Facebook的问题在于,您的“朋友”组实际上几乎包含您认识的每个人,包括您的家人、亲戚、朋友、同事、专业联系人等。是的,您可以创建列表并将人员分组到其中,但很难找到没有人真正使用过的功能。但是,我仍然会提到如何在Facebook中使用列表,以防您真的想组织您的朋友列表(friend list)。
那么向一个人或一组特定朋友隐藏您的Facebook 状态的最佳方法是什么?(Facebook status)我认为最好的方法是在实际创建状态更新(status update)时使用隐私控制。在本文中,我将向您展示如何控制单个状态更新(status update)以及所有未来状态更新(status update)的隐私。
由于您可能只会在某些时候限制您的状态更新,因此最简单的解决方案是单击状态更新窗口(status update window)右下方的小隐私控制按钮(privacy control button)。

隐私控制(privacy control)将设置为您可以查看Facebook 状态(Facebook status)更新的默认选项。(default option)就我而言,我的默认设置(default setting)仅为Friends。如果您想为特定帖子更改此设置,请继续并单击向下箭头。

在顶部,您将获得三个主要选择:公开(Public)、朋友(Friends)和只有我( Only Me)。在此之下,您将获得更多选项,例如Friends 除了 Acquaintances(Friends except Acquaintances)和Custom。在这些选项下方,Facebook将为您提供一些它自己创建的自定义列表。
为了排除某人或整个列表,您必须单击自定义(Custom)。这将打开自定义隐私(Custom Privacy)弹出窗口。

在这里,您可以准确编辑要与谁共享或不与谁共享状态更新(status update)。在我上面的例子中,除了家庭(Family)列表中的人之外,每个人都会看到我的帖子。您可以输入个人姓名或从列表中选择。 单击(Click) 保存更改(Save Changes),一切顺利。
那么有没有办法让别人发现你在Facebook 上(Facebook)隐藏了他们的帖子?好吧(Well),Facebook不会让这个人知道,除非你碰巧标记了他们!因此,请确保您没有标记(t tag)您试图向其隐藏您的状态的人。
此外,即使您标记的人是您隐藏帖子的人的朋友,后者也无法在前者的墙上或他们自己的新闻(news feed)源中看到它。从Facebook的技术角度来看,被排除在外的人将无法知道您发布了状态更新(status update)。显然,如果有人在Facebook(Facebook)之外提及它,您可能会遇到麻烦!
一旦您在发布状态更新时更改了(status update)内联设置(setting inline),Facebook会假定您希望继续执行此操作。如果您发布另一个状态更新(status update),您会看到它仍然显示自定义(Custom)而不是之前的任何内容。您也可以在Facebook(Facebook)的隐私设置下查看此设置。继续并单击右上角的小锁图标。

然后点击谁可以看到我的东西?(Who can see my stuff?)扩展这些选项。谁可以看到我以后的帖子?( who can see my future posts?),继续并单击该框并选择“自定义”(Custom)。就我而言,它已经设置为自定义(Custom),因为我刚刚发布了带有自定义隐私设置的状态更新。(status update)
创建 Facebook 列表
Facebook创建的预先创建的列表很有用,但有时您需要为尚未在列表中的特定人群创建一个列表。为此,您必须转到主新闻提要(News Feed),然后将鼠标悬停在左侧边栏中的朋友上,直到看到更多(More)。

现在您将看到所有列表。在顶部,您可以单击Create a List。


现在,您可以在Facebook(Facebook)上允许列表的各种设置中使用此列表。希望这可以帮助您控制Facebook 状态(Facebook status)更新的隐私。请(Make)务必阅读我在Facebook 上(Facebook)的其他帖子,例如如何隐藏您的在线Facebook 状态(Facebook status)、通过短信更新Facebook 状态,以及如何向一个(Facebook status)Facebook 朋友(Facebook friend)隐藏另一个。享受!
Hide Your Facebook Status From One or Specific Friends
The problеm with Faсebook is that your group of “friends” really consіsts of just about everyone you know including your family, relatіves, friends, wоrk colleagues, professional contaсts, etc., etc. Υes, you can create lists and group рeoplе into them, but іt’s a hard to find feature that nо one really ever useѕ it. However, I’ll still mentiоn how to use listѕ in Facebook in case уou really want to organize your friend list.
So what’s the best way to hide your Facebook status from one person or a specific set of friends? The best way in my opinion is to use the privacy controls while you are actually creating the status update. In this article, I’ll show you how to control the privacy of a single status update and all future status updates too.
Single Status Update
Since you’ll probably only be restricting your status updates some of the time, the simplest solution is to click on the little privacy control button at the bottom right of the status update window.

The privacy control will be set to whatever is your default option for who can see your Facebook status updates. In my case, my default setting is only Friends. If you want to change this for a particular post, go ahead and click on the down arrow.

At the top, you’ll get three main choices: Public, Friends and Only Me. Below that you get more options like Friends except Acquaintances and then Custom. Below those options, Facebook will give you some custom lists that it creates on its own.
In my case, it gives me options for friends who live in certain areas, my family, close friends, friends who’ve gone to the same school as me, etc. If you already have a list and you want only those people to see your status, just select the list and you’re good to go.
In order to exclude someone or an entire list, you have to click on Custom. This will bring up the Custom Privacy popup window.

Here you can edit exactly who you want to share or not share the status update with. In my example above, everyone will see my post except the people in the Family list. You can type in individual names or pick from your lists. Click Save Changes and you’re good to go.
So is there any way for someone to find out that you hid a post from them on Facebook? Well, Facebook does not let the person know, unless you happen to tag them! So make sure you don’t tag a person you are trying to hide your status from.
In addition, even if the person you tagged is friends with a person you hide the post from, the latter will not be able to see it on the former’s wall or in their own news feed. From a technical standpoint on Facebook, the excluded people will have no way to know that you posted the status update. Obviously, if someone mentions it outside of Facebook, you might be in trouble!
Future Status Updates
Once you change the setting inline while posting a status update, Facebook assumes you’ll want to continue doing this. If you go to post another status update, you’ll see it still says Custom instead of whatever it was earlier. You can also check this setting under the privacy settings in Facebook. Go ahead and click on the little lock icon at the top right.

Then click on Who can see my stuff? to expand those options. Under who can see my future posts?, go ahead and click on the box and choose Custom. In my case, it was already set to Custom since I had just posted a status update with custom privacy settings.
Create Facebook Lists
The pre-created lists created by Facebook are useful, but sometimes you need to create a list that is for a specific set of people not already in a list. To do this, you have to go to your main News Feed and then hover your mouse over Friends in the left sidebar until you see More.

Now you’ll see all of your lists. At the top, you can click on Create a List.

Give you list a name and start typing names to create the list. Click the Create button and it’s as simple as that!

Now you can use this list in various settings across Facebook that allow lists. Hopefully, this helps you control the privacy of your Facebook status updates. Make sure to read my other posts on about Facebook like how to hide your online Facebook status, update Facebook status via text message, and how to hide from one Facebook friend from another. Enjoy!