在尝试更改文件或文件夹权限时,您可能在Windows 10系统上遇到了无法枚举容器中的对象错误。为了保证数据的安全和私密,计算机管理员可能会为存储在其中的重要文件和文档启用用户特定的授权。因此,当其他用户尝试访问或修改文件权限时,他们将无法枚举容器中的对象错误。
但是,对于系统的管理用户,也可能会多次弹出无法枚举容器中的对象错误。现在很麻烦,管理员无法为自己和其他用户/用户组更改文件或文档的访问权限。您不必担心,因为本指南将帮助您 修复 Windows 10 系统上无法枚举容器中的对象错误。(fix failed to enumerate objects in the container error on Windows 10 systems.)

4 种方法来修复无法枚举容器中的对象错误(4 Ways to Fix Failed to Enumerate Objects in the Container error)
无法枚举容器中的对象错误的原因 (Reasons behind failure to enumerate objects in the container error )
以下是您遇到 failed to enumerate objects in the container 错误的几个基本原因:
- 系统上不同文件和文件夹之间的冲突可能会导致此类问题。
- 文件夹设置的不正确配置可能会导致此错误。
- 有时,安装在您系统上的第三方程序可能会意外删除您 PC 上文件和文件夹的默认权限条目并导致此错误。
方法 1:手动更改文件的所有权(Method 1: Manually Change Ownership of Files)
在Windows 10(Windows 10) PC上修复无法枚举容器中的对象错误的最佳方法是手动更改您面临此错误的那些文件的所有权。许多用户报告说从中受益。
1.在您的系统上找到发生错误的文件。(file )然后,右键单击所选文件(chosen file)并选择Properties,如图所示。

2.从顶部 转到安全选项卡。(Security)
3. 单击窗口底部的高级(Advanced)图标,如下所示。

4. 在高级安全设置(Advanced Security Settings)下,单击所有者(Owner)选项前面的更改。(Change)请参阅给定的图片。

5. 单击更改后,屏幕上将弹出选择用户或组窗口。(Select User or Group )在标题为“输入要选择的对象名称(Enter the object name to select)”的文本框中输入用户帐户名称(user account name)。
6. 现在,单击Check Names,如图所示。

7. 您的系统将自动检测(automatically detect)并在您的用户帐户下划线。
但是,如果Windows没有在您的用户名下划线,请单击窗口左下角的高级以(Advanced)手动(manually select)从给定列表中选择用户帐户,如下所示:
8. 在出现的高级(Advanced)窗口中,单击立即查找(Find Now)。在这里,从列表中手动选择(manually select)您的用户帐户,然后单击“确定(OK)”进行确认。参考下图。

9. 重定向到上一个窗口后,单击“确定(OK)”继续下一步,如下所示。

10. 在这里,启用替换子容器和对象(Replace owner on sub containers and objects)的所有者以更改文件夹内子文件夹/文件的所有权。
11. 接下来,启用将所有子对象权限条目替换为此对象的可继承权限条目(Replace all child object permission entries with inheritable permission entries from this object)。
12. 单击应用(Apply)保存这些更改并关闭(close)窗口。

13. 重新打开属性(Properties)窗口并通过重复步骤 1-3导航到(steps 1-3)Security > Advanced。

14. 单击屏幕左下角 的添加按钮。(Add)

15. 单击标题为Select a principal(Select a principle)的选项,如图所示。

16. 重复步骤 5-6(steps 5-6)键入并查找帐户用户名。
注意:(Note:)您也可以编写所有人(Everyone)并单击检查名称(check names)。
17. 点击OK,如下图。

18. 在弹出的新窗口中,选中将所有子对象权限条目替换为此对象的可继承权限条目旁边的框。(Replace all child object permission entries with inheritable permission entries from this object.)
19. 单击窗口底部的应用(Apply)以保存新更改。

20. 最后,关闭所有(close all)窗口。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复无法枚举容器中的对象错误
方法 2:禁用用户帐户控制设置 (Method 2: Disable User Account Control Settings )
1. 转到Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏。键入更改用户帐户控制设置(Change User Account Control settings)并从搜索结果中打开它。请参阅(Refer)给定的图片。

2. UAC窗口将出现在您的屏幕上,左侧有一个滑块。
3.将屏幕上的滑块拖向底部的从不通知选项。(Drag the slider on the screen towards the Never notify option at the bottom.)

4. 最后,单击“确定(OK)”保存这些设置。
5. 重新启动您的计算机并检查您是否能够更改文件权限(change file permissions)而没有任何错误消息。
6.如果不是,重复方法1(Method 1)。希望(Hopefully)这个问题现在能得到解决。
方法 3:使用命令提示符(Method 3: Use Command Prompt)
有时,在命令提示符(Command Prompt)中运行某些命令有助于修复在Windows 10计算机上无法枚举容器中的对象错误。
1. 在Windows搜索栏中,键入命令提示符。
2. 单击以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator )以启动具有管理员权限的命令提示符。(Command Prompt)参考下图。

3.如果屏幕上出现“允许命令提示符在您的设备上进行更改”的提示,请单击(Allow the command prompt to make changes on your device)“是”(Yes)。
takeown /F X:\FULL_PATH_HEREtakeown /F X:\FULL_PATH_HERE /r /d y
icacls X:\FULL_PATH_HERE /grant Administrators: F
icacls X:\FULL_PATH_HERE /grant Administrators:F /t

另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复出了点问题。尝试重新启动 GeForce Experience(Fix Something went wrong. Try restarting GeForce Experience)
方法 4:引导系统进入安全模式(Method 4: Boot System into Safe Mode)
修复无法枚举容器中的对象(fix failed to enumerate objects in the container)错误的最后一个解决方案 是以安全模式 启动Windows 10。在安全模式下(Mode),任何已安装的第三方应用程序或程序都不会运行,只有Windows 操作系统(Windows operating systems)文件和进程才能运行。您可以通过访问文件夹并更改所有权来修复此错误。此方法是可选的,建议作为最后的手段。
以下是在安全模式下启动 Windows 10 系统的方法(boot your Windows 10 system in Safe Mode):
1. 首先,退出(log out)您的用户帐户并导航到登录屏幕(sign-in screen)。
2. 现在,按住Shift 键(Shift key)并单击屏幕上的电源图标。(Power icon)
3. 选择重新启动(Restart)。

4. 当您的系统重新启动时,您将被重定向到说明选择一个选项(Choose an option)的屏幕。
5. 在这里,单击疑难解答(Troubleshoot)并转到高级选项(Advanced options)。

6. 单击启动设置(Startup Settings)。然后,从屏幕中选择重新启动选项。(Restart)

7. 当您的 PC 重新启动时,启动选项列表将再次出现在您的屏幕上。在这里,选择选项 4 或 6(option 4 or 6) 以安全模式启动计算机。

进入安全模式后,重新尝试方法 1 以修复错误。(Once in Safe Mode, re-attempt Method 1 to fix the error.)
我们希望我们的指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够在 Windows 10 上修复 failed to enumerate objects in the container 错误(fix failed to enumerate objects in the container error on Windows 10)。如果您有任何疑问/建议,请在下面的评论中告诉我们。
Fix Failed to Enumerate Objects in the Container error on Windows 10
You mіght have come across failed to enumerate objects in the container error on Windows 10 systems while trying tо сhange file or folder permissions. In order to keep data safe and private, the administrator of the compυter might enable user-specifiс authorization for important files and documents stored in it. So, when other users try to access or modifу file permissions, they get failed to enumerate objects in the contaіner error.
However, many times the failed to enumerate objects in the container error may pop up for the administrative user of the system too. It is troublesome as now, and the administrator is unable to change access permission for files or documents for himself & for other users/user groups. You don’t have to worry since this guide will help you to fix failed to enumerate objects in the container error on Windows 10 systems.

4 Ways to Fix Failed to Enumerate Objects in the Container error
Reasons behind failure to enumerate objects in the container error
These are few basic reasons why you encounter failed to enumerate objects in the container error:
- The conflict between different files and folders on your system can cause such issues.
- Incorrect configuration of folder settings may lead to this error.
- Occasionally, third-party programs installed on your system may accidentally remove the default permission entries for files and folders on your PC and cause this error.
We have listed down four possible solutions that you can use to fix failed to enumerate objects in the container error.
Method 1: Manually Change Ownership of Files
The best way to fix failed to enumerate objects in the container error on Windows 10 PC is to manually change the ownership of those files with which you are facing this error. Many users reported having benefitted from this.
Note: Before implementing this method, make sure you log in as the administrator.
Follow these steps to change ownership of files manually:
1. Locate the file on your system where the error occurs. Then, right-click on the chosen file and select Properties, as shown.

2. Go to the Security tab from the top.
3. Click on the Advanced icon from the bottom of the window, as shown below.

4. Under Advanced Security Settings, click on Change visible in front of the Owner option. Refer to the given pic.

5. Once you click on change, the Select User or Group window will pop up on your screen. Type the user account name in the text box titled Enter the object name to select.
6. Now, click Check Names, as depicted.

7. Your system will automatically detect and underline your user account.
However, if Windows does not underline your user name, click on Advanced from the bottom left corner of the window to manually select user accounts from the given list as follows:
8. In the Advanced window that appears, click on Find Now. Here, manually select your user account from the list and click on OK to confirm. Refer to pic below.

9. Once you are redirected to the previous window, click on OK to proceed further, as shown below.

10. Here, enable Replace owner on sub containers and objects to change the ownership of sub-folders/files within the folder.
11. Next, enable Replace all child object permission entries with inheritable permission entries from this object.
12. Click on Apply to save these changes and close the window.

13. Re-open the Properties window and navigate to Security > Advanced by repeating steps 1-3.

14. Click on the Add button from the bottom left corner of the screen.

15. Click on the option titled Select a principle, as depicted.

16. Repeat steps 5-6 to type & find the account username.
Note: You can also write Everyone and click on check names.
17. Click on OK, as shown below.

18. In the new window that pops up, check the box next to Replace all child object permission entries with inheritable permission entries from this object.
19. Click on Apply from the bottom of the window to save the new changes.

20. Finally, close all windows.
Check whether you were able to resolve failed to enumerate objects in the container error.
Also Read: Fix Failed To Enumerate Objects In The Container Error
Method 2: Disable User Account Control Settings
If the first method was not able to fix failed to enumerate objects in the container error, you can disable the user account control settings and then implement the first method to solve this error. Here is how to do it:
1. Go to the Windows search bar. Type Change User Account Control settings and open it from the search results. Refer to the given pic.

2. UAC window will appear on your screen with a slider on the left-hand side.
3. Drag the slider on the screen towards the Never notify option at the bottom.

4. Lastly, click OK to save these settings.
5. Restart your computer and check whether you were able to change file permissions without any error message.
6. If not, repeat Method 1. Hopefully, the issue will be resolved now.
Method 3: Use Command Prompt
Sometimes, running certain commands in Command Prompt helped fix failed to enumerate objects in the container error on Windows 10 computers.
Follow the given steps to do so:
1. In the Windows search bar, type the command prompt.
2. Click on Run as administrator to launch Command Prompt with administrator rights. Refer to pic below.

3. Click Yes if you get a prompt on your screen stating Allow the command prompt to make changes on your device.
4. Next, run the following commands one by one and hit Enter.
Note: Replace X:\FULL_PATH_HERE with the path of the problematic file or folder on your system.
takeown /F X:\FULL_PATH_HEREtakeown /F X:\FULL_PATH_HERE /r /d y
icacls X:\FULL_PATH_HERE /grant Administrators: F
icacls X:\FULL_PATH_HERE /grant Administrators:F /t

5. After successfully executing the above commands, close the command prompt and check if the problem is resolved.
Also Read: Fix Something went wrong. Try restarting GeForce Experience
Method 4: Boot System into Safe Mode
The last solution to fix failed to enumerate objects in the container error is to boot Windows 10 in safe mode. In Safe Mode, none of the installed third-party apps or programs will run, and only Windows operating systems files and processes function. You might be able to fix this error by accessing the folder and changing the ownership. This method is optional and recommended as the last resort.
Here is how you can boot your Windows 10 system in Safe Mode:
1. First, log out of your user account and navigate to the sign-in screen.
2. Now, hold the Shift key and click on the Power icon on the screen.
3. Select Restart.

4. When your system restarts, you will be redirected to the screen stating Choose an option.
5. Here, click on Troubleshoot and go to Advanced options.

6. Click on Startup Settings. Then, select the Restart option from the screen.

7. When your PC restarts, a list of startup options will appear on your screen again. Here, select option 4 or 6 to boot your computer in safe mode.

Once in Safe Mode, re-attempt Method 1 to fix the error.
We hope our guide was helpful, and you were able to fix failed to enumerate objects in the container error on Windows 10. If you have any queries/suggestions, let us know in the comments below.