微软(Microsoft)打算在10 月 5 日发布(October 5th)Windows 11。它是一个跟随Windows 10(Windows 10)脚步的新操作系统,但带来了许多新的增强和功能,以及重新设计的用户界面。但是, Windows 11(Windows 11)的系统要求比公司对以前操作系统的要求更为严格。许多人开始提出诸如“我的设备会运行 Windows 11 吗?”之类的问题。(“Will my device run Windows 11?”)或“我的电脑可以更新到 Windows 11 吗?” (“Can my PC update to Windows 11?”),我们决定帮忙。以下是官方的Windows 11系统要求以及如何检查您的 PC 是否支持Windows 11:
Windows 11 的系统要求是什么?
如果您想将当前的计算机或设备安装或升级到Windows 11,则需要满足几个系统要求。根据我们从微软了解到的,运行(Microsoft)Windows 11的最低要求是:
- 处理器:(Processor:) 1 GHz或更快,在兼容的 64 位处理器(compatible 64-bit processor)或片上系统 (SoC) 上有两个或更多内核
- 内存:(RAM:) 4 千兆字节 (GB)
- 存储:(Storage:) 64 GB 或更大的存储设备
- 系统固件:(System firmware:) UEFI,支持安全启动
- TPM:可信平台模块(Platform Module)( TPM ) 2.0 版
- 显卡:(Graphics card:)兼容DirectX 12或更高版本的WDDM 2.0驱动程序
- 显示器:(Display:)高清 (720p) 显示器,对角线大于 9 英寸,每个颜色通道 8 位
此外,Windows 11 家庭版还要求您具有 Internet 连接和(the Windows 11 Home edition also requires you to have internet connectivity and a )Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)(Microsoft account)才能完成安装。
如果您的计算机或设备满足或超过这些要求,那么可以,您可以安装Windows 11。不过,除了强制性要求外,Windows 11的某些功能也有额外的需求。例如,5G 支持要求您的设备具有 5G 调制解调器,将您的屏幕(splitting your screen)分成三列布局需要一个宽度至少为 1920 像素的屏幕,Teams需要一个摄像头、麦克风和扬声器,Windows Hello需要一个具有近距功能的摄像头- 红外成像或用于生物特征认证的指纹读取器,不胜枚举。
如果您想查看每个Windows 11系统要求,请查看 Microsoft 的官方Windows 11 规格(Windows 11 Specifications)。
Windows 11将作为Windows 10的免费更新提供。但是,正如您所见,您的 PC 或设备必须满足一些严格的要求。以下是检查是否可以升级到Windows 11的方法:
如何使用 PC Health Check应用检查您的 PC 是否满足Windows 11系统要求
最快、最简单的方法来回答每个人都口中的问题 - “我的电脑与 Windows 11 兼容吗?” (“Is my PC compatible with Windows 11?”)就是使用微软的Windows 11系统要求工具。该公司将此应用程序称为PC Health Check。它是一个应用程序,可以在您的计算机或设备的引擎盖下查看,并在一两秒钟内告诉您是否可以在您的 PC 上安装Windows 11或从(Windows 11)Windows 10升级到Windows 11。
首先下载 PC 健康检查应用程序(downloading the PC Health Check app)并将其安装在您的 PC 上。一旦你这样做了,启动它,你应该会在下面的屏幕截图中看到类似的内容:

Windows 11 系统要求工具:PC Health应用
在PC 健康检查(PC Health Check)窗口中,在Windows 11 简介(Introducing Windows 11)部分下,单击或点击立即检查(Check now)按钮。

立即检查您的电脑是否满足 Windows 11 的系统要求
如果您的计算机或设备具有Windows 11(Windows 11)所需的硬件(和固件),则PC 健康检查(PC Health Check)应用会告知您“此 PC 符合 Windows 11 要求”。(“This PC meets Windows 11 requirements.”)

此电脑符合 Windows 11 要求
如果您想查看所有详细信息,单击或点击“查看所有结果”会为您提供您的 PC 满足的(“See all results”)Windows 11系统要求的列表。

有关 PC 满足的Windows 11系统要求的详细信息
按下您获得的另一个按钮 -设备规格(Device specifications)- 打开您的默认 Web 浏览器并带您进入“介绍 Windows 11”(“Introducing Windows 11”)网页,它只会告诉您您的 PC 是否满足或不满足Windows 11要求。

这台电脑将运行 Windows 11
如果您的计算机或设备当前不满足Windows 11的系统要求,PC Health Check应用程序会通知您,并为您提供可以执行或更改的操作列表。

此电脑当前不满足Windows 11系统要求
在这种情况下,如果您想查看每个需求的完整列表和详细信息,您可以点击“查看所有结果”(“See all results”)按钮。

有关 PC 无法满足的Windows 11系统要求的详细信息
如何手动检查您的 PC 是否满足Windows 11系统要求
在本教程的上一部分中,我们已经了解了如何自动检查计算机或设备是否满足Windows 11的系统要求。但是,我们也可以通过自己检查每个系统要求来手动执行此操作。如果您想知道要查找的内容和位置,请继续阅读:
如何检查您的处理器是否满足 Windows 11 的系统要求
首先(First),检查你有什么处理器。为此,请打开任务管理器(open the Task Manager),切换到性能(Performance)选项卡,然后在左侧边栏上选择CPU 。在窗口的右上角,您将看到处理器的品牌和型号。

Windows 11 系统要求:处理器
- 英特尔第 11 代
- 英特尔第十代
- 英特尔第 9 代
- 英特尔第 8 代
- 英特尔至强 Ice Lake-SP
- 英特尔至强 Cooper Lake-SP
- 英特尔至强级联湖-SP
- 英特尔至强 Skylake-SP
- AMD 锐龙 5000
- AMD 锐龙 4000
- AMD 锐龙 3000
- AMD 锐龙 2000
- AMD 锐龙 Threadripper Pro 3000
- AMD 锐龙 Threadripper 3000
- AMD 锐龙 Threadripper 2000
- AMD EPYC(霄龙)第三代
- AMD EPYC(霄龙)第二代
如何检查Windows 11是否有足够的RAM
其次,我们遇到过一些人提出诸如“Windows 11 可以在 2GB RAM 上运行吗?”之类的问题。(“Can Windows 11 run on 2GB RAM?”). 答案是否定的,您需要 4(四)GB 或更多 GB 的RAM。使用相同的任务管理器(Task Manager)很容易检查。在其性能(Performance)选项卡中,选择左侧栏中的内存。(Memory)然后,查看窗口的右上角。在那里,您可以看到您的 PC 有多少RAM 。

Windows 11 系统要求:内存
如何检查您是否拥有Windows 11(Windows 11)所需的存储量
Windows 11 至少需要 64 GB 的存储空间,这对于当今的大多数计算机来说应该不是问题。但是,为确保您确实拥有它,请打开文件资源管理器(open File Explorer),选择这台电脑(This PC)并检查它告诉您的有关您的C:驱动器(通常安装Windows 10的位置)的信息。(Windows 10)如果其总容量至少为 64 GB,则满足 Windows 11 的系统要求。如果没有,您可能需要尝试重新分区(repartitioning)您的硬盘或固态驱动器以增加C 的(C’s)大小。

Windows 11 系统要求:存储
如何检查您的显卡是否适用于Windows 11
另一个Windows 11系统要求是您的显卡与DirectX 12兼容并具有WDDM 2.0驱动程序(或更高版本)。幸运的是,验证您的GPU是否足以支持Windows 11非常容易。
打开 DirectX 诊断工具(Open the DirectX Diagnostic Tool)并检查系统(System)选项卡底部的DirectX 版本字段。(DirectX Version)如果它显示DirectX 12,则您已经检查了GPU要求之一。

Windows 11 系统要求:支持DirectX 12的(DirectX 12)GPU
然后,从DirectX 诊断工具(DirectX Diagnostic Tool)切换到显示(Display)选项卡。在Drivers部分,在位于窗口右侧的窗格中查找Driver Model 。如果显示WDDM 2.0或更高版本,您的GPU还会检查第二个Windows 11系统要求。

Windows 11 系统要求:带有WDDM驱动程序 2.0 或更高版本的GPU
如何查看您的 PC 是否使用 UEFI
如果您的 PC 使用旧的旧版BIOS ,则无法升级到 Windows 11 。它必须具有UEFI(统一可扩展固件接口(Unified Extensible Firmware Interface))。要在Windows 10中检查,请打开系统信息工具(open the System Information tool)。然后,查看系统摘要(System Summary)以找到BIOS 模式(BIOS Mode)信息。如果显示UEFI,则您的 PC 符合 Windows 11 的UEFI系统要求。

Windows 11 系统要求:UEFI(不是BIOS)
如何检查我的 PC 是否有TPM(可信平台模块(Trusted Platform Module))2.0 版芯片?
如您所知,Windows 11 还需要TPM 2.0 版才能运行。检查您是否拥有并启用它的最简单方法是查看它是否显示在Device Manager中。打开设备管理器(Open Device Manager),查找安全设备(Security devices)并展开它。如果它列出了Trusted Platform Module 2.0,则您的 PC 满足此 Windows 11 系统要求。

Windows 11 系统要求:TPM 2.0
但是,有许多计算机和设备确实具有TPM 2.0,但默认情况下并未在其UEFI中启用它。因此,即使设备管理器(Device Manager)没有显示它,也不一定意味着您没有TPM 2.0。为确保这一点,您应该访问 PC 的 UEFI(access your PC’s UEFI)并浏览其页面以查看是否可以找到名为TPM、Trusted Platform Module、PTT(英特尔平台信任技术(Intel Platform Trust Technology))或 f TPM(固件 TPM(Firmware TPM))的设置。

在华硕(ASUS)主板上启用AMD 固件 TPM(AMD Firmware TPM)
如果这样做,请确保启用它,保存新设置,然后重新启动 PC。然后,一旦Windows 10启动并运行,请再次检查设备管理器(Device Manager)对TPM的说明,因为您可能很幸运。
您的 PC 可以更新到 Windows 11 吗?
根据您的 PC 已通过和未通过的Windows 11系统要求,您可能必须考虑购买新部件以更新到Windows 11。但是,过去几年销售的大多数计算机和设备都应该为Windows 11做好准备。希望(Hopefully),你的也是。离开之前,请告诉我们您是否觉得Windows 11的系统要求过于严格,或者您觉得它们是否正常。
System requirements: Can my computer run Windows 11?
Microsoft intends to release Windows 11 on October 5th. It’s a new operating system that follows in the footsteps of Windоws 10, but brings many new enhancements and features, as well as a rеdesigned user interface. However, the system requirеments for Windows 11 are more strict than what the company demanded for previous operating systemѕ. Aѕ many people started to ask questіons such as “Will my device run Windows 11?” or “Can my PC update to Windows 11?”, we decided to help out. Here are the official Windows 11 system requirements and how you can check whether your PC supports Windows 11:
What are Windows 11’s system requirements?
If you want to install or upgrade your current computer or device to Windows 11, there are a couple of system requirements it needs to meet. According to what we know from Microsoft, the minimum requirements to run Windows 11 are:
- Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster with two or more cores on a compatible 64-bit processor or System on a Chip (SoC)
- RAM: 4 gigabytes (GB)
- Storage: 64 GB or larger storage device
- System firmware: UEFI, Secure Boot capable
- TPM: Trusted Platform Module (TPM) version 2.0
- Graphics card: Compatible with DirectX 12 or later with WDDM 2.0 driver
- Display: High definition (720p) display that is greater than 9 inches diagonally, with 8 bits per color channel
Additionally, the Windows 11 Home edition also requires you to have internet connectivity and a Microsoft account to be able to finish the installation.
If your computer or device meets or exceeds these requirements, then yes, you can install Windows 11. However, besides the mandatory requirements, some features of Windows 11 also have additional needs. For example, 5G support requires your device to have a 5G modem, splitting your screen into three column layouts requires a screen with a width of at least 1920 pixels, Teams needs a camera, microphone, and speaker, Windows Hello demands a camera with near-infrared imaging or a fingerprint reader for biometric authentication, and the list goes on.
If you want to see each and every Windows 11 system requirement, check Microsoft’s official Windows 11 Specifications.
Windows 11 will be available as a free update from Windows 10. However, as you’ve seen, there are some strict requirements your PC or device must meet. Here’s how to check if you can upgrade to Windows 11:
How to check if your PC meets the Windows 11 system requirements using the PC Health Check app
The fastest and easiest method to get an answer to the question on everyone’s lips - “Is my PC compatible with Windows 11?” is to use Microsoft’s Windows 11 system requirements tool. The company calls this app PC Health Check. It’s an app that looks under the hood of your computer or device and, in a second or two, tells you whether you can install Windows 11 on your PC or upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11.
Start by downloading the PC Health Check app and installing it on your PC. Once you do that, launch it, and you should see something like in the screenshot below:

Windows 11 system requirements tool: PC Health app
In the PC Health Check window, under the Introducing Windows 11 section, click or tap the Check now button.

Check now to see if your PC meets Windows 11's system requirements
If your computer or device has the required hardware (and firmware) for Windows 11, the PC Health Check app lets you know that “This PC meets Windows 11 requirements.”

This PC meets Windows 11 requirements
If you want to see all the details, clicking or tapping on “See all results” gives you the list of the Windows 11 system requirements that your PC met.

Details about the Windows 11 system requirements met by a PC
Pressing the other button you get - Device specifications - opens your default web browser and takes you to the “Introducing Windows 11” webpage, where it tells you only if your PC meets or doesn’t meet the Windows 11 requirements.

This PC will run Windows 11
If your computer or device doesn’t currently meet Windows 11’s system requirements, the PC Health Check app notifies you about it and gives you a list of things you can do or change.

This PC doesn't currently meet the Windows 11 system requirements
In this case too, if you want to see the entire list of requirements and details about each of them, you can press the “See all results” button.

Details about the Windows 11 system requirements that aren't met by a PC
That’s it!
How to manually check if your PC meets the Windows 11 system requirements
In the previous section of this tutorial, we’ve seen how to automatically check if a computer or device meets the system requirements for Windows 11. However, we can also do that manually by checking every system requirement on our own. If you want to know what and where to look for, read on:
How to check if your processor meets Windows 11’s system requirements
First of all, check what processor you have. To do that, open the Task Manager, switch to the Performance tab, and select CPU on the left sidebar. On the top-right corner of the window, you will see the make and model of your processor.

Windows 11 system requirements: Processor
If your processor’s series is in the following list, then you should be good to go:
- Intel 11th Gen
- Intel 10th Gen
- Intel 9th Gen
- Intel 8th Gen
- Intel Xeon Ice Lake-SP
- Intel Xeon Cooper Lake-SP
- Intel Xeon Cascade Lake-SP
- Intel Xeon Skylake-SP
- AMD Ryzen 5000
- AMD Ryzen 4000
- AMD Ryzen 3000
- AMD Ryzen 2000
- AMD Ryzen Threadripper Pro 3000
- AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3000
- AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2000
- AMD EPYC 3rd Gen
- AMD EPYC 2nd Gen
How to check if you have enough RAM for Windows 11
Secondly, we’ve encountered people asking questions like “Can Windows 11 run on 2GB RAM?”. The answer is no, you need to have 4 (four) or more gigabytes of RAM. And that’s easy to check using the same Task Manager. In its Performance tab, select Memory on the left sidebar. Then, look at the top-right corner of the window. There, you can see how much RAM your PC has.

Windows 11 system requirements: RAM
How to check if you have the amount of storage required by Windows 11
Windows 11 needs at least 64 GB of storage space, which shouldn’t be a problem for most computers these days. However, to make sure you do have it, open File Explorer, select This PC and check what it tells you about your C: drive (where Windows 10 is usually installed). If it has a total capacity of at least 64 GB, it meets Windows 11’s system requirements. If it doesn’t, you might want to try repartitioning your hard disk or solid-state drive to increase C’s size.

Windows 11 system requirements: Storage
How to check if your graphics card works with Windows 11
One other Windows 11 system requirement is that your graphics card is compatible with DirectX 12 and has a WDDM 2.0 driver (or newer). Fortunately, verifying whether your GPU is enough for Windows 11 is quite easy.
Open the DirectX Diagnostic Tool and check the DirectX Version field from the bottom of the System tab. If it says DirectX 12, you’ve checked out one of the GPU requirements.

Windows 11 system requirements: GPU that supports DirectX 12
Then, switch to the Display tab from the DirectX Diagnostic Tool. In the Drivers section, look for the Driver Model in the pane located on the right side of the window. If it says WDDM 2.0 or higher, your GPU also checks out the second Windows 11 system requirement.

Windows 11 system requirements: GPU with a WDDM driver 2.0 or higher
How to see if your PC uses UEFI
You can’t upgrade to Windows 11 if your PC uses an old, legacy BIOS. It has to have UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface). To check that in Windows 10, open the System Information tool. Then, look through the System Summary to find the BIOS Mode information. If it says UEFI, then your PC meets Windows 11’s UEFI system requirement.

Windows 11 system requirements: UEFI (not BIOS)
How to check if my PC has a TPM (Trusted Platform Module) version 2.0 chip?
As you know now, Windows 11 also requires TPM version 2.0 to be able to run. The easiest way to check whether you have one and that it’s enabled is to see if it’s shown in Device Manager. Open Device Manager, look for Security devices and expand it. If it lists a Trusted Platform Module 2.0, then your PC covers this Windows 11 system requirement.

Windows 11 system requirements: TPM 2.0
However, there are many computers and devices out there that do have TPM 2.0, but it’s not enabled by default in their UEFI. So, even if Device Manager doesn’t show it, it doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t have TPM 2.0. To make sure, you should access your PC’s UEFI and browse through its pages to see if you can find a setting called TPM, Trusted Platform Module, PTT (Intel Platform Trust Technology), or fTPM (Firmware TPM).

Enabling AMD Firmware TPM on an ASUS motherboard
If you do, make sure you enable it, save your new settings, and then restart your PC. Then, once Windows 10 is up and running, check again for what Device Manager has to say about TPM, as you might be in luck.
Can your PC update to Windows 11?
Depending on what Windows 11 system requirements your PC has passed and which it didn’t, you might have to consider buying new parts to update to Windows 11. However, most computers and devices sold in the last few years should be ready for Windows 11. Hopefully, yours is too. Before leaving, let us know whether you find Windows 11’s system requirements too strict or if they seem normal to you.