Windows用户可以访问Microsoft Store上的大量应用程序。除了付费应用程序之外,还有很多免费应用程序可用。但是,每个操作系统在此过程中都必然会遇到问题,例如“应用程序无法在 Windows 10 上打开”(apps not opening on Windows 10’ )问题。幸运的是,有许多解决方案可以解决这个问题。
如何修复 Windows 10 应用程序不工作(How To Fix Windows 10 Apps Not Working)
为什么 Windows 10 应用程序无法运行?(Why are Windows 10 apps not working?)
- Windows 更新服务已禁用
- 与Windows(Windows)防火墙或防病毒程序冲突
- Windows 更新(Windows update)服务未正常运行
- Microsoft Store无法正常工作或已过时
- 故障或过时的应用程序
- (Registration)上述应用程序的注册问题
(Carry)逐一执行以下方法中的过程,直到找到“应用程序无法在 Windows 10 上打开”问题的解决方案(‘apps not opening on Windows 10’ )。
方法一:更新应用(Method 1: Update Apps)
解决此问题最直接的方法是确保Windows 10应用程序是最新的。您应该更新未打开的应用程序,然后尝试再次启动它。按照此方法中的步骤使用Microsoft Store更新Windows 10应用程序:
1.在Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中键入Store ,然后从搜索结果中启动Microsoft Store 。请参阅给定的图片。
2.接下来,点击右上角的三点菜单(three-dotted menu )图标。
3. 在这里,选择下载和更新,( Downloads and updates, )如下图所示。
4. 在下载(Download)和更新窗口中,单击获取更新(Get updates)以检查是否有任何可用更新。参考下图。
5. 如果有可用更新,请选择全部更新。(Update all.)
6 . 安装更新后,重新启动(restart)PC。
检查Windows应用程序是否正在打开,或者更新错误仍然存在后 Windows 10 应用程序是否无法运行。
方法 2:重新注册 Windows 应用程序(Method 2: Re-register Windows Apps)
解决“应用程序无法打开 Windows 10 ”问题的一个可能方法是使用(Apps won’t open Windows 10)Powershell重新注册应用程序。只需(Just)按照以下步骤操作:
1.在Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中键入Powershell ,然后单击以管理员身份运行启动(Run as Administrator)Windows Powershell。参考下图。
2. 窗口打开后,键入以下命令并按Enter:
Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml”}
3. 重新注册过程需要一些时间。
注意:(Note:)确保在此期间不要关闭窗口或关闭 PC。
4. 该过程完成后,重新启动(restart)您的 PC。
现在,检查Windows 10应用程序是否正在打开。
方法 3:重置 Microsoft Store(Method 3: Reset Microsoft Store)
应用程序无法在Windows 10上运行的另一个可能原因是Microsoft Store缓存或应用程序(App)安装损坏。请按照以下步骤重置Microsoft Store缓存:
1.在Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中输入命令提示符并( Command prompt)以管理员身份运行,(Run as administrator,)如下图所示。
2.在命令提示符(Command Prompt)窗口中键入wsreset.exe 。然后,按Enter运行命令。
3. 该命令将需要一段时间才能执行。在此之前不要关闭窗口。
4. Microsoft Store将在该过程完成后启动。
5. 重复方法一(Method 1)中提到的步骤来更新应用程序。
如果存在无法打开Windows 10应用程序的问题,请尝试下一个修复程序。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Windows 10 中清除 ARP 缓存(How to Clear ARP Cache in Windows 10)
方法 4:禁用防病毒(Antivirus)和防火墙(Firewall)
防病毒软件(Antivirus)和防火墙可能与Windows应用程序发生冲突,从而阻止它们打开或无法正常工作。要确定此冲突是否是原因,您需要 暂时禁用防病毒( disable antivirus ) 和禁用防火墙,然后检查应用程序无法打开问题是否已修复。
请按照以下步骤关闭防病毒和Windows Defender防火墙:
1. 键入病毒和威胁防护( virus and threat protection)并从搜索结果中启动它。
2. 在设置窗口中,单击如图所示管理设置(Manage settings)。
3. 现在,关闭下面显示的三个选项的切换( toggle off),即实时保护、云交付保护(Real-time protection, Cloud delivered protection, )和自动样本提交。(Automatic sample submission.)
4. 接下来,在Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中键入防火墙并启动防火墙和网络保护。(Firewall and network protection.)
5. 关闭Private network、Public network和Domain network的切换开关,如下所示。
6. 如果您有第三方杀毒软件,请启动(launch)它。
7.现在,转到Settings > Disable,或类似的选项暂时禁用防病毒保护。
9. 如果没有,请重新打开病毒和防火墙保护。
方法 5:重置或重新安装故障应用程序(Method 5: Reset or Reinstall Malfunctioning Apps)
如果特定的Windows应用程序未在您的 PC 上打开,此方法特别有用。请按照以下步骤重置该特定应用程序并可能解决问题:
1.在Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中键入添加或删除程序。(Add or remove programs)如图所示,从搜索结果中启动它。
2. 接下来,在搜索此列表(search this list )栏中键入不会打开的应用程序的名称。(app)
3. 单击应用程序(app)并选择此处突出显示的高级选项。(Advanced options )
4. 在打开的新窗口中,单击重置(Reset)。
6. 如果Windows 10应用程序无法打开问题仍然存在,请按照之前的步骤 1 - 3(steps 1 – 3)。
7. 在新窗口中,单击Uninstall而不是Reset。请参阅下面的图片进行说明。
8. 在这种情况下,导航到Microsoft Store以重新安装(reinstall)之前卸载的应用程序,以解决 Microsoft Store 未安装应用程序的问题(fix Microsoft Store Not Installing Apps issue)。
方法 6:更新 Microsoft Store(Method 6: Update Microsoft Store)
如果Microsoft Store已过时,则可能导致无法下载应用程序(can’t download apps)或应用程序无法打开Windows 10的问题。按照此方法中的步骤使用命令提示符(Command Prompt)对其进行更新:
1. 使用管理员权限启动命令提示符(Command Prompt),就像在方法 3(Method 3)中所做的那样。
2,然后在命令提示符(Command Prompt)窗口中复制粘贴以下内容并按Enter:
schtasks /run /tn “\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\Automatic App Update”
3. 该过程完成后,重新启动(restart)您的 PC。
现在检查错误是否仍然存在。如果Windows应用程序仍未在您的Windows 10 PC 上打开,请转到以下方法运行Microsoft Store的疑难解答。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Windows 10 中删除临时文件(How to Delete Temp Files in Windows 10)
方法 7:运行 Windows 疑难解答(Method 7: Run Windows Troubleshooter)
1. 键入控制面板( Control Panel )并从搜索结果中启动它,如图所示。
2. 接下来,单击疑难解答(Troubleshooting)。
注意:(Note:)如果您看不到该选项,请转到查看方式( View by)并选择小图标( Small icons),如下所示。
3. 然后,在故障排除窗口中,单击硬件和声音。(Hardware and Sound.)
4.现在向下滚动到Windows部分,然后单击Windows Store Apps。
5. 疑难解答程序将扫描可能阻止Windows 应用商店(Windows Store)应用正常运行的问题。此后,它将进行必要的维修。
6. 该过程完成后,重新启动(restart)您的 PC 并检查Windows应用程序是否正在打开。
如果问题仍然存在,可能是因为Windows 更新(Windows Update)和应用程序身份(Application Identity)服务未运行。阅读以下内容以了解更多信息。
方法 8:确保应用程序标识和更新服务正在运行(Method 8: Ensure Application Identity and Update Service is Running)
许多用户报告说,在“服务”应用中启用Windows(Services)更新(Windows)服务可以解决应用无法打开的问题。对Windows(Windows)应用程序必不可少的另一项服务称为Application Identity 服务(Application Identity service),如果禁用,可能会导致类似问题。
1.在Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中键入服务并从搜索结果中启动应用程序。(Services)请参阅给定的图片。
2. 在“服务(Services)”窗口中,找到Windows 更新(Windows Update)服务。
3. Windows Update(Windows Update)旁边的状态栏应该显示为Running,如图所示。
4. 如果Windows 更新(Windows Update)服务未运行,请右键单击它并选择开始(Start),如下所述。
5. 然后,在服务窗口中找到应用程序标识。(Application Identity)
6. 检查它是否像第 3 步(Step 3)一样运行。如果没有,请右键单击它并选择Start。
现在,检查Windows 10应用程序未打开问题是否已解决。否则,您需要检查计算机上安装的第三方软件是否存在问题。
方法 9:执行干净启动(Method 9: Perform Clean Boot)
由于与第三方软件冲突,Windows 应用程序可能无法打开。您需要通过使用“服务(Services)”窗口禁用桌面/笔记本电脑上安装的所有第三方软件来执行干净启动。(perform a clean boot)请按照以下步骤执行此操作:
1.在Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中键入系统配置。(System Configuration)如图所示启动它。
2. 接下来,单击服务(Services )选项卡。选中隐藏所有 Microsoft 服务( Hide all Microsoft Services.)旁边的框。
3. 然后,单击全部(all )禁用(Disable) 以禁用第三方应用程序。请参阅(Refer)给定图片的突出显示部分。
4. 在同一窗口中,选择启动(Startup)选项卡。如图所示,单击打开任务管理器(Open Task Manager )。
5.在这里,右键单击每个不重要的应用程序(unimportant app)并选择禁用(Disable),如下图所示。我们已经为Steam(Steam)应用解释了此步骤。
6. 这样做会阻止这些应用程序在Windows启动时启动并提高计算机的处理速度。
7. 最后,重新启动(restart)计算机。然后启动一个应用程序并检查它是否正在打开。
检查您是否能够修复Windows 10应用程序无法正常工作的问题。如果问题仍然存在,请切换您的用户帐户或创建一个新帐户,如以下方法所述。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复在 Windows 10 中出现模糊的应用程序(Fix Apps that appear blurry in Windows 10)
方法10:切换或创建新用户帐户(Method 10: Switch or Create New User Account)
可能是您当前的用户帐户已损坏,并且可能会阻止应用程序在您的 PC 上打开。按照以下步骤创建新用户帐户并尝试使用新帐户打开Windows应用程序:
1. 单击开始菜单(Start Menu)。然后,启动设置(Settings),如下所示。
2. 接下来,单击帐户(Accounts)。
3. 然后,从左侧窗格中,单击家庭和其他用户。(Family and other users.)
4. 单击将其他人添加到此 PC(Add someone else to this PC ),如突出显示。
5. 按照屏幕上的说明创建一个新用户帐户(new user account)。
6. 使用这个新添加的帐户来启动Windows应用程序。
方法11:修改用户账户控制设置(Method 11: Modify User Account Control Settings)
除上述内容外,您还应尝试修改用户帐户控制设置(User Account Control Settings)以更改授予您 PC 上应用程序的权限。这可能会解决Windows 10应用程序无法打开的问题。请按照以下步骤执行此操作:
1.从Windows 搜索(Windows search)菜单中键入并选择“更改用户帐户控制设置” 。( ‘Change User Account Control Settings’)
2. 将滑块拖动到新窗口左侧显示的从不通知(Never notify)。然后,如图所示单击确定(OK )。
如果没有,我们将在下一个方法中更改组策略用户帐户控制设置。(Group Policy User Account Control Settings)
方法 12:更改组策略用户帐户控制设置(Method 12: Change Group Policy User Account Control Settings)
更改此特定设置可能是解决Windows 10应用程序无法打开的可能方法。只需完全按照所写的步骤操作:
第一部分(Part I)
1.如图所示,从Windows 搜索(Windows search)菜单中搜索并启动运行( Run )对话框。
2.在对话框中输入secpol.msc ,然后按(secpol.msc)OK启动本地安全策略(Local Security Policy)窗口。
3. 在左侧,转到 Local Policies > Security Options.
- 用户帐户控制:检测(Detect)应用程序安装并提示提升
- 用户帐户控制:在管理员批准模式下(Admin Approval Mode)运行(Run)所有管理员
5. 右键单击每个选项,选择属性,(Properties,)然后单击启用(Enable)。
第二部分(Part II)
1.从Windows 搜索(Windows search)菜单以管理员身份(as admin)运行(Run) 命令提示符。(Command Prompt) 参考方法 3。
2. 现在在命令提示符(Command Prompt)窗口中输入 gpupdate /force然后,如图所示按Enter 。
方法13:修复License服务(Method 13: Repair License Service)
(Microsoft Store)如果许可服务出现问题, (License Service)Microsoft Store和Windows应用程序将无法顺利运行。请按照以下步骤修复许可证服务(License Service)并可能修复Windows 10应用程序无法打开的问题:
1. 右键单击您的桌面(desktop)并选择新建(New)。
2. 然后,选择文本文档(Text Document),如下图所示。
3. 双击新的文本文档(Text Document)文件,该文件现在在桌面(Desktop)上可用。
4. 现在,将以下内容复制粘贴到文本文档(Text Document)中。请参阅(Refer)给定的图片。
echo off
net stop clipsvc
if “%1?==”” (
move %windir%\serviceprofiles\localservice\appdata\local\microsoft\clipsvc\tokens.dat %windir%\serviceprofiles\localservice\appdata\local\microsoft\clipsvc\tokens.bak
if “%1?==”recover” (
copy %windir%\serviceprofiles\localservice\appdata\local\microsoft\clipsvc\tokens.bak %windir%\serviceprofiles\localservice\appdata\local\microsoft\clipsvc\tokens.dat
net start clipsvc
5. 从左上角,转到 File > Save as.
6. 然后,将文件名设置为license.bat并在(license.bat)Save as type下选择All Files 。
7. 将其保存(Save)在您的桌面(Desktop)上。请参阅(Refer)下图以供参考。
8.在桌面上(Desktop)找到(Locate)license.bat 。右键单击(Right-click)它,然后选择以管理员身份运行,(Run as administrator )如下所示。
许可证服务(License Service)将停止,缓存将被重命名。检查此方法是否解决了问题。否则,请尝试后续解决方案。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复您的 Windows 许可证即将过期错误(Fix Your Windows License Will Expire Soon Error)
方法 14:运行 SFC 命令(Method 14: Run SFC command)
系统文件检查器(System File Checker)( SFC ) 命令扫描所有系统文件并检查其中的错误。因此,尝试修复Windows 10应用程序无法正常工作的问题可能是一个不错的选择。这是如何做到的:
1.以管理员身份启动命令提示符。( Command Prompt)
2. 然后在窗口中输入sfc /scannow
3. 按Enter运行命令。参考下图。
4.等待(Wait)该过程完成。之后,重新启动(restart)您的 PC。
现在检查应用程序是否正在打开,或者是否出现“应用程序无法打开Windows 10 ”问题。
方法 15:将系统还原到早期版本(Method 15: Restore System to Earlier Version)
如果上述方法都不能帮助修复Windows 10应用程序无法运行的问题,那么您最后的选择是将系统恢复到以前的版本(restore your system to a previous version)。
注意:(Note:) 请记住(Remember)备份您的数据,以免丢失任何个人文件。
1.在Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中输入还原点。( restore point)
2.然后,点击创建还原点,(Create a restore point,)如下图所示。
3. 在系统属性(System Properties)窗口中,转到系统保护(System Protection) 选项卡。
4. 在这里,单击 下面突出显示的系统还原按钮。(System Restore button )
5.接下来,单击推荐还原( Recommended restore)。或者,如果您想查看其他还原点的列表,请单击选择( Choose a different restore point) 其他还原点。
6. 做出选择后,单击下一步,(Next,)如上图所示。
7. 确保选中Show more restore points(Show more restore points)旁边的框。然后,选择一个还原点并单击下一步(Next),如下图所示。
8. 最后,按照屏幕上的说明等待您的 PC恢复(restore)并重新启动(restart)。
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够修复无法在 Windows 10 上打开的应用程序( fix apps not opening on Windows 10) 问题。让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。此外,如果您对本文有任何问题或建议,请随时将它们放在下面的评论部分。
Fix Windows 10 Apps Not Working (15 Ways)
A Windows user gets accesѕ to a multitude of apps оn the Microsoft Store. There are a lot of free apps available, in addition to paid apps. However, every operating system is bound tо encounter problemѕ along the waу, ѕuch as the ‘apps not opening on Windows 10’ issue. Fortunately, there are numerous solutions to fix this problem.
Read on to know why this issue occurs and what you can do to fix it.
How To Fix Windows 10 Apps Not Working
Why are Windows 10 apps not working?
Here are some general reasons why you may be facing this issue:
- Windows Update Service is disabled
- Conflict with Windows firewall or antivirus program
- Windows update service not running properly
- Microsoft Store not working or outdated
- Malfunctioning or outdated Apps
- Registration issues with the said apps
Carry out the processes in the following methods, one-by-one till you find a solution to the ‘apps not opening on Windows 10’ issue.
Method 1: Update Apps
The most straightforward fix for this issue is to ensure that Windows 10 apps are up-to-date. You should update the app that is not opening and then try to launch it again. Follow the steps in this method to update Windows 10 apps using the Microsoft Store:
1. Type Store in the Windows search bar and then launch Microsoft Store from the search result. Refer to the given pic.
2. Next, click on the three-dotted menu icon in the top right corner.
3. Here, select Downloads and updates, as shown below.
4. In the Download and updates window, click on Get updates to check if there are any available updates. Refer to pic below.
5. If there are available updates, select Update all.
6. Once the updates are installed, restart your PC.
Check if the Windows apps are opening or if the windows 10 apps not working after the update error persists.
Method 2: Re-register Windows Apps
A possible fix to the ‘Apps won’t open Windows 10’ issue is re-registering the apps using Powershell. Just follow the steps written below:
1. Type Powershell in the Windows search bar and then launch Windows Powershell by clicking on Run as Administrator. Refer to pic below.
2. Once the window opens, type the following command and hit Enter:
Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml”}
3. The re-registration process will take some time.
Note: Ensure that you do not close the window or switch off your PC during this time.
4. After the process is complete, restart your PC.
Now, check if Windows 10 apps are opening or not.
Method 3: Reset Microsoft Store
Another possible cause for apps not working on Windows 10 is the Microsoft Store cache or App installation getting corrupt. Follow the steps below to reset the Microsoft Store cache:
1. Type Command prompt in the Windows search bar and Run as administrator, as shown below.
2. Type wsreset.exe in the Command Prompt window. Then, press Enter to run the command.
3. The command will take a while to execute. Do not close the window until then.
4. Microsoft Store will launch when the process is completed.
5. Repeat the steps mentioned in Method 1 to update the apps.
If Windows 10 apps not opening issue exists, try the next fix.
Also Read: How to Clear ARP Cache in Windows 10
Method 4: Disable Antivirus and Firewall
Antivirus and firewall can conflict with Windows apps preventing them from opening or not working correctly. To determine if this conflict is the cause, you need to disable antivirus and disable firewall temporarily and then check if the apps won’t open problem is fixed.
Follow the steps below to turn off the antivirus and Windows Defender firewall:
1. Type virus and threat protection and launch it from the search result.
2. In the settings window, click on Manage settings as depicted.
3. Now, turn the toggle off for the three options shown below, viz Real-time protection, Cloud delivered protection, and Automatic sample submission.
4. Next, type firewall in the Windows search bar and launch Firewall and network protection.
5. Turn the toggle off for Private network, Public network, and Domain network, as highlighted below.
6. If you have third-party antivirus software, then launch it.
7. Now, go to Settings > Disable, or options similar to it to disable antivirus protection temporarily.
8. Lastly, check if the apps that won’t open are opening now.
9. If not, turn the virus and firewall protection back on.
Move to the next method to reset or reinstall the malfunctioning apps.
Method 5: Reset or Reinstall Malfunctioning Apps
This method is particularly useful if a particular Windows app is not opening on your PC. Follow these steps to reset that particular application and potentially fix the problem:
1. Type Add or remove programs in the Windows search bar. Launch it from the search results as shown.
2. Next, type the name of the app that won’t open in the search this list bar.
3. Click on the app and select Advanced options as highlighted here.
Note: Here, we have demonstrated the steps to reset or reinstall the Calculator app as an example.
4. In the new window that opens, click on Reset.
Note: You can do so for all the apps that are malfunctioning.
5. Restart the computer and check if the particular app is opening.
6. If the Windows 10 app not opening issue still occurs, follow steps 1 – 3 as earlier.
7. In the new window, click on Uninstall instead of Reset. Refer to pic below for clarification.
8. In this case, navigate to the Microsoft Store to reinstall the apps that were uninstalled earlier to fix Microsoft Store Not Installing Apps issue..
Method 6: Update Microsoft Store
If Microsoft Store is outdated, then it can lead to the problem of can’t download apps or apps not opening Windows 10. Follow the steps in this method to update it using the Command Prompt:
1. Launch Command Prompt with administrator rights as you did in Method 3.
2, Then copy-paste the following in the Command Prompt window and hit Enter:
schtasks /run /tn “\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\Automatic App Update”
3. Once the process is complete, restart your PC.
Now check if the error still occurs. If Windows apps are still not opening on your Windows 10 PC, then move to the following method to run the troubleshooter for Microsoft Store.
Also Read: How to Delete Temp Files in Windows 10
Method 7: Run Windows Troubleshooter
The Windows troubleshooter can identify and fix problems automatically. If certain apps are not opening, the troubleshooter might be able to fix it. Follow these simple steps to run the Troubleshooter:
1. Type Control Panel and launch it from the search result as shown.
2. Next, click on Troubleshooting.
Note: If you are not able to see the option, go to View by and select Small icons as shown below.
3. Then, in the troubleshooting window, click on Hardware and Sound.
4. Now scroll down to the Windows section and click on Windows Store Apps.
5. The troubleshooter will scan for problems that may prevent Windows Store apps from working properly. Thereafter, it would apply the necessary repairs.
6. Once the process is complete, restart your PC and check if Windows apps are opening.
If the issue persists, it may be because Windows Update and Application Identity services are not running. Read below to know more.
Method 8: Ensure Application Identity and Update Service is Running
Many users reported that enabling the Windows update service in the Services app resolved the problem of apps not opening. The other service that is essential for Windows apps is called the Application Identity service, and if disabled, it may cause similar issues.
Follow the steps listed below to ensure that these two services necessary for the smooth functioning of Windows apps are running properly:
1. Type Services in the Windows search bar and launch the app from the search result. Refer to the given pic.
2. In the Services window, find the Windows Update service.
3. The status bar next to Windows Update should read Running, as shown highlighted.
4. If the Windows Update service is not running, right-click on it and choose Start as explained below.
5. Then, locate Application Identity in the Services window.
6. Check if it is running as you did in Step 3. If not, right-click on it and select Start.
Now, check if Windows 10 apps are not opening issue is resolved. Or else, you need to check for problems with third-party software installed on your computer.
Method 9: Perform Clean Boot
Windows apps may not be opening because of conflict with third-party software. You need to perform a clean boot by disabling all third-party software installed on your desktop/laptop using the Services window. Follow the steps below to do so:
1. Type System Configuration in the Windows search bar. Launch it as shown.
2. Next, click on the Services tab. Check the box next to Hide all Microsoft Services.
3. Then, click on Disable all to disable third-party apps. Refer highlighted sections of the given pic.
4. In the same Window, select the Startup tab. Click on Open Task Manager as shown.
5. Here, right-click on each unimportant app and select Disable as depicted in the pic below. We have explained this step for the Steam app.
6. Doing so will prevent these apps from launching on Windows startup and enhance the processing speed of your computer.
7. Lastly, restart the computer. Then launch an application and check if it is opening.
Check if you’re able to fix Windows 10 apps not working issue or not. If the issue still persists then switch your user account or create a new one, as explained in the following method.
Also Read: Fix Apps that appear blurry in Windows 10
Method 10: Switch or Create New User Account
It may be the case that your current user account has gotten corrupt and possibly, preventing apps from opening on your PC. Follow the steps below to create a new user account and try opening Windows apps with the new account:
1. Click on the Start Menu. Then, launch Settings as shown below.
2. Next, click on Accounts.
3. Then, from the left pane, click on Family and other users.
4. Click on Add someone else to this PC as shown highlighted.
5. Follow the on-screen instructions to create a new user account.
6. Use this newly added account to launch Windows apps.
Method 11: Modify User Account Control Settings
In addition to the above, you should try to modify User Account Control Settings to alter permissions granted to apps on your PC. This might fix the issue of Windows 10 apps not opening. Follow the steps below to do so:
1. Type and select ‘Change User Account Control Settings’ from the Windows search menu.
2. Drag the slider to Never notify displayed on the left-hand side of the new window. Then, click OK as depicted.
3. This would prevent unreliable apps from making any changes to the system. Now, check if this has fixed the issue.
If not, we will change the Group Policy User Account Control Settings in the next method.
Method 12: Change Group Policy User Account Control Settings
Changing this particular setting may be a possible fix to Windows 10 apps not opening. Just follow the steps exactly as written:
Part I
1. Search and launch Run dialogue box from the Windows search menu as shown.
2. Type secpol.msc in the dialogue box, then press OK to launch the Local Security Policy window.
3. On the left side, go to Local Policies > Security Options.
4. Next, on the right-hand side of the window, you need to locate two options
- User Account Control: Detect application installations and prompt for elevation
- User Account Control: Run all administrators in Admin Approval Mode
5. Right-click on each option, select Properties, and then click on Enable.
Part II
1. Run Command Prompt as admin from the Windows search menu. Refer Method 3.
2. Now type gpupdate /force in the Command Prompt window. Then, press Enter as shown.
3. Wait till the command runs and the process is complete.
Now, restart the computer and then check if the Windows apps are opening.
Method 13: Repair License Service
Microsoft Store and Windows apps will not run smoothly if there is a problem with the License Service. Follow the steps below to repair License Service and potentially fix Windows 10 apps not opening issue:
1. Right-click on your desktop and select New.
2. Then, select Text Document as illustrated below.
3. Double-click on the new Text Document file, which is now available on the Desktop.
4. Now, copy-paste the following in the Text Document. Refer to the given pic.
echo off
net stop clipsvc
if “%1?==”” (
move %windir%\serviceprofiles\localservice\appdata\local\microsoft\clipsvc\tokens.dat %windir%\serviceprofiles\localservice\appdata\local\microsoft\clipsvc\tokens.bak
if “%1?==”recover” (
copy %windir%\serviceprofiles\localservice\appdata\local\microsoft\clipsvc\tokens.bak %windir%\serviceprofiles\localservice\appdata\local\microsoft\clipsvc\tokens.dat
net start clipsvc
5. From the top-left corner, go to File > Save as.
6. Then, set the file name as license.bat and select All Files under Save as type.
7. Save it on your Desktop. Refer to the image below for reference.
8. Locate license.bat on the Desktop. Right-click on it and then select Run as administrator as depicted below.
License Service will stop, and the caches will be renamed. Check if this method has solved the problem. Otherwise, try the succeeding solutions.
Also Read: Fix Your Windows License Will Expire Soon Error
Method 14: Run SFC command
System File Checker (SFC) command scans all system files and checks for errors in them. Hence, it can be a good option to try and fix Windows 10 apps not working issue. Here’s how to do it:
1. Launch Command Prompt as an administrator.
2. Then type sfc /scannow in the window.
3. Press Enter to run the command. Refer to pic below.
4. Wait till the process is completed. After that, restart your PC.
Now check if the apps are opening or if the ‘apps won’t open Windows 10’ issue appears.
Method 15: Restore System to Earlier Version
If none of the above-mentioned methods helped fix Windows 10 apps not working issue, your last option is to restore your system to a previous version.
Note: Remember to take a backup of your data so that you don’t lose any personal files.
1. Type restore point in the Windows search bar.
2. Then, click on Create a restore point, as shown below.
3. In the System Properties window, go to the System Protection tab.
4. Here, click on the System Restore button as highlighted below.
5. Next, click on Recommended restore. Or, click on Choose a different restore point if you want to see a list of other restore points.
6. After making your selection, click Next, as shown above.
7. Ensure to check the box next to Show more restore points. Then, choose a restore point and click Next as depicted below.
8. Finally, follow the on-screen instructions and wait for your PC to restore and restart.
We hope this guide was helpful and you were able to fix apps not opening on Windows 10 issue. Let us know which method worked the best for you. Also, if you have any questions or suggestions regarding this article, feel free to drop them in the comments section below.