正在寻找一种与他人协作处理Word 文档(Word doc)的方法?如果是这样,您可以在Word本身中轻松完成。该功能已经存在于几个版本的Office中,即使接收方没有在他们的系统上安装Word ,它也可以工作。(Word)
请注意,要开始在Word中共享文档,您必须将文档保存到云中。不是您的所有文档,但至少是要共享的文档。这意味着您需要先设置一个OneDrive 帐户(OneDrive account),然后从Word中登录您的Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)。
共享 Word 文档
在Word中正确设置 OneDrive 后,继续并单击屏幕右上角的共享(Share)按钮。

这将在屏幕右侧显示一个窗格。(hand side)如果文档尚未保存到云端,您必须单击“保存到云端(Save to Cloud)”按钮。

这将打开Save As对话框,该对话框应该已经设置为OneDrive。为您的文件命名并保存。

保存并上传到云端后,返回“共享(Share)”对话框,您现在可以邀请其他人加入。输入(Type)电子邮件地址(email address),选择他们是否可以编辑或仅查看它,然后包含可选消息。

在接收端,将收到一封电子邮件,其中包含指向存储在发送方OneDrive 帐户(OneDrive account)中的文档的链接:

当用户单击该链接时,它会将他们带到名为Word Online的(Word Online)Word浏览器版本,可以在其中编辑文档。

单击在浏览器中编辑(Edit in Browser)按钮,您将获得桌面Word 程序熟悉的(Word program)功能区界面(ribbon interface)。用户无需安装Word或拥有 OneDrive 帐户即可编辑文档。
文档会自动保存,因此用户(user doesn)不必担心自己尝试保存文档。最后,您会看到一条消息弹出(message pop),说明其他人正在编辑文档并询问您是否要在更改发生时自动共享更改。我建议在此处单击是(Yes)。

请注意,在您保存文档之前,您不会看到其他用户的更改。如果单击File ,您将在(File)Info 选项卡(Info tab)上看到一条新消息,显示Document Updates Available。


单击确定(Click OK)并浏览您的文档。绿色的任何东西都是由其他人更改或添加的。在我的测试中,如果有人从文档中删除了某些内容,它不会以绿色显示任何内容。(t show anything)

请注意,保存文档后,绿色突出显示将消失,直到进行新的更改。如果您想跟踪正在进行的更改,则应在共享文档之前启用文档的跟踪更改( Track Changes),否则很难判断发生了什么,尤其是在多人编辑文档时。

上面,我 在Review选项卡上启用了(Review)Track Changes,现在除了绿色突出显示的文本之外,我还在左侧栏中(hand column)有红色垂直条。由于删除不显示(t show)为绿色,您只能通过跟踪更改来查看它们。单击(Click)红线,它会以删除线显示已删除的内容。

How to Share or Collaborate On a Word Doc with Others
Looking for a wаy to collaborate wіth others on a Word doc? If so, yoυ can do it very easily in Word itself. The featυre has been around for a couple of versions of Office and it works even if the receiving party does not have Word installеd on theіr system.
Note that in order to get started with document sharing in Word, you have to save your documents to the cloud. Not all your documents, but at least the one that is going to be shared. That means you need to setup a OneDrive account first and then log into your Microsoft account from within Word.
Share Word Doc
Once you have OneDrive setup properly in Word, go ahead and click on the Share button at the top right of the screen.

This will bring up a pane on the right hand side of the screen. If the document has not been saved to the cloud yet, you’ll have to click the Save to Cloud button.

This will bring up the Save As dialog, which should already be set to OneDrive. Give your file a name and save it.

Once it has been saved and uploaded to the cloud, go back to the Share dialog and you’ll now be able to invite people to join. Type in an email address, choose whether they can edit it or just view it and then include an optional message.

On the receiving end, an email will arrive that includes a link to the document stored in the sending party’s OneDrive account:

When the user clicks on the link, it will take them to a browser version of Word called Word Online, where the document can be edited.

Click the Edit in Browser button and you’ll get the familiar ribbon interface of the desktop Word program. The user can edit the document without needing Word installed or needing to have a OneDrive account.
The document automatically saves, so the user doesn’t have to worry about trying to save the document themselves. On your end, you’ll see a message pop up saying that other people are editing the document and asking if you want to automatically share changes as they happen. I recommend clicking Yes here.

Note that you won’t see the changes from other users until you save the document. If you click on File, you’ll see a new message on the Info tab that says Document Updates Available.

Go ahead and save your document and you’ll get another message explaining that new changes made by others will be shown with a green overlay.

Click OK and browse through your document. Anything in green is what has been changed or added by someone else. In my testing, if someone deleted something from the document, it didn’t show anything in green.

Note that once you save the document, the green highlight will disappear until new changes are made. If you want to keep track of what changes are being made, you should enable Track Changes on the document before you share it, otherwise it’s kind of hard to tell what’s going on, especially if multiple people are editing the document.

Above, I have enabled Track Changes on the Review tab and now in addition to the green highlighted text, I also have the red vertical bars in the left hand column. Since deletions don’t show in green, you can only see them by tracking changes. Click on the red line and it’ll show you the deleted content in strike-through.

Overall, Word is a great tool to collaborate in real-time with multiple authors or editors and the syncing aspect works very well. One feature I noticed is that when someone else is editing a certain paragraph, it prevents others from editing that section until the first person is finished. This ensures that people aren’t overwriting the same sections at the same time. If you have any questions, feel free to comment. Enjoy!