什么实际上占用了您的硬盘空间?(What is actually taking up your hard disk space?)
1. 单击任务栏上的开始( Start)图标。
2. 点击齿轮图标( gear icon)打开设置(Settings),然后点击“系统(System)”。
3.从左侧窗格中选择“存储”,在“(Storage)本地存储(Local Storage)”下,选择您需要检查空间的驱动器。(select the drive you need to check the space.)
4. 等待存储使用加载。加载后,您将看到哪种类型的文件使用了多少磁盘空间。(you will see which type of files use what amount of disk space.)
5. 此外,单击特定类型将为您提供更详细的存储使用信息。例如,“应用程序和游戏(Apps & Games)”部分将为您提供每个应用程序在您的磁盘上占用多少空间的详细信息。
此外,您可以从控制面板(Control Panel)中找出计算机上不同程序占用的空间。
1. 按 Windows 键 + R 然后键入control并按 Enter 打开“控制面板(Control Panel)”。
2. 现在,单击“程序(Programs)”,然后单击“程序和功能(Programs and features)”。
3. 您现在拥有计算机上的完整程序列表以及每个程序占用的空间。
除了Windows内置分析器,许多第三方磁盘空间分析器应用程序(如WinDirStat)可以帮助您通过更详细的视图了解不同文件使用的磁盘空间量(how much disk space different files use with a more detailed view)。既然您确切知道占用了大部分磁盘空间的内容,您就可以轻松决定要删除或删除的内容。要释放硬盘上的空间,请使用给定的方法:
在Windows 10上释放硬盘空间的 10 种方法(Hard Disk Space)
确保 创建一个还原点(create a restore point) 以防万一出现问题。
方法 1:使用 Storage Sense 删除垃圾 Windows 文件(Method 1: Delete Junk Windows Files using Storage Sense)
第一步,让我们使用Windows内置的Storage Sense功能删除保存在计算机上对我们无用的临时文件。
1. 单击任务栏上的开始图标(Start icon)。
2. 单击齿轮图标(gear icon)打开设置(Settings)并转到“系统(System)”。
3. 从左侧窗格中选择“存储”(Storage’)并向下滚动到“存储感知(Storage Sense)”。
4. 在“存储感知(Storage Sense)”下,单击(click)“更改我们自动释放空间(Change how we free up space automatically)的方式”。
5. 确保选中“删除我的应用未使用的临时文件(Delete temporary files that my apps aren’t using)”选项。(checked.)
6. 确定删除回收站和下载文件夹中文件的频率,然后从下拉菜单中选择相关选项。您可以在以下选项之间进行选择:从不、1 天、14 天、30 天和 60 天。(Never, 1 day, 14 days, 30 days and 60 days.)
7. 单击“立即释放空间”下的“立即清理(Clean now)”按钮,立即释放临时文件使用的磁盘空间。
8. 如果您想设置每特定天数一次的自动清理过程(set up automatic clean-up process once every particular number of days),您可以通过打开页面顶部的“ Storage Sense ”进行设置。(Storage Sense)
9. 您可以选择每天(Every)、每周(Every)、每月(Every)和Windows何时决定进行存储维护的时间。
方法 2:使用磁盘清理删除临时文件(Method 2: Delete Temporary Files using Disk Cleanup)
1. 按 Windows 键 + I 打开设置(Settings),然后单击系统图标。(System icon.)
2. 从左侧窗格中选择“存储(Storage)”并向下滚动到“存储感知(Storage sense)”。
3. 点击“立即释放空间(Free up space now)”。然后等待扫描完成。
4. 从列表中选择您要删除的文件,例如( select the files you would like to delete, such as) 下载、缩略图、临时文件、回收站等。
5. 单击“删除文件(Remove files)”按钮以释放选定的总空间。
1. 按 Windows 键 + E 打开文件资源管理器。(Files Explorer.)
2. 在“此 PC”下,右键单击(right-click)需要运行磁盘清理的驱动器,然后选择“(drive)属性”。(Properties.)
3. 在“常规(General)”选项卡下,单击“磁盘清理(Disk cleanup)”。
4.从列表中选择您要删除的文件,(Select the files that you want to delete)如 Windows 更新清理、下载程序文件、回收站、临时 Internet 文件等,然后单击“确定”。( click on OK.)
5. 单击“删除文件(Delete files)”以确认删除所选文件。
6.接下来,点击“清理系统文件(Clean up system files)”。
7.将删除该特定驱动器中不需要的文件(Unnecessary files from that particular drive will be removed),从而释放磁盘空间。
对于那些使用使用卷影副本的(Shadow copies)系统还原(System Restore)的用户,您可以删除其垃圾文件以释放驱动器上的更多空间。(delete its junk files to free up more space on your drive.)
1. 按 Windows 键 + E 打开文件资源管理器。(Files Explorer.)
2. 在“此 PC”下,右键单击(right-click)需要运行磁盘清理的驱动器,然后选择“(drive)属性”。(Properties.)
3. 在“常规(General)”选项卡下,单击“磁盘清理(Disk Cleanup)”。
4. 现在点击“清理系统文件(Clean up system files)”。
5. 切换到“更多选项(More Options)”选项卡。
6. 在“系统还原和卷影副本(System Restore and Shadow Copies)”部分下,单击“清理...(Clean up…) ”。
7. 点击“删除(Delete)”确认删除。
方法 3:使用 CCleaner 删除程序使用的临时文件(Method 3: Delete Temporary Files used by Programs using CCleaner)
上述两种我们用来释放临时文件占用空间的方法,实际上只包括那些没有被其他程序使用的临时文件。例如,您的浏览器用于加快网站访问时间的浏览器缓存文件不会被删除。这些文件实际上可能会占用您磁盘上的巨大空间。要释放此类临时文件,您需要下载CCleaner(CCleaner)等第三方应用程序。CCleaner 可用于删除所有临时文件,包括那些在磁盘清理过程中遗漏的文件,如Internet 临时文件(Temporary Internet Files)、历史记录(History)、Cookie(Cookies)、Index.dat文件、最近文档、搜索自动完成(Search Autocomplete)、其他探索 MRU(Explore MRUs)等。这个程序将有效地释放相当多的磁盘空间。
方法 4:卸载未使用的应用程序和程序以释放硬盘空间 (Method 4: Uninstall Unused Apps and Programs to Free Up Hard Disk Space )
1. 按Windows Key + I打开设置,然后单击“应用程序(Apps)”。
2. 单击左侧窗格中的“应用程序和功能(Apps and features)”。
3. 在这里,您可以根据应用的大小对应用列表进行排序,以确定哪些应用占据了大部分空间。为此,请单击“排序方式:(Sort by:) ”,然后从下拉菜单中选择“大小(Size)”。
4. 单击您要卸载的应用程序,然后单击“卸载(Uninstall)”。
6. 使用相同的步骤,您可以卸载(you can uninstall all unnecessary apps)计算机上所有不必要的应用程序。
请注意,您也可以使用控制面板卸载应用程序。(uninstall apps using Control Panel.)
1. 在任务栏上的搜索字段中键入控制面板,然后单击它以打开“控制面板(Control Panel)”。
2. 点击“程序(Programs)”。
3. 在“程序和功能(Programs and Features)”下,单击“卸载程序(Uninstall a program)”。
4. 在这里,您可以通过单击“大小(Size)”属性标题根据应用的大小对应用进行排序。
5.此外,您可以过滤掉小型,中型,大型,巨大和巨大的应用程序。为此,请单击“大小”(Size)旁边的向下箭头( down arrow beside)并选择相关选项。(the relevant option.)
6. 右键单击应用程序( app)并单击“卸载”以卸载任何应用程序,然后在“(Uninstall)用户帐户控制(User Account Control)”窗口中单击“是(Yes)” 。
方法5:删除重复文件以释放硬盘空间(Method 5: Delete Duplicate Files to Free Up Hard Disk Space)
在您的计算机上复制和粘贴不同文件时,您实际上可能会获得位于计算机不同位置的同一文件的多个副本。删除这些重复文件还可以释放磁盘空间。现在,在您的计算机上手动查找文件的不同副本几乎是不可能的,因此您可以使用一些第三方应用程序来执行此操作。其中一些是 Duplicate Cleaner Pro、CCleaner、Auslogics Duplicate File Finder等。
方法6:将文件存储在云端(Method 6: Store Files on the Cloud)
使用 Microsoft 的OneDrive保存文件可以为您节省一些本地磁盘空间。OneDrive的“按需文件(Files On-Demand)”功能可在Windows 10上使用,这是一项非常酷的功能,您甚至可以从文件资源管理器(File Explorer)访问那些实际存储在云中的文件。这些文件不会存储在您的本地磁盘上,并且可以在需要时直接从文件资源管理器(File Explorer)中下载,而无需同步它们。因此(Hence),如果空间不足,您可以将文件存储在云端。要启用OneDrive Files On-Demand,
1. 单击任务栏通知区域中的云图标(cloud icon in the notification area)以打开 OneDrive。
2. 然后点击“更多(More)”并选择“设置(Settings)”。
3. 切换到“设置”选项卡( Settings tab)并选中(checkmark)“按需文件”部分下的“(Files On-Demand)节省空间并下载文件(Save space and download files as you see them)”框。
4. 单击确定,将启用文件点播。(Files On-Demand)
1. 打开文件资源管理器(File Explorer)并从左侧窗格中选择“ OneDrive ”。
2. 右键单击要移动到OneDrive的文件,然后选择“释放空间(Free up space)”。
3.您使用这些步骤将所有必需的文件移动到OneDrive,您仍然可以从文件资源管理器(File Explorer)访问这些文件。
方法 7:在 Windows 10 上禁用休眠(Method 7: Disable Hibernation on Windows 10)
Windows 10上的休眠功能可让您在不丢失工作的情况下关闭计算机,这样无论何时再次打开,您都可以从离开的地方开始。现在,此功能通过将内存中的数据保存到硬盘来实现。如果您立即需要更多磁盘空间,您可以禁用此功能以释放Windows上的硬盘空间(Free Up Hard Disk Space)。为了这,
1. 在任务栏上的搜索字段中,键入命令提示符。(command prompt.)
2. 右键单击命令提示符(Command Prompt)快捷方式并选择“以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator)”。
3. 运行以下命令:
powercfg /hibernate off
4.如果以后需要再次启用休眠( enable hibernate again in the future),运行命令:
powercfg /hibernate off
方法 8:减少系统还原使用的磁盘空间(Method 8: Reduce the disk space utilized by System Restore)
这是您可以权衡磁盘空间的另一个功能。系统还原(System Restore)使用大量磁盘空间来保存系统还原点。如果您可以使用更少的系统还原点来还原您的系统,那么您可以减少系统还原(System Restore)在磁盘上占用的空间量。去做这个,
1. 右键单击“这台电脑(This PC)”并选择“属性(Properties)”。
2. 单击左侧窗格中的“系统保护(System Protection)”。
3. 现在切换到系统保护(System Protection)选项卡并单击“配置(Configure)”。
4. 调整到所需的配置并单击确定。
5.如果不需要,(delete all restore points if you don’t need them.)您也可以单击“删除(Delete)”删除所有还原点。
方法 9:压缩 Windows 10 安装以释放磁盘空间 (Method 9: Compress Windows 10 Installation to Free Up Disk Space )
1. 备份您的 PC,因为修改系统文件可能有风险。
2. 在任务栏上的搜索字段中,键入命令提示符。(command prompt.)
3. 右键单击命令提示符(Command Prompt)快捷方式并选择“以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator)”。
4. 运行以下命令:
compact.exe /compactOS:always
5. 要在将来恢复更改,请运行以下命令:
compact.exe /compactOS:never
方法 10:将文件和应用程序移动到外部硬盘驱动器(Method 10: Move files and apps to External Hard Drive)
如果您的计算机需要更多空间,您可以使用外部硬盘驱动器。您可以将文件和应用程序移动到外部驱动器以释放Windows 10(Windows 10)上的硬盘空间。虽然将文件和应用程序移动到外部驱动器很容易,但您还可以将其配置为将新内容自动保存到新位置。
1. 导航到Settings > System > Storage.
2. 单击“更多存储设置”下的“更改新内容的保存位置”。(Change where new content is saved)
3. 从列表中选择所需的位置并单击“应用(Apply)”。
我希望这篇文章对您有所帮助,您现在可以轻松地在 Windows 10 上释放硬盘空间(Free Up Hard Disk Space On Windows 10),但如果您对本指南仍有任何疑问,请随时在评论部分提出。
10 Ways to Free Up Hard Disk Space On Windows 10
Whenever we think we have еnough space on our hard drive, we somehow find enough stuff to load it with and run out of space real sоon. And all we know at the end of the story is that we desperately need more space on the drive because we already have a ton of more pictures, videos, and apps. So, іf you need to make space on your drive, here are a few ways that you can υse to clean up your hard disk and optimize your space utilіzation tо make room fоr new stuff and save yourself from having tо buy anоther drive already.
What is actually taking up your hard disk space?
Now, before you clean up some space on your drive, you probably need to figure out which files are actually eating up all your disk space. This crucial information is made available to you by Windows itself which provides a disk analyzer tool to find which files you need to get rid of. To analyze your disk space,
1. Click on the Start icon on the taskbar.
2. Click on the gear icon to open Settings and then click on ‘System’.
3. Select ‘Storage’ from the left pane and under ‘Local Storage’, select the drive you need to check the space.
4. Wait for the storage usage to load. Once loaded, you will see which type of files use what amount of disk space.
5. Furthermore, clicking on a particular type will give you even more detailed storage usage information. For instance, the ‘Apps & Games’ section will give you the details of how much space each app occupies on your disk.
Additionally, you can find out the space occupied by different programs on your computer from Control Panel.
1. Press Windows key + R then type control and hit Enter to open ‘Control Panel’.
2. Now, click on ‘Programs’ and then ‘Programs and features’.
3. You now have the entire list of programs on your computer and how much space each of them occupies.
Apart from the Windows built-in analyzer, many third-party disk space analyzer apps like WinDirStat can help you find out how much disk space different files use with a more detailed view. Now that you know exactly what is taking up most of your disk space, you can easily decide what you want to remove or delete. To free up space on your hard disk, use the given methods:
10 Ways to Free Up Hard Disk Space On Windows 10
Make sure to create a restore point just in case something goes wrong.
Method 1: Delete Junk Windows Files using Storage Sense
As the first step, let us delete the temporary files saved on our computers which are useless for us, using Storage Sense built-in Windows feature.
1. Click on the Start icon on the taskbar.
2. Click on the gear icon to open Settings and go to ‘System’.
3. Select ‘Storage’ from the left pane and scroll down to ‘Storage Sense’.
4. Under ‘Storage Sense’, click on ‘Change how we free up space automatically’.
5. Make sure that ‘Delete temporary files that my apps aren’t using’ option is checked.
6. Decide how frequently you want to delete the files in the recycle bin and downloads folder and select the relevant option from the drop-down menu. You can select between the options: Never, 1 day, 14 days, 30 days and 60 days.
7. To instantly free up disk space used by temporary files by clicking on ‘Clean now’ button under ‘Free up space now’.
8. If you want to set up automatic clean-up process once every particular number of days, you can set it up by turning on ‘Storage Sense’ on the top of the page.
9. You can decide when the storage maintenance is carried by choosing between Every day, Every week, Every month and When Windows decides.
Method 2: Delete Temporary Files using Disk Cleanup
Disk cleanup is a built-in tool on Windows that will let you delete the required unnecessary and temporary files depending upon your need. To run disk cleanup,
1. Press Windows Key + I to open Settings then click on System icon.
2. Select ‘Storage’ from the left pane and scroll down to ‘Storage sense’.
3. Click on ‘Free up space now’. Then wait for scanning to complete.
4. From the list, select the files you would like to delete, such as downloads, thumbnails, temporary files, recycling bin, etc.
5. Click on ‘Remove files’ button to free up the total selected space.
Alternatively, to run disk cleanup for any particular drive using the given steps:
1. Press Windows Key + E to open Files Explorer.
2. Under ‘This PC’ right-click on the drive you need to run disk cleanup and select Properties.
3. Under the ‘General’ tab, click on ‘Disk cleanup’.
4. Select the files that you want to delete from the list like windows update cleanup, download program files, recycle bin, temporary internet files, etc. and click on OK.
5. Click on ‘Delete files’ to confirm the deletion of the selected files.
6. Next, click on ‘Clean up system files’.
7. Unnecessary files from that particular drive will be removed, freeing up space on your disk.
For those who use System Restore which uses Shadow copies, you can delete its junk files to free up more space on your drive.
1. Press Windows Key + E to open Files Explorer.
2. Under ‘This PC’ right-click on the drive you need to run disk cleanup and select Properties.
3. Under the ‘General’ tab, click on ‘Disk Cleanup’.
4. Now click on ‘Clean up system files’.
5. Switch to the ‘More Options’ tab.
6. Under ‘System Restore and Shadow Copies’ section, click on ‘Clean up…’.
7. Click on ‘Delete’ to confirm the deletion.
8. All junk files will be deleted.
Method 3: Delete Temporary Files used by Programs using CCleaner
The above two methods that we used to free up space occupied by the temporary files actually includes only those temporary files which are not used by other programs. For example, the browser cache files that your browser uses to speed up website access time will not be deleted. These files may actually take up a huge space on your disk. To free up such temporary files, you need to download a third-party app like CCleaner. CCleaner can be used to delete all temporary files, including those left out in the disk cleanup process like Temporary Internet Files, History, Cookies, Index.dat files, Recent Documents, Search Autocomplete, other Explore MRUs, etc. This program will efficiently free up quite some space on your disk.
Method 4: Uninstall Unused Apps and Programs to Free Up Hard Disk Space
We are all guilty of having tens of apps and games on our computer that we don’t even use anymore. Having these unused apps takes up a lot of space on your disk that could otherwise be used for more important files and apps. You should uninstall and get rid of these unused apps and games to free up a whole lot of space on your disk. To uninstall apps,
1. Press Windows Key + I to open Settings then click on ‘Apps’.
2. Click on ‘Apps and features’ from the left pane.
3. Here, you can sort the list of apps using their size to determine which apps occupy most of the space. To do this, click on ‘Sort by:’ then from the drop-down menu and select ‘Size’.
4. Click on the app that you want to uninstall and click on ‘Uninstall’.
5. Click on ‘Uninstall’ again to confirm.
6. Using the same steps, you can uninstall all unnecessary apps on your computer.
Note that you can also uninstall apps using Control Panel.
1. Type control panel in the search field located on your taskbar and click on it to open ‘Control Panel’.
2. Click on ‘Programs’.
3. Under ‘Programs and Features’, click on ‘Uninstall a program’.
4. Here, you can sort the apps according to their size by clicking on ‘Size’ attribute heading.
5. Also, you can filter out the small, medium, large, huge and gigantic sized apps. For this, click on the down arrow beside ‘Size’ and select the relevant option.
6. Right-click on the app and click on ‘Uninstall’ to uninstall any app and click on ‘Yes’ in the User Account Control window.
Method 5: Delete Duplicate Files to Free Up Hard Disk Space
While copying and pasting different files on your computer, you might actually land up with multiple copies of the same file, located at different places on your computer. Deleting these duplicate files can also free up space on your disk. Now, finding different copies of a file on your computer manually is nearly impossible, so there are a few third-party apps that you can use to do this. Some of them are Duplicate Cleaner Pro, CCleaner, Auslogics Duplicate File Finder, etc.
Method 6: Store Files on the Cloud
Using Microsoft’s OneDrive to save files can save you some space on your local disk. The ‘Files On-Demand’ feature of OneDrive available on Windows 10 which is a really cool feature that lets you access even those files which are actually stored on the cloud from your File Explorer. These files will not be stored on your local disk and can be downloaded directly from your File Explorer whenever needed, without having to sync them. Hence, you can store your files on the cloud if you are running out of space. To enable OneDrive Files On-Demand,
1. Click on the cloud icon in the notification area of your taskbar to open OneDrive.
2. Then click on ‘More’ and select ‘Settings’.
3. Switch to Settings tab and checkmark ‘Save space and download files as you see them’ box under the Files On-Demand section.
4. Click on OK, and Files On-Demand will be enabled.
To save space on your computer,
1. Open the File Explorer and select ‘OneDrive’ from the left pane.
2. Right-click on the file you want to move to OneDrive and select ‘Free up space’.
3. You use these steps to move all the required files to OneDrive, and you can still access these files from your File Explorer.
Method 7: Disable Hibernation on Windows 10
The hibernation feature on Windows 10 allows you to power off your computer without losing your work so that whenever it’s switched on again, you can start from where you left. Now, this feature comes to life by saving the data on your memory to the hard disk. If you immediately need some more space on your disk, you can disable this feature to Free Up Hard Disk Space on Windows. For this,
1. In the search field on your taskbar, type command prompt.
2. Right-click on Command Prompt shortcut and select ‘Run as administrator’.
3. Run the following command:
powercfg /hibernate off
4. If you need to enable hibernate again in the future, run the command:
powercfg /hibernate off
Method 8: Reduce the disk space utilized by System Restore
This is another feature that you can trade-off for disk space. System Restore uses a lot of disk space for saving system restore points. You can reduce the amount of space System Restore occupies on your disk if you can survive with fewer system restore points to restore your system. To do this,
1. Right-click on ‘This PC’ and select ‘Properties’.
2. Click on ‘System Protection’ from the left pane.
3. Now switch to System Protection tab and click on ‘Configure’.
4. Adjust to the desired configuration and click on OK.
5. You can also click on ‘Delete’ to delete all restore points if you don’t need them.
Method 9: Compress Windows 10 Installation to Free Up Disk Space
In case you still need more space and have no other option left, use this method.
1. Make a backup of your PC as modifying system files may be risky.
2. In the search field on your taskbar, type command prompt.
3. Right-click on Command Prompt shortcut and select ‘Run as administrator’.
4. Run the following command:
compact.exe /compactOS:always
5. To revert the changes in the future, run the following command:
compact.exe /compactOS:never
Method 10: Move files and apps to External Hard Drive
If you need even more space on your computer, you can use an external hard drive. You can move your files and apps to an external drive to free up hard disk space on Windows 10. While moving files and apps to an external drive is easy, you can also configure it to save the new content to the new location automatically.
1. Navigate to Settings > System > Storage.
2. Click on ‘Change where new content is saved’ under ‘More storage settings’.
3. Select the desired location from the list and click on ‘Apply’.
So these were a few ways in which you can free up space on your hard disk.
I hope this article was helpful and you can now easily Free Up Hard Disk Space On Windows 10, but if you still have any questions regarding this guide then feel free to ask them in the comment’s section.