您在使用计算机时遇到过这种蓝屏吗?此屏幕称为蓝屏(Blue Screen)死机(Death)( BSOD ) 或STOP错误(STOP Error)。当您的操作系统由于某种原因崩溃或内核出现问题时会出现此错误消息,并且Windows必须完全关闭并重新启动才能恢复正常工作状态。BSOD通常是由设备中的硬件相关问题引起的。它也可能是由于恶意软件、某些损坏的文件或内核级程序遇到问题而引起的。
屏幕底部的停止代码包含有关蓝屏(Blue Screen)死机(Death)( BSOD )错误(Error)原因的信息。此代码对于修复STOP Error至关重要,您必须注意它。但是,在某些系统中,蓝屏只是闪烁,甚至在人们记下代码之前,系统就会继续重新启动。要保持STOP错误屏幕,您必须禁用 系统故障或发生STOP错误时的自动重启。(disable automatic restart)
当出现蓝屏死机时,记下给出的停止代码,如CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED、SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED等。如果您收到十六进制代码,您可以使用Microsoft 网站(Microsoft website)找到其等效名称。这将告诉您需要修复的 BSOD 的确切原因( exact reason for BSOD that you need to fix)。但是,如果您无法找出确切的代码或BSOD的原因,或者找不到停止代码的故障排除方法,请按照给定的说明修复 Windows 10 上的蓝屏死机错误。( Fix Blue Screen of Death error on Windows 10.)
修复 Windows 10 上的蓝屏死机错误(Fix Blue Screen of Death error on Windows 10)
确保 创建一个还原点(create a restore point)以防万一出现问题。如果由于蓝屏死机(Blue Screen)错误(Death Error)( BSOD )而无法访问您的 PC ,请确保将您的 PC 引导至安全模式(boot your PC into Safe Mode),然后按照以下指南进行操作。
扫描您的系统中的病毒(Scan your System for Viruses)
这是修复蓝屏死机错误应采取的最重要步骤。如果您面临BSOD,可能的原因之一可能是病毒。病毒和恶意软件可能会损坏您的数据并导致此错误。使用良好的防病毒软件在您的 Windows 10 PC 上运行完整的病毒和恶意软件扫描。(Run a full scan on your Windows 10 PC)如果您不使用其他一些防病毒软件,您也可以为此目的使用Windows Defender 。此外,有时您的防病毒软件对某种类型的恶意软件效率低下,因此在这种情况下,运行Malwarebytes Anti-malware以完全从系统中删除任何恶意软件总是一个好主意。
当BSOD发生时你在做什么?(What were you doing when BSOD occurred?)
这是解决错误所必须的最重要的事情。无论您在BSOD出现时在做什么,都可能是STOP错误的原因。假设(Suppose)您启动了一个新程序,那么这个程序可能会导致BSOD。或者,如果您刚刚安装了Windows更新,它可能不是很准确或损坏,从而导致BSOD。还原(Revert)您所做的更改,看看是否再次出现蓝屏死机(Blue Screen)错误(Death Error)( BSOD )。以下几个步骤将帮助您撤消所需的更改。
使用系统还原(Use System Restore)
如果蓝屏死机(BSOD)是由最近安装的软件或驱动程序引起的,那么您可以使用系统还原来(System Restore)撤消对系统所做的更改。要进入系统还原(System Restore),
1. 在Windows Search(Windows Search)中键入 control,然后单击搜索结果中的“控制面板(Control Panel)”快捷方式。
2. 将“查看方式(View by)”模式切换为“小图标(Small icons)”。
3. 点击“恢复(Recovery)”。
4. 单击“打开系统还原(Open System Restore)”以撤消最近的系统更改。遵循所有需要的步骤。
5. 现在,从“还原系统文件和设置”(Restore system files and settings)窗口中单击“ 下一步”。(Next.)
6.选择还原点(restore point)并确保在面临蓝屏问题之前创建此还原点。(created before facing the BSOD issue.)
7. 如果找不到旧的还原点,请勾选(checkmark)“显示更多还原点(Show more restore points)”,然后选择还原点。
8. 单击下一步(Next),然后查看您配置的所有设置。
9. 最后,单击完成(Finish)开始恢复过程。
删除有故障的 Windows 更新(Delete the Faulty Windows Update)
有时,您安装的Windows更新可能会在安装过程中出现故障或中断。这可能导致蓝屏死机(BSOD)。如果这是原因,卸载此Windows更新可以解决蓝屏(Blue Screen)死机(Death)( BSOD ) 问题。(BSOD)要卸载最近的Windows更新,
1. 按Windows Key + I打开设置,然后单击更新和安全(Update & Security)图标。
2. 从左侧窗格中,选择“ Windows 更新(Windows Update)”。
3. 现在在检查(Check)更新按钮下,点击“查看更新历史(View update history)”。
4. 现在点击下一个屏幕上的卸载更新。(Uninstall updates)
5. 最后,从最近安装的更新列表中右键单击(right-click on the) 最近的更新(most recent update) 并选择卸载。(Uninstall.)
6. 重新启动您的 PC 以保存更改。
对于与驱动程序相关的问题,您可以使用 Windows设备管理器(Device Manager)的“回滚驱动程序”(‘Rollback driver’)功能。它将卸载 硬件(hardware) 设备的当前驱动程序并安装以前安装的驱动程序。在此示例中,我们将回滚图形驱动程序(rollback Graphics drivers),但在您的情况下,您需要确定最近安装了哪些驱动程序,(you need to figure out which drivers were recently installed)然后您只需在设备管理器(Device Manager)中针对该特定设备遵循以下指南,
1. 按 Windows 键 + R 然后输入devmgmt.msc并按Enter打开设备管理器(Device Manager)。
2.展开显示适配器(Expand Display Adapter),然后右键单击您的显卡(graphics card)并选择属性。( Properties.)
3.切换到驱动程序选项卡(Driver tab),然后单击“回滚驱动程序(Roll Back Driver)”。
4. 您将收到一条警告消息,单击是( Yes)继续。
5. 回滚图形驱动程序后,重新启动 PC 以保存更改。
再次下载升级文件(Again Downloading Upgrade files)
如果您遇到蓝屏死机错误,则可能是因为Windows升级或安装文件损坏。无论如何,您需要重新下载升级文件,但在此之前,您需要删除之前下载的安装文件。删除之前的文件后,Windows Update将再次重新下载安装文件。
要删除之前下载的安装文件,您需要在 Windows 10 中运行磁盘清理:( run Disk Cleanup in Windows 10:)
1. 按 Windows 键 + R 然后输入 cleanmgr or cleanmgr /lowdisk(如果您希望默认选中所有选项)并按Enter。
2 、选择安装Windows( Windows is installed, )的分区(Select the partition ),一般是 C:盘( C: drive),点击确定。
3. 点击底部的“清理系统文件”按钮。(Clean up system files)
4. 如果 UAC 提示,选择是,(Yes,)然后再次选择 Windows C: 驱动器(C: drive)并单击确定。(OK.)
5. 现在确保选中“临时 Windows 安装文件(Temporary Windows installation files)”选项。
6. 单击确定(OK) 删除文件。
如果要删除所有Windows临时安装文件,也可以尝试运行扩展磁盘清理。( Extended Disk Cleanup )
检查是否有足够的可用空间(Check if there is enough free space)
要正常运行,安装 Windows 的驱动器中需要一定量的可用空间(a certain amount of free space)(至少 20 GB)。没有足够的空间可能会损坏您的数据并导致蓝屏死机(Blue Screen)错误(Death)。
此外,要成功安装Windows更新/升级,您的硬盘上至少需要 20GB 的可用空间。更新不太可能会占用所有空间,但最好在系统驱动器上释放至少 20GB 的空间以完成安装而不会出现任何问题。
使用安全模式(Use Safe Mode)
以安全模式(Safe Mode)启动Windows只会加载必要的驱动程序和服务。如果您在安全模式下(Safe Mode)启动的Windows没有遇到BSOD错误,则问题出在第三方驱动程序或软件中。要在 Windows 10 上启动进入安全模式,(boot into Safe Mode)
1. 按Windows Key + I打开设置,然后单击更新和安全。( Update & Security.)
2. 从左侧窗格中,选择“恢复(Recovery)”。
3. 在高级(Advanced)启动部分,单击“立即重新启动(Restart now)”。
4. 您的 PC 将重新启动,然后从选择选项屏幕中选择“疑难解答”。(Troubleshoot)
5. 接下来,导航到 Advanced options > Startup settings.
6. 单击“重新启动(Restart)”,您的系统将重新启动。
7. 现在,从启动设置(Startup Settings)窗口中,选择功能键启用安全模式,(choose the functions key to Enable Safe Mode, )您的系统将启动到安全模式(Mode)。
保持您的 Windows、固件和 BIOS 更新(Keep your Windows, Firmware, and BIOS updated)
- 您的系统应使用最新的Windows服务包、安全补丁以及其他更新进行更新。这些更新和包可能包含BSOD的修复。如果您想避免BSOD(BSOD)在未来出现或再次出现,这也是非常重要的一步。
- 您应该确保的另一个重要更新是针对驱动程序的。BSOD很有可能是由系统中的硬件或驱动程序故障引起的。更新和修复(Updating and repairing the drivers)硬件驱动程序有助于修复STOP错误。
- 此外,您应该确保您的BIOS已更新。过时的BIOS可能会导致兼容性问题,并且可能是STOP错误的原因。此外,如果您自定义了BIOS ,请尝试将(BIOS)BIOS重置为默认状态。您的BIOS可能配置错误,因此导致此错误。
检查您的硬件(Check your Hardware)
松动的硬件连接(Loose hardware connections)也可能导致蓝屏死机(Blue Screen)错误(Death Error)。您必须确保所有硬件组件均已正确连接。如果可能,拔下并重新安装组件并检查错误是否已解决。
- 此外,如果错误仍然存在,请尝试确定是否是特定硬件组件导致了此错误。尝试用最少的硬件启动您的系统。如果这次没有出现错误,则可能是您卸下的某个硬件组件有问题。
- (Run)为您的硬件运行诊断测试并立即更换任何有故障的硬件。
测试您的 RAM、硬盘和设备驱动程序(Test your RAM, Hard disk & Device Drivers)
您的 PC是否(Are)遇到问题,尤其是性能问题和蓝屏错误?RAM有可能导致您的 PC 出现问题。随机存取存储器(Random Access Memory)( RAM ) 是您 PC 的基本组件之一;因此,每当您在 PC 中遇到问题时,您都应该在 Windows 中测试您的计算机 RAM 是否存在内存问题(test your Computer’s RAM for bad memory in Windows)。
如果您的硬盘遇到任何问题,例如坏扇区、故障磁盘等,Check Disk可以成为您的救星。Windows 用户可能无法将各种错误面与硬盘相关联,但其中一个或其他原因与它有关。因此始终建议运行检查磁盘,因为它可以轻松解决问题。(running check disk)
驱动程序(Driver)验证器是专门为捕获设备驱动程序错误而设计的 Windows 工具。它专门用于查找导致蓝屏(Blue Screen)死机(Death)( BSOD ) 错误的驱动程序。使用 Driver Verifier(Using Driver Verifier)是缩小BSOD崩溃原因的最佳方法。
修复导致软件的问题(Fix the problem causing software)
1. 按Windows Key + I 打开设置(Settings),然后单击应用程序。(Apps.)
2. 从左侧窗口中,选择应用程序和功能(Apps & features)。
3. 现在选择应用程序(app)并单击卸载。( Uninstall.)
使用 Windows 10 疑难解答(Use Windows 10 Troubleshooter)
如果您使用的是Windows 10 Creators更新或更高版本,您可以使用Windows内置的疑难解答(Troubleshooter)程序来修复蓝屏死机(Blue Screen)错误(Death Error)( BSOD )。
1. 按Windows键 + I 打开设置(Settings),然后单击“更新和安全(Update & Security)”。
2. 从左侧窗格中,选择“疑难解答(Troubleshoot)”。
3. 向下滚动到“查找并修复其他问题(Find and fix other problems)”部分。
4. 单击“蓝屏(Blue Screen)”,然后单击“运行疑难解答(Run the troubleshooter)”。
修复安装 Windows 10(Repair Install Windows 10)
这种方法是最后的手段,因为如果没有任何效果,那么这种方法肯定会修复您 PC 的所有问题。修复(Repair Install)使用就地升级来修复系统问题而不删除系统上存在的用户数据进行安装。因此,请按照本文查看如何轻松修复安装 Windows 10(How to Repair Install Windows 10 Easily)。
重置 Windows 10(Reset Windows 10)
注意:(Note:)如果您无法访问您的 PC,请重新启动您的 PC 几次,直到您开始自动修复。(Automatic Repair. )然后导航到 Troubleshoot > Reset this PC > Remove everything.
1. 按Windows Key + I 打开设置(Settings),然后单击更新和安全图标。( Update & Security icon.)
2. 从左侧菜单中选择恢复。( Recovery.)
3. 在重置此 PC 下,(Reset this PC,)单击“开始(Get Started)使用”按钮。
4. 选择保留我的文件(Keep my files)选项。
5. 对于下一步,系统可能会要求您插入Windows 10安装介质,因此请确保您已准备好。
6. 现在,选择您的Windows版本,然后仅单击安装 Windows 的驱动器(on only the drive where Windows is installed)>删除我的文件。(remove my files.)
5. 单击重置按钮。( Reset button.)
6. 按照屏幕上的说明完成重置。
我希望这篇文章对您有所帮助,您现在可以轻松修复 Windows 10 上的蓝屏死机错误( Fix Blue Screen of Death error on Windows 10),但如果您对本教程仍有任何疑问,请随时在评论部分提问。
Fix Blue Screen of Death Error on Windows 10
Have you ever encountered this kind of blue screen while working on your computer? Thіs screen is called Blue Screen Of Death (BSOD) or a STOР Error. This еrror message appearѕ whеn your oрerating sуstem has craѕhed due tо some reaѕon or when there is some problem with the kernel, and the Windowѕ has to shut down сompletely and restart to restore the normal wоrking conditions. BSOD is generally caused by hаrdware related issueѕ in the device. It can also be caused due to malware, somе corrupt files, оr іf a kеrnel-level рrоgram rυns into a problem.
The stop code at the bottom of the screen contains information about the cause of the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) Error. This code is crucial for fixing the STOP Error, and you must note it. However, in some systems, the blue screen just flashes, and the systems move on to restart even before one can note down the code. To hold the STOP error screen, you must disable automatic restart on system failure or when a STOP error occurs.
When the blue screen of death appears, note down the stop code given like CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED, SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED, etc. If you receive a hexadecimal code, you can find its equivalent name using Microsoft website. This will tell you the exact reason for BSOD that you need to fix. However, if you can’t figure out the exact code or the reason for BSOD or do not find a troubleshooting method for your stop code, follow the given instructions to Fix Blue Screen of Death error on Windows 10.
Fix Blue Screen of Death error on Windows 10
Make sure to create a restore point just in case something goes wrong. If you’re unable to access your PC due to Blue Screen of Death Error (BSOD), then make sure to boot your PC into Safe Mode and then follow the below guide.
Scan your System for Viruses
This is the foremost step that you should take to fix the blue screen of death error. If you are facing BSOD, one of the possible reasons could be viruses. Viruses and malware can corrupt your data and cause this error. Run a full scan on your Windows 10 PC for virus and malware using good anti-virus software. You can also use Windows Defender for this purpose if you are not using some other anti-virus software. Also, sometimes your Antivirus is inefficient against a certain type of malware, so in that case, it is always a good idea to run Malwarebytes Anti-malware to remove any malware from the system completely.
What were you doing when BSOD occurred?
This is the most important thing that you must to resolve the error. Whatever you were doing when BSOD appeared, might be the reason for the STOP error. Suppose you had launched a new program, then this program could have caused the BSOD. Or if you just installed a Windows update, it could be not very accurate or corrupted, hence causing BSOD. Revert the change that you had made and see if Blue Screen of Death Error (BSOD) occurs again. The following few steps will help you undo the required changes.
Use System Restore
If the BSOD has been caused by recently installed software or driver, then you can use System Restore to undo the changes made to your system. To go to System Restore,
1. Type control in Windows Search then clicks on the “Control Panel” shortcut from the search result.
2. Switch the ‘View by’ mode to ‘Small icons’.
3. Click on ‘Recovery’.
4. Click on ‘Open System Restore’ to undo recent system changes. Follow all the steps needed.
5. Now, from the Restore system files and settings window click on Next.
6. Select the restore point and make sure this restored point is created before facing the BSOD issue.
7. If you can’t find old restore points then checkmark “Show more restore points” and then select the restore point.
8. Click Next and then review all the settings you configured.
9. Finally, click Finish to start the restore process.
Delete the Faulty Windows Update
Sometimes, the Windows update you have installed can be faulty or break during installation. This can cause BSOD. Uninstalling this Windows update can resolve the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) problem if this is the reason. To uninstall a recent Windows update,
1. Press Windows Key + I to open Settings then click on Update & Security icon.
2. From the left pane, select ‘Windows Update’.
3. Now under Check for updates button, click on “View update history“.
4. Now click on Uninstall updates on the next screen.
5. Finally, from the list of recently installed updates right-click on the most recent update and select Uninstall.
6. Reboot your PC to save changes.
For a driver related issue, you can use the ‘Rollback driver’ feature of the Device Manager on Windows. It will uninstall the current driver for a hardware device and will install the previously installed driver. In this example, we will rollback Graphics drivers, but in your case, you need to figure out which drivers were recently installed then only you need to follow the below guide for that particular device in Device Manager,
1. Press Windows Key + R then type devmgmt.msc and hit Enter to open Device Manager.
2. Expand Display Adapter then right-click on your graphics card and select Properties.
3. Switch to Driver tab then click “Roll Back Driver“.
4. You will get a warning message, click Yes to continue.
5. Once your graphics driver is rolled back, reboot your PC to save changes.
Again Downloading Upgrade files
If you’re facing the blue screen of death error, then it might be because of the damaged Windows upgrade or setup files. In any case, you need to download the upgrade file again, but before that, you need to delete the previously downloaded installation files. Once the previous files are deleted, Windows Update will re-download the setup files again.
To delete previously download installation files you need to run Disk Cleanup in Windows 10:
1. Press Windows Key + R then type cleanmgr or cleanmgr /lowdisk (If you want all options checked by default) and hit Enter.
2. Select the partition on which Windows is installed, which is generally the C: drive and click OK.
3. Click on the “Clean up system files” button at the bottom.
4. If prompted by UAC, select Yes, then again select the Windows C: drive and click OK.
5. Now make sure to checkmark “Temporary Windows installation files” option.
6. Click OK to delete the files.
You can also try to run Extended Disk Cleanup if you want to delete all the Windows temporary setup files.
Check if there is enough free space
To function properly, a certain amount of free space (at least 20 GB) is required in the drive on which your Windows is installed. Not having enough space could corrupt your data and cause the Blue Screen of Death error.
Also, to install Windows update/upgrade successfully, you will need at least 20GB of free space on your hard disk. It is not likely that the update will consume all the space, but it’s a good idea to free at least 20GB of space on your system drive for the installation to complete without any problems.
Use Safe Mode
Booting your Windows in Safe Mode causes only the essential drivers and services to be loaded. If your Windows booted in Safe Mode does not face the BSOD error, then the problem resides in a third-party driver or software. To boot into Safe Mode on Windows 10,
1. Press Windows Key + I to open Settings then click on Update & Security.
2. From the left pane, select ‘Recovery’.
3. In the Advanced startup section, click on ‘Restart now’.
4. You PC will restart then select ‘Troubleshoot’ from choosing an option screen.
5. Next, navigate to Advanced options > Startup settings.
6. Click on ‘Restart’, and your system will reboot.
7. Now, from the Startup Settings window, choose the functions key to Enable Safe Mode, and your system will be booted into Safe Mode.
Keep your Windows, Firmware, and BIOS updated
- Your system should be updated with the latest Windows service packs, security patches among other updates. These updates and packs might contain the fix for BSOD. This is also a very important step if you want to avoid BSOD from appearing or reappearing in the future.
- Another important update that you should ensure is for drivers. There is a high chance that the BSOD has been caused by faulty hardware or driver in your system. Updating and repairing the drivers for your hardware can help in fixing the STOP error.
- Further, you should ensure that your BIOS is updated. An outdated BIOS can cause compatibility issues and could be the reason for the STOP error. Additionally, if you have customized your BIOS, try resetting BIOS to its default state. Your BIOS may be misconfigured, hence causing this error.
Check your Hardware
Loose hardware connections could also cause the Blue Screen of Death Error. You must ensure that all hardware components are connected properly. If possible, unplug and reseat the components and check if the error has been resolved.
- Further, if the error persists, try to determine if a particular hardware component is causing this error. Try booting your system with minimum hardware. If the error does not appear this time, there might be a problem with one of the hardware components that you have removed.
- Run diagnostic tests for your hardware and replace any faulty hardware immediately.
Test your RAM, Hard disk & Device Drivers
Are you experiencing a problem with your PC, especially the performance issues and blue screen errors? There is a chance that RAM is causing a problem for your PC. Random Access Memory (RAM) is one of your PC’s essential components; therefore, whenever you experience some problems in your PC, you should test your Computer’s RAM for bad memory in Windows.
If you face any issue with your hard disk such as bad sectors, failing disk, etc., Check Disk can be a lifesaver. Windows users might not be able to associate various error faces with a hard disk, but one or other cause is related to it. So running check disk is always recommended as it can easily fix the issue.
Driver verifier is a Windows tool that is specially designed to catch the device driver bug. It is specially used to find the drivers who caused the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) error. Using Driver Verifier is the best approach to narrow down the causes of BSOD crash.
Fix the problem causing software
If you doubt that a recently installed or updated program has caused the BSOD, try reinstalling it. Also, make sure that you install the latest updates. Confirm all compatibility conditions and support information. Check again, if the error persists. In case you are still facing the error, try ditching the software and use another substitute for that program.
1. Press Windows Key + I to open Settings then click Apps.
2. From the left-hand window, select Apps & features.
3. Now select the app and click on Uninstall.
Use Windows 10 Troubleshooter
If you are using Windows 10 Creators update or later, you can use Windows inbuilt Troubleshooter to fix Blue Screen of Death Error (BSOD).
1. Press Windows key + I to open Settings then click on ‘Update & Security’.
2. From the left pane, select ‘Troubleshoot’.
3. Scroll down to ‘Find and fix other problems’ sections.
4. Click on ‘Blue Screen’ and click on ‘Run the troubleshooter’.
Repair Install Windows 10
This method is the last resort because if nothing works out, then, this method will surely repair all problems with your PC. Repair Install using an in-place upgrade to repair issues with the system without deleting user data present on the system. So follow this article to see How to Repair Install Windows 10 Easily.
Your BSOD error should be resolved by now, but if it hasn’t, you may have to reinstall Windows or seek help from Windows support.
Reset Windows 10
Note: If you can’t access your PC, restart your PC a few times until you start Automatic Repair. Then navigate to Troubleshoot > Reset this PC > Remove everything.
1. Press Windows Key + I to open Settings then click on Update & Security icon.
2. From the left-hand menu select Recovery.
3. Under Reset this PC, click on the “Get Started” button.
4. Select the option to Keep my files.
5. For the next step, you might be asked to insert Windows 10 installation media, so ensure you have it ready.
6. Now, select your Windows version and click on only the drive where Windows is installed > remove my files.
5. Click on the Reset button.
6. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the reset.
I hope this article was helpful and you can now easily Fix Blue Screen of Death error on Windows 10, but if you still have any questions regarding this tutorial then feel free to ask them in the comment’s section.