Skype拥有超过 20 亿使用计算机和移动设备的注册用户,可以轻松地与来自不同组织或地区的人建立联系。Windows 10上(Windows 10)Skype 通话(Skype call)的音质取决于正确的音频设置以及互联网连接的质量。但是,您有多少次进行Skype 通话(Skype call),却因音质不佳而感到沮丧?幸运的是,您可以在Skype(Skype) for Windows 10中调整和测试音频设置,以便您的下一次通话更加顺畅。以下是如何在Windows 10中调整和测试(Windows 10)麦克风和扬声器设置(microphone and speakers settings):
注意(NOTE):本教程介绍了Skype for Windows 10中的音频设置。如果您需要有关摄像头设置的帮助,请阅读 11 件您可以在Skype上解决网络摄像头问题的方法。
如何在Skype for Windows 10中打开音频设置(Windows 10)
麦克风和扬声器(microphone and speakers)的调整在Skype 应用程序(Skype app)的音频设置中完成。通过双击或双击(double-clicking or double-tapping)系统托盘(system tray)中的图标,或使用开始菜单(Start Menu)中的快捷方式,在Windows 10中打开Skype 应用程序(Skype app)。

在左侧面板的右上角,您有一个由三个水平点表示的更多(More) 菜单按钮。(menu button)单击(Click)或点击它,然后在打开的菜单中单击设置(Settings)。

将显示一个窗口,其中包含Skype(Skype)的所有设置。单击(Click)或点击左侧的音频和视频。(Audio & Video)

如何在Skype for Windows 10中配置麦克风(Windows 10)
打开音频和视频(Audio & Video)设置后,继续调整麦克风设置。它们是AUDIO部分中的第一个。在该部分的中间,有一个由水平点表示的麦克风输入栏(microphone input bar),显示通过为应用程序选择的默认麦克风(default microphone)进入Skype 应用程序的(Skype app)音频输入(audio input)电平。稍微说话,如果你在说话时没有看到圆点填满,这可能意味着你选择了错误的设备作为你的麦克风。

Skype 选择 Windows 选择的默认麦克风(Windows)设备(default microphone device)作为您的麦克风。在与单词Microphone(Microphone)相同的行上,您有一个列出当前选择的按钮。默认值为(default value)“默认通信设备(Default communications device)”。单击(Click)其名称,将打开一个下拉菜单,其中包含Windows可以用作麦克风的所有设备的列表。在菜单中,选择要用作Skype麦克风的设备。

您可以通过对着麦克风说话来立即测试您的选择。如果您做出了正确的选择,麦克风输入栏(microphone input bar)会在您讲话时开始着色,显示输入电平(input level)。您可以重复更改设备的过程,直到您选择了正确的麦克风。如果没有改善,您的麦克风可能未正确插入您的 Windows PC。检查您是否将其插入正确的端口。
下一个调整是麦克风的音量(volume level)。默认情况下,Skype会自动管理此级别。这就是为什么你有一个“自动调整麦克风设置”的开关。("Automatically adjust microphone settings.")我们发现这种自动管理是可靠的,尤其是在避免颤音方面。您可以决定覆盖Skype的自动管理并强制设置更适合您的音量级别(volume level)。如果您想覆盖音量级别(volume level),请关闭此开关,然后会显示一个音量级别栏(volume level bar),您可以通过单击所需级别手动设置音量级别。(volume level)

接下来,让我们看看如何在Windows 10中设置(Windows 10)Skype使用的扬声器。
如何在Skype for Windows 10中配置扬声器(Windows 10)

在带有“扬声器”一词的行上,(Speakers,)显示当前用于扬声器的设备。Skype 默认使用Windows选择的扬声器并显示“默认通信设备(Default communications device)”。如果您想更改某些内容,请单击或点击(click or tap)设备名称,然后会打开一个下拉菜单,其中包含所有可用作Skype扬声器的设备。选择你想要的。

在设备选择(device selection)下方,有一个扬声器音量条(volume level bar)。单击(Click)或点击它以设置所需的声音级别(sound level)。

麦克风和扬声器设置(microphone and speakers settings)完成。接下来,让我们对它们进行测试,以便您在下次通话时不会感到意外。
如何在Skype for Windows 10中测试扬声器(Windows 10)
在音量条(volume level bar)的正下方,有一个带有播放三角形图标的(play triangle icon)测试音频(Test audio)按钮。单击(Click)或点击按钮开始测试。

Skype 开始在您的扬声器上播放铃声。(ring melody)聆听铃声(ring sound)时,您可以使用扬声器的音量条(volume level bar)来调节音量(volume level)。完成后,按方形测试音频(Test audio)按钮以完成该过程。

如何在Skype for Windows 10中测试您的音频设置(Windows 10)
为了测试您的麦克风和扬声器(microphone and speakers),Skype为您提供了运行模拟通话(simulation call)的选项。单击(Click)或点击设置页面底部带有垂直电话接收器图标的“(phone receiver icon)拨打免费测试电话”按钮。(Make a free test call")此操作启动模拟调用(simulation call)。

按钮变为“结束测试通话(End test call)”,电话听筒图标(phone receiver icon)呈水平状态,您会听到Skype关于如何测试Skype 音频(Skype audio)设置的说明。在模拟通话(simulation call and register)期间按照说明进行操作,并注册一条语音消息(voice message),您可以在同一通话期间听到它播放给您的声音。Skype将在通话结束后关闭通话。您可以随时按下结束测试通话(End test call)按钮,以缩短模拟通话(simulation call)。

在此模拟通话(simulation call)之后,您将准确了解您将如何听到您的对话伙伴以及他们将如何听到您的声音。如果你能听到你说的回放,一切都很好,你可以毫无问题地享受Skype通话。(Skype)
您是否(Did)在Skype for Windows 10中设置了麦克风和扬声器(microphone and speakers)?
Skype是互联网语音通话技术(voice call technology)的先驱之一,至今仍是一种广泛使用的解决方案(solution today)。Windows 10 预装了Skype 应用程序(Skype app),您可以立即开始通话,而无需安装其他软件。此外,现在您知道如何调整麦克风和扬声器设置(microphone and speakers settings),以便充分利用Skype通话。让我们知道您是否能够正确设置Skype,以便您可以在没有音频问题的情况下呼叫他人。
How to configure the microphone and the speakers in Skype for Windows 10
With morе than two billion registered users using both computers and mobile devices, Skype makes it easy to connect with people from diffеrent organizations or geographies. The sound quality of your Skype callѕ on Windows 10 reliеs on making correct audio settings, as well as the quаlity of your internet cоnnection. But, how many times have you been in a Skype call, only to be frustrated by the poor quality of the sound? Fortunately, you can adjust and test the audio settings in Skype for Windows 10 so that your next call goes more smoothly. Here is how to adjust and test your microphone and speakers settings in Windows 10:
NOTE: This tutorial covers the audio settings in Skype for Windows 10. If you need help with the camera settings, read 11 things you can do to fix webcam issues on Skype.
How to open audio settings in Skype for Windows 10
The adjusting of the microphone and speakers is done in the audio settings of the Skype app. Open the Skype app in Windows 10 by double-clicking or double-tapping on its icon in the system tray, or by using its shortcut in the Start Menu.

At the top-right of the left panel, you have a More menu button represented by three horizontal dots. Click or tap on it and then on Settings in the menu that opens.

A window is shown, with all the settings for Skype. Click or tap Audio & Video on the left side.

How to configure the microphone in Skype for Windows 10
After opening the Audio & Video settings, continue by adjusting the microphone settings. They are the first ones in the AUDIO section. In the middle of the section, there is a microphone input bar represented by horizontal dots that show the level of the audio input that is entering the Skype app through the default microphone selected for the app. Talk a bit, and if you do not see the dots filling up while you talk, it may mean you have the wrong device selected as your microphone.

Skype selects the default microphone device chosen by Windows as your microphone. On the same line as the word Microphone, you have a button listing the current selection. The default value is "Default communications device." Click on its name and a drop-down menu opens with the list of all the devices that Windows can use as a microphone. In the menu, choose the device that you want to use as the microphone for Skype.

You can test your selection right away by speaking into the microphone. If you have made the correct selection, the microphone input bar starts to color its dots while you talk, showing the input level. You can repeat the process of changing the device until you select the correct microphone that works. If there is no improvement, your microphone might not be correctly plugged into your Windows PC. Check whether you plugged it into the correct port.
The next adjustment is the volume level for the microphone. By default, Skype manages this level automatically. That's why you have a switch for "Automatically adjust microphone settings." We found this automatic management to be reliable, especially for avoiding microphony. You can decide to overwrite Skype's automatic management and impose a volume level that works better for you. If you want to override the volume level, turn off this switch, and a volume level bar is shown where you can manually set the volume level by clicking on the desired level.

Next, let's see how to set up the speakers used by Skype, in Windows 10.
How to configure the speakers in Skype for Windows 10
The Speakers settings come immediately after the Microphone ones in the AUDIO section.

On the line with the word Speakers, the current device used for the speakers is displayed. Skype uses by default the speakers chosen by Windows and displays "Default communications device." If you want to change things, click or tap on the name of the device, and a drop-down menu opens with all devices that can be used as speakers for Skype. Select the one you want.

Underneath the device selection, there is a volume level bar for the speakers. Click or tap on it to set the desired sound level.

The microphone and speakers settings are done. Next, let's test them so that you do not have a bad surprise during your next call.
How to test the speakers in Skype for Windows 10
Immediately underneath the volume level bar, there is a Test audio button with a play triangle icon. Click or tap on the button to start the test.

Skype starts playing the ring melody on your speakers. You can use the volume level bar for the speakers to adjust the volume level while you listen to the ring sound. When you are done, press the square Test audio button to complete the procedure.

How to test your audio settings in Skype for Windows 10
To test both your microphone and speakers, Skype gives you the option of running a simulation call. Click or tap "Make a free test call" button with a vertical phone receiver icon, found on the bottom of the settings page. This action starts the simulation call.

The button changes to End test call and the phone receiver icon is horizontal, and you hear instructions from Skype on how to test your Skype audio settings. Follow the instructions during the simulation call and register a voice message that you can hear it played back to you during the same call. Skype is going to close the call when it is finished. You can press the End test call button at any time, to cut short the simulation call.

After this simulation call, you have a precise idea of how you are going to hear your conversation partners, and how they are going to hear you. If you can hear what you say played back to you, everything is good, and you can enjoy Skype calls without problems.
Did you set up your microphone and speakers in Skype for Windows 10?
Skype is one of the pioneers of the voice call technology over the internet, and it remains a widely used solution today. Windows 10 comes with a pre-installed Skype app, and you can get your calls started right away without the need to install additional software. Also, now you know how to adjust your microphone and speakers settings so that you get the best out of your Skype calls. Let us know whether you were able to correctly set Skype so that you can call people without audio problems.