您如何知道您的计算机是否感染了恶意软件?(How do you know if your computer is infected with Malware?)
- (Popups)当您连接到互联网时,弹出窗口开始出现。这些弹出窗口甚至可能包含指向其他恶意网站的链接。
- 您的计算机处理器太慢。这是因为恶意软件会占用您系统的大量处理能力。
- 您的浏览器不断被重定向到某个未知站点。
- 您的系统意外崩溃,并且您经常面临蓝屏(Blue Screen)死机(Death)错误。
- 某些程序或进程的异常(Abnormal)行为,违背您的利益。恶意软件(Malware)可能负责自动启动或关闭某些程序或进程。
- 系统的正常行为。是的。某些类型的恶意软件隐藏在您的系统中,根本不采取任何行动。他们可能正在等待合适的时间进行攻击,或者可能正在等待来自其控制器的命令。
如何在Windows 10中从 PC 中删除恶意软件(Malware)
确保 创建一个还原点(create a restore point) 以防万一出现问题。
一旦您知道您的系统受到影响,在它窃取您的个人数据或进一步损害您的系统之前尽快摆脱恶意软件就变得非常重要。要从您的 PC 中删除恶意软件,请按照给定的步骤操作:
第 1 步:断开您的 PC 与Internet的连接(Internet)
这是摆脱恶意软件的第一步。关闭您的 Wi-Fi(Turn off your Wi-Fi)、以太网(Ethernet),甚至断开您的路由器以完全断开任何互联网连接。这样做将立即阻止恶意软件传播并阻止在您不知情的情况下发生的任何数据传输,从而阻止攻击。
第 2 步:将您的 PC 启动到安全模式
安全模式(Safe Mode)允许您使用最少数量的所需程序和服务来启动您的 PC。通常,恶意软件旨在在您启动计算机时立即启动。对于此类恶意软件,以安全模式(Safe Mode)启动计算机将允许您在不激活恶意软件的情况下启动。此外,由于恶意软件未激活或未运行,您可以更轻松地从 Windows 10 中删除恶意软件( remove Malware from your Windows 10)。 要启动到安全模式(To boot into Safe Mode),
1. 单击任务栏上的Windows 图标( Windows icon)。
2. 在开始菜单中,单击齿轮图标(gear icon)打开设置。(Settings.)
3. 单击“更新和安全(Update & Security)”,然后单击“恢复(Recovery)”。
4.在“高级启动”下选择“立即重新启动”。(Restart now)
5. 您的 PC 将重新启动并出现“选择一个选项(Choose an option)”窗口。
6. 点击“疑难解答(Troubleshoot)”。
7. 在新窗口中,单击“高级选项(Advanced options)”。
8. 点击“启动设置(Startup Settings)”。
9. 现在,单击“重新启动(Restart)”,您的 PC 现在将重新启动。
10. 将出现启动选项菜单。选择 4 或按 F4( Select 4 or press F4)以安全模式启动您的 PC。
11. 但是,如果您需要访问互联网,请选择 5 或按 F5(select 5 or press F5)以通过网络连接的(Networking)安全模式(Safe Mode)启动您的 PC 。
如果您无法启动进入安全模式,您可以使用本指南列出5 种不同的启动进入安全模式(5 different ways to boot into Safe mode)的方法。
如果您注意到您的系统在安全模式下(Safe Mode)运行得更快,则可能是恶意软件导致您的系统正常减速。此外,某些程序会在启动时自动加载,从而进一步降低系统速度。
第 3 步:检查已安装的程序
1. 在任务栏上的搜索字段中键入控制面板(control panel)。
2. 点击快捷方式打开控制面板。( Control Panel.)
3. 从控制(Control)面板窗口点击“程序(Programs)”。
4. 单击“程序和功能(Programs and features)”。
5. 您将看到已安装程序的完整列表。
6. 查找任何未知程序,如果找到,请立即卸载。(uninstall it immediately.)
第 4 步:删除临时文件
您应该删除临时文件,这些文件将删除残留的恶意文件,甚至释放磁盘空间并加快防病毒扫描。您可以使用 Windows 的内置磁盘清理实用程序来执行此操作。要使用磁盘清理实用程序,您可以使用本指南(this guide)或在任务栏的搜索字段中键入磁盘清理。将出现磁盘清理(Disk Cleanup)实用程序的快捷方式。除此之外,您还可以使用Run手动删除临时文件。为此,请按Windows键 + R 打开运行并键入 %temp% 并按 Enter。将打开一个包含系统临时文件的文件夹。清除此文件夹的内容。
有时某些恶意软件或病毒会驻留在临时文件夹中,您将无法清除Windows 10中的临时文件,在这种情况下,请使用本指南删除临时文件(this guide to delete the temporary files)。
第 5 步:运行防病毒扫描程序
通常,您可能正在使用实时防病毒软件,该软件会不断检查恶意软件。但是您的防病毒软件可能无法识别每种类型的恶意软件,这就是您的系统被感染的原因。因此,您应该使用另一个按需防病毒软件运行扫描,根据指示扫描您的系统中的恶意软件。如果检测到任何恶意软件,请将其删除并再次扫描您的系统以检查是否有任何残留的恶意软件。这样做会在 Windows 10 中从您的 PC 中删除恶意软件,(remove Malware from your PC in Windows 10,)并且您的系统可以安全使用。您可以使用多个按需防病毒扫描程序来确保您的计算机免受任何此类威胁。您应该拥有一款实时杀毒软件和一些按需杀毒软件,以使您的系统免受恶意软件的侵害。
第 6 步:运行恶意软件检测器工具
现在,您必须使用像Malwarebytes这样的恶意软件检测工具来运行系统扫描。你可以从这里下载(download it from here)。如果您在前面的步骤中断开了 Internet 连接,那么您可以使用另一台 PC 或重新连接 Internet 以下载软件。运行下载的文件以安装此软件。下载和更新后,您可以断开互联网连接。或者,您可以在其他设备上下载该软件,然后使用USB驱动器将其传输到受感染的计算机。
安装后,启动程序。选择(Select)“执行快速扫描(Perform quick scan)”并单击“扫描(Scan)”按钮。快速扫描可能需要大约 5 到 20 分钟,具体取决于您的计算机。您还可以运行大约需要 30 到 60 分钟的完整扫描。但是,建议您首先运行快速扫描以查找大部分恶意软件。
如果检测到恶意软件,将出现一个警告对话框。单击(Click)“查看(View) 扫描结果(Scan Results)”以查看受感染的文件。选择要删除的项目,然后单击“删除选定(Remove Selected)项”。删除后,将出现一个文本文件,确认每次删除。在此之后,您可能需要重新启动计算机。如果在运行快速扫描和删除后未检测到恶意软件或您的问题仍然存在,则应运行全面扫描。使用本指南(this guide)在 Windows 10中运行全面扫描并从您的 PC 中删除任何恶意软件。(remove any Malware from your PC in Windows 10.)
第 7 步:检查您的网络浏览器
恶意软件(Malware)还可以修改您的浏览器设置。删除恶意软件后,您必须清除 Web 浏览器的 cookie。此外,请检查您的其他浏览器设置,例如主页。恶意软件(Malware)可以将您的主页更改为可能再次感染您的计算机的未知网站。此外,如果您避免您的防病毒软件可能阻止的任何网站,这将有所帮助。
1. 打开谷歌浏览器,按Ctrl + H打开历史记录。
2. 接下来,单击左侧面板中的清除浏览(Clear browsing)数据。
3. 确保在Obliterate the following items from下选择“beginning of time” 。
4. 另外,勾选以下:
Cookie 和其他父亲和插件数据
5. 现在单击清除浏览数据(Clear browsing data) 按钮并等待它完成。
6. 关闭浏览器并重新启动 PC 以保存更改。
第 8 步:重新安装 Windows
虽然上述方法适用于大多数用户,但您的系统可能已受到严重感染,无法使用上述方法恢复。如果您的Windows仍然无法运行或无法清除恶意软件,您可能需要重新安装Windows . 请注意,在重新安装Windows之前,您应该记得备份您的 PC(take a backup of your PC)。将文件复制到外部驱动器并使用某些实用程序备份驱动程序。对于程序,您必须重新安装它们。
备份所有重要资料后,您可以使用随 PC 提供的光盘重新安装Windows 。如果您的计算机支持,您也可以使用恢复出厂设置选项。重新安装Windows(Windows)后,您将能够在 Windows 10 中成功从 PC 中删除恶意软件。( remove malware from your PC in Windows 10.)
删除恶意软件后(After the Malware is Removed)
删除恶意软件后,您应该采取其他一些步骤来保持 PC 的安全和清洁。首先(First),一旦你摆脱了感染,你应该检查你的社交网络、电子邮件和银行账户等是否有任何可能发生的恶意活动。此外,请考虑更改您的密码,以防它们被恶意软件保存。
该恶意软件还可能隐藏在系统被感染时创建的旧备份中。(old backups)您应该删除旧备份并进行新备份。如果您不能删除旧备份,您至少应该使用防病毒软件对其进行扫描。(you should at least scan them with an anti-virus.)
始终在您的计算机上使用良好的实时防病毒软件。如果您准备好按需防病毒软件以防受到攻击,这将有所帮助。随时更新您的防病毒软件。您可以使用各种免费的防病毒软件,例如Norton、Avast、AVG 等。
由于大多数恶意软件是通过互联网引入的,因此您在访问未知站点时应采取严格的预防措施。您甚至可以使用OpenDNS之类的服务来阻止任何可能对您造成危险的网站。一些软件还为 Web 浏览器提供沙盒模式。在沙盒模式下,Web 浏览器将在严格控制的环境中运行,并且只会被授予一些必要的权限以防止滥用它们。因此,在沙盒模式下运行您的网络浏览器将防止任何下载的恶意软件损害您的系统。避开任何可疑网站并保持Windows更新。
我希望本文对您有所帮助,您现在可以在 Windows 10 中轻松地从您的 PC 中( Remove Malware from your PC in Windows 10) 删除恶意软件( Remove Malware),但如果您对本指南仍有任何疑问,请随时在评论部分提出。
How to Remove Malware from your PC in Windows 10
Malware is a ѕoftware with malicious intents, designed to cause damage to а computer or a network. Τo keep one’ѕ computer safe from malware, one strategy is to prеvent the malware frоm getting acсess to your computer. This is done by using firewalls and anti-virus software. Bυt, once infected, malware cannоt be removed verу easily. Thіs is becаuse malware stays hiddеn on уour computer and might even escape yоur anti-virus ѕcan, which iѕ why it is very impоrtant to follow the right steps to get rіd of the malware.
How do you know if your computer is infected with Malware?
- Popups start appearing when you connect to the internet. These popups may even contain links to other malicious sites.
- Your computer processor is too slow. This is because malware uses a lot of your system’s processing power.
- Your browser keeps getting redirected to some unknown site.
- Your system crashes unexpectedly, and you face Blue Screen Of Death error frequently.
- Abnormal behaviour of some programs or processes, against your interest. Malware might be responsible for automatically launching or closing certain programs or processes.
- The normal behaviour of your system. Yes. Some kinds of malware hiding in your system, without acting at all. They might be waiting for the right moment to attack or might be waiting for a command from their controller.
How to Remove Malware from your PC in Windows 10
Make sure to create a restore point just in case something goes wrong.
Once you know that your system is affected, it becomes very important to get rid of the malware as soon as possible before it steals your personal data or further harms your system. To remove malware from your PC, follow the given steps:
Step 1: Disconnect your PC from the Internet
This is the first step to get rid of the malware. Turn off your Wi-Fi, Ethernet or even disconnect your router to disconnect any internet connection completely. Doing so will immediately stop malware from spreading and stop any data transfer occurring without your knowledge, hence stopping the attack.
Step 2: Boot your PC into Safe Mode
Safe Mode allows you to boot your PC using a minimum number of required programs and services. Generally, malware is designed to launch as soon as you boot your computer. For such malware, booting your computer in Safe Mode will allow you to boot without getting the malware active. Furthermore, since the malware is not active or running, it will become easier for you to remove Malware from your Windows 10. To boot into Safe Mode,
1. Click on the Windows icon on the taskbar.
2. In the Start menu, click on the gear icon to open Settings.
3. Click on ‘Update & Security’ and then click on ‘Recovery’.
4. Select ‘Restart now’ under the ‘Advanced Startup’.
5. Your PC will restart and ‘Choose an option’ window will appear.
6. Click on ‘Troubleshoot’.
7. In the new window, click on ‘Advanced options’.
8. Click on ‘Startup Settings’.
9. Now, click on ‘Restart’, and your PC will restart now.
10. A menu of startup options will appear. Select 4 or press F4 to start your PC in Safe Mode.
11. However, if you require access to the internet, select 5 or press F5 to start your PC in Safe Mode with Networking.
If you’re unable to boot into safe mode, you can use this guide to list 5 different ways to boot into Safe mode.
If you notice that your system is working faster in Safe Mode, it is possible that malware was causing your system to slow down normally. Also, some programs load on startup automatically, further slowing down your system.
Step 3: Check Installed Programs
Now, you should check your system for any unwanted or suspicious programs. To find the list of programs installed on your computer,
1. Type control panel in the search field located on your taskbar.
2. Click on the shortcut to open Control Panel.
3. From Control panel window click on ‘Programs’.
4. Click on ‘Programs and features’.
5. You will see the entire list of installed programs.
6. Look for any unknown programs and if you find one, uninstall it immediately.
Step 4: Delete Temporary Files
You should delete temporary files that will remove residual malicious files and even free up disk space and speed up the anti-virus scan. You can do so by using Windows’ inbuilt disk cleanup utility. To use disk cleanup utility, you can either use this guide or type disk cleanup in your taskbar’s search field. A shortcut to Disk Cleanup utility will appear. Apart from this, you can also delete temporary files manually by using Run. For this, press Windows key + R to open run and type %temp% and press enter. A folder containing your system’s temp files will open. Clear the content of this folder.
Sometimes some malware or viruses can reside in the temporary folder, and you won’t be able to clear the temporary files in Windows 10, in such situation use this guide to delete the temporary files.
Step 5: Run Anti-virus Scanner
Generally, you may be using real-time antivirus software, which constantly checks for malware. But your antivirus may not be able to identify every single type malware, which is why your system has been infected. Therefore, you should run a scan using another on-demand anti-virus software, scans your system for malware on being instructed. If any malware is detected, remove it and scan your system again to check for any residual malware. Doing this will remove Malware from your PC in Windows 10, and your system will be safe to use. You can use multiple on-demand anti-virus scanners to ensure that your computer is safe from any such threat. You should have one real-time anti-virus software and a few on-demand anti-virus software, to keep your system free of malware.
Step 6: Run a Malware Detector Tool
Now, you must use a malware detector tool like Malwarebytes to run a system scan. You can download it from here. If you had disconnected your internet connection in earlier steps, then either you can use another PC or can reconnect the internet to download the software. Run the downloaded file to install this software. Once downloaded and updated, you can disconnect the internet. Alternatively, you can download the software on some other device and then transfer it to your infected computer with a USB drive.
After installation, launch the program. Select ‘Perform quick scan’ and click on the ‘Scan’ button. The quick scan may take around 5 to 20 minutes depending upon your computer. You can also run a full scan which takes around 30 to 60 minutes. However, it is recommended that you first run the quick scan to find most of the malware.
If malware is detected, a warning dialog box will appear. Click on ‘View Scan Results’ to see which file is infected. Select the items you want to delete and click on ‘Remove Selected’. After removing, a text file will appear, confirming each removal. You may have to restart your computer after this. If no malware is detected or your problems persist even after running the quick scan and removal, you should run a full scan. Use this guide to run a full scan & remove any Malware from your PC in Windows 10.
Some malware kills scanning software to protect themselves. If you have such malware, Malwarebytes might stop unexpectedly and would not reopen. Removing such malware is extremely time-consuming and troublesome; therefore, you should consider reinstalling Windows.
Step 7: Check your Web Browser
Malware can also modify your browser settings. Once you have removed the malware, you must clear cookies of your web browser. Additionally, check your other browser settings like the homepage. Malware can change your homepage to some unknown website which might infect your computer again. Also, it would help if you avoided any websites that your antivirus may block.
1. Open Google Chrome and press Ctrl + H to open history.
2. Next, click Clear browsing data from the left panel.
3. Make sure the “beginning of time” is selected under Obliterate the following items from.
4. Also, checkmark the following:
Browsing history
Download history
Cookies and other sire and plugin data
Cached images and files
Autofill form data
5. Now click the Clear browsing data button and wait for it to finish.
6. Close your browser and restart your PC to save changes.
Step 8: Reinstall Windows
While the above methods work for most users, it is possible that your system is severely infected and cannot be recovered using the above methods. If your Windows is still not working or is unable to get rid of malware, you might have to reinstall your Windows. Note that before reinstalling Windows, you should remember to take a backup of your PC. Copy your files to an external drive and backup your drivers using some utility. For programs, you will have to reinstall them.
After backing up all your important stuff, you can reinstall Windows using the disc provided to you along with your PC. You can also use the factory restore option if your computer supports it. After your Windows reinstall, you will be able to successfully remove malware from your PC in Windows 10.
After the Malware is Removed
Once you have removed the malware, you should take a few other steps to keep your PC safe and clean. First of all, as soon as you get rid of the infection, you should check your social networking, email and bank accounts, etc. for any malicious activity that might have occurred. Also, consider changing your password in case they had been saved by the malware.
The malware could also hide in the old backups that were created when your system was infected. You should delete the old backups and take new backups. In case you must not delete the old backups, you should at least scan them with an anti-virus.
Always use a good real-time anti-virus on your computer. It would help if you had an on-demand anti-virus software ready in case of an attack. Keep your anti-virus updated at all times. There are various free anti-viruses available that you can use like Norton, Avast, AVG, etc.
Since most malware is introduced through the internet, you should take strict precautions while visiting unknown sites. You can even use services like OpenDNS to block any sites that might be dangerous for you. Some software also offers sandbox mode for web browsers. In sandbox mode, the web browser will run in a strictly controlled environment and will only be granted a few necessary permissions not to abuse them. Running your web browser in sandbox mode will, hence, prevent any downloaded malware from harming your system. Avoid any suspicious websites and keep your Windows updated.
I hope this article was helpful and you can now easily Remove Malware from your PC in Windows 10, but if you still have any questions regarding this guide then feel free to ask them in the comment’s section.