您在计算机中插入了一个新硬盘,却发现它丢失或无法检测到。因此,我们只能想象当系统在Windows 10(Windows 10)中显示硬盘未显示错误时是多么的严重。在这种情况下,保存在设备上的全部数据可能会损坏或删除。不管是什么原因,Windows 操作系统(operating system)都提供了许多选项来解决问题并重新获得对驱动器的访问权限。让我们首先弄清楚什么是未检测到新硬盘驱动器错误及其原因,然后从故障排除开始。
如何修复 Windows 10 PC 中未显示的硬盘驱动器(How to Fix Hard Drive Not Showing Up in Windows 10 PC)
您的计算机需要硬盘驱动器来存储本地数据,例如文件、应用程序和其他重要信息。当机械硬盘 ( HDD )、固态硬盘 ( SSD ) 或外部USB硬盘连接到计算机时,Windows 10通常会自动识别和设置它。但是,硬盘驱动器,无论是新的还是旧的、内部的还是外部的,可能偶尔会停止出现在文件资源管理器或磁盘管理(File Explorer or Disk Management)中,这可能表示各种问题。
未检测到新硬盘驱动器的问题可能从简单的烦恼到主要的烦恼。例如,它可能表明驱动器上的数据或与硬盘的电源连接存在物理问题。(drive or power connection)但是,如果您的设备可以正常启动,则无需担心,因为磁盘仍在运行。但是,如果Windows 10无法从受影响的磁盘启动,您可能无法访问您的文件。
为什么硬盘不显示?(Why is Hard Drive Not Showing Up?)
如果文件资源管理器(File Explorer)中未显示硬盘,则:
- 它可能已停用或脱机(deactivated, or offline)。
- 它也有可能还没有分配给它的驱动器号(drive letter assigned)。
- 您正在尝试连接以前安装在另一台计算机上(previously installed on another computer)的驱动器。
- 驱动器分区可能已损坏(corrupt)。
- 它是从未配置过的原始磁盘。结果,它从未被格式化或初始化(never formatted or initialized)。
您购买的新(New)硬盘驱动器并不总是经过格式化并准备好使用,这与现成计算机随附的硬盘驱动器不同。相反,它们是完全空白的——最终用户可以对驱动器做任何他们想做的事情,因此不需要在制造商处进行预格式化或以其他方式进行更改。因此,当您将驱动器插入计算机时,Windows只会等待您决定如何处理它,而不是自动格式化并将其添加到驱动器列表中(drive list)。但是,如果您以前从未在计算机中添加过硬盘,那么当驱动器似乎不见了时,可能会相当可怕。此处编译了解决问题的方法列表。实施(Implement)每个方法一步一步,直到你得到一个修复。
(Preliminary Checks: New Hard Drive Not Detected
您应该始终检查您的硬盘在BIOS中是否可见,以了解您的 PC 或硬盘是否存在问题。这是在Windows 10上进入BIOS的方法。
- 如果您的硬盘驱动器在BIOS中显示并且连接或运行正常,则问题出在Windows 操作系统(Windows OS)上。
- 另一方面,如果硬盘没有出现在BIOS中,则很可能是连接不正确。
方法一:基本硬件故障排除(Method 1: Basic Hardware Troubleshooting)
- 硬盘已正确连接(correctly attached)到主板和电源(motherboard and power supply)。
- 数据线连接到适当的主板端口。(appropriate motherboard port.)
- 电源线连接( power cable is connected)到电源。
- 将硬盘驱动器连接到主板上的不同 SATA 连接并再次检查。(different SATA connection)
- 如果旧电缆损坏,请购买新的 SATA 电缆。(new SATA cable)
方法 2:运行硬件和设备疑难解答(Method 2: Run Hardware and Devices Troubleshooter)
Windows中的硬件和设备疑难解答(Hardware and Devices troubleshooter)使用户可以更轻松地对内置和外部硬件设备进行疑难解答和发现问题。以下是通过运行硬件和设备疑难解答(hardware and devices troubleshooter)来修复硬盘未显示Windows 10问题的方法:
1. 同时按Windows + R keys启动运行(Run)对话框。
2. 键入msdt.exe -id DeviceDiagnostic并单击确定。(OK.)
3. 单击硬件和设备(Hardware and Devices)窗口中的高级。(Advanced)
4. 选中自动应用修复(Apply repairs automatically)选项,然后单击下一步。(Next.)
5. 等待扫描完成。
6. 单击应用此修复程序。(Apply this fix.)
7. 单击下一步。(Next.)
您的 PC 将重新启动,新硬盘未检测到问题将得到解决。
方法3:初始化磁盘(Method 3: Initialize Disk)
1. 同时按下Windows + X keys,然后单击磁盘管理(Disk Management),如图所示。
2. 当您启动磁盘管理窗口(Disk Management window)时,您将看到所有已连接硬盘的列表。在列表中查找标有Disk 1或Disk 0的驱动器。
注意:(Note:)该磁盘很容易被发现,因为它尚未启动并且被标记为未知(unknown )或未分配。( unallocated.)
3. 右键单击该分区(partition)。选择初始化磁盘(Initialize Disk)。如下图
4.在对所选磁盘使用以下分区样式中选择以下任一(Use the following partition style for the selected disks)选项(options),然后单击确定(OK)。
- MBR(主引导记录)
(MBR (Master Boot Record)
- GPT(GUID 分区表)( GPT (GUID Partition Table))
5. 之后,您将返回主窗口,您的新驱动器将被指定为Online,但它将保持为空。
6. 右键单击硬盘驱动器(hard drive)上的空白区域(empty space)。选择新建简单卷...(New Simple Volume…)选项。
7. 然后,选择Next并选择卷的大小(size of the volume)。
8. 单击下一步(Next)并分配驱动器号(Drive letter)。
9. 再次单击Next并选择NTFS作为文件系统类型(file system type)并执行快速格式化。
10. 单击下一步(Next ),然后单击完成,完成(Finish)该过程。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Windows 10(Fix Windows 10) 未安装音频(No Audio) 设备(Devices)
方法 4:分配不同的驱动器号(Method 4: Assign Different Drive Letter)
驱动器(drive letter)号重复可能会导致PC(PC problem)无法识别硬盘问题,因为如果设备中存在另一个具有相同驱动器号的驱动器,那么这两个驱动器将发生冲突。请按照以下步骤通过分配不同的驱动器(drive letter)号来修复硬盘驱动器未显示Windows 10的问题:
1.打开磁盘管理(Disk Management)如上方法所示。
2. 右键单击要更改其驱动器号的分区。(partition)
3. 单击更改驱动器号和路径...(Change Drive Letter and Paths…)选项,如图所示。
4. 然后,点击更改...(Change…)
5.从下拉菜单中选择新的驱动器号,然后单击(Drive letter)确定(OK)。
6.在磁盘管理(Disk Management)确认提示中单击是。(Yes)
方法 5:更新磁盘驱动程序(Method 5: Update Disk Driver)
驱动程序(Driver)问题可能是硬盘未显示Windows 10错误的原因。对于主板和芯片组驱动程序(motherboard and chipset drivers)都是如此。您可以前往制造商网站下载最新的驱动程序或通过(manufacturer website)设备管理器(Device Manager)更新它们,如下所示:
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key),键入设备管理(device manage)r,然后按Enter 键(Enter key)。
2. 在设备管理器(Device Manager)窗口中,双击磁盘驱动器(Disk drives)将其展开。
3. 右键单击磁盘驱动程序(Disk driver)(例如WDC WD10JPVX-60JC3T0)并选择更新驱动程序(Update driver)选项。
4. 接下来,单击自动搜索驱动程序(Search automatically for drivers),如下所示。
5A。下载并安装最新的驱动程序(latest driver)(如果有)。然后,重新启动您的 PC(restart your PC)以实现这些。
5B。如果没有,则以下屏幕将显示消息:您设备的最佳驱动程序已安装(The best drivers for your device are already installed)。单击关闭(Close)并退出(Exit)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 12 个使用密码(Password)保护外部硬盘驱动器的(Protect External Hard Disk)应用(Apps)程序
方法 6:更新 Windows(Method 6: Update Windows)
Windows从您的系统收集反馈并通过设计更好的升级来创建错误修复。因此(Hence),将 PC 更新到最新版本的Windows修复硬盘驱动器未显示Windows 10问题。
1. 同时按下Windows + I keys打开设置。(Settings.)
2. 单击下面突出显示的更新和安全。(Update & Security)
3. 单击 右侧面板中的检查更新(Check for Updates )。
4A。单击立即安装(Install now )以下载可用的最新更新。完成后重新启动(Restart )您的 PC。
4B。如果没有,屏幕将显示您是最新(You’re up to date )消息,如图所示。
另请阅读:修复(Also Read:) Windows 11中的关键进程终止错误(Fix Critical Process Died Error)
方法 7:清理或格式化硬盘(Method 7: Clean or Format Hard Disk)
在开始之前,请务必注意,此方法将擦除所选驱动器中的所有数据和分区;因此,最好在没有文件的全新硬盘上运行它。但如果您的硬盘包含任何文件,建议您将它们备份到便携式存储设备(storage device)。
方法 7A。清洁硬盘(Method 7A. Clean Hard Drive)
请按照以下步骤清洁驱动器并擦除其所有数据以修复硬盘驱动器未显示Windows 10问题:
1.在Windows 搜索栏中搜索(Windows Search Bar)命令提示符(Command Prompt)。如图所示,单击以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator)。
2. 键入命令:diskpart并按Enter 键(Enter key)。
3. diskpart启动后,键入命令:list disk并按Enter。您现在应该会看到计算机上所有硬盘的列表。
4. 检查每个驱动器的大小,(size of each drive)看看是哪个驱动器导致您出现问题。键入选择磁盘 X(choose disk X)以选择有故障的驱动器,然后(faulty drive and hit) 按 Enter。(Enter.)
注 1:(Note 1:) 将 X 替换(Replace X)为您要格式化的驱动器号。(drive number)例如,我们已经实现了磁盘 0( disk 0)的步骤。
注意 2:(Note 2:)选择合适的硬盘至关重要。如果您选择了错误的磁盘驱动器(disk drive),您将丢失所有文件,因此请谨慎操作。
5. 接下来,输入Clean并按Enter 键(Enter key)。
方法 7B。格式化硬盘(Method 7B. Format Hard Drive)
在此处阅读我们关于如何(How)在Windows 10中格式化磁盘或驱动器(Disk or Drive)的独家指南,了解如何使用文件资源(File Explorer)管理器、磁盘管理(Disk Management)或命令提示符(Command Prompt)来格式化磁盘。
常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs))
Q1。是否可以从死硬盘中检索数据?(Q1. Is it possible to retrieve data from a dead hard drive?)
答。是(Ans. Yes)的,死硬盘上的数据可以恢复。有许多第三方程序可用于帮助用户检索他们的数据。您可以从 Microsoft Store 获取 Windows 文件恢复工具(Windows File Recovery tool from the Microsoft Store)。
Q2。我的电脑可以装两个硬盘吗?(Q2. Is it possible for me to have two hard drives on my computer?)
答。是的,(Ans. Yes,)你当然可以。主板和机箱(motherboard and chassis)都限制了您可以在计算机上安装的硬盘数量。如果空间不足,您可以安装外部硬盘驱动器。
Q3。为什么我的新硬盘无法识别?(Q3. Why isn’t my new hard drive recognized?)
答。(Ans. )如果您的硬盘已开机但在文件资源管理器(File Explorer)中不可见,请尝试在磁盘管理工具(Disk Management tool)中查找它。如果它仍然不可见,可能是由于文件损坏或驱动器问题。
Q4。我应该怎么做才能让 Windows 10 检测到新硬盘?(Q4. What should I do to make Windows 10 detect a new hard drive?)
答。(Ans. )确保磁盘连接正确,然后使用方法 3(Method 3)中给出的步骤初始化磁盘(Disk)。
- 如何使用波浪号 Alt 代码键入 N
- 电脑电源如何选择
- (Best External Hard Drive)适合 PC 游戏的最佳外置硬盘
- 如何在Windows 11中对(Windows 11)硬盘驱动器进行分区(Partition Hard Disk Drive)
这就是修复未检测到或显示 Windows 10(fix new hard drive not detected or showing up Windows 10)问题的新硬盘驱动器的全部内容。在大多数情况下,您所要做的就是初始化它。如果您有任何疑问或建议,请随时与我们分享。
Fix Hard Drive Not Showing Up in Windows 10
You inserted a new hard disk in your computer, only to discover that it iѕ missing or undetectable. Therefore, we can оnly imagine how aggravating it is whеn the system displays hard drive not showing up errоr in Windows 10. In this situation, the whole data saved on the devіce may gеt corrupt or deleted. Whatever the cause, Windows operating system offers a number оf options for resolving the problem and regaining access to the drive. Lеt us start by figuring out what is the new hard drive not detected error, the reasons for it, and thereafter, begin wіth troubleshooting.
How to Fix Hard Drive Not Showing Up in Windows 10 PC
A hard drive is required for your computer to store local data such as files, applications, and other crucial info. When a mechanical hard disk (HDD), solid-state drive (SSD), or external USB hard drive is connected to a computer, Windows 10 will typically identify and set it up automatically. However, hard drives, whether new or old, internal or external, might occasionally stop appearing in File Explorer or Disk Management, which could signal a variety of issues.
The issue, new hard drive not detected, might range from a simple annoyance to a major one. It might, for example, indicate that there is a physical issue with the data on the drive or power connection to hard disk. However, if your device can boot up normally then, there is no need to worry as the disk is still functional. But, if Windows 10 is unable to start from the affected disks, you may lose access to your files.
Why is Hard Drive Not Showing Up?
If the hard disk is not shown in File Explorer, then:
- It is possible that it is deactivated, or offline.
- It is also possible that it does not have a drive letter assigned to it yet.
- You are trying to connect a drive that was previously installed on another computer.
- The drive partition may be corrupt.
- It is a raw disk that has never been configured. As a result, it was never formatted or initialized.
New hard drives you buy are not always formatted and ready to use, unlike the hard drive that comes with an off-the-shelf computer. Instead, they are completely blank–the idea being that the end-user will do anything they want with the drive, so pre-formatting or otherwise altering it at a manufacturer is not necessary. As a result, when you insert the drive into your computer, Windows just waits for you to decide what to do with it rather than formatting and adding it to the drive list automatically. However, if you have never added a hard disk to your computer before, it might be rather frightening when the drive appears to be gone. A list of methods to solve the problem is compiled here. Implement each method step by step until you attain a fix.
Preliminary Checks: New Hard Drive Not Detected
You should always check whether your hard disk is visible in BIOS or not to find out if there is an issue in your PC or the hard disk. Here’s how to enter BIOS on Windows 10.
- If your hard drive displays in BIOS and is connected or operating properly, then the issue lies with Windows OS.
- If, on the other hand, the hard disk does not appear in BIOS, it is most likely not connected properly.
Method 1: Basic Hardware Troubleshooting
First and foremost, ensure that there is not a loose connection as it might cause the cable to get detached leading to the said issue. Hence, make sure to perform the given checks to fix new hard drive not detected issue.
- The hard disk is correctly attached to the motherboard and power supply.
- The data cable is connected to an appropriate motherboard port.
- The power cable is connected to the power source.
- Attach the hard drive to a different SATA connection on the motherboard and check again.
- Purchase a new SATA cable if the old cable is damaged.
If your hard drive is correctly connected but still not showing up on your laptop, try the troubleshooting options suggested below.
Also Read: How to Test Power Supply
Method 2: Run Hardware and Devices Troubleshooter
The Hardware and Devices troubleshooter in Windows makes it easier for users to troubleshoot and discover issues with in-built as well as external hardware devices. Here’s how to fix hard drive not showing up Windows 10 issue by running the hardware and devices troubleshooter:
1. Press Windows + R keys together to launch Run dialog box.
2. Type msdt.exe -id DeviceDiagnostic and click OK.
3. Click on Advanced in Hardware and Devices window.
4. Check Apply repairs automatically option and click on Next.
5. Wait for the scan to be completed.
6. Click on Apply this fix.
7. Click on Next.
Your PC will restart and new hard drive not detected issue will be solved.
Method 3: Initialize Disk
In most situations, all you have to do is start your new hard drive, and it will appear on your computer properly
1. Press Windows + X keys simultaneously and click on Disk Management, as shown.
2. When you launch the Disk Management window, you will see a list of all connected hard disks. Look for a drive labeled Disk 1 or Disk 0 in the list.
Note: This disk is easy to spot because it has not been started and is labeled as unknown or unallocated.
3. Right-click on that partition. Select Initialize Disk. as depicted below
4. Select either of the following options in Use the following partition style for the selected disks and click OK.
- MBR (Master Boot Record)
- GPT (GUID Partition Table)
5. After that, you will be returned to the main window, where your new drive will be designated as Online, but it will remain empty.
6. Right-click on the empty space on the hard drive. Choose the New Simple Volume… option.
7. Then, select Next and choose the size of the volume.
8. Click Next and assign a Drive letter.
9. Again, click on Next and select NTFS as the file system type and execute a fast format.
10. Complete the procedure by clicking on Next and then, Finish.
Also Read: Fix Windows 10 No Audio Devices are Installed
Method 4: Assign Different Drive Letter
A duplicacy of drive letter may cause hard disk not recognized by PC problem because if another drive with the same letter exists in the device, then the two drives will conflict. Follow these steps to fix hard drive not showing up Windows 10 problem by assigning a different drive letter:
1. Open Disk Management as shown in the previous method.
2. Right-click on the partition whose drive letter you wish to change.
3. Click on Change Drive Letter and Paths… option, as shown.
4. Then, click on Change…
5. Select the new Drive letter from the drop-down menu and click OK.
6. Click on Yes in the Disk Management confirmation prompt.
Method 5: Update Disk Driver
Driver issues might be the reason for hard disk not showing up Windows 10 error. This is true for both the motherboard and chipset drivers. You can either go to the manufacturer website and download the latest drivers or update them via Device Manager, as follows:
1. Press the Windows key, type device manager, and hit the Enter key.
2. In Device Manager window, double click on Disk drives to expand it.
3. Right-click on the Disk driver (e.g. WDC WD10JPVX-60JC3T0) and select the Update driver option.
4. Next, click on Search automatically for drivers as highlighted below.
5A. Download and install the latest driver, if available. Then, restart your PC to implement these.
5B. If not, then the following screen will display the message: The best drivers for your device are already installed. Click on Close & Exit.
Also Read: 12 Apps to Protect External Hard Disk Drives With Password
Method 6: Update Windows
Windows gathers feedback from your system and creates bug fixes by designing better upgrades. Hence, update the PC to the most recent version of Windows fix hard drive not showing up Windows 10 issue.
1. Press Windows + I keys together to open Settings.
2. Click on Update & Security as highlighted below.
3. Click on Check for Updates in the right panel.
4A. Click on Install now to download the latest update available. Restart your PC once done.
4B. If not, the screen will show that You’re up to date message, as depicted.
Also Read: Fix Critical Process Died Error in Windows 11
Method 7: Clean or Format Hard Disk
Before we begin, it is important to note that this method will erase all data and partitions from the selected drive; therefore, it is better to run it on a brand-new hard drive with no files on it. But if your hard disk contains any files, it is recommended that you back them up to portable storage device.
Method 7A. Clean Hard Drive
Follow the steps below to clean the drive and erase all its data to fix hard drive not showing up Windows 10 issue:
1. Search for Command Prompt in the Windows Search Bar. Click on Run as administrator as shown.
2. Type the command: diskpart and hit Enter key.
3. After diskpart has initiated, type the command: list disk and press Enter. You should now see a list of all the hard disks on your computer.
4. Check the size of each drive to see which one is causing you problems. Type choose disk X to select the faulty drive and hit Enter.
Note 1: Replace X with the drive number you want to format. For instance, we have implemented the step for disk 0.
Note 2: It is crucial that you select the appropriate hard disk. If you choose the wrong disk drive, you will lose all of your files, so proceed with caution.
5. Next, type Clean and press Enter key.
Your hard disk will be erased and all of your files will be deleted after a few moments. This should fix new hard drive not detected problem.
Method 7B. Format Hard Drive
Read our exclusive guide on How to Format a Disk or Drive in Windows 10 here to learn to format disk by using File Explorer, Disk Management, or Command Prompt.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. Is it possible to retrieve data from a dead hard drive?
Ans. Yes, the data on the dead hard disk can be recovered. There are a number of third-party programs available to help users retrieve their data. You can get Windows File Recovery tool from the Microsoft Store.
Q2. Is it possible for me to have two hard drives on my computer?
Ans. Yes, you certainly can. The motherboard and chassis both limit the number of hard drives you may install on your computer. If you run out of space, you can install external hard drives.
Q3. Why isn’t my new hard drive recognized?
Ans. If your hard disk is powered on but not visible in File Explorer, try looking for it in the Disk Management tool. If it is still not visible, it may be due to corrupt files or issues with the drive.
Q4. What should I do to make Windows 10 detect a new hard drive?
Ans. Ensure that the disk is connected properly and then, initialize the Disk using the steps given in Method 3.
That is all there is to fix new hard drive not detected or showing up Windows 10 issue. All you have to do in most cases is initialize it. If you have any doubts or suggestions, please do not hesitate to share them with us.