毫无疑问,纵向是查看 Web 上绝大多数文档的方式。这就是我们一直阅读书籍和浏览网站的方式。您现在正在纵向阅读这篇文章,对吧?
但是,在您尝试将文档格式化为比其高更宽的边缘情况下,Google Docs可以满足您的需求。无论您是创建演示幻灯片、海报还是其他类似的东西,只需单击几下即可以这种方式设置文档。

在Google Docs中使用(Google Docs)横向(Landscape Orientation)
)菜单选项,然后单击展开菜单上的页面设置...。(Page setup… )

- 字母(8.5 英寸 × 11 英寸)
- 小报 (11" × 17")
- 合法(8.5 英寸 × 14 英寸)
- 声明 (5.5″ × 8.5″)
- 行政(7.25“×10.5”)
- 对开本(8.5 英寸 × 13 英寸)
- A3 (11.69" × 16.54")
- A4 (8.27" × 11.69")
- A5 (5.83" × 8.27")
- B4 (9.84" × 13.90")
- B5 (6.93″ × 9.84″)

在更改页面设置选项时单击设置为默认按钮。(Set as default)
但是,在Google Docs(Google Docs)中更改方向设置有两个不幸的缺点。一种是您只能更改整个文档的方向,而不是为单个页面设置它。
这是Word在(Word)Google Docs 与 Microsoft Word(Google Docs vs. Microsoft Word)争论中胜出的最大方式之一——您可以在 Word 中制作一页风景(make one page landscape in Word)。
除了这两个障碍之外,在Google Docs(Google Docs)中设置横向文档非常简单、容易且有效。请始终记住,当您创建大量包含媒体和其他宽页面元素的文档时,这是一个选项!
Change to Landscape Orientation in Google Docs
There’s no doubt that portrait orientation is
the way to view the vast majority of documentѕ оn the web. It’s how we’ve
аlways read books and browsed websites. You’re reading this post in portrait
orientatiоn now, right?
However, in fringe cases where you’re trying
to format a document to be wider than it is tall, Google Docs has got you
covered. Whether you’re creating a presentation slide, poster, or anything of
the like, setting up your document this way is a matter of just a few clicks.

How to Use Landscape Orientation
in Google Docs
To get started formatting your document in
landscape orientation, click on the File
menu option and then Page setup… on
the expanded menu.

This screen will allow you to change several
options for your page, including changing portrait orientation to landscape
The paper size of your document is another of
these settings, supporting the following sizes:
- Letter (8.5″ × 11″)
- Tabloid (11″ × 17″)
- Legal (8.5″ × 14″)
- Statement (5.5″ × 8.5″)
- Executive (7.25″ ×
- Folio (8.5″ × 13″)
- A3 (11.69″ × 16.54″)
- A4 (8.27″ × 11.69″)
- A5 (5.83″ × 8.27″)
- B4 (9.84″ × 13.90″)
- B5 (6.93″ × 9.84″)
You can also set the size, in inches, of each
of your page’s margins and its background color. The background color can be
set using a predefined list of colors or by using your own custom hex color
Here’s how a document looks with the default
landscape orientation settings applied:

As you can see, it’s much wider and would be
able to fit elements like wide images and tables better than portrait
If you plan to use landscape orientation over
a long period of time, such as if you’re working on a multi-document project,
you can click the Set as default
button when changing your page’s setup options.
However, there are two unfortunate drawbacks of changing the orientation settings in Google Docs. One is that you can only change the orientation of the entire document, not set it for individual pages.
This is one of the biggest ways that Word wins out in the Google Docs vs. Microsoft Word argument—you can make one page landscape in Word.
The second drawback is that the media included
in your document can be rearranged and reordered in unintended ways if you’ve
created a document in portrait orientation and then switch it to landscape
orientation. This will require you to do a bit of manual cleanup after applying
the change.
Other than these two snags, setting up a
document in landscape orientation in Google Docs is simple, easy, and
effective. Always keep in mind that this is an option when you’re creating
documents heavy on media and other wide page elements!