Instagram拥有数十亿活跃用户,当然,其中许多人面临着数百个问题。Instagram无法亲自解决这些问题,因此,我们来拯救这一天。如今,Instagram用户正面临“稍后再试(Try Again Later)”错误(’ error),该错误在应用程序进行重大更新后开始发生。您是否也一次又一次地在(Are)Instagram 上(Instagram)遇到“稍后再试(Try again later)”错误?好吧,我们将向您展示如何解决它。通过本文,我们将介绍您需要了解的所有内容:为什么会发生这种情况、解决此重复性错误的方法以及预防措施。(Through this article, we will cover everything you need to know: why it happens, methods to fix this repetitive error, and its prevention.)
Instagram始终关注其用户的安全,并试图防止平台出现任何无政府状态。但是大量用户报告了“稍后再试(Try Again Later)”错误(’ error),这让他们感到沮丧。这就是为什么我们编译了所有可能的方法来修复它。对于用户来说,主要的问题是花费了大量宝贵的时间。
下面列出了在Instagram 上出现(Instagram)“稍后再试(Try Again Later)”错误的各种原因。下面还给出了详细的解释。因此,您可以找出错误背后的原因和解决方案。
- 使用自动化或第三方应用程序来增加喜欢等。
- 执行动作(点赞、评论、发帖、关注等)过快。
- Instagram 应用程序出现故障。
Instagram对这些可疑活动有非常严格的政策。例如,许多用户声称在短时间内点赞了许多帖子、发送了许多直接消息或评论了许多帖子后,他们面临“稍后再试(Try Again Later)”错误。(’ error)现在, Instagram(Instagram)不允许这样做。
Instagram 的算法旨在阻止平台中的任何类型的垃圾邮件和自动化(spam and automation),即阻止机器人访问平台。因此,在重复和频繁动作的场景中,它会发现用户表现得像机器人或垃圾邮件发送者(bot or spammer),并暂时阻止他/她采取此类动作。
当用户执行此类操作时,此临时禁止会导致“稍后再试”错误。(Try Again Later)这是必要的,因为有大量臭名昭著的元素可能会在无法控制的水平上滥用行为。Instagram 每次更新后,都会对用户施加更多类型的限制,以防止他们使用第三方或自动化工具。
缺点是许多正常使用该应用程序的用户即使不使用任何第三方工具也会被阻止。如果您也是其中之一,我们为您介绍了修复 Instagram“稍后再试”错误(fix Instagram ‘Try Again Later’ error)并克服障碍的所有方法。您应该明白,这只是Instagram的一项(Instagram)安全措施(security measure),并不是永久性的。
修复 Instagram 的5种方法(Ways)稍后再试错误(Fix Instagram Try Again Later Error)
为了修复Instagram 上(Instagram)的“稍后再试”错误(Try Again Later error),我们的指南中有多种方法。我们要求您一一试用。您应该首先注销您的帐户并重新登录并执行所有步骤,直到您修复错误。
修复此错误的最合法方法是等待它,如果您在Instagram 上(Instagram)不是很活跃或不着急,您可以等待消息自行消失。但是,我们提供的方法可能确实可以解决问题。
方法一:退出账户并(Account and Log)重新登录
注销并重新登录您的帐户是修复 Instagram“稍后再试”错误的(fix the Instagram “Try again later” error)一种非常有效的方法。这就是我们在列表顶部提到它的原因。但是,您必须确保在重新登录之前清除应用程序的缓存。这是一种适用于许多人的合理方式。注销和登录您的帐户是一种轻松的方式,可能会帮助您修复错误。
第 1 步:注销(Step 1: Logging out)
1. 转到应用程序的“个人资料(Profile)”选项卡,然后点击位于屏幕右上角的汉堡包按钮。(Hamburger button)
2. 现在,点击“设置(Settings)”选项。
3. 最后,点击“注销(Log out)”。
第 2 步:清除应用缓存(Step 2: Clear App Cache)
1. 导航至您设备的“设置(Settings)”,然后前往“存储(Storage)”并点击“应用程序(Apps)”。
2.从列表中选择“ Instagram ”,然后点击“(Instagram)清除缓存(Clear cache)”按钮。
iOS 用户必须卸载并重新安装 Instagram 应用才能清除应用缓存。 (iOS users have to uninstall and reinstall the Instagram app in order to clear the app cache. )
第 3 步:重新登录 Instagram(Step 3: Login back to Instagram)
启动(Launch)应用程序并使用您的用户名和密码(username and password)登录(log in)您的帐户。就这样,你完成了第一种方法!清除缓存并重新登录(cache and re-logging)后,很有可能摆脱“稍后再试(Try Again Later)”错误消息。如果问题仍然存在,请转到下一个方法。(In case the problem still persists, head over to the next method.)
摆脱错误的第二步是更改您的Instagram 帐户(Instagram account)的密码。它有助于修复错误,因为更改密码将使您从自动化或第三方工具(automation or third-party tools)中注销,并且Instagram不会再将您视为机器人(bot)。强烈推荐这种方法。
我们提供了两种重置密码的方法。或者,您可以使用应用程序重置密码(you can reset your password with the app),或者,您可以退出您的帐户并选择“(account and select “)忘记密码(Forgot Password)”。如果您忘记了当前密码,则首选第二步。请按照以下步骤更改您的帐户密码:
使用“更改密码”选项重置密码(Reset Password using the “Change Password” option)
在 Instagram 应用程序上:(On the Instagram App:)
2.点击右上角的汉堡(corner and head)按钮(Hamburger button),前往“设置(Settings)”。
3. 现在,点击“安全(Security)”并在“安全”菜单(Security menu)下,选择“密码(Password)”。
4.在第一个框中输入(Enter)您当前的密码(current password),在第二个和第三个框中输入新密码,然后点击(new password)勾选( tick )标记选项。
在 Instagram 桌面网站上:(On Instagram Desktop website:)
1.使用此链接在(link)网络浏览器(web browser)中打开帐户。
2.登录(Sign In)并单击右上角的个人资料(Profile)图标。
3. 从列表中选择“设置(Settings)”。
4. 点击“更改密码(Change Password)”。在第一个框中输入您的当前密码,在第二个和第三个框中输入(current password)新密码(new password)。
5. 最后,点击“更改密码(Change Password)”按钮。
使用“忘记密码?”重置密码 选项:(Reset Password using the “Forgot Password?” option:)
1. 从您的Instagram 帐户(Instagram account)中注销Profile > Menu(Hamburger button) > Settings > Log out。
2. 现在,进入登录屏幕(log-in screen)并点击“忘记密码?(Forgot Password?)”
3.在此之后,您必须按照说明验证“是您”( verify “it is you”),最后重置您的密码(reset your password)。
在这一步之后,大多数用户报告他们的Instagram “再试一次错误(Try Again Error)”消失了。如果您发现您的帐户正常(account fine),恭喜!否则,继续方法 3。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)修复 Instagram(Fix Instagram)无法在Wi-Fi上运行的9种方法(Ways)
方法三:暂时离开账号(Account),等待(while and wait)
这是最合法的方法,在很多情况下,离开Instagram几个小时或几天会修复 Instagram“稍后再试”错误(fixed the Instagram “Try Again Later” error)。
我们上面讨论的块是临时的,所以如果没有发现任何活动,错误最终会在一段时间后自行解除。这里需要注意的一点是, Instagram 上的“稍后再试(Try Again Later)”和“动作块(Action block)”并不相同。
动作块主要有三种类型,其中一种是“稍后再试(Try Again Later)”。“稍后再试(Try Again Later)”错误的问题在于它没有到期日期,因此会产生(expiration date and hence creates uncertainty)关于错误到期的不确定性。
对于某些用户,它可能会在几个小时内解除,而对于某些用户,它可能会持续数天。您必须对这种方法保持耐心,因为错误持续时间因帐户而异。这种方法永远不会失败( You’ll have to be patient with this method as the error duration varies from account to account. This method can never fail)。但是,如果您不想等待,请转到下一个方法来修复此错误。
方法 4:删除你的简历中的(Bio)链接(Link)(如果你有的话)
如果您的Instagram 简历(Instagram bio)中有链接,则可能会被Instagram禁止。Instagram禁止了许多链接,这可能是您被阻止的原因。并非每个链接都受到该平台的信任,因此,您必须考虑到这一事实。(Not every link is trusted by this platform and hence, it is imperative that you take this fact into account.)
如果您的简历中有Linktree 链接(Linktree link)或任何其他此类链接,您需要立即删除它(If you have a Linktree link or any other such link in your bio, you need to immediately remove it)。如果您已经尝试了所有上述方法并且还没有任何效果,那么可以安全地假设您的简历中的链接是导致此错误的潜在原因。
方法 5:向Instagram报告问题(Instagram)
1. 打开Instagram 应用程序(Instagram app)并转到“个人资料(Profile)”选项卡,然后点击屏幕右上角的汉堡按钮(Hamburger button)并选择“(screen and select “)设置(Settings)”。之后,点击“帮助(Help)”。
2. 点击“报告问题(Report a Problem)”选项(” option)并按照进一步说明进行操作。
3. 最后,在提供的框中(box and report)写下问题(write the problem)并报告给Instagram。
您可以在 Instagram 上报告的问题:(Issues you can report on Instagram:)
- 讨厌帐户
- 自伤
- 被黑账户
- 模拟帐户
- 滥用和垃圾邮件
- 未成年儿童
- 暴露私人信息
- 开发
- 任何其他问题
Instagram 不会立即回复您的报告,因为它每天都会注册大量报告(Instagram does not respond to your report immediately as it has tons of reports registering daily)。因此(Hence),您必须等待Instagram调查您的问题。
另请阅读:(Also read:) 如果我忘记了我的Instagram 密码(Instagram Password),我该怎么办?
到目前为止,您已经解决了问题。但是未来呢?正如我们前面提到的,错误的根本原因(root cause)是一些频繁的操作或类似机器人的活动。Instagram 算法预测用户作为机器人或垃圾邮件发送者重复操作。(The Instagram algorithm predicts the user doing repeated action as a bot or a spammer.)
更确切地说,如果你想让禁令远离你,你必须“像人一样(like a human)”采取行动,并采取(” and act)适度的行动。您还应该阅读Instagram 规则和限制(Instagram rules and restrictions),以了解您应该如何在Instagram 上(Instagram)采取行动以避免任何错误。
您应该避免的第一件事也是最重要的事情是在短时间内进行extensive follow/unfollow actionIf you follow/unfollow users too fast, you need to slow it down and try to do this in intervals.完美的间隔是每分钟只关注或取消关注一个用户。第二个重要的事情是保持对Instagram的关注/取消关注限制的计数。
注意:(Note:)在Instagram 上(Instagram),用户每天最多可以关注/取消关注 200 个用户。此外,如果您是新用户,you should limit the count to 150. If you exceed this limit, you’re done!
2.停止使用第三方应用程序或工具(apps or tools)
用户忽略的最重要的事情是使用第三方应用程序或自动化工具(apps or automation tools)。
这些自动化工具使您可以比平时更快地执行操作。由于这个原因,Instagram 会检测到这一点并对该帐户进行封锁。当然,不公平的手段是被禁止的,这不是考试。(Instagram detects this and imposes a block on the account. Of course, unfair means are prohibited and this isn’t an exam.)
请按照以下步骤摆脱它们:(Follow the given below steps to get rid of them:)
1. 前往“个人资料(Profile)”选项卡,点击汉堡按钮(Hamburger button)打开菜单,然后点击“设置(Settings)”。
2.在此之后,向下滚动并点击“安全(Security)”并选择“应用程序和网站(Apps and websites)”。
3. 现在选择“ Active ”并从给定列表中删除所有不需要的第三方应用程序/自动化工具。
或者,(Alternatively,)您可以更改方法 2(Method 2)中提供的密码,这将使您退出所有第三方应用程序。
3. 放慢点赞/评论
最后但最重要的是,您应该放慢点赞和评论各种帖子的速度。通过简单地喜欢或评论帖子来阻止操作是非常罕见的。但是,如果您做得太多,您可能会收到“稍后再试”错误。(Try Again Later)
一个好的评论间隔是每个帖子 5 到 10 分钟。(A good interval for commenting is 5 to 10 minutes per post.)
这个错误在 Instagram 上会持续多久?(How long does this error last on Instagram?)
“稍后再试(Try again later)”错误大多会持续3 到 5 天( 3 to 5 days)。错误的持续时间(time duration)因帐户而异,并且此块没有过期时间(expiration time)。因此,无法确定错误持续时间(there is no certainty of the error duration)。对于一些用户来说,它会持续几个小时,而对于一些用户来说,它需要几天才能被解除。(For some users, it lasts for a couple of hours, and for some, it takes days for it to get lifted.)
- 修复 抱歉,您在(Fix Sorry)Instagram 上(Instagram)的请求有问题
- 如何查看全尺寸 Instagram 照片(View Full Size Instagram Photos)
- 加快 Steam 下载速度(Steam Download Faster)的4种(Ways)方法
- 如何在Android上禁用(Android)自动启动应用程序(Auto-start Apps)
“稍后再试(Try Again Later)”不是永久性的障碍,迟早会离开你。我们确信,通过遵循上面充满尝试和测试方法的指南,您应该已经修复了这个错误。如果您有任何建议或方法,可以在下面的评论中告诉我们。
How to Fix Instagram Try Again Later Error
Instagrаm has billions of active υsers and surelу, thеre are hundreds of issues faced by many of them. Instagram can’t solve these problems personally and hence, we come in to savе the day. These days, Instagram users are facing a ‘Try Again Later’ error which started happening after a major update in the app. Are you encountering a “Try again later” error on Instagram again and again too? Well, we’ll show you how to fix it. Through this article, we will cover everything you need to know: why it happens, methods to fix this repetitive error, and its prevention.
Instagram is always concerned about the safety of its users and tries to prevent any anarchy in the platform. But a large number of users have reported the ‘Try Again Later’ error which is frustrating for them to deal with. And that is why we have compiled all the possible ways to fix it. For users, the main problem is that it takes a lot of valuable time.
Why do I get the “Try Again Later” Error?
It is important to know the reasons for the problem in order to solve it.
Given below is the list of various reasons for getting the ‘Try Again Later’ error on Instagram. A detailed explanation is also presented below. Consequently, you can figure out the reason and the solution behind your error.
- Using automation or third-party apps for increasing likes, etc.
- Carrying out actions (Liking, commenting, posting, following, etc) too fast.
- A glitch in the Instagram app.
Instagram has very strict policies against these suspicious activities. For example, many users claimed that they face a ‘Try Again Later’ error after they have liked many posts, sent many direct messages, or commented on many posts in a short period. Now, this is not allowed by Instagram.
Instagram’s algorithm is designed in such a way that it tries to stop any kind of spam and automation in the platform, ie, to prevent bots from accessing the platform. Therefore, in scenarios of repetitive and frequent action, it finds the user acting like a bot or spammer and temporarily blocks him/her from taking such actions.
This temporary banning causes a ‘Try Again Later’ error when the user performs such types of actions. It is necessary as there are tons of notorious elements that might abuse actions at an uncontrollable level. After Instagram’s every update, it imposes more types of restrictions on users to prevent them from using third-party or automation tools.
The downside is that many users using the app normally, also get blocked even without using any third-party tool. If you are also one of them, we have covered all the methods for you to fix Instagram ‘Try Again Later’ error and overcome the block. You should understand that this is just a security measure by Instagram and isn’t permanent.
5 Ways to Fix Instagram Try Again Later Error
In order to fix the Try Again Later error on Instagram, there are various methods in our guide. We request you to try it out one by one. You should start by logging out of your account and logging back and perform all the steps until you fix the error.
The most legitimate method to fix this error is to wait it out and if you’re not very active on Instagram or not in a hurry, you can wait for the message to be gone on its own. However, the methods we have provided might truly work to solve the problem.
To solve the problem, you need to proceed in the same order as provided.
Method 1: Log out of your Account and Log back in
Logging out and logging back into your account is a very efficient way to fix the Instagram “Try again later” error. And that is why we have mentioned it at the top of the list. However, you have to make sure to clear the app’s cache before logging back in. This is a reasonable way that works for many people. Logging out and in of your account is a hassle-free way and might help you to fix the error.
Step 1: Logging out
1. Go to the “Profile” tab of the app and tap on the Hamburger button, present at the top-right corner of the screen.
2. Now, tap on the “Settings” option.
3. Finally, tap on “Log out”.
Step 2: Clear App Cache
1. Navigate to the “Settings” of your device then head to “Storage” and tap on “Apps”.
2. Select “Instagram” from the list and tap on the “Clear cache” button.
iOS users have to uninstall and reinstall the Instagram app in order to clear the app cache.
Step 3: Login back to Instagram
Launch the app and log in to your account using your username and password. And just like that, you are done with the first method! After clearing the cache and re-logging, there are high chances of getting rid of the “Try Again Later” error message. In case the problem still persists, head over to the next method.
Method 2: Change the Password of your Account
The second step of getting rid of the error is changing the password of your Instagram account. It helps in fixing the error as changing the password will log you out from the automation or third-party tools and Instagram won’t consider you a bot anymore. This method is highly recommended.
We have provided two ways to reset your password. Either, you can reset your password with the app, or, you can log out from your account and select “Forgot Password.” The second step is preferred in case you forget your current password. Follow the below steps to change the password of your account:
Reset Password using the “Change Password” option
On the Instagram App:
1. Go to your Profile Page by tapping the Profile icon present at the bottom right of the screen.
2. Tap the Hamburger button at the top-right corner and head to “Settings”.
3. Now, tap on “Security” and under the Security menu, select “Password”.
4. Enter your current password in the first box, new password in the second and third boxes then tap the tick mark option.
On Instagram Desktop website:
1. Open the account in a web browser using this link.
2. Sign In and click on the Profile icon at the top-right corner.
3. From the list, select “Settings”.
4. Click on “Change Password”. Enter your current password in the first box, new password in the second and third boxes.
5. Finally, click on the “Change Password” button.
Reset Password using the “Forgot Password?” option:
1. Log out from your Instagram account as Profile > Menu(Hamburger button) > Settings > Log out.
2. Now, go to the log-in screen and click “Forgot Password?”
3. After this, you have to verify “it is you” by following the instructions and finally reset your password.
After this step, most of the users report their Instagram “Try Again Error” to be gone. If you find your account fine, congratulations! Otherwise, proceed to method 3.
Also Read: 9 Ways to Fix Instagram Not Working on Wi-Fi
Method 3: Leave your Account for a while and wait
This is the most legitimate method and there are many cases where leaving Instagram for some hours or some days fixed the Instagram “Try Again Later” error.
The block we talked about above are temporary, so the error will eventually lift after some time on its own if no activity is found. The point to note here is that “Try Again Later” and “Action block” on Instagram are not the same.
There are mainly three types of action blocks, and one of them is “Try Again Later”. The problem with the “Try Again Later” error is that it does not have an expiration date and hence creates uncertainty about the expiry of the error.
For some users, it might lift in a couple of hours, and for some, it might persist for several days. You’ll have to be patient with this method as the error duration varies from account to account. This method can never fail. But, if you don’t want to wait, move to the next method to fix this error.
Method 4: Remove the Link in your Bio (if you have one)
If you have a link in your Instagram bio, there might be a chance of prohibition by Instagram. There are many links that Instagram prohibits and this might be the cause of you getting blocked. Not every link is trusted by this platform and hence, it is imperative that you take this fact into account.
If you have a Linktree link or any other such link in your bio, you need to immediately remove it. If you’ve already tried all the aforementioned methods and nothing has worked yet, it’s safe to assume that the link in your bio is the potential cause of this error.
Many users mentioned that after trying every method, when they finally removed the link in their bio, the error disappeared instantly. Hence, if you have a link in your bio, remove it now. It is a miracle how Instagram works but, this one might be the one for you.
Method 5: Report the issue to Instagram
For some users, the error does not lift even after days, and hence just leaving the account for an uncertain amount of time is an infeasible solution for such users. In this method, we will show you how to report your problem to Instagram to let them know about your case. Of course, we cannot teach you how to be patient or how to not worry but, you can try the below-given steps:
1. Open the Instagram app and go to the “Profile” tab then tap on the Hamburger button at the top-right corner of the screen and select “Settings”. After this, tap on “Help”.
2. Tap on the “Report a Problem” option and follow further instructions.
3. Finally, write the problem in the provided box and report it to Instagram.
Issues you can report on Instagram:
You can report to Instagram if you have issues regarding any of these:
- Hate accounts
- Self-injury
- Hacked accounts
- Impersonation accounts
- Abuse and spam
- Underage children
- Exposed private information
- Exploitation
- Any other problem
Instagram does not respond to your report immediately as it has tons of reports registering daily. Hence, you have to wait for Instagram to look into your matter.
Also read: What Can I Do If I Forgot My Instagram Password?
How to prevent the “Try Again Later” error
As of now, you have solved the problem. But what about the future? As we mentioned earlier, the root cause of the error is some frequent action or bot-like activity. The Instagram algorithm predicts the user doing repeated action as a bot or a spammer.
Composing it more precisely, if you want to keep the ban away from you, you have to carry out actions “like a human” and act moderately. You should also read Instagram rules and restrictions to know how you should act on Instagram to avoid any errors.
1. Avoid following/unfollowing users excessively
The first and the most important thing you should avoid is extensive follow/unfollow action in a short period of time. If you follow/unfollow users too fast, you need to slow it down and try to do this in intervals. A perfect interval is following or unfollowing only one user per minute. The second important thing is to keep a count on the following/unfollows limit on Instagram.
Note: On Instagram, users are permitted to follow/unfollow up to 200 users per day. Also, if you are a new user, you should limit the count to 150. If you exceed this limit, you’re done!
2. Stop using third-party apps or tools
The most important thing that users neglect is the use of third-party apps or automation tools.
These automation tools let you carry out actions much faster than normal. Due to this reason, Instagram detects this and imposes a block on the account. Of course, unfair means are prohibited and this isn’t an exam.
Follow the given below steps to get rid of them:
1. Head to the “Profile” tab and tap on the Hamburger button to open the menu then tap on “Settings”.
2. After this, scroll down and tap on “Security” and select “Apps and websites”.
3. Now select “Active” and remove all unwanted third-party apps/automation tools from the given list.
Alternatively, you can change your password given in Method 2 which will log you out of all the third-party apps.
3. Slow down on liking/commenting
Lastly but most importantly, you should slow down on liking and commenting on various posts. It’s very uncommon to get action blocked by simply liking or commenting on posts. But, you may get a “Try Again Later” error if you are doing it too much.
A good interval for commenting is 5 to 10 minutes per post.
How long does this error last on Instagram?
The “Try again later” error mostly lasts up to 3 to 5 days. The time duration of the error varies from account to account and this block does not have an expiration time. So, there is no certainty of the error duration. For some users, it lasts for a couple of hours, and for some, it takes days for it to get lifted.
“Try Again Later” is not a permanent block and will leave you sooner or later. We are sure that by following the above guide full of tried and tested methods, you should have fixed this error. If you have any suggestions or methods, you can tell us in the comments down below.