有许多应用程序承诺保护您的个人计算机免受病毒和恶意软件的侵害;和Malwarebytes是一款反恶意软件应用程序,在许多个人排行榜上占据着至高无上的地位,是反恶意软件的首选。该公司声称每天阻止/检测超过 8,000,000 个威胁。数字读作800万!
与Malwarebytes(Malwarebytes)一样出色,用户在使用该应用程序时经常会遇到一两个错误。更常见和广泛经历的错误之一是未能在Malwarebytes中打开实时 Web 保护(Real-Time Web Protection)。该功能可防止任何类型的恶意软件或间谍软件通过互联网安装在您的系统上,因此是一项需要始终打开的关键功能。
什么是实时 Web 保护?(What is Real-Time Web Protection?)
如前所述,实时 Web 保护可实时自动保护您的个人计算机免受恶意软件和间谍软件或任何其他可疑活动的侵害(当进程处于活动状态或正在发生时)。如果没有该功能,如果不先运行扫描,将无法判断文件是否被感染。
但是,一旦用户在某些版本的Malwarebytes(Malwarebytes)中打开该功能,该功能就会一直关闭。虽然错误的主要原因可能是这些版本中的错误,但其他错误原因包括MBAM服务损坏、Web 保护驱动程序过时或损坏、与其他防病毒/反恶意软件冲突以及应用程序版本过时。
修复 Malwarebytes 实时 Web 保护不会打开错误(Fix Malwarebytes Real-Time Web Protection Won’t Turn on Error)
方法一:重启 Malwarebytes(Method 1: Restart Malwarebytes )
在转向需要我们对计算机进行更改的更复杂的方法之前,让我们对 Malwarebytes 进行相同的尝试。此外,这种方法几乎不需要一分钟。
1. 将鼠标指针移动到任务栏的右下角,找到一个向上的箭头。单击(Click)箭头以展开系统托盘(expand the system tray)并显示在后台运行的所有应用程序。
2. 在这里,找到Malwarebytes标志(一个花哨的蓝色 M)并右键单击(right-click)它。
3. 从以下选项列表中,选择“Quit Malwarebytes”。
(现在,如果您希望继续执行完整的 PC 重新启动以刷新Windows并删除任何可能导致错误的软件故障。)
4.通过双击桌面上的图标或在开始菜单(Windows键 + S)中搜索并按 Enter重新打开 Malwarebytes 。(Reopen Malwarebytes)
方法二:重启 MBAM 服务(Method 2: Restart MBAM service)
我们尝试重新启动应用程序以修复先前方法中的错误,但没有成功,因此在此方法中,我们将重新启动MBAM 服务(MBAM service)本身。MBAM服务在损坏时必然会引发多个错误,包括我们目前讨论的错误。服务已损坏的迹象包括RAM和CPU使用率增加。若要重新启动MBAM服务,请执行以下步骤:
1.通过以下方法之一在您的个人计算机上启动任务管理器:(Launch Task Manager)
一种。单击(Click)开始按钮,搜索任务管理器(Task Manager),然后单击(Start)打开(Open)。
湾。按Windows key + X,然后从高级用户菜单中选择任务管理器。(Task Manager)
C。按 Ctrl + Shift + Esc直接打开任务管理器。
2.任务管理器(Task Manager)启动后,单击更多详细信息(More Details)以查看当前在您的计算机上运行的所有服务和任务。
3. 浏览进程(Processes)列表并找到Malwarebytes Service。右键单击(Right-click)该条目并从上下文菜单中选择结束任务。(End Task )
4. 现在,是时候重新启动MBAM服务了。单击(Click)任务管理器中的文件(File ),然后选择运行新任务。(Run New Task.)
5. 在随后出现的对话框中,键入“MBAMService.exe”并单击“确定(OK)”按钮重新启动服务。
最后,重新启动您的系统并打开 Malwarebytes 以查看您是否能够修复 Malwarebytes 实时 Web 保护不会打开错误。( Fix Malwarebytes Real-Time Web Protection Won’t Turn on Error.)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 提高计算机速度的 15 个技巧(15 Tips To Increase Your Computer Speed)
方法 3:更新 Malwarebytes 应用程序(Method 3: Update Malwarebytes application)
错误可能是由于应用程序的过时版本引起的。在这种情况下,更新到最新版本应该可以为我们修复错误。要将 Malwarebytes 更新到最新版本:
1. 通过双击桌面上的图标或从“开始(Start)”菜单启动 Malwarebytes。
2. 单击设置(Settings )并切换到应用程序(Application )选项卡。
3. 在这里,单击应用程序更新部分下的安装应用程序更新(Install Application Updates)按钮。
4. 您将看到一条消息,显示“进度:没有可用的更新(Progress: no updates available)”或“进度:已成功下载更新(Progress: Updates successfully downloaded)”。现在,单击确定(OK ),然后在提示您允许安装更新时单击是。(Yes )
5. 按照屏幕上的说明将应用程序更新到最新版本。更新后,打开应用程序并查看错误是否仍然存在。
方法 4:将 Malwarebytes 添加到例外列表(Method 4: Add Malwarebytes to the exception list )
还已知该错误是由于安装在同一系统上的两个不同的防病毒或反恶意软件应用程序之间的冲突引起的。Malwarebytes 宣称它能够与其他防病毒应用程序完美配合,但情况并非总是如此。
1. 通过在开始菜单中搜索并按 Enter 或单击系统托盘中的图标来启动防病毒软件。
2. 将文件和文件夹添加到例外列表的选项对于每个防病毒软件都是独一无二的,但是,下面是三个最广泛使用的防病毒软件中特定设置的路线图,即。卡巴斯基(Kaspersky)、Avast和AVG。
Avast: Settings > General > Exclusions
AVG: Settings > Components > Web Shield > Exceptions
Kaspersky: Settings > Additional > Threats and Exclusions > Exclusions > Specify Trusted Applications > Add
3. 将以下文件添加到各自防病毒软件的例外列表中。
C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-Malware\assistant.exe
C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-Malware\malwarebytes_assistant.exe
C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-Malware\mbam.exe
C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-Malware\MbamPt.exe
C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-Malware\MBAMService.exe
C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-Malware\mbamtray.exe
C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-Malware\MBAMWsc.exe
C:Program FilesMalwarebytesAnti-Malware
重新启动您的计算机并打开 Malwarebytes 以检查我们是否修复了Malwarebytes 实时 Web 保护不会打开错误。(Malwarebytes Real-Time Web Protection Won’t Turn ON Error.)
方法 5:卸载 Malwarebytes Web Protection 驱动程序(Method 5: Uninstall Malwarebytes Web Protection driver)
损坏的 MBAM(Corrupt MBAM) Web 保护驱动程序也可能是您面临错误的原因。因此,卸载驱动程序并让软件本身安装驱动程序的干净和更新版本应该可以为您解决错误。
1. 在执行任何进一步的步骤之前,我们需要终止 Malwarebytes。因此,向上滚动,执行方法 1,然后退出 Malwarebytes(Quit Malwarebytes)。
(右键单击(Right-click)系统托盘中的Malwarebytes图标并选择退出 Malwarebytes(Quit Malwarebytes))
2. 按键盘上的Windows Key + S,键入命令提示符(Command Prompt),然后从右侧面板中选择以管理员身份运行。(Run as Administrator)
(或者,启动运行(Run)命令,键入 cmd,然后按Ctrl + Shift + Enter)
弹出一个用户帐户控制(User Account Control),询问允许命令提示符(Command Prompt)对您的系统进行更改的权限应该出现。单击(Click)“是”(Yes)授予权限并继续。
3. 在命令提示符中键入(或复制并粘贴)以下命令,然后按 Enter。
sc 删除 mbamwebprotection(sc delete mbamwebprotection)
这将从您的个人计算机中删除MBAM Web 保护驱动程序。
4. 重新启动计算机,启动Malwarebytes应用程序并切换到保护(Protection)选项卡,然后打开实时 Web 保护( toggle on Real-Time Web Protection)并验证问题是否已解决。
方法 6:干净地重新安装 Malwarebytes(Method 6: Clean Re-install of Malwarebytes)
如果上述方法都不适合您,则应用程序本身可能已损坏并且需要放手。不用担心,我们不是要求您在值得信赖的 Malwarebytes 上尝试另一个应用程序,而是要求您卸载 Malwarebytes,(uninstall Malwarebytes,)删除/删除所有残留文件并安装一个全新的、干净的应用程序版本。
如果您是高级(Premium)用户,请务必拥有您的激活 ID(Activation ID)和将自己重新登录到高级方面的密钥。如果您不记得您的激活ID和密钥,请按照以下步骤获取(免费用户可以直接跳到第6步,避免第8步和第9步):
1. 按键盘上的Windows键 + X 或右键单击开始按钮以打开高级用户菜单并选择运行(select run)。(或者,按Windows键 + R 直接启动运行命令)。
2.在“运行”命令框中键入(Run)“Regedit” ,然后按 Enter 启动注册表编辑器。
3. 在地址栏中,根据您的系统架构复制并粘贴相应的地址,以找到您的 Malwarebytes(key for Malwarebytes:)激活 ID(find your Activation ID)和密钥:
For Windows x86 32-Bit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware
For Windows x64 64-Bit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware
4. 现在,是时候卸载Malwarebytes了。打开应用程序并单击设置(Settings)。在这里,切换到我的帐户(My Account)选项卡,然后单击停用(Deactivate)。
5.接下来,点击保护(Protection )设置,关闭“启用自我保护模块”(“Enable self-protection module”)并关闭应用程序。
6. 前往Malwarebytes网站下载 Malwarebytes Removal Tool(download Malwarebytes Removal Tool)。下载后,启动删除工具并按照屏幕上的提示卸载Malwarebytes。
7. 当工具完成卸载 Malwarebytes 时重新启动计算机。
8. 返回Malwarebytes 的(Malwarebytes’)官方网站并下载最新版本的应用程序。
9. 安装应用程序时,取消选中试用(Trial)旁边的框,然后按照屏幕上的说明继续安装。
10. 安装后,打开应用程序并单击激活按钮(Activation button)。输入您在此方法的第 3 步中获得的(Step 3)激活 ID(Activation ID)和密钥,然后按 Enter 再次享受Malwarebytes Premium。
推荐:(Recommended:) 如何使用 Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 删除恶意软件(How to use Malwarebytes Anti-Malware to remove Malware)
除了上述方法之外,一些用户还报告通过在错误弹出之前将系统恢复到还原点来解决“Malwarebytes 实时 Web 保护不会打开错误”。查看以下文章以了解如何使用系统还原点(how to use system restore points)。
Fix Malwarebytes Real-Time Web Protection Won’t Turn on Error
Therе are a number of applіcations out there that promise to prоtect your personal computer from viruses & malware; and Malwarebytes, an anti-malware application, reigns supreme on many personal leaderboards as the first choice for anti-malware software. The company proclaims to block/detect more than 8,000,000 threats every day. The number is read as 8 million!
As great as Malwarebytes is, users often run into an error or two when using the application. One of the more common and widely experienced errors is the failure to Turn On Real-Time Web Protection in Malwarebytes. The feature prevents any kind of malware or spyware from being installed on your system via the internet and thus, is a crucial feature that needs to be turned on always.
In this article, we will go over a couple of methods to fix the said error in a step by step manner.
What is Real-Time Web Protection?
As mentioned earlier, real-time web protection automatically protects your personal computer against malware and spyware or any other suspicious activity in real-time (while the process is active or is occurring). Without the feature, one will not be able to tell if a file is infected without running a scan first.
The feature is of paramount importance as the internet is the primary source through which malware applications find their way to your computer. For example, if you accidentally end up clicking on the wrong Download button or were mailed malicious files as an attachment in the mail, then as soon as you click on download, real-time protection will detect the file and classify it as malware. The antivirus software will then quarantine the file even before you have a chance to open it and infect the entire system.
The feature, however, keeps turning off as soon as it is toggled on by the user in certain versions of Malwarebytes. While the primary reason for the error could be a bug in those versions, other reasons for the error include corrupt MBAM service, outdated or corrupt web protection drivers, conflict with another antivirus/antimalware software, and outdated application version.
Fix Malwarebytes Real-Time Web Protection Won’t Turn on Error
There are multiple methods to fix this error and there is no one method that is known to do it for everyone. So we suggest going through the following list and finding out which method works for you and solves the issue. We start by a simple restart of the application and proceed our way to uninstalling and reinstalling the application itself in the final method.
But before we get going, some users have reported simply running Malwarebytes as Administrator solved the error for them, so go ahead and try that first. If that didn’t work, then move onto the first method.
Method 1: Restart Malwarebytes
Whenever your computer throws up a tantrum, what do you do? Restart it, right?
Let’s try the same with Malwarebytes before moving onto more complex methods that will require us to make changes to the computer. Also, this method barely takes a minute.
1. Move your mouse pointer to the bottom right corner of the taskbar to find an upward-facing arrow. Click on the arrow to expand the system tray and reveal all the applications running in the background.
2. Here, locate the Malwarebytes logo (a fancy M in blue) and right-click on it.
3. From the following list of options, select ‘Quit Malwarebytes’.
(Now, if you wish to go ahead and perform a complete PC restart to refresh Windows and remove any software glitch that might be causing the error.)
4. Reopen Malwarebytes by either double-clicking on its icon on the desktop or by searching for it in the start menu (Windows key + S) and pressing enter.
Check if the error has been resolved. If not, continue down the list and try other methods.
Method 2: Restart MBAM service
We tried restarting the application to fix the error in the previous method but that didn’t work out so in this method we will be restarting the MBAM service itself. The MBAM service when corrupt is bound to give rise to multiple errors including the one we have been discussing so far. A sign that the service has gone corrupt includes increased RAM and CPU usage. To restart the MBAM service, follow the below steps:
1. Launch Task Manager on your personal computer by one of the following methods:
a. Click on the Start button, search Task Manager, and click on Open.
b. Press Windows key + X and then select Task Manager from the power user menu.
c. Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open Task Manager directly.
2. Once Task Manager has launched, click on More Details to see all the services and tasks currently running on your computer.
3. Go through the list of Processes and find Malwarebytes Service. Right-click on the entry and select End Task from the context menu.
If you see multiple entries for MBAM service then select and end them all.
4. Now, it is time to restart the MBAM service. Click on File in the task manager and select Run New Task.
5. In the ensuing dialog box, type ‘MBAMService.exe’ and click on the OK button to restart the service.
Finally, restart your system and open Malwarebytes to see if you’re able to Fix Malwarebytes Real-Time Web Protection Won’t Turn on Error.
Also Read: 15 Tips To Increase Your Computer Speed
Method 3: Update Malwarebytes application
It is possible that the error may be caused due to an outdated version of the application. In that case, updating to the latest version should fix the error for us. To update Malwarebytes to the latest version:
1. Launch Malwarebytes by double-clicking on the icon on your desktop or from the Start menu.
2. Click on Settings and switch to the Application tab.
3. Here, click on the Install Application Updates button found under the application updates section.
4. You will either see a message that reads ‘Progress: no updates available’ or ‘Progress: Updates successfully downloaded’. Now, click on OK and then on Yes when prompted for permission to install updates.
5. Complete the on-screen instructions to update the application to the latest version. Once updated, open the application and see if the error persists.
Method 4: Add Malwarebytes to the exception list
The error is also known to be caused due to a conflict between two different antivirus or anti-malware applications installed on the same system. Malwarebytes advertises that it is capable of working perfectly alongside other antivirus applications, however, that’s not always the case.
1. Launch the antivirus software by either searching for it in the start menu and pressing enter or by clicking on its icon in the system tray.
2. The option to add files and folders to an exception list is unique to each antivirus software, however, below is the road map to the particular setting in three of the most widely used antivirus software viz. Kaspersky, Avast, and AVG.
Avast: Settings > General > Exclusions
AVG: Settings > Components > Web Shield > Exceptions
Kaspersky: Settings > Additional > Threats and Exclusions > Exclusions > Specify Trusted Applications > Add
3. Add the following files to the exceptions list of your respective antivirus software.
C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-Malware\assistant.exe
C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-Malware\malwarebytes_assistant.exe
C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-Malware\mbam.exe
C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-Malware\MbamPt.exe
C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-Malware\MBAMService.exe
C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-Malware\mbamtray.exe
C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-Malware\MBAMWsc.exe
4. Also, add the following two folders to the exceptions list
C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-Malware
Restart your computer and open Malwarebytes to check if we fixed the Malwarebytes Real-Time Web Protection Won’t Turn ON Error.
Method 5: Uninstall Malwarebytes Web Protection driver
Corrupt MBAM web protection drivers may also be the reason behind why you are facing the error. Thus, uninstalling the drivers and letting the software itself install a clean & updated version of the drivers should fix the error for you.
1. We will need to terminate Malwarebytes before performing any further steps. So, scroll back up, execute method 1, and Quit Malwarebytes.
(Right-click on Malwarebytes icon in the system tray and select Quit Malwarebytes)
2. Press Windows Key + S on your keyboard, type Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator from the panel on the right.
(Alternatively, launch Run command, type cmd, and press Ctrl + Shift + Enter)
A User Account Control pops up asking for permission to allow Command Prompt to make changes to your system should appear. Click on Yes to grant permission and proceed.
3. Type in (or copy and paste) the following command in the command prompt and press enter.
sc delete mbamwebprotection
This will delete the MBAM web protection drivers from your personal computer.
4. Restart your computer, launch Malwarebytes application and switch to the Protection tab, and toggle on Real-Time Web Protection and verify if the problem has been fixed.
Method 6: Clean Re-install of Malwarebytes
If none of the above methods worked for you then there is a possibility that the application itself is corrupted and needs to be let go. Don’t worry, we are not asking you to try another application over the trust-worthy Malwarebytes, we are asking you to uninstall Malwarebytes, delete/remove all the residual files and install a fresh, clean version of the application.
If you are a Premium user, be sure to have your Activation ID and the key to log yourself back into the premium side of things. If you do not remember your activation ID and the key, follow the below steps to get them (free users can directly jump to step 6 and avoid steps 8 & 9):
1. Press the Windows key + X on your keyboard or right-click on the start button to open the power user menu and select run. (Alternatively, press Windows key + R to directly launch the run command).
2. Type ‘Regedit’ in the Run command box and press enter to launch the registry editor.
3. In the address bar, copy, and paste the respective addresses based on your system architecture to find your Activation ID and key for Malwarebytes:
For Windows x86 32-Bit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware
For Windows x64 64-Bit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware
4. Now, it is time to Uninstall Malwarebytes. Open the application and click on Settings. Here, switch to My Account tab and then click on Deactivate.
5. Next, click on Protection settings, toggle off the “Enable self-protection module” and close the application.
6. Head over to Malwarebytes site to download Malwarebytes Removal Tool. Once downloaded, launch the removal tool and follow the on-screen prompts to uninstall Malwarebytes.
7. Restart your computer when the tool finishes uninstalling Malwarebytes.
8. Head back over to Malwarebytes’ official site and download the latest version of the application.
9. While installing the application, untick the box next to Trial and continue installing as per the on-screen instructions.
10. When installed, open the application and click on the Activation button. Enter your Activation ID and key we acquired in Step 3 of this method and press enter to enjoy Malwarebytes Premium again.
The real-time web protection error shouldn’t be a problem now, however, go ahead and check if the error still remains.
Recommended: How to use Malwarebytes Anti-Malware to remove Malware
Other than the above methods, some users have also reported resolving the ‘Malwarebytes Real-Time Web Protection Won’t Turn ON Error’ by restoring their system to a restore point before the error ever popped up. Check the following article to learn how to use system restore points.