Roblox是供游戏玩家玩和游戏开发者开发各种游戏的。它是一个流行的全球游戏平台(gaming platform),几乎可以在所有平台上访问。但是,您在玩游戏时可能会遇到Roblox 错误 279 。(error 279)因此,您的游戏进度(game progress)将与保存的文件一起丢失。这是由于连接问题而在设备中报告的常见错误。当您遇到此问题时,您无法与服务器建立连接。请阅读以下内容以修复Roblox 错误代码 279(Roblox error code 279)。
如何在 Windows 10 上修复 Roblox 错误 279
(How to Fix Roblox Error 279 on Windows 10
Roblox由David Baszucki 和 Erik Cassel(David Baszucki & Erik Cassel)于 2004 年创建。每天有数百万用户加入虚拟平台,分享他们在数字全球游戏开发过程中的体验、(game development process)游戏、学习和社交(play, learn, and socialize )。此外,它不仅仅是一个男女都更常用的游戏平台,在全球拥有超过 40% 的女性用户。
DISCONNECTED: Failed to connect with the Game. (ID=17: Connection attempt failed.) (Error Code 279)
报告了三个带有错误代码的(error code)ID(IDs):ID=17、ID=146和ID= 148。
幸运的是,在本指南中,我们编制了导致Roblox 错误代码 279(Roblox error code 279)的原因列表以及解决相同问题的故障排除解决方案。
Roblox 错误 279 背后的原因(Reasons Behind Roblox Error 279 )
- 如果您的Windows Defender Firewall blocks the game/app ,您将无法访问该游戏。建议您将游戏列入白名单或暂时禁用 Windows Defender 防火墙(Defender Firewall)以解决问题。
- 同样,如果您的防病毒程序阻止了应用程序(Antivirus program is blocking the application),您将面临此错误。暂时禁用它并检查您是否已解决问题。
- 如果您的网络连接速度(network connection is slower)低于游戏或应用程序的基本要求,则无法与游戏服务器建立稳定的(game server)互联网连接(internet connection),从而导致此类错误。
- 当游戏的必要元素丢失或损坏(missing or corrupt)时,您将面临此类错误。您将看到一个空白屏幕,并且您将听不到任何声音。在这种情况下,您可能需要重新安装游戏。
- 当您的网络浏览器(web browser)添加了太多浏览器扩展( too many browser extensions)时,您可能会遇到此错误。此外,当您使用过时的浏览器时,您可能会遇到相同的错误代码(error code)。
- 如果DNS 设置和端口转发技术(DNS setup and port-forwarding techniques)不合格,您将面临这个问题。更新您的IP 地址(IP address)、更改DNS服务器或在路由器上设置端口转发可能会解决此问题。
无论出于何种原因,您都可以按照下面提到的故障排除解决方案轻松解决Windows 10上的Roblox 错误代码 279 。(Roblox error code 279)
方法 1:排除路由器设置故障(Method 1: Troubleshoot Router Settings)
使用(Use)任何给定选项来解决互联网连接问题并修复 Roblox 错误 279(fix Roblox error 279)。
选项 1:重启路由器(Option 1: Restart Router)
重新启动路由器将重新启动网络连接(network connectivity)。很少有用户报告说,一旦您重新启动路由器,配置设置中标记的所有更改都会生效。
1. 找到路由器背面的 ON/OFF button。按一下按钮关闭路由器。
2. 现在,断开电源线(disconnect the power cable) 并等待电容器完全耗尽电力。
选项 2:启用端口转发(Option 2: Enable Port Forwarding)
Roblox有一组与路由器建立稳定网络连接(network connection)所需的端口范围。如果需要打开的端口数量不足,您将面临此错误。您可以按照以下步骤启用此端口转发功能:
注意:(Note:) 端口转发(Port Forwarding)设置将根据路由器制造商和型号(router manufacturer & model)而有所不同。
1.通过 在 命令提示符(Command Prompt)中执行ipconfig /all路由器的默认网关地址(Default Gateway address of your router),如下图所示。
2. 启动您的 网络浏览器(web browser) 并转到您的路由器 默认网关(Default Gateway) 地址。
3. 在这里,输入您的 登录凭据(Login Credentials)和登录(Login)。
4. 然后,导航到 端口转发 (Port Forwarding )或 虚拟服务器(Virtual Server) 选项,然后单击 添加(Add) 按钮。
5.接下来,输入UDP端口(UDP port)为:
- TCP:3074
- UDP:88、500、3074、3544、4500
6. 最后,单击 保存 (Save )或 应用 (Apply )按钮以保存更改。
7. 然后, 重启你的路由器和电脑(Restart your router and PC)。检查问题现在是否已解决。
选项 3:重置路由器(Option 3: Reset Router)
- 路由器重置(Router reset)将使路由器恢复出厂设置(factory settings)。
- 所有设置和设置,如转发端口(forwarded ports)、黑名单连接(black-listed connections)、凭据(credentials)等,都将被删除(erased)。
- 重置(Reset)后,路由器将切换回其默认设置(default settings)和验证密码。
1.使用之前的 默认网关IP地址(default gateway IP address )打开 路由器设置( router settings)并登录(L)。(ogin.)
2. 记下所有 配置设置(configuration settings)。重置路由器后您将需要它们,因为如果您使用 P2P 协议(Internet 上的点对点协议) ,您可能会丢失(Point-to-Point Protocol over the Internet))ISP凭据(ISP)
3. 按住路由器上的 重置按钮(Reset button) 10-30 秒。
注意:(Note:) 您必须使用 大头针 (pin, )或 牙签 (toothpick )等指点设备来按下RESET按钮。
4. 路由器会自动 关机再开机(turn off and turn back on)。 当 指示灯开始闪烁( lights begin to blink)时,您可以 松开按钮(release the button)。
5. 在网页上重新(Re-enter)输入 路由器的配置详情并 重启(restart) 路由器。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复无线路由器不断断开或(Fix Wireless Router Keeps Disconnecting Or)掉线
方法 2:运行网络适配器疑难解答(Method 2: Run Network Adapter Troubleshooter)
运行网络适配器疑难解答(Network Adapter Troubleshooter)将解决以太网连接(Ethernet connection)中的任何故障,并可能修复Roblox 错误代码 279(Roblox error code 279)。
注意:(Note:)此方法不仅适用于Windows 10,也适用于Windows 7 & 8.1。
1. 同时按 Windows + I keys 启动 设置(Settings)。
2. 单击 更新和安全(Update & Security) 磁贴,如图所示。
3. 从左侧窗格转到 疑难解答 (Troubleshoot )菜单,然后在右侧窗格中找到查找并修复其他问题(Find and fix other problems)。
4. 选择网络适配器(Network Adapter) 疑难解答并单击突出显示的 运行疑难解答(Run the troubleshooter)按钮。
5. 等待故障排除程序检测并修复问题。该过程完成后,按照屏幕上的说明(on-screen instructions)重新启动(restart) 您的 PC(your PC)。
方法 3:更新 IP 配置(Method 3: Renew IP Configuration)
很少有用户报告可以通过更新IP 配置来修复(IP configuration)代码 279(code 279)错误,如下所示:
1. 按Windows 键( Windows key),键入命令提示符(Command Prompt),然后单击 以管理员身份运行(Run as an administrator)。
2.依次输入以下命令(commands),每输入一个后按回车键(Enter key)
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
3. 此外,执行ipconfig /flushDNS命令,如图所示。
4. 最后,重新启动(restart) 您的 Windows PC。(your Windows PC.)
另请阅读:(Also Read: )修复 Wi-Fi 适配器在(Fix Wi-Fi Adapter)Windows 10中不起作用
方法 4:更改 DNS 设置(Method 4: Change DNS Settings)
DNS 是指域名系统或域名服务器或域名服务(Domain Name System or Domain Name Server or Domain Name Service)。它通过其IP 地址(IP address)连接到网站。可能有一些不正确的DNS设置可能导致Roblox 错误 279(Roblox error 279)。阅读我们的指南以更改Windows 10上的(Windows 10)DNS设置以解决问题。
方法 5:允许 Roblox 通过 Windows Defender 防火墙(Method 5: Allow Roblox Through Windows Defender Firewall)
有时,潜在的程序也会被内置的防火墙程序(Firewall program)阻止。建议您在程序中添加一个例外来解决Roblox 错误 279(Roblox error 279)问题,如下所示:
1.在 Windows 搜索栏中(Windows Search bar)键入 控制面板(Control Panel), 然后单击 打开(Open)。
2. 在这里,设置 View by: > Large icons ,然后单击 Windows Defender 防火墙(Windows Defender Firewall) 继续。
3. 接下来,单击 允许应用程序或功能通过 Windows Defender 防火墙(Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall)。
4A。通过勾选标记为Private和Public的复选框来搜索并允许 Roblox通过防火墙(Firewall)。
4B。或者,您可以单击更改设置(Change Settings),然后 单击允许另一个应用程序… (Allow another app… )按钮浏览并将 Roblox 应用程序添加到列表中。然后,选中与之对应的框。
5. 最后,单击 确定(OK) 保存更改。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何下载 Hextech 修复工具(Download Hextech Repair Tool)
方法 6:添加 Roblox 应用程序排除
(Method 6: Add Roblox App Exclusion
如果Windows 防火墙(Windows Firewall)没有与Roblox发生冲突,则系统上的防病毒软件(antivirus software)可能会阻止它,反之亦然。您可以为其添加排除项以修复 Windows 10 PC 上的Roblox 错误代码 279 。(Roblox error code 279)
选项 1:通过 Windows 安全应用程序
(Option 1: Through Windows Security App
1. 按 Windows 键(Windows key),键入 病毒和威胁防护(virus and threat protection),然后按 Enter 键(Enter key)。
2. 现在,点击 管理设置(Manage settings)。
3. 向下滚动并单击 添加或删除排除 (Add or remove exclusions )项,如下所示。
4. 在 排除(Exclusions) 选项卡中,选择 添加排除(Add an exclusion) 选项并单击 文件 (File ),如图所示。
5. 现在,导航到安装程序的文件目录,( file directory)然后选择(program and select) Roblox 文件。
6.等待(Wait)工具添加到安全套件(security suite)中,您就可以开始使用了。,
选项 2:通过第三方防病毒软件(Option 2: Through Third-party Antivirus)
注意:(Note:)我们以Avast Free Antivirus 的步骤为例。
1. 启动 Avast Antivirus并单击右上角的菜单(right corner)选项 (Menu ),如突出显示的那样。
2. 在这里,从下拉列表中单击 设置 。(Settings )
3. 在常规菜单中,转到阻止和允许的应用程序(Blocked & Allowed apps)。
4. 然后,点击允许(ALLOW APP)应用列表下的允许应用(List of allowed apps ) ,如图所示。
5A。现在,单击添加, (ADD, )对应于Roblox 应用程序路径(Roblox app path ),将其添加到白名单(whitelist)。
注意:(Note:) 我们在下面显示 了App Installer 作为排除项添加。
5B。或者,您也可以通过选择 SELECT APP PATH 选项浏览(SELECT APP PATH )Roblox应用程序,然后单击添加(ADD)按钮。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何修复(Fix Error Code 775)DirecTV 上的错误代码 775
方法 7:切换到另一个浏览器(Method 7: Switch to Another Browser)
Roblox 与Google Chrome、Microsoft Edge和Mozilla Firefox浏览器兼容。如果您使用其他一些浏览器,您将面临此错误。最好将您的网络浏览器切换到兼容的浏览器(compatible browser)以享受不间断的流媒体。切换浏览器后,检查是否已解决问题。
注意:(Note: )由于Roblox最喜欢使用Google Chrome,因此这些方法针对Chrome 浏览器(Chrome browser)进行了演示。如果您使用其他一些浏览器,请按照它的步骤操作。
方法 8:从 Chrome 中删除有害软件(Method 8: Remove Harmful Software from Chrome)
设备中很少有不兼容的程序会使您的PC 变慢(PC slow),如果您将它们从系统中完全删除,则可以解决此问题。
1. 启动谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome )并点击三点图标(three-dotted icon)。
2. 在这里,选择设置(Settings )选项。
3. 在这里,单击左窗格中的(left pane)高级(Advanced )设置,然后选择重置和清理(Reset and clean up )选项。
4. 现在,选择清理计算机(Cleanup computer )选项,如下图所示。
5. 在这里,单击查找(Find )按钮以使 Chrome 能够在您的计算机上查找有害软件。(find harmful software)
6.等待(Wait)该过程完成并删除(remove )谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)检测到的有害程序。重新启动(Reboot)系统并检查问题是否已解决。
方法 9:禁用浏览器加载项(如果适用)(Method 9: Disable Browser Add-ons (If Applicable))
当您的系统中有太多选项卡时,浏览器和计算机的速度(browser & computer speed)会很慢。在这种情况下,您的系统将无法正常运行,导致Roblox 错误代码 279(Roblox error code 279)。现在,您可以尝试关闭所有不必要的选项卡并重新启动系统。
1. 启动 Google Chrome 浏览器(Google Chrome browser) 并点击 三点图标(three-dotted icon)。
2. 在这里,选择 More tools > 扩展(Extensions) ,如下图所示。
3. 最后,关闭(Off) 要禁用的扩展的切换开关。
注意:(Note:) 我们 以 Chrome 的 Grammarly(Grammarly for Chrome) 为例。
4. 对所有不需要的大量扩展 重复相同的操作。(Repeat)刷新浏览器(Refresh your browser) 并检查问题现在是否已解决。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Chrome中通过HTTPS启用(HTTPS)DNS
方法 10:重置 Chrome
(Method 10: Reset Chrome
重置Chrome会将浏览器恢复为其默认设置,并可能修复Roblox 错误 279(Roblox error 279)。
1. 打开谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)并转到chrome://settings/reset
2. 单击 将设置恢复为原始默认值(Restore settings to their original defaults) 选项,突出显示。
3. 现在,单击“重置设置”(Reset Settings) 按钮确认您的操作。
方法 11:重新安装 Roblox(Method 11: Reinstall Roblox )
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key),键入应用程序和功能(apps and features),然后单击打开(Open)。
2.在 搜索此列表(Search this list)字段中搜索Roblox 。选择Roblox Player并单击Uninstall,如下图所示。
3. 再次单击卸载(Uninstall)以再次确认。
4. 等待 Windows 完成从您的 PC中卸载 Roblox 。(Uninstalling Roblox)
注意:(Note:)如果程序已被卸载,您可以再次搜索确认。您将收到一条消息;我们在这里找不到任何可显示的内容。仔细检查您的搜索条件(We couldn’t find anything to show here. Double check your search criteria),如图所示。
5. 前往Robox 官网(official website),选择一款游戏(game)。
6. 单击下图中突出显示的播放按钮。(Play)
7. 然后,单击下载并安装 Roblox(Download and install Roblox)按钮。
8. 下载安装文件(setup file)后,双击运行RobloxPlayerLauncher 。
9. 等待操作系统完成安装 Roblox。
(Installing Roblox.
- 如何修复 Steam无法在(Fix Steam)Windows 10上打开
- Roblox 管理员命令列表
- 如何修复 Crunchyroll 不起作用
- 如何在Windows 10上提高(Windows 10)WiFi 互联网速度(WiFi Internet Speed)
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您可以修复系统上的Roblox 错误 279(Roblox error 279)。让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。此外,如果您对本文有任何疑问/建议,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
How to Fix Roblox Error 279
Roblox is for gamеrs to play and game developers to develoр various games. It is a popular global gaming platform that can be accessed on almоst all platforms. However, you may face Roblox error 279 while playing games. And so, your game progress will be lоst along with the savеd files. This is a commоn error reported in devices due to connectiνity issues. When you face this issue, yoυ cannot establish a connection with the serνer. Read below to fix Roblox error code 279.
How to Fix Roblox Error 279 on Windows 10
Roblox was created in 2004 by David Baszucki & Erik Cassel. Millions of users join the virtual platform every day to share their experiences, play, learn, and socialize in the digital global game development process. Moreover, it is more than a gaming platform more commonly used by both genders, with more than 40 % female users worldwide.
Often, you cannot connect to its server, facing the following error.
DISCONNECTED: Failed to connect with the Game. (ID=17: Connection attempt failed.) (Error Code 279)
There are three IDs reported with the error code: ID=17, ID=146, and ID= 148.
Fortunately, in this guide, we have compiled a list of reasons that cause Roblox error code 279 and troubleshooting solutions to resolve the same.
Reasons Behind Roblox Error 279
- If your Windows Defender Firewall blocks the game/app due to content filtering, you cannot access the game. You are advised to whitelist your game or disable Windows Defender Firewall temporarily to fix the issue.
- Likewise, if your Antivirus program is blocking the application, you will face this error. Disable it temporarily and check if you have fixed the issue.
- If your network connection is slower than the basic requirement of the game or the app, you cannot establish a stable internet connection with the game server, leading to such errors.
- When a necessary element of the game is missing or corrupt, you will face such errors. You will see a blank screen, and you will hear no sound. You may need to reinstall the game in such cases.
- When too many browser extensions are added to your web browser, you may face this error. Also, when you use an outdated browser, you may face the same error code.
- If the DNS setup and port-forwarding techniques are not up to the mark, you will face this issue. Renewing your IP address, changing DNS servers, or setting up port forwarding on the router may fix this problem.
Regardless of the reasons, you can easily resolve Roblox error code 279 on Windows 10 by following the below-mentioned troubleshooting solutions. Also read 33 Best Scary Roblox Games to Play with Friends.. Also read 33 Best Scary Roblox Games to Play with Friends..
Method 1: Troubleshoot Router Settings
Use any of the given options to troubleshoot internet connectivity issues & fix Roblox error 279.
Option 1: Restart Router
Restarting the router will re-initiate the network connectivity. Few users reported that all the changes marked in the configuration settings will be effective in action once you restart the router.
1. Find the ON/OFF button at the back of your router. Press the button once to turn off your router.
2. Now, disconnect the power cable and wait until the power is entirely drained from the capacitors.
3. Wait for a minute before restoring the power and wait until the network connection is re-established.
Option 2: Enable Port Forwarding
Roblox has a set of port ranges that are required to establish a stable network connection with the router. You will face this error if there is a paucity of required ports to be opened. You can enable this port forwarding feature by following the below-mentioned steps:
Note: Port Forwarding settings will vary according to the router manufacturer & model.
1. Find Default Gateway address of your router by executing ipconfig /all command in Command Prompt, as depicted below.
2. Launch your web browser and go to your Router Default Gateway address.
3. Here, enter your Login Credentials and Login.
4. Then, navigate to Port Forwarding or Virtual Server option and click on Add button.
5. Next, enter the UDP port as:
- TCP: 3074
- UDP: 88, 500, 3074, 3544, 4500
6. Finally, click on Save or Apply button to save the changes.
7. Then, Restart your router and PC. Check if the issue is resolved now.
Option 3: Reset Router
If the error still persists after restarting the router, you may reset your router settings. Before you do so, you must understand that:
- Router reset will bring the router to the factory settings.
- All the settings and setups like forwarded ports, black-listed connections, credentials, etc., will be erased.
- After Reset, the router will switch back to its default settings and authentication password.
Still, if you decide to reset the router, make a note of all such details and then, follow these steps:
1. Open the router settings using the default gateway IP address as earlier and Login.
2. Note down all the configuration settings. You will require them after resetting the router as you may lose your ISP credentials if you use a P2P protocol (Point-to-Point Protocol over the Internet)
3. Press and hold the Reset button on your router for 10-30 seconds.
Note: You have to use pointing devices like a pin, or toothpick to press the RESET button.
4. The router will automatically turn off and turn back on. You can release the button when the lights begin to blink.
5. Re-enter the configuration details for the router on the webpage and restart the router.
Also Read: Fix Wireless Router Keeps Disconnecting Or Dropping
Method 2: Run Network Adapter Troubleshooter
Running the Network Adapter Troubleshooter will resolve any glitches in the Ethernet connection and possibly, fix Roblox error code 279.
Note: This method is applicable not only for Windows 10 but also for Windows 7 & 8.1.
1. Press Windows + I keys simultaneously to launch Settings.
2. Click on the Update & Security tile, as shown.
3. Go to Troubleshoot menu from the left pane and locate Find and fix other problems in right pane.
4. Select Network Adapter troubleshooter and click on Run the troubleshooter button shown highlighted.
5. Wait for the troubleshooter to detect and fix the problem. Once the process is complete, follow on-screen instructions and restart your PC.
Method 3: Renew IP Configuration
Few users have reported that the code 279 error can be fixed by renewing the IP configuration as follows:
1. Press the Windows key, type Command Prompt, and click on Run as an administrator.
2. Enter the following commands one after another and hit Enter key after typing each
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
3. Additionally, execute ipconfig /flushDNS command as shown.
4. Finally, restart your Windows PC.
Also Read: Fix Wi-Fi Adapter Not Working in Windows 10
Method 4: Change DNS Settings
DNS refers to the Domain Name System or Domain Name Server or Domain Name Service. It connects to the website through its IP address. There may be some incorrect DNS settings that may cause Roblox error 279. Read our guide to change DNS settings on Windows 10 to fix the problem.
Method 5: Allow Roblox Through Windows Defender Firewall
Sometimes, potential programs are also blocked by the in-built Firewall program. You are advised to add an exception to the program to solve Roblox error 279 issue as follows:
1. Type Control Panel in the Windows Search bar and click Open.
2. Here, set View by: > Large icons and click on Windows Defender Firewall to continue.
3. Next, click on Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall.
4A. Search and allow Roblox through the Firewall by ticking the checkboxes marked Private and Public.
4B. Alternatively, you can click on Change Settings, then Allow another app… button to browse and add the Roblox app to the list. Then, check the boxes corresponding to it.
5. Finally, click OK to save the changes.
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Method 6: Add Roblox App Exclusion
If Windows Firewall is not causing conflict with Roblox, the antivirus software on your system is likely blocking it or vice-versa. You can add an exclusion for it to fix Roblox error code 279 on Windows 10 PCs.
Option 1: Through Windows Security App
1. Hit the Windows key, type virus and threat protection, and press the Enter key.
2. Now, click on Manage settings.
3. Scroll down and click Add or remove exclusions as depicted below.
4. In the Exclusions tab, select the Add an exclusion option and click on File as shown.
5. Now, navigate to the file directory where you have installed the program and select Roblox file.
6. Wait for the tool to be added to the security suite, and you are ready to go. ,
Option 2: Through Third-party Antivirus
Note: We have shown the steps for Avast Free Antivirus as an example.
1. Launch Avast Antivirus and click on the Menu option from the top right corner, as highlighted.
2. Here, click on Settings from the drop-down list.
3. In the General menu, go to Blocked & Allowed apps.
4. Then, click on ALLOW APP under the List of allowed apps section, as shown.
5A. Now, click on ADD, corresponding to the Roblox app path to add it to the whitelist.
Note: We have shown App Installer being added as an exclusion below.
5B. Alternately, you may also browse for the Roblox app by selecting the SELECT APP PATH option then, click on the ADD button.
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Method 7: Switch to Another Browser
Roblox is compatible with Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox browsers. If you use some other browsers, you will face this error. It would be better to switch your web browser to a compatible browser to enjoy uninterrupted streaming. After switching your browser, check if you have fixed the issue.
Note: You are not advised to skip this method since it is very important to determine whether it is a browser-based error.
If you can access the game (which you cannot access in your previous browser) in some other browsers, then the error is associated with your browser, and you can try updating or resetting the browser as discussed in upcoming methods.
Note: Since Google Chrome is mostly preferred for Roblox, the methods are demonstrated for the Chrome browser. If you use some other browsers, follow the steps according to it.
Method 8: Remove Harmful Software from Chrome
Few incompatible programs in your device will make your PC slow, and this could be fixed if you remove them completely from your system.
1. Launch Google Chrome and click on the three-dotted icon.
2. Here, select the Settings option.
3. Here, click on the Advanced setting in the left pane and select the Reset and clean up option.
4. Now, select the Cleanup computer option as depicted below.
5. Here, click on the Find button to enable Chrome to find harmful software on your computer.
6. Wait for the process to be completed and remove the harmful programs detected by Google Chrome. Reboot your system and check if the issue is resolved.
Method 9: Disable Browser Add-ons (If Applicable)
When you have too many tabs in your system, the browser & computer speed will be very slow. In this case, your system will not operate normally, leading to Roblox error code 279. Now, you can try closing all the unnecessary tabs and restart your system.
If you have closed all the tabs and still face the issue, try to disable all unrequired extensions as follows:
1. Launch the Google Chrome browser and click on the three-dotted icon.
2. Here, select More tools > Extensions as illustrated below.
3. Finally, switch Off the toggle for the extensions you want to disable.
Note: We have shown Grammarly for Chrome as an example.
4. Repeat the same for all heavy extensions that you do not need. Refresh your browser and check if the issue is fixed now.
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Method 10: Reset Chrome
Resetting Chrome will restore the browser to its default settings and possibly, fix Roblox error 279.
1. Open Google Chrome and go to chrome://settings/reset
2. Click on the Restore settings to their original defaults option, shown highlighted.
3. Now, confirm your action by clicking on the Reset Settings button.
Method 11: Reinstall Roblox
If none of the methods have helped you, then try to reinstall Roblox as the last resort.
1. Hit the Windows key, type apps and features, and click on Open.
2. Search for Roblox in the Search this list field. Select Roblox Player and click on Uninstall, as depicted below.
3. Again, click on Uninstall to confirm it again.
4. Wait as Windows finishes Uninstalling Roblox from your PC.
Note: If the program has been uninstalled, you can confirm by searching it again. You will receive a message; We couldn’t find anything to show here. Double check your search criteria as shown.
5. Go to the Robox official website and select a game.
6. Click on the Play button shown highlighted in the pic below.
7. Then, click Download and install Roblox button.
8. After downloading the setup file, run the RobloxPlayerLauncher by double-clicking on it.
9. Wait while OS finishes Installing Roblox.
10. You will receive the message that ROBLOX IS SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED! as shown.
11. Relaunch the app and start playing!
We hope that this guide was helpful, and you could fix Roblox error 279 on your system. Let us know which method worked for you the best. Also, if you have any queries/suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.