Yes, it does. By default, Windows assumes a balanced mode that takes both the factors into consideration, but if you really need higher performance and wouldn’t mind a reduced battery life, you can turn on Windows High-performance mode. To turn it on,
1.In the search field located on your Taskbar, type ‘Control Panel’ and open it.
2.Click on ‘Hardware and Sound’.
3.Click on ‘Power Options’.
4.Click on ‘Show additional plans’ and select ‘High performance’.
4.If you don’t see this option, click on ‘Create a power plan’ from the left pane.
5.Select ‘High performance’ and click on Next.
6.Select the required settings and click on ‘Create’.
Once you started using the ‘High Performance” mode you may be able to increase your computer speed & performance.
Method 6: Adjust Visual Effects
Windows uses visual effects for better user experience. However, if you need more speed and better performance from your computer, you can adjust the visual effects for best performance settings.
1.Type ‘Advanced system settings’ in the search field on your Taskbar.
2.Click on ‘View advanced system settings’.
3.Switch to the ‘Advanced’ tab and click on ‘Settings’.
4.Select ‘Adjust for best performance’ and click on ‘Apply’.
Method 7: Disable Search Indexing
Windows uses search indexing in order to produce results faster whenever you search for a file. Using indexing, Windows basically catalog the information and metadata related to every file and then looks at these indexes of terms to find results faster. Indexing keeps on running on your system all the time because Windows need to track all changes and update the indexes. This, in turn, affects system speed and performance. To turn off indexing completely,
1.Open File Explorer by pressing Windows Key + E.
2.Right-click on your C: drive and select ‘Properties’.
3.Now, uncheck ‘Allow files on this drive to have contents indexed in addition to file properties’.
4.Click on ‘Apply’.
Further, if you want to turn off indexing only at specific locations and not all of your computer, follow this article.
Method 8: Turn off Windows Tips
Windows gives you tips from time to time directing you how you can use it better. Windows produces these tips by keeping a check on whatever you do on the computer, hence eating up your system resources. Turning Windows tips off is a good way to increase your computer speed. & improve system performance. To turn Windows tips off,
1.Press Windows Key + I to open Settings and click on ‘System’.
2.Select ‘Notifications and actions’ from the left pane.
4.Under the ‘Notifications’ block, uncheck ‘Get tips, tricks, and suggestions as you use Windows’.
Method 9: Free Your Internal Storage
If your computer hard disk almost or completely full then your computer may run slow as it will not have enough space to run the programs & application properly. So, if you need to make space on your drive, here are a few ways that you can use to clean up your hard disk and optimize your space utilization to speed up your computer.
Defragment Your Hard Disk
1.Type Defragment in the Windows Search box then click on Defragment and Optimize Drives.
2.Select the drives one by one and click Analyze.
3.Similarly, for all the listed drives click Optimize.
Note: Don’t Defrag SSD Drive as it may reduce its life.
4.Reboot your PC to save changes and see if you’re able to speed up your slow computer, if not then continue.
Verify the integrity of your hard disk
Once in a while running Disk Error-checking ensures that your drive doesn’t have performance issues or drive errors which are caused by bad sectors, improper shutdowns, corrupt or damaged hard disk, etc. Disk error checking is nothing but Check Disk (Chkdsk) which checks for any errors in the hard drive.
After completing the above steps, there will be plenty of space left on your hard disk and this may increase the speed of your computer.
Method 10: Use Troubleshooter
Use this method to troubleshoot the root cause of system slowdown in case there is a problem with something.
1.Type ‘Troubleshoot’ in the search field and launch it.
2.Run the troubleshooter for all given options. Click on any option and select ‘Run the troubleshooter’ to do so.
3.Run the troubleshooter for other problems also.
4.Type control in Windows Search then click on Control Panel from the search result.
5.Click on ‘System and Security’ then click on ‘Security and Maintenance’.
7.In the maintenance block, click on ‘Start maintenance’.
Method 11: Check your PC for malware
Virus or Malware might also be the reason for your computer running slow issue. In case you are experiencing this issue regularly, then you need to scan your system using the updated Anti-Malware or Antivirus software Like Microsoft Security Essential (which is a free & official Antivirus program by Microsoft). Otherwise, if you have third-party Antivirus or Malware scanners, you can also use them to remove malware programs from your system.
Therefore, you should scan your system with anti-virus software and get rid of any unwanted malware or virus immediately. If you don’t have any third-party Antivirus software then don’t worry you can use the Windows 10 in-built malware scanning tool called Windows Defender.
1.Open Windows Defender.
2.Click on Virus and Threat Section.
3.Select the Advanced Section and highlight the Windows Defender Offline scan.
4.Finally, click on Scan now.
5.After the scan is completed, if any malware or viruses are found, then the Windows Defender will automatically remove them. ‘
6.Finally, reboot your PC and see if you’re able to increase your computer speed.
Method 12: Use Game Mode
If you are using the latest version of Windows 10, you can turn on game mode to have a little extra speed. While the game mode is designed specifically for gaming apps, it can also give your system a speed boost by reducing the number of background apps running on your computer. To enable game mode,
1.Press Windows Key + I to open Settings then click on ‘Gaming’.
4.Select ‘Game mode’ and turn on toggle under ‘ Game mode’.
5.Once enabled, you can activate it by pressing Windows key + G.
Method 13: Manage Windows Update Settings
Windows Update runs in the background, taking up your system resources and tends to slow down your computer. However, you can configure it to run only at your specified time interval (when you are not using your computer but it is on). This way you can boost your system speed up to an extent. To do this,
1.Press Windows Key + I to open Settings then click on Update & Security.
2.From the left-hand side menu, click on Windows Update.
3.Now click on the “Check for updates” button to check for any available updates.
4.If any updates are pending then click on Download & Install updates.
Once the updates are downloaded, install them and your Windows will become up-to-date. Now you need to change active hours for Windows 10 update in order to limit the time when Windows automatically installs these updates.
If you have updated your Windows and still experiencing the performance issue on Windows 10 then the cause might be corrupted or outdated device drivers. It is possible that Windows 10 is running slow because the device drivers are not up to date and you need to update them in order to resolve the issue. Device drivers are essential system-level software that helps in creating a communication between the hardware attached to the system and the operating system you are using on your computer.
Method 14: Set Metered Connection
While the above method limits the time when Windows updates are installed, Windows still continues to download updates as and when it requires. This seriously affects your internet performance. Setting your connection to be metered will disable the updates from being downloaded in the background. To do this,
1.Press Windows Key + I to open Settings then click on ‘Network and Internet settings’.
3.Click on your current network connection and scroll down to the ‘Metered connection’ section.
5.Turn on ‘Set as metered connection’.
Method 15: Disable Fast Startup
The fast startup combines features of both Cold or full shutdown and Hibernates. When you shut down your PC with a fast startup feature enabled, it closes all the programs and applications running on your PC and also logged out all the users. It acts as a freshly booted Windows. But Windows kernel is loaded and system session is running which alerts device drivers to prepare for hibernation i.e. saves all current applications and programs running on your PC before closing them.
So now you know that Fast Startup is an essential feature of Windows as it saves the data when you shut down your PC and start Windows faster. But this could be also one of the reasons why you’re facing the slow PC running Windows 10 issue. Many users reported that disabling the Fast Startup feature has solved this issue on their PC.
Bonus Tip: Substitute or replace heavy apps
There are many programs and apps that we use, which are quite heavy. They use a lot of system resources and are very slow. Many of these programs, if not uninstalled, can at least be substituted with better and faster apps. For example, you can use VLC for video and media player app. Use Google Chrome instead of Microsoft Edge as it is the fastest browser out there. Similarly, many of the apps that you use might not be the best at what they do and you can substitute them with better apps.
Note that some of these methods trade-off your computer’s battery life and a few other features for the increase in the speed. If you do not want to compromise on the same, or if the above methods do not work for you, you can get yourself a faster SSD or more RAM (if your computer supports). You might have to spend some money but it will be definitely worth the performance.