2021年10 月 5日,(October 5th)微软(Microsoft)正式推出Windows 11。除了在任何兼容的计算机或设备上干净地安装它,或等待Windows 更新(Windows Update)将其推送到您的 PC 之外,您还可以手动将Windows 10升级到Windows 11 。最简单的方法是通过 Microsoft 的Windows 11 安装助手(Windows 11 Installation Assistant)。它是一个小工具,您可以从下载 Windows 11(Download Windows 11 )网页获得,它对于已经在其 PC 上安装了 Windows 10 的人来说是一个升级向导。如果您想立即进行切换,以下是使用Windows 11 安装助手(Windows 11 Installation Assistant)从 Windows 10 升级的方法:
注意:(NOTE:)本指南向您展示如何使用Windows 11 安装助手从(Windows 11 Installations Assistant)Windows 10升级到Windows 11。如果您正在寻找有关如何全新安装Windows 11的指南,请阅读以下内容:如何从 USB、DVD 或 ISO 安装 Windows 11(How to install Windows 11 from USB, DVD, or ISO)。
如何使用Windows 11安装助手从(Installation Assistant)Windows 10升级到Windows 11
要将Windows 10升级到Windows 11,请打开您喜欢的 Web 浏览器并转到下载 Windows 11(Download Windows 11)(Download Windows 11)。然后,找到“ Windows 11 安装助手”(Windows 11 Installation Assistant”)部分,然后单击或点击立即下载(Download Now)按钮。

下载(Download)Windows 11 安装助手(Installation Assistant)
此操作会触发下载一个名为Windows11InstallationAssistant.exe(Windows11InstallationAssistant.exe)的 4.04MB 小可执行文件。将其保存在 Windows 10 计算机或设备上的任意位置。

接下来,确保您使用具有管理权限的用户帐户登录到您的 Windows 10 PC。然后,使用文件资源管理器(File Explorer )访问您保存Windows 11 安装助手(Windows 11 Installation Assistant)文件的位置。双击或双击它并在弹出UAC 提示时确认您要运行它。(UAC prompt)

按是(Press Yes)运行Windows 11 安装助手(Installation Assistant)
现在Windows 11 安装助手(Windows 11 Installation Assistant)加载。如果您的 PC 满足Windows 11 系统要求(Windows 11 system requirements),向导会告诉您可以“安装 Windows 11”(“Install Windows 11”)并显示“Microsoft 软件许可条款”。(“Microsoft Software License Terms.”)如果您同意他们并希望继续将 Windows 10 升级到Windows 11,请单击或点击窗口右下角的“接受并安装”按钮。(“Accept and install”)

Windows 11安装助手(Installation Assistant)- 按接受(Accept)并安装
接下来,Windows 11 安装助手(Windows 11 Installation Assistant)开始下载安装Windows 11所需的文件。根据您的互联网连接速度,此步骤可能需要一段时间,因此,如果您使用的是Windows 10笔记本电脑、平板电脑或类似的电池供电设备,请确保将其插入电源插座。该向导可让您永久了解下载进度,并且您可以在下载Windows 11文件时继续使用您的 PC。

Windows 11安装助手(Installation Assistant)- 下载升级文件
下载所有文件后,Windows 11 安装助手(Windows 11 Installation Assistant)会在继续升级之前检查它们的完整性。

Windows 11安装助手(Installation Assistant)验证下载的文件
然后是Windows 10到Windows 11升级的第三步:安装Windows 11。在此过程中,Windows 11 安装助手(Windows 11 Installation Assistant)会向您显示进度。

Windows 10 正在升级到Windows 11
请注意,升级到Windows 11的此步骤可能需要很长时间并且无法取消。完成后,您会收到“您的 PC 需要重新启动才能安装 Windows 11”的通知。(“Your PC needs to restart to install Windows 11.”)您可以等待 30 分钟,直到您的 PC 自动重新启动,或者您可以通过单击或点击立即重新启动(Restart now)来加快该过程。

按立即重启(Press Restart)以继续升级到Windows 11
重新启动后,Windows 10 会通知您“您即将退出登录。Windows 11 安装助手将重新启动您的设备以完成安装。” (“You’re about to be signed out. Windows 11 Installation Assistant will reboot your device to complete the install.”)等待或按Close:这真的没关系,因为大约一分钟后,Windows 10 会以任何一种方式重新启动。

Windows 11安装助手(Installation Assistant)将重新启动您的设备以完成安装
然后,从Windows 10升级到Windows 11的过程继续进行,您的 PC 可能会重新启动几次。只是(Just)等待它做它的事情。

Windows 11 正在进行更新,可能会重新启动几次
完成后,您可以看到Windows 11的新锁屏是什么样子。单击(Click)或点击它并使用您的用户帐户登录。

Windows 11 锁定屏幕
然后,再等几分钟,直到Windows 11进行最终更新。

Windows 11的收尾工作已经完成
一切设置好后,Windows 11就启动并运行了!

Windows 10 已升级到Windows 11
就是这样!我们希望您会喜欢使用全新的Windows 11!
您是否(Did)从Windows 10升级到Windows 11没有问题?
Windows 11带有不少新功能和比Windows 10更漂亮的用户界面。但是,它也有一些错误和烦恼。无论如何,如果您想更快地获得它,现在您知道如何从Windows 10升级到Windows 11了。Windows 11 安装助手(Windows 11 Installation Assistant)是一个易于使用的工具,简单易用,不需要太多步骤即可进行升级。在离开之前,您介意告诉我们您的情况是否一切顺利吗?在下面的评论部分让我们知道。
How to upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11 -
On October 5th, 2021, Microsoft officially launched Windows 11. Besіdes clean installing it on any compatible computer or dеvice, or wаiting for Windows Update to push it to your PC, you can also upgrade Windows 10 to Windows 11 manually. The easiest way to do it is via Microsoft’s Windows 11 Installation Assistant. It’s a small tool that you can get from the Download Windows 11 webpage and which behaves as an upgrade wizard for people who already have Windows 10 on their PCs. If you want to make the switch right now, here’s how to use the Windows 11 Installation Assistant to upgrade from Windows 10:
NOTE: This guide shows you how to upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11 using the Windows 11 Installations Assistant. If you’re looking for a guide on how to clean install Windows 11, read this instead: How to install Windows 11 from USB, DVD, or ISO.
How to upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11 using the Windows 11 Installation Assistant
To upgrade Windows 10 to Windows 11, open your favorite web browser and go to Download Windows 11. Then, find the “Windows 11 Installation Assistant” section and click or tap on the Download Now button.

Download the Windows 11 Installation Assistant
This action triggers the download of a tiny 4.04MB executable file called Windows11InstallationAssistant.exe. Save it anywhere you want on your Windows 10 computer or device.

Double-click on the Windows11InstallationAssistant.exe file
Next, ensure that you are logged in to your Windows 10 PC with a user account with administrative privileges. Then, use File Explorer to get to the location where you’ve saved the Windows 11 Installation Assistant file. Double-click or double-tap on it and confirm that you want to run it when the UAC prompt pops up.

Press Yes to run the Windows 11 Installation Assistant
Now the Windows 11 Installation Assistant loads. If your PC meets the Windows 11 system requirements, the wizard tells you that you can “Install Windows 11” and shows you the “Microsoft Software License Terms.” If you’re OK with them and want to continue upgrading Windows 10 to Windows 11, click or tap on the “Accept and install” button from the bottom-right corner of the window.

Windows 11 Installation Assistant - Press Accept and install
Next, the Windows 11 Installation Assistant starts downloading the files needed to install Windows 11. Depending on your internet connection speed, this step might take a while so, if you’re on a Windows 10 laptop, tablet, or similar battery-powered device, please make sure that it’s plugged into a power socket. The wizard keeps you permanently informed about the download progress, and you can keep using your PC while the Windows 11 files are downloaded.

Windows 11 Installation Assistant - Downloading the files for the upgrade
Once all the files are downloaded, the Windows 11 Installation Assistant checks their integrity before carrying on with the upgrade.

Windows 11 Installation Assistant verifies the downloaded files
Then comes the third step of the Windows 10 to Windows 11 upgrade: installing Windows 11. While this process is taking place, the Windows 11 Installation Assistant shows you the progress.

Windows 10 is being upgraded to Windows 11
Note that this step of upgrading to Windows 11 can take a long time and can’t be canceled. Once it’s done, you are notified that “Your PC needs to restart to install Windows 11.” You can wait for 30 minutes until your PC automatically reboots, or you can expedite the process by clicking or tapping on Restart now.

Press Restart now to continue the upgrade to Windows 11
After rebooting, Windows 10 informs you that “You’re about to be signed out. Windows 11 Installation Assistant will reboot your device to complete the install.” Wait or press Close: it really doesn’t matter because, after a minute or so, Windows 10 restarts either way.

Windows 11 Installation Assistant will reboot your device to complete the install
Then, the process of upgrading from Windows 10 to Windows 11 continues, and your PC might reboot a couple of times more. Just wait for it to do its thing.

Windows 11 is working on updates and might restart a couple of times
After it’s done, you get to see what the new lock screen from Windows 11 looks like. Click or tap on it and sign in with your user account.

The Windows 11 lock screen
Then, wait for a couple of minutes more until Windows 11 makes its final updates.

The finishing touches for Windows 11 are made
Once everything’s set up, Windows 11 is up and running!

Windows 10 has been upgraded to Windows 11
That’s it! We hope you’ll enjoy using the brand new Windows 11!
Did you upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11 without issues?
Windows 11 comes with quite a few new features and a user interface that’s more beautiful than Windows 10’s. However, it also has its share of bugs and annoyances. Regardless, if you wanted to have it faster rather than later, now you know how to upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11. The Windows 11 Installation Assistant is an easy-to-use tool that’s straightforward and doesn’t require too many steps to make the upgrade. Before leaving, would you mind telling us whether everything worked well in your case? Let us know in the comments section below.