(League)英雄(Legends)联盟被称为League或LoL,自 2009 年推出以来已广受欢迎。游戏在一支球队击败对手并摧毁Nexus时结束。它在Microsoft Windows和 macOS 上均受支持。但是,有时,当您尝试登录游戏时,会遇到英雄联盟(Legends)黑屏(League)问题。然而(Whereas),其他人在选择冠军后抱怨它。继续阅读以修复Windows 10中的英雄(Legends)联盟(League)黑屏问题。
如何在 Windows 10 PC 中修复英雄联盟黑屏(How to Fix League of Legends Black Screen in Windows 10 PC)
Alt + Tab Keys – 许多用户报告说,如果您在登录LOL时同时按(LOL)Alt和Tab键切换屏幕,则会出现上述问题。
英雄(Champion) 选择(Select)——很多时候,英雄(Legends)联盟(League)在选择英雄后会出现Windows 10的黑屏问题。
全屏模式 –(Full-screen Mode – )当您在全屏模式下玩游戏时,由于游戏屏幕大小,您可能会遇到此错误。
游戏分辨率(Game Resolution)- 如果游戏的分辨率大于您桌面屏幕的分辨率,您将面临上述错误。
第三方防病毒干扰 –(Third-Party Antivirus Interference – )这可能会在建立网关连接时导致LoL黑屏问题。
过时的 Windows 和驱动程序 -(Outdated Windows & Drivers – )如果您的系统和驱动程序过时,您的游戏可能会经常遇到故障和错误。
损坏的游戏文件 –(Corrupt Game Files – )许多游戏玩家在游戏文件损坏或损坏时都会遇到问题。重新安装游戏应该会有所帮助。
修复英雄(Legends)联盟(League)黑屏问题的方法列表已相应编译和排列。因此,在您找到适用于您的 Windows 10 PC 的解决方案之前,请实施这些。
(Preliminary Checks to Fix LoL Black Screen
确保稳定的互联网连接(Ensure stable internet connectivity)。如果需要,请使用以太网连接代替无线网络。
重新启动您的 PC(Restart your PC)以消除小故障。
- 此外,如果需要,请重新启动或重置您的路由器。(reset your router)
(Check minimum system requirements) 检查游戏正常运行的最低系统要求。
以管理员身份登录,(Log in as an administrator)然后运行游戏。如果可行,请按照方法 1(Method 1)确保每次启动游戏时都以管理权限运行游戏。
方法一:以管理员身份运行LoL(Method 1: Run LoL as Administrator)
1. 右键点击英雄联盟(League of Legends) 启动(L)器(auncher)。
2. 现在,选择属性(Properties )选项,如图所示。
3. 在“属性(Properties)”窗口中,切换到“兼容性(Compatibility )”选项卡。
4. 在这里,选中标记为以管理员身份运行此程序(Run this program as an administrator.)的框。
5. 最后,单击Apply > OK以保存更改。
方法 2:更新显示驱动程序(Method 2: Update Display Drivers)
将显卡驱动程序更新到最新版本以修复Windows 10 台式机/笔记本电脑中的英雄(Legends)联盟(League)黑屏问题,如下所示:
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key),输入设备管理器(Device Manager),然后按 Enter(Enter)启动它。
2. 双击 显示适配器(Display adapters) 将其展开。
3. 现在,右键单击显卡驱动程序( video card driver )(例如NVIDIA GeForce 940MX)并选择更新驱动程序(Update driver),如下图所示。
4. 接下来,点击自动搜索驱动程序(Search automatically for drivers )以安装最新的驱动程序。
5. 更新完成后重启(restart) 电脑即可(your PC)玩游戏。
另请阅读:(Also Read: )如何判断您的显卡是否正在死机(How to Tell If Your Graphics Card is Dying)
方法 3:重新安装显示驱动程序(Method 3: Reinstall Display Drivers )
1.使用方法 2 中的步骤进入Device Manager > Display adapters
2. 右键单击显示驱动程序(display driver )(例如NVIDIA GeForce 940MX)并选择卸载设备(Uninstall device)。
3. 在下一个屏幕上,选中标题为“删除此设备的驱动程序软件(Delete the driver software for this device)”的框,然后单击“卸载(Uninstall)” 。
4. 卸载驱动程序后,从制造商网站下载相应驱动程序的最新版本。例如:AMD、NVIDIA或Intel。
5. 下载后,双击下载的文件(downloaded file)并按照给定的说明进行安装。
6. 安装完成后,重启您的Windows PC 并启动游戏。现在,检查您是否已修复系统中的英雄(Legends)联盟(League)黑屏问题。
方法 4:禁用显示缩放和全屏优化
(Method 4: Disable Display Scaling & Fullscreen Optimizations
显示缩放(Display Scaling)功能可让您修改游戏的文本、图标大小和导航元素。通常,此功能可能会干扰您的游戏,导致英雄联盟(Legends)黑屏(League)问题。按照给定的步骤禁用LOL的显示缩放(Display Scaling)”
1. 导航到英雄联盟启动器(League of Legends Launcher)并右键单击它。
2. 选择属性(Properties )选项,如图所示。
3. 切换到兼容性(Compatibility )选项卡。在这里,通过选中旁边的框来禁用全屏优化。(Disable fullscreen optimizations)
4. 然后,点击更改高 DPI(Change high DPI) 设置(settings),如下图所示。
5. 选中标记为覆盖高 DPI 缩放行为(Override high DPI scaling behavior )的框,然后单击确定(OK)。
6. 返回英雄联盟(League)属性(Legends Properties)窗口中的兼容性( Compatibility)选项卡并确保:
以兼容模式运行此程序:(Run this program in compatibility mode for: )选项未选中。
以管理员身份运行此程序(Run this program as an administrator)选项被选中。
7. 最后,单击Apply > OK 以保存这些更改。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何修复英雄联盟客户端无法打开的问题(How To Fix League Of Legends Client Not Opening Issues)
方法五:开启游戏模式(Method 5: Enable Game Mode)
据报道,在全屏模式下玩高图形游戏通常会导致英雄联盟(League)中出现黑屏问题或丢帧或声音问题( sound issue)。因此,禁用它们应该会有所帮助。阅读我们的指南,了解如何以窗口模式打开 Steam 游戏( how to open Steam games in Windowed mode)以执行相同操作。
相反,在Windows 10上启用(Windows 10)游戏模式(Game Mode)以享受无故障游戏,因为Windows更新、通知等后台进程已停止。以下是打开游戏模式(Game Mode)的方法:
1.在Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中输入游戏模式。(Game mode)
2.接下来,点击游戏模式设置(Game Mode settings),如图。
3. 在这里,打开切换开关以启用游戏模式(Game Mode),如下图所示。
方法 6:更新 Windows
(Method 6: Update Windows
如果您的Windows不是最新的,那么系统文件或驱动程序将与游戏不兼容,导致英雄联盟(Legends)黑屏(League)Windows 10(Windows 10)问题。请按照以下步骤在您的 PC 上更新Windows 操作系统:(Windows OS)
1. 同时按下Windows + I 键(keys)打开系统中的设置(Settings)。
2. 现在,选择更新和安全(Update & Security),如图所示。
3. 现在,单击右侧面板中的检查更新(Check for Updates)。
4A。单击立即安装(Install now)以下载并安装最新更新。
4B。如果您的系统已经更新,那么它将显示您是最新(You’re up to date)消息。
5.重新启动(Restart) 您的 PC(your PC)并确认问题已解决。
另请阅读:(Also Read: )修复英雄联盟丢帧问题(Fix League of Legends Frame Drops)
方法七:解决第三方杀毒干扰(Method 7: Resolve Third-Party Antivirus Interference )
注意:(Note:)我们以Avast Antivirus的这些步骤为例。
1. 导航到任务栏中的防(Taskbar) 病毒图标(Antivirus icon)并右键单击它。
注意:(Note:)这里我们以Avast Antivirus的步骤为例。
2. 现在,选择Avast shields 控制(Avast shields control )选项。
3.在这里,根据您的方便选择选项:( choose the option)
- 禁用 10 分钟
- 禁用 1 小时
- 禁用直到计算机重新启动
- 永久禁用
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Avast 阻止英雄联盟 (LOL)(Fix Avast Blocking League of Legends (LOL))
方法8:重新安装英雄联盟(Method 8: Reinstall League of Legends)
1. 按Windows键,键入apps,然后按 Enter(Enter)启动应用程序和功能(Apps & features)窗口。
2.在下方突出显示的搜索此列表 (search this list )字段中搜索英雄联盟。(League of Legends)
3.在搜索结果中点击英雄联盟,然后点击(League of Legends)卸载(Uninstall)。
4.卸载游戏后,搜索%appdata% 打开AppData Roaming文件夹。
5. 右键单击英雄联盟文件夹(League of Legends folder)并将其删除( Delete)。
6. 再次按Windows 键(Windows key)搜索%LocalAppData%以打开AppData Local文件夹。
7. 像之前一样向下滚动到英雄联盟(League of Legends) 文件夹(folder)并删除(Delete)它。
8. 打开网络浏览器并从此处下载英雄联盟(download League of Legends from here)。
9. 下载后,打开安装文件(setup file),如下图。
10. 现在,单击安装(Install )选项开始安装过程。
11. 按照屏幕上的说明(on-screen instructions)完成安装过程。
(Method 9: Perform Clean )方法 9:执行PC 的(Boot of PC )干净启动
英雄选择后英雄(Legends)联盟(League)黑屏的问题可以通过干净启动Windows 10系统中的所有基本服务和文件来解决,如我们的指南中所述:在 Windows 10 中执行干净启动。(Perform Clean boot in Windows 10.)
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,您可以修复设备中的英雄联盟黑屏( League of Legends black screen)问题。让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。此外,如果您对本文有任何疑问/建议,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
Fix League of Legends Black Screen in Windows 10
League of Legends known as Leagυe or LoL, has reached massive рopularity since its launch in 2009. The game ends when a team beats their opponent and destroys the Nexus. It is supported on both, Microѕoft Windowѕ and macОЅ. However, sometimes, whеn you try to log into the game, you encounter League of Legends black screen issue. Whereas, others complainеd of it after chamрion ѕelect. Continue reading to fix League of Legends black screen issue in Windows 10.
How to Fix League of Legends Black Screen in Windows 10 PC
Sometimes, a black screen appears while logging into the game. You will only see the top and bottom bars of the game but the middle area is entirely blank. The reasons causing this issue are enlisted here:
Alt + Tab Keys – Many users have reported that the said issue occurs if you press Alt and Tab keys together to switch screens while logging into LOL.
Champion Select – Many times, the League of Legends black screen Windows 10 issue occurs after selecting a champion.
Full-screen Mode – When you play the game in full-screen mode, you may face this error due to the game screen size.
Game Resolution – If the resolution of the game is greater than the resolution of your desktop screen, you will face the said error.
Third-Party Antivirus Interference – This may cause LoL black screen issue while establishing a gateway connection.
Outdated Windows & Drivers – Your game may encounter glitches and bugs frequently if your system and drivers are outdated.
Corrupt Game Files – Many gamers face problems when they have corrupt or damaged game files. Reinstalling the game should help.
A list of methods to fix League of Legends black screen issue has been compiled and arranged accordingly. So, implement these until you find a solution for your Windows 10 PC.
Preliminary Checks to Fix LoL Black Screen
Before you begin with the troubleshooting,
Ensure stable internet connectivity. If required, use an ethernet connection in place of a wireless network.
Restart your PC to get rid of minor glitches.
- Additionally, restart or reset your router if need be.
Check minimum system requirements for the game to function properly.
Log in as an administrator and then, run the game. If this works, then follow Method 1 to ensure the game runs with administrative privileges every time you launch it.
Method 1: Run LoL as Administrator
You need administrative privileges to access all files and services in the game. Or else, you might face the League of Legends black screen issue. Follow the steps given below to set the game to run with administrative privileges:
1. Right-click on the League of Legends Launcher.
2. Now, select the Properties option, as shown.
3. In the Properties window, switch to the Compatibility tab.
4. Here, check the box marked Run this program as an administrator.
5. Finally, click on Apply > OK to save the changes.
Now, relaunch the game to see if the issue is fixed.
Method 2: Update Display Drivers
Update the graphics drivers to the latest version to fix League of Legends black screen issue in your Windows 10 desktop/laptop, as follows:
1. Press Windows key, type Device Manager, and hit Enter to launch it.
2. Double-click on Display adapters to expand it.
3. Now, right-click on video card driver (e.g. NVIDIA GeForce 940MX) and select Update driver, as depicted below.
4. Next, click on Search automatically for drivers to install the latest driver.
5. After the update, restart your PC and play the game.
Also Read: How to Tell If Your Graphics Card is Dying
Method 3: Reinstall Display Drivers
If updating drivers does not fix League of Legends black screen problem, then you can reinstall the display drivers instead.
1. Go to Device Manager > Display adapters using the steps in Method 2.
2. Right-click on the display driver (e.g. NVIDIA GeForce 940MX) and select Uninstall device.
3. On the next screen, check the box titled Delete the driver software for this device and click on Uninstall.
4. After uninstalling the driver, download the latest version of the respective driver from manufacturer website. For example: AMD, NVIDIA, or Intel.
5. Once downloaded, double click on the downloaded file and follow the given instructions to install it.
6. After installing, restart your Windows PC and launch the game. Now, check if you have fixed the League of Legends black screen issue in your system.
Method 4: Disable Display Scaling & Fullscreen Optimizations
The Display Scaling feature lets you modify the text, size of icons, and navigation elements of your game. Often, this feature may interfere with your game, causing League of Legends black screen issue. Follow the given steps to disable Display Scaling for LOL”
1. Navigate to the League of Legends Launcher and right-click on it.
2. Select the Properties option, as shown.
3. Switch to the Compatibility tab. Here, Disable fullscreen optimizations by checking the box next to it.
4. Then, click on Change high DPI settings, as depicted below.
5. Check the box marked Override high DPI scaling behavior and click on OK.
6. Return to Compatibility tab in League of Legends Properties window and make sure that:
Run this program in compatibility mode for: option is unchecked.
Run this program as an administrator option is checked.
7. Lastly, click on Apply > OK to save these changes.
Also Read: How To Fix League Of Legends Client Not Opening Issues
Method 5: Enable Game Mode
It was reported that often, playing highly graphic games in fullscreen mode leads to black screen issues or frame drops or sound issues in League of Legends.. Hence, disabling the same should help. Read our guide on how to open Steam games in Windowed mode to do the same.
Instead, enable Game Mode on Windows 10 to enjoy glitch-free gaming as background processes like Windows updates, notifications, etc., are halted. Here’s how to turn on Game Mode:
1. Type Game mode in the Windows search bar.
2. Next, click on the Game Mode settings, as shown.
3. Here, turn the toggle On to enable Game Mode, as depicted below.
Method 6: Update Windows
If your Windows is not up-to-date then, system files or drivers will not be compatible with the game leading to League of Legends black screen Windows 10 issue. Follow the below-mentioned steps to update Windows OS on your PC:
1. Press the Windows + I keys together to open Settings in your system.
2. Now, select Update & Security, as shown.
3. Now, click on Check for Updates from the right panel.
4A. Click on Install now to download and install the latest updates.
4B. If your system is already updated, then it will show You’re up to date message.
5. Restart your PC and confirm that the issue is resolved.
Also Read: Fix League of Legends Frame Drops
Method 7: Resolve Third-Party Antivirus Interference
In some cases, trusted programs are mistakenly prevented by third-party antivirus software from being launched. It might not allow your game to establish a connection with the server and cause League of Legends black screen issue. To resolve this issue, you can temporarily disable the antivirus protection present in your system.
Note: We have shown these steps for Avast Antivirus as an example.
1. Navigate to the Antivirus icon in the Taskbar and right-click on it.
Note: Here we have shown the steps for Avast Antivirus as an example.
2. Now, select the Avast shields control option.
3. Here, choose the option according to your convenience:
- Disable for 10 minutes
- Disable for 1 hour
- Disable until computer is restarted
- Disable permanently
Also Read: Fix Avast Blocking League of Legends (LOL)
Method 8: Reinstall League of Legends
If the issue associated with LoL can’t be solved like this, then the best option is to uninstall the game and install it again. Ensure you install the latest version of the game when you download it again. Here are the steps to implement the same:
1. Press Windows key, type apps, and hit Enter to launch Apps & features window.
2. Search for League of Legends in the search this list field highlighted below.
3. Click on League of Legends from the search result and click on Uninstall.
4. After uninstalling the game, search for %appdata% to open AppData Roaming folder.
5. Right-click on League of Legends folder and Delete it.
6. Again, press Windows key to search %LocalAppData% to open AppData Local folder.
7. Scroll down to the League of Legends folder and Delete it, as earlier.
Now, you have successfully deleted League of Legends and its files from your system.
8. Open a web browser and download League of Legends from here.
9. After downloading, open the setup file as shown below.
10. Now, click on the Install option to begin the installation process.
11. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.
Method 9: Perform Clean Boot of PC
The issues concerning the League of Legends black screen after champion select can be fixed by a clean boot of all essential services and files in your Windows 10 system, as explained in our guide: Perform Clean boot in Windows 10.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you could fix League of Legends black screen issue in your device. Let us know which method worked for you the best. Also, if you have any queries/suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.