Instagram是了解我们生活的窗口,因此随着它的流行,用户开始提倡使用在线安全功能。众所周知,一些用户因为在虚拟空间中感到安全而有骚扰、骚扰和网络欺凌他人的冲动。这就是我们要讨论如何在Instagram 上(Instagram)限制某人的原因。
作为打击网络欺凌的一部分,Instagram推出了一些新的隐私和安全功能,其中包括限制某些帐户的功能。个人、企业和品牌现在可以控制他们帖子的评论部分,因此请务必检查是否有人在 Instagram 上限制了您(someone restricted you on Instagram)。
什么是Instagram 上(Instagram)的限制功能(Restrict Function)?
网络欺凌是(Cyberbullying)Instagram 上(Instagram)的一个主要问题,因此开发人员创建了限制功能,为用户提供一种工具来保护自己免受不必要的互动。
假设您有一个烦人的同事,他偶尔会在网上让您难堪。通过限制这位同事,您将限制他们在没有任何对抗的情况下在您的页面上发帖(post on your page)的能力。您仍然可以随时与此人互动,但他们将无法向您发送未经请求的直接消息。
您不仅限于限制关注者列表中的人或关注您的人。您可以限制Instagram 上(Instagram)的任何人。您可以在消息请求中找到来自受限帐户的消息。它位于直接消息文件夹右上角的文件夹中。在这里,您还可以找到受限人员对您的故事所做的任何回应。
如果受限人员决定向您发送 DM,您将不会收到通知。但是,如果您选择查看消息,则可以轻松完成。除非您接受,否则不会通知此人您查看了该消息。但如果你想回复,你将不得不取消限制。
(New)隐藏对您的(Are Hidden)Instagram 帖子的(Posts) 新评论
在与受限Instagram 用户进行(Instagram User)群聊(Group Chat)时收到通知
该限制是关于额外的安全性。受限制的人不需要知道你已经限制了他们。他们仍然可以向您发送消息、发表评论和查看评论,以及查看您在Instagram 上(Instagram)发布的所有内容,例如Reels、快拍和动态消息帖子(Stories)。
Instagram Block(Difference Between Instagram Block)和Instagram Restrict 功能(Instagram Restrict Functions)有什么区别?
虽然限制功能被认为是一种微妙的安全措施,但 Instagram 上的屏蔽功能(the block feature on Instagram)却是一种严厉的措施。您阻止的人会知道他们已被阻止。你的Instagram个人资料对他们来说将是空的,他们将无法向你发送消息或对你的帖子发表评论。你也做不到。
如何在Instagram 上限制(Instagram)某人(Someone)
有多种方法可以限制某人使用Android或Apple Instagram应用程序。您可以直接从他们的个人资料或通过他们在您的帖子上留下的评论来完成。您也可以通过此人发送给您的直接消息以及您个人资料中的设置来完成此操作。这是从多个菜单执行此操作的方法。
1. 使用 Instagram 的搜索选项找到您要限制的人。
2. 点击他们的个人资料图片打开他们的个人资料,然后在他们的名字旁边寻找三个点。
3.点击限制(Tap Restrict)。将显示一个弹出窗口,您可以在其中确认您的选择。
1. 选择您要限制的人对您的帖子发表的评论。在Android应用程序上按住它进行选择。在Apple设备上向左滑动。
2. 在屏幕顶部显示的蓝色菜单中找到感叹号符号。
3.选择限制(Select Restrict)并确认您的选择。
2. 打开 DM 并点击屏幕顶部显示的用户名。
3. 将出现一个新菜单。选择位于屏幕底部附近的
1. 转到您的Instagram个人资料并点击汉堡菜单。
2. 点击设置
3. 选择隐私。
4.在“连接”部分下找到“(Connections)受限(Restricted) 帐户(Accounts)”菜单并点击它。
5. 搜索您要限制的用户。您可以在此处添加任意数量的用户。
管理Instagram和所有其他社交媒体平台以防止在线骚扰。此外,请务必查看我们的指南,了解如何在 Facebook Messenger 上屏蔽某人(how to block someone on Facebook Messenger)。
How to Restrict Someone on Instagram and What Happens When You Do
Instagram is а window into our lives, so as it exploded in popularity users stаrted advocating for online safety features. It’s no secret that some users get the urge to troll, harass, and cyberbully others because they fеel safe in virtual space. That’s why we’re going to discuss how to restrict someone on Instagram.
As part of the fight against cyberbullying, Instagram launched some new privacy and security features, among them the ability to restrict certain accounts. Individuals, businesses, and brands can now take control of the comment section on their posts, so make sure to also check out if someone restricted you on Instagram.
What Is the Restrict Function on Instagram?
Cyberbullying was a major issue on Instagram, so the developers created the restrict feature to give users a tool to protect themselves from unwanted interactions.
When you restrict someone’s Instagram account, you’re limiting their access to your profile. But you are doing it subtly.
Let’s say you have an annoying co-worker who occasionally embarrasses you online. By restricting this colleague, you will limit their ability to post on your page without any confrontation. You will still be able to interact with this person whenever you want, but they won’t be able to send you unsolicited direct messages.
Because the restriction function is discrete in nature, it is also useful in preventing psychological abuse. If you’re dealing with severe harassment, the restriction function will allow you to avoid nasty comments and messages without letting the cyberbully know they were restricted. Also, you can use this feature against followers who spam your page.
What Happens When You Restrict Someone and What Stays the Same
There will be some significant changes when you restrict someone. Keep in mind that restricting someone is not the same as blocking. It is best to make sure you understand what exactly the restriction function does before you proceed.
If you tap the “Restrict” button you can expect the following changes to happen.
Messages Will Automatically Go to the Message Requests Folder
You’re not limited to restricting only the people on your list of followers, or the people who follow you. You can restrict anyone on Instagram. You can find the messages from restricted accounts in the message requests. This is located in a folder at the top right corner of your direct message folder. Here, you will also find any responses a restricted person made to your stories.
If a restricted person decides to send you a DM, you won’t receive a notification. But if you choose to view the message, you can do so easily. The person won’t be notified that you viewed the message unless you accept it. But if you want to reply, you will have to remove the restriction.
Restricted Users Can’t See Your Activity Status
The activity status lets you know when someone is online or the time they were last online. If you feel uncomfortable with people knowing your activity status, you can choose to turn off this feature. Keep in mind that if you do so, you’re hiding your activity status from everyone. Moreover, you won’t be able to see their activity status.
If you choose to restrict a person, be confident that only that one person will be unable to see your activity status. All other friends on your follower list will see it without problems.
New Comments on Your Instagram Posts Are Hidden
If you restrict someone that doesn’t mean they won’t be able to comment on your posts. However, their future comments will automatically be hidden. You or your followers won’t be able to see their comments. You also won’t get a notification when a restricted person comments.
You can choose to view the hidden comment and you can either delete the unwanted comment or approve it so others can see it too. You can also simply ignore the hidden comment.
Notified When in Group Chat with a Restricted Instagram User
This will allow you to decide to remain in the conversation, remove the restriction, or leave the group chat.
Some Things Stay the Same
Now that you know what will change if you decide to restrict someone, let’s see what will stay the same.
The restriction is about additional safety. The restricted person doesn’t need to know you’ve restricted them. They can still send you messages, make and see comments, and see all the content you put on Instagram such as Reels, Stories, and news feed posts.
The restricted person will be able to continue liking your content, and their likes will be visible to everyone. You will also be able to see their content and interact with their account normally. Restricting someone is not the same as removing them from your followers’ list, or unfollowing them.
What Is the Difference Between Instagram Block and Instagram Restrict Functions?
While the restriction function is considered to be a subtle safety measure, the block feature on Instagram is a drastic one. The person you block will know they have been blocked. Your Instagram profile will appear empty to them, they won’t be able to message you or comment on your posts. You won’t be able to do so either.
Blocking someone can lead to unpleasant situations and confrontations in real life. It often happens that a blocked person gets angry. You might want to avoid this, especially if you feel the person is endangering your safety. This is why restriction is often a better option.
How to Restrict Someone on Instagram
There are several ways to restrict someone using the Android or Apple Instagram app. You can do it directly from their profile, or through the comments they left on your post. You can also do it through the direct messages the person has sent you and through the settings in your profile. Here is how to do it from the multiple menus.
From the User’s Profile
1. Use Instagram’s search option to find the person you want to restrict.
2. Open their profile by tapping on their profile picture, and look for three dots next to their name.
3. Tap Restrict. A pop-up will be displayed where you will confirm your choice.
From Comments
1. Choose the comment on your post made by a person you wish to restrict. On the Android app hold it to select. On the Apple device swipe left.
2. Find the exclamation mark symbol in the blue menu that shows up at the top of the screen.
3. Select Restrict and confirm your choice.
From Direct Messages
1. Find and open a conversation with the person you want to restrict.
2. Open the DM and tap on the name of the user displayed at the top of the screen.
3. A new menu will appear. Choose the Restrict option located near the bottom of the screen.
From the Settings Menu
1. Go to your Instagram profile and tap the hamburger menu.
2. Tap Settings
3. Choose Privacy.
4. Find the Restricted Accounts menu under the Connections section and tap it.
5. Search for the user you wish to restrict. Here you can add as many users as you want.
You can use the list of restricted accounts to unrestrict the user in the future. You can also do it from the restricted user’s profile by tapping the three dots, or through their message requests.
Manage Instagram and all other social media platforms to prevent online harassment. Also, make sure to check out our guide on how to block someone on Facebook Messenger.