如果您经常使用 Microsoft Excel,您可能已经注意到在 Excel 中的不同工作表之间切换是相当困难的。有时在几个工作表之间切换似乎很容易。切换选项卡最常用的方法是单击每个选项卡。但是,当涉及到在一个 Excel 中管理大量工作表时,这是一项非常繁琐的任务。因此,了解快捷键和快捷键将非常有用。这些快捷方式有助于提高您的工作效率。让我们讨论一下可以在一个 Excel 中轻松切换不同工作表的方法。( easily switch between different worksheets in one excel.)

使用快捷键不会让你变得懒惰,但它会提高你的工作效率,并为你节省大量可以花在其他工作上的时间。有时,您的触摸板或鼠标停止工作(mouse stopped working),在这种情况下,键盘快捷键非常方便。因此,Excel 快捷方式(Excel shortcuts)是加快工作进程的最有用方法。
(Quickly Switch Between Worksheets)在Excel中的(Excel)工作表之间快速切换
方法一:Excel工作表间切换快捷键(Shortcut Keys)
Ctrl + PgUp(向上翻页)—向左移动一张纸。(Move one)
1. 按住键盘上的Ctrl键。
2. 按下并松开键盘上的PgUp键。
3. 要向左移动另一张纸,请再次按下并松开PgUp键。
Ctrl + PgDn(向下翻页)—向右移动一张纸。(Move one)
1. 按住键盘上的Ctrl键。
2. 按下并松开键盘上的PgDn键。
3. 要移动到右侧的另一张纸,请再次按下并释放PgDn键。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 什么是 XLSX 文件以及如何打开 XLSX 文件?(What is an XLSX file & How to open XLSX File?)
方法 2:转到命令(Command)以在 excel 工作表中移动
如果您有一个包含大量数据的Excel工作表,Go To 命令可以帮助您导航到不同的单元格。它对于包含非常少量数据的工作表没有用处。因此,建议仅在数据量大的 excel 文件中使用该命令。
第 1 步:导航到“编辑(Edit)”菜单选项。

第 2 步:单击“查找和选择(Find & Select)”选项,然后选择“转到(Go To)”选项。

第 3 步:在此处键入( type the reference)您要访问的引用:“ Sheet_name +感叹号 + 单元格引用”。
注意:例如,如果有Sheet 1、Sheet2和Sheet3 ,那么在引用中您需要输入要转到的工作表名称,然后是单元格引用。因此,如果您需要转到工作表 3,请键入Sheet3!A1表 3(Sheet 3)中的单元格引用。

第 4 步:现在按Ok或按键盘上的Enter 键(Enter key)。
Ctrl + Left Key移动到不同的工作表
使用此方法,您将获得一个对话框,其中包含您的 excel 上所有可用的工作表,以便在它们之间切换。在这里,您可以轻松选择要处理的工作表。这是您可以选择在当前 Excel 文件中的可用工作表之间切换的另一种方法。
还有其他几个Excel快捷方式可以帮助您以最简单、最快捷的方式在 Excel 中完成工作。
CTRL + ; 有了这个,您可以在活动单元格中输入当前日期
CTRL + A 它将选择整个工作表
ALT + F1它将创建当前范围内的数据图表
SHIFT + F3 按此快捷键,会弹出插入函数(Insert Function)对话框
SHIFT + F11 它将插入一个新的工作表
CTRL + HOME 您可以移动到工作表的开头
CTRL + SPACEBAR 它将选择工作表中的整个列
SHIFT + SPACEBAR 有了这个,您可以在工作表中选择整行
另请阅读(Also Read):修复 Excel 正在等待另一个应用程序完成 OLE 操作(Fix Excel is waiting for another application to complete an OLE action)
您是想整天滚动和单击工作表,还是想快速完成工作并与同事和同事共度美好时光?如果您想更快地完成工作,Excel 快捷方式是最好的方法。Excel上还有很多其他用于不同任务的快捷方式,如果您能记住所有这些快捷方式,它将使您成为Excel中的超级英雄。但是,您只能记住您在工作中经常使用的快捷方式,因为它可以帮助您更快地完成日常任务。
Quickly Switch Between Worksheets in Excel
If you use Miсrosoft Exсel frequentlу you might have noticed that ѕwitсhіng between different worksheets in excel is quite difficult. Sometimeѕ switching between few worksheets seems easy. The most common method of switching tabs is clicking on each tab. However, when іt comes to manаging plenty of worksheets in one excel, it is a verу tedious task. Therefore, hаving knowledge about shortcuts and short keys will be vеry usefυl. And these shortcυtѕ can be helpful in іncreasing your productivity. Let’s dіscuss the methods through which you сan easily switch between different worksheets in one excel.

Using shortcut keys does not make you lazy but it increases your productivity and saves you a lot of time that you can spend in other work. Sometimes, your touchpad or mouse stopped working and in that situation, keyboard shortcuts come very handy. Therefore, Excel shortcuts are the most useful ways to speed up your work process.
Quickly Switch Between Worksheets in Excel
Method 1: Shortcut Keys to switch between Worksheets in Excel
Ctrl + PgUp (page up) — Move one sheet to the left.
When you want to move to the left:
1. Press and hold down the Ctrl key on the keyboard.
2. Press and release the PgUp key on the keyboard.
3. To move another sheet to the left press and release the PgUp key a second time.
Ctrl + PgDn (page down) — Move one sheet to the right.
When you want to the right:
1. Press and hold down the Ctrl key on the keyboard.
2. Press and release the PgDn key on the keyboard.
3. To move to the other sheet to the right press and release the PgDn key a second time.
Also Read: What is an XLSX file & How to open XLSX File?
Method 2: Go To Command to move around excel worksheets
If you have an Excel sheet with loads of data, Go To command can help you to navigate to different cells. It is not useful for the worksheets containing a very low volume of data. Therefore, it is advised to use this command only when you have an excel file with a large amount of data.
Step 1: Navigate to the Edit menu option.

Step 2: Click on the Find & Select option then choose the “Go To” Option.

Step 3: Here type the reference where you want to go: “Sheet_name + exclamation mark + the cell reference”.
Note: For example, if there are Sheet 1, Sheet2, and Sheet3 then in the reference you need to type sheet name which you want to go to then the cell reference. So in case you need to go to sheet 3 then type Sheet3!A1 where A1 is the cell reference in Sheet 3.

Step 4: Now press Ok or press Enter key in the keyboard.
Method 3: Move to the different worksheet using the Ctrl + Left Key
With this method, you will get a dialogue box with all available worksheets on your excel to toggle between. Here you can easily choose the worksheet that you want to work on. This is another method that you can opt for to toggle between the available worksheets in your current excel file.
There are several other Excel shortcuts that can help you to get your things done in excel in the easiest and fastest way.
CTRL + ; With this, you can Enter the current date into the active cell
CTRL + A It will select the entire worksheet
ALT + F1 It will create a chart of the data in the current range
SHIFT + F3 By pressing this shortcut, it will pop up the Insert Function dialog box
SHIFT + F11 It will insert a new worksheet
CTRL + HOME You can move to the beginning of a worksheet
CTRL + SPACEBAR It will select the entire column in a worksheet
SHIFT + SPACEBAR With this, you can select an entire row in a worksheet
Is it worth to opt shortcut keys for working on Excel?
Also Read: Fix Excel is waiting for another application to complete an OLE action
Do you want to keep on scrolling and clicking on the worksheets the whole day or want to get your work done fast and spend some quality time with your peers and colleagues? If you want to get your things done faster, excel shortcuts are the best way to do this. There are plenty of other shortcuts available for different tasks on Excel, if you can remember all of them, it will make you a superhero in Excel. However, you can only remember the shortcuts that you frequently use for your work as it will help you to get your daily tasks done faster.