
尽管这是个好消息,但有时也可能令人困惑。选择众多,您如何选择最适合您需求的那一款呢?你应该选择其中哪一个?(Which one)如果您正在寻找这些问题的答案,请不要害怕,我的朋友。你来对地方了。我是来帮你的。在这篇文章中,我将和你谈谈 5 最好的亚马逊(Amazon)截至目前,您可以在互联网上找到 2022 年的价格跟踪工具。我还将为您提供有关它们中的每一个的更详细信息。当你读完这篇文章时,你不需要知道任何关于它们的任何东西。所以一定要坚持到最后。现在,不再浪费时间,让我们更深入地研究这个主题。继续阅读。
2022 年 5 种最佳亚马逊价格跟踪工具(5 Best Amazon Price Tracker Tools of 2022)
下面提到的是 2022 年 5 种最佳亚马逊价格跟踪(Amazon Price Tracker)工具,您现在可以在互联网上找到它们。请继续阅读以了解有关它们中的每一个的更多详细信息。
1. 凯帕(1. Keepa)

首先(First),我要和你谈谈的 2022 年第一个亚马逊价格跟踪工具叫做(Amazon)Keepa。它是最受欢迎的亚马逊(Amazon)价格跟踪工具之一,您现在可以在互联网上找到它。该工具的一个独特之处在于,它在亚马逊(Amazon)的产品列表下方加载了一系列出色的功能。
价格跟踪工具与几乎所有流行和最受喜爱的浏览器扩展程序(如Google Chrome、Opera、Mozilla Firefox、Internet Edge等)完美配合。除此之外,它兼容的亚马逊市场还有(Amazon).com、.in、.au、.ca、.uk、.mx、.br、.jp、.it、.de、.fr 和 .es。
下载 Keepa( Download Keepa)
2.骆驼CamelCamel(2. Camel CamelCamel)

我现在要和你谈谈的另一个 2022 年最好的亚马逊价格跟踪工具叫做(Amazon)Camel CamelCamel。尽管名称有点奇怪,但价格跟踪工具绝对值得您花时间和关注。该工具在跟踪亚马逊(Amazon)产品列表的价格方面做得很好。除此之外,它还会将这些列表直接发送到您的邮件收件箱中。浏览器的插件名为Camelizer。该插件兼容几乎所有流行和最受喜爱的浏览器扩展,例如Google Chrome、Mozilla Firefox、Safari等等。
价格追踪工具的工作流程与Keepa(Keepa)非常相似。在此工具上,您可以搜索您正在寻找的任何产品。作为一种替代方法,您可以使用浏览器插件来查看您将在产品页面本身上找到的价格历史图表。除此之外,您还可以选择Twitter通知,以防您长期关注的产品价格下降。该功能称为骆驼礼宾服务(Camel Concierge Service)。
其他一些令人惊叹的功能包括按类别过滤、通过直接在搜索栏中输入亚马逊 URL来搜索产品的能力、(Amazon URL)亚马逊(Amazon)语言环境、愿望清单同步等等。但是,没有基于价格和百分比范围的过滤器。价格跟踪工具使您能够以红色和绿色字体分别查看最高和最低价格。因此,您可以轻松决定当前价格是否适合您。
在Android(Android)和iOS 操作系统(iOS operating systems)上也有此工具的快捷方式。价格跟踪工具可在许多国家/地区使用,包括美国、英国、意大利(Italy)、西班牙(Spain)、日本(Japan)、中国(China)、德国(Germany)、法国(France)、加拿大(Canada)等。
下载骆驼骆驼骆驼( Download Camel CamelCamel)
3. 降价(3. PriceDrop)

我现在要求你们所有人将注意力转移到 2022 年下一个最好的亚马逊价格跟踪工具上,你现在可以在互联网上找到它。价格跟踪工具称为PriceDrop,它的工作非常出色。
该扩展适用于几乎所有浏览器,例如Google Chrome、Mozilla Firefox等等。您将从亚马逊(Amazon)收到有关特定产品的通知。除此之外,您还可以留意未来的价格下跌。反过来,这可以确保您在购物时尽可能多地节省开支。该工具是最快的实时亚马逊(Amazon)价格跟踪器之一,它也会每 18 小时提醒您价格变化。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Windows 10 中使用 DirectX 诊断工具(How to use the DirectX Diagnostic Tool in Windows 10)
4.竹篙鹦鹉(4. Penny Parrot)

现在,我要与您讨论的 2022 年亚马逊价格跟踪工具是(Amazon)Penny Parrot。价格跟踪工具附带了可以说是目前互联网上所有亚马逊价格历史跟踪器中最好的价格下降图表。(Amazon)
价格跟踪工具整洁、流线型、干净,并且在其商店中具有较少数量的功能,但最重要的功能。用户界面 (UI) 简约、干净且非常易于使用。任何技术知识很少的人或刚开始使用此工具的人都可以轻松处理它,无需太多麻烦或努力。这对所有用户来说绝对是一大优势。这些功能以可见和粗体的方式列出。iPhone 用户还有一个快捷方式,他们可以轻松地在亚马逊(Amazon)上查看特定产品的价格历史记录。
价格跟踪工具支持几乎所有最广泛的浏览器扩展,例如Google Chrome、Internet Edge、Opera、Mozilla Firefox等等。但是,它仅与该公司的美国网站(USA)Amazon.com兼容。
下载竹篙鹦鹉( Download Penny Parrot)
5.丛林搜索(5. Jungle Search)

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,我要与您交谈的 2022 年最终最好的亚马逊价格跟踪工具称为(Amazon)丛林搜索(Jungle Search)。考虑到亚马逊(Amazon)上有大量可用的产品,这个名字非常贴切。价格跟踪工具的工作过程非常简单,您只需点击进入按钮即可访问亚马逊。(Amazon)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 适用于 Android 的 10 款最佳免费防病毒软件(10 Best Free Antivirus Software for Android)
下载丛林搜索( Download Jungle Search)
5 Best Amazon Price Tracker Tools of 2022
As I keep saying in all my articles, the era of the digital revolution has changed the face of everything we do and the way we do it. We nоw do nоt even go to the offline shops that much, online shopping is now the thіng of the time. And when it comes to online shоpping, Amazon is without a dоubt one of the biggest names out there that уou can find as of now.
The website has millions of products that sellers from around the world have listed on the platform. For keeping the competition alive as well as for making customers interested at all times, the website more often than not keeps fluctuating the prices of the products as well.

On the one hand, this method makes sure that the retailers on Amazon get the maximum possible profit. On the other hand, however, it makes the scenario quite difficult for small business owners and consumers who once paid a higher price for the product but now finds out that the product is now being sold for a much lower price.
To deal with this issue, in case you use Amazon or any other online shopping portal – which I am quite sure that you use – you should definitely install a price checker on the web browser of your computer.
What a price tracker does is that it keeps track of the fluctuation in the price of a product as well as notifying you about the price drop. In addition to that, you can also streamline the process of comparing the prices of a single product on several different platforms. There are a plethora of these price trackers available out there on the internet.
Although that is great news, it can also be confusing at one point. With the vast number of choices, how do you choose the one that is well suited for your needs? Which one of them should you choose? In case you are searching for the answers to these questions, please do not be afraid, my friend. You have come to the right place. I am here to help you with precisely that. In this article, I am going to talk to you about the 5 best Amazon price tracker tools of 2022 that you can find out there on the internet as of now. I am also going to give you more detailed information on each one of them. By the time you finish reading this article, you will not need to know anything about any of them. So make sure to stick to till the end. Now, without wasting any more time, let us dive deeper into the subject. Keep on reading.
5 Best Amazon Price Tracker Tools of 2022
Below mentioned are the 5 best Amazon Price Tracker tools of 2022 that you can find out there on the internet as of now. Read along to find out more detailed information about each one of them.
1. Keepa

First of all, the first Amazon price tracker tool of 2022 that I am going to talk to you about is called Keepa. It is one of the most widely loved Amazon price tracker tools that you can find out there on the internet as of now. A unique feature of the tool is that it comes loaded with a wide range of superb features just under the product listing on Amazon.
In addition to that, the tool also offers the user an interactive graph that has been made in-depth along with several different variables. Not only that, if you think that the chart lacks some features, then it is entirely possible for you to add even more variables into the options settings without much hassle or much effort on your part.
Along with that, the users can also compare the listings from every Amazon international price. The tool also comes loaded with features such as setting it for Facebook, email, Telegram, and many more. You can also opt for a price drop notification.
Are you simply window shopping at the moment? Then all you need to do is just visit the ‘Deals’ section. The price tracker tool compiles the millions of product listings from Amazon and comes up with the best deals on several different categories for you to choose from.
The price tracker tool works perfectly well with almost all the popular as well as most widely loved browser extensions such as Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Edge, and many more. In addition to that, the Amazon marketplaces it is compatible with are .com, .in, .au, .ca, .uk, .mx, .br, .jp, .it, .de, .fr, and .es.
Download Keepa
2. Camel CamelCamel

Another best Amazon price tracker tool of 2022 that I am going to talk to you about now is called Camel CamelCamel. Despite the slightly weird name, the price tracker tool is definitely well worth your time as well as attention. The tool does a great job of tracking the prices of Amazon product listings. In addition to that, it also sends these listings directly into the mail inbox of yours. The add-on of the browser is named Camelizer. The add-on is compatible with almost all the popular as well as most widely loved browser extensions such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and many more.
The work process of the price tracker tool is quite similar to that of Keepa. On this tool, you can search for any product that you are looking for. As an alternative method, you can use the browser add-on for viewing the price history graphs that you are going to find on the product page itself. In addition to that, you can also opt for a Twitter notification in case there is a price drop on a product that you are eyeing for a long time now. The feature is called the Camel Concierge Service.
Some of the other amazing features include filter by a category, the ability to search products by entering the Amazon URL directly into the search bar, Amazon locales, wishlist sync, and many more. However, there is no filter that is based on the price as well as the percentage range. The price tracker tool enables you to see the highest as well as lowest prices separately in red and green fonts. As a result, you can easily make up your mind about whether you think the current price is suitable for you or not.
There are also shortcuts of this tool available on both Android as well as iOS operating systems. The price tracker tool is available in many countries that include the US, the UK, Italy, Spain, Japan, China, Germany, France, Canada, and many more.
Download Camel CamelCamel
3. PriceDrop

I would now request all of you to shift your focus towards the next best Amazon price tracker tool of 2022 that you can find out there on the internet as of now. The price tracker tool is called PriceDrop, and it does its job fantastically well.
The extension works extremely well with almost all the browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and many more. You are going to get notifications on specific products from Amazon. In addition to that, you can keep an eye out for price drops in the future. This, in turn, makes sure you save as much as possible while you are shopping. The tool is one of the quickest real-time Amazon price trackers that alerts you about price changes every 18 hours as well.
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All you need to do to use it is install the extension in your browser. Once that it is done, you can simply go to the specific product page that you would like to check the price of on the Amazon website. Afterwards, it is entirely possible for you to start tracking the price of the said product. As soon as there is a price drop, the price tracker tool is going to send a notification into the browser you are using. In addition to that, the price tracker tool also makes you enable you to keep an eye out for price drops in the future. Not only that, with the help of this tool, it is entirely possible for you to review the list of the products you are tracking at any given time simply by entering the price drop menu. This is, without a doubt, a great advantage for many of the users – if not for all of them.
4. Penny Parrot

Now, the next best Amazon price tracker tool of 2022 that I am going to talk to you about is called Penny Parrot. The price-tracking tool comes loaded with what is arguably the best price dropping chart of every Amazon price history trackers that is out there on the internet as of now.
The price tracker tool is uncluttered, streamlined, clean, and has in its store lesser numbers of features but the ones that are the most essential. The user interface (UI) is minimalistic, clean, and extremely easy to use. Anyone with little technical knowledge or anyone who is just starting out to use this tool can handle it without much hassle or much effort on their part. This is definitely a big advantage for all users. The features are listed in a way that is visible as well as bold. There is also a shortcut for iPhone users where they can easily see the price history of a particular product on Amazon.
On the side of the drawbacks, the price tracker tool is compatible only with the company’s USA website, which is Amazon.com. In addition to that, you are also going to have to sign in for using the free Amazon price tracker tool.
The price tracker tool supports almost all the most widely browser extensions such as Google Chrome, Internet Edge, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, and many more. However, it is only compatible with Amazon.com that is the USA website of the company.
Download Penny Parrot
5. Jungle Search

Last but not the least, the final best Amazon price tracker tool of 2022 that I am going to talk to you is called Jungle Search. The name is quite apt considering the huge forest of products that are available on Amazon. The work process of the price tracker tool is quite simple, where you can go to Amazon just by hitting the enter button.
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With the help of this price tracker tool, you can search for any product that you want as per its category as well as by using quite a simple search form. All you need to do to use the search form is enter the name of the product, minimum as well as maximum price, name of the company manufacturing the product, customer reviews, and minimum as well as maximum percentage off.
Once you get along with the search, the Amazon website is going to open on a new as well as a separate tab where the products are going to be shown as per the search criteria you provided. There is no browser add-on available for this Amazon price tracker tool as well.
Download Jungle Search
So, guys, we have come to the end of the article. It is now time to wrap it up. I sincerely hope that the article has been given the much-needed value you have been craving for and that it was well worth your time and attention. Now that you have the best possible knowledge make sure to put it to the best possible use that you can find. In case you have a specific question in my mind, or if you think I have missed a particular point, or in case you would like me to talk about something else entirely, please do let me know. I would be more than happy to oblige to your requests as well as answering your questions.