如果您使用Windows 10并阅读了我们的网站,那么您已经听说过Fall Creators Update。它是Windows 10的最新主要更新,从2017 年10 月 17 日(October 17th)开始,所有Windows 10用户都可以免费使用。秋季创意者更新(Fall Creators Update)包括几个旨在增强创意用户体验的新功能,就像Windows 10 Creators Update早于2017 年春季。如果您想了解有关Windows 10 Fall Creators Update的更多信息,它是什么以及您应该安装还是推迟它,请阅读这篇文章:
什么是 Windows 10 秋季创意者更新(Update)?
2017年4 月(April 2017),微软(Microsoft)向所有Windows 10用户免费发布了Windows 10 Creators Update 。这是一个新版本,提供了很多新功能。我们在这里介绍了它们:什么是Windows 10创意者(Creators)更新(Update)以及为什么要安装它?。
微软(Microsoft)当时未能完成并发布他们想要的所有功能。这就是公司决定继续工作并发布秋季创作者更新(Fall Creators Update)的原因。这个更新的名字没有创意,但它确实告诉你它代表什么:完成创作者更新(Update)开始的工作。该名称还表示此更新计划在秋季(如果您是英国人)或秋季(如果您是美国人)发布。自2017 年 10 月 17 日起,( October 17th, 2017,)所有Windows 10用户都有权免费升级到Fall Creators Update。以下是Windows 10 Fall Creators Update中的新功能(Fall Creators Update)以及为什么要尽快安装它:
Windows 10 Fall Creators Update引入了一项名为“我的人”("My People")中心的新功能。使用此集线器,您可以将您最喜欢的人固定到您的任务栏,(taskbar and communicate)并通过电子邮件或Skype更快地与他们交流。您还可以使用Dropbox 或 OneDrive(Dropbox or OneDrive)等应用快速与他们共享文件。只需点击几下或轻按几下即可。从这些文章中了解更多信息:
- 使用Windows 10中的“(Windows 10)我的人”中心(My People hub)可以做的 5 件事
- 如何将联系人固定到任务栏或Windows 10的开始菜单(Start Menu)
2.按需(On-Demand)文件返回 OneDrive
Windows 10 现在能够在文件资源管理器(File Explorer)中向您显示您存储在 OneDrive存储空间(storage space)中的所有文件,包括那些仅在云中可用的文件。Microsoft将此功能称为“按需文件”。("Files On-Demand.")我们认为它很有用,因为您无需下载所有OneDrive文件即可访问它们。这也意味着它非常适合那些在OneDrive空间中存储大量文件但在 Windows 10 设备上没有大存储容量(storage capacity)来容纳所有数据的人。如果您需要帮助配置和使用OneDrive的“按需文件”("Files On-Demand")功能,请阅读本指南:如何使用OneDrive 和文件资源管理器(OneDrive and File Explorer)在Windows 10中按需(Files On-Demand)使用文件。
3.开始菜单(Start Menu)更加可定制
Microsoft进行了一系列改进,以改变 Windows 10 在Fall Creators Update中的外观和工作方式。改变的一件事是开始菜单(Start Menu)的工作方式。在Windows 10 Creators Update中,您只能水平和垂直调整开始菜单的大小。(Start Menu)在Fall Creators Update中,您还可以对角调整它的大小,这是使菜单更宽更高的更快方法,反之亦然。以下是有关其工作原理的详细信息:如何更改Windows 10中(Windows 10)开始菜单(Start Menu)的大小。
4.您可以在任务管理器(Task Manager)中查看您的视频卡是如何使用的
Windows 10 Fall Creators Update带来了另一个有用的功能:任务管理器(Task Manager)现在能够显示您的视频卡的使用情况。如果您想知道哪些应用正在蚕食您的视频性能(video performance),它是一个很有价值的工具。游戏玩家和视频编辑会对此感到兴奋。有关新任务管理器(Task Manager)的详细信息,请阅读我们不久前发布的这篇文章:使用任务管理器(Task Manager)密切关注系统性能(system performance)的 7 种方法。
5. Windows Defender保护您的重要文件夹免受勒索软件的侵害
在Windows 10 Fall Creators Update中,Windows Defender获得了一项名为“受控文件夹访问”的("Controlled folder access.")安全功能。(security feature)启用后,您可以使用此工具保护文件夹免受任何未经授权的访问或(access or changes)应用程序或程序(apps or programs)的更改。这样可以确保没有恶意软件可以更改Documents或Pictures等文件夹中的重要文件。除了默认的受保护文件夹外,此工具还允许您将自定义文件夹包含到保护列表中,这也是一件好事。您可以找到有关此新安全功能的更多信息(safety feature)在这里工作:使用受控文件夹访问和 Windows Defender(Controlled Folder Access and Windows Defender)保护您的文件免受勒索软件的侵害。
6.行动中心(Action Center)重新组织,看起来比以前更好
行动中心(Action Center)的外观也按照Microsoft的Fluent Design System进行了改进。它的组织方式和显示信息的方式更清晰,因此更容易理解。我们喜欢新版本,我们认为您也会喜欢使用它。
7.您可以控制下载和上传Windows 10(Windows 10)更新使用多少带宽
Windows 10设置(Settings)应用程序比以前更能控制系统更新的处理方式。您现在可以控制您的 PC 允许每月使用多少带宽来下载和上传更新。此外,现在您还可以获得有关您的带宽如何用于更新Windows 10的更详细的统计数据。如果您想了解如何在Windows 10 Fall Creators Update中配置带宽控制,请阅读本指南:如何控制和查看您的带宽如何用于Windows 10中的更新。
8. Microsoft Edge获得官方全屏模式
我们知道这很奇怪,但到目前为止,Microsoft Edge还没有全屏模式,尽管确实存在解决方法。但是,在Windows 10 Fall Creators Update中,您可以像使用任何其他Web 浏览器一样将(web browser)Microsoft Edge切换为全屏:单击或点击(click or tap)按钮或按(button or press)键盘上的F11 键(F11 key)。
9.您可以直接从文件资源管理器(File Explorer)的右键菜单中共享文件
是的,这听起来很简单:在文件资源管理器(File Explorer)中,您可以右键单击(如果您使用触摸屏,则点击并按住)一个或多个文件或文件夹。然后,使用上下文菜单中的共享选项,使用Mail、Skype、Dropbox、Box 或 OneDrive(Box or OneDrive)等应用程序将这些项目发送给您的联系人。
我们在本教程中详细描述了整个过程:如何通过两个步骤将文件从文件资源管理器共享到(File Explorer)邮件(Mail)、Skype、Dropbox或OneDrive等应用程序。
10. 您可以将您的Android或 iPhone 智能手机链接到您的 Windows 10 PC
通过将智能手机连接到 PC,您可以无缝地从一台设备继续工作到另一台设备。例如,如果您在智能手机上浏览网页并阅读网站,则可以使用Microsoft Edge切换到 Windows 10 (Microsoft Edge)PC 并(PC and continue)从上次中断的地方继续。同样的过程适用于阅读和编写电子邮件以及使用Microsoft开发的其他应用程序。唯一的条件是您必须在装有Android 或 iOS的智能手机上使用(Android or iOS)Microsoft的应用程序。
11. Storage Sense更强大
Storage Sense可以通过自动删除临时文件以及过去 30 天内未更改的下载文件夹中的文件来管理您的(Downloads)存储空间。(storage space)它还能够删除以前的Windows版本以重新获得空间。要了解有关新Storage Sense工作原理的更多信息,请阅读:
- 如何使用Storage Sense在(Storage Sense)Windows 10中自动释放空间(Windows 10)
- 如何使用Storage Sense像Pro一样清理Windows 10 存储空间(storage space)
12. 你可以让Cortana注销、关闭、重启或锁定你的Windows 10 PC
您不再需要起床或坐在(bed or sit)Windows 10 PC 前即可执行任何这些操作。如果你启用了Cortana,你可以在看完你最喜欢的电视剧(TV series)的最新一集后让她关闭你的电脑。以下是有关所有工作原理的更多详细信息:如何要求Cortana锁定、注销、关闭或重新启动Windows 10 PC。
13. Cortana可以安排和管理约会
在Windows 10 Fall Creators Update中,如果你想查看你的日程安排,看看你接下来的一小时、一天或一整周是否有空,或者你有任何约会设置,你现在可以询问Cortana。说(Say something)“Cortana,我的日程安排是什么?”之("Cortana, what's on my schedule?")类的话。或“Cortana,我今天的日历上有什么?” ("Cortana, what's on my calendar today?")她会告诉你你编程的一切。要了解您还可以向她询问您的日程安排,请阅读这篇文章:如何安排和管理与Cortana的约会。
14.您可以使用设置应用程序(Settings app)来配置远程桌面(Remote Desktop)的工作方式
在秋季创作者更新(Fall Creators Update)之前,您只能使用老式控制面板来配置(Control Panel)远程桌面(Remote Desktop)设置。现在,Windows 10 在其现代设置(Settings)应用程序中包含了大多数这些配置选项。这意味着使用触摸屏的人更容易使用远程桌面(Remote Desktop)连接。如果需要,您可以在本教程中了解有关其工作原理的更多信息:如何在所有版本的Windows中启用(Windows)远程桌面连接(Remote Desktop Connections)。
15. 游戏玩家可以快速检查他们与 Xbox Live服务的连接
Windows 10 Fall Creators Update带来了一个针对游戏玩家的新工具,称为Xbox Networking。它提供有关您的 PC 延迟、数据包丢失率(loss rate)以及您的家庭网络(home network)是否正确配置为通过Xbox Live服务进行在线播放的信息。Xbox Networking旨在帮助您识别和解决阻止您与其他Xbox Live用户使用语音聊天和玩在线多人游戏的问题。这是一篇详细解释其工作原理的文章:如何在Windows 10中使用 Xbox(Windows 10)网络(Networking),检查您与Xbox Live的连接。
Windows 10 Fall Creators Update即将推出的其他功能和改进
Windows 10 Fall Creators Update中还有其他较小的改进和调整。以下是其中最有趣的:
- 系统托盘(system tray)中的电源选项电池图标现在显示一个滑块,您可以使用该滑块在可用的电源模式之间切换
- Microsoft Edge允许您将网站固定到任务栏
- Microsoft Edge包含一个名为(Microsoft Edge)“大声朗读”("Read aloud.")的右键单击选项。如果你使用它,Microsoft Edge可以大声朗读网页的内容(page aloud)
- Windows 10窗口的滚动条在不使用时会变小,以便为重要的事情留出更多空间
- 如果您使用Android 智能手机(Android smartphone)并且安装了Cortana,您还可以在 Windows 10 PC 上查看未接来电
- “设置”应用中的“(Settings)关于(About)”页面现在显示有关 Windows 10 电脑运行状况的信息
- 您将获得一项名为TruePlay的新功能,虽然目前无法使用,但很可能会防止多人游戏中的作弊行为
所有这些功能和改进都是您应该尽快下载并安装Windows 10 Fall Creators Update的原因。你喜欢这个Windows 10版本中的新功能,还是认为微软(Microsoft)应该在其中包含更多新东西?在下面的评论部分分享(Share)您的意见。
15+ reasons why you should get Windows 10 Fall Creators Update
If you use Windows 10, аnd you read our website, you have heard about the Fаll Creators Update. It is the latest major update for Windows 10, and it is available for every Windows 10 user, for free, starting October 17th, 2017. The Fаll Creators Updаte inclυdes several new features that are designed to enhаnce the experience of creative users, just like the Windows 10 Creators Uрdate did bеfore it, in the ѕpring of 2017. If you want to know more about Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, what it is and whethеr уou should install or defer it, read this аrticle:
What is Windows 10 Fall Creators Update?
In April 2017, Microsoft released Windows 10 Creators Update to all Windows 10 users, for free. It was a new version that had quite a few new features to offer. We presented them here: What is Windows 10 Creators Update and why should you install it?.
Microsoft did not manage to finish and release all the features they wanted at the time. That is why the company decided to continue their work and release the Fall Creators Update. The name of this update is not creative, but it does tell you what it stands for: finishing the work that was started with Creators Update. The name also says that this update is scheduled for release in the autumn (if you are British) or fall (if you are American). As of October 17th, 2017, all Windows 10 users are entitled to get their free upgrade to the Fall Creators Update. Here's what is new in Windows 10 Fall Creators Update and why you should install it as soon as you can:
1. You can communicate faster with others
Windows 10 Fall Creators Update introduces a new feature called the "My People" hub. Using this hub, you can pin your favorite people to your taskbar and communicate faster with them via email messages or Skype. You can also share files with them quickly, using apps like Dropbox or OneDrive. All it takes is a few clicks or taps. Learn more from these articles:
2. Files On-Demand are back to OneDrive
Windows 10 is now able to show you in File Explorer all the files that you have stored in your OneDrive storage space, including those that are available only in the cloud. Microsoft calls this feature "Files On-Demand." We believe it is useful because you do not have to download all your OneDrive files to be able to access them. That also means that it is ideal for people who have lots of files stored in their OneDrive spaces but do not have a large storage capacity on their Windows 10 devices to accommodate all their data. If you need help configuring and using OneDrive's "Files On-Demand" feature, read this guide: How to use Files On-Demand in Windows 10, with OneDrive and File Explorer.
3. The Start Menu is even more customizable
Microsoft worked on a series of improvements that change the way Windows 10 looks and works in Fall Creators Update. One of the things that have changed is the way the Start Menu works. In Windows 10 Creators Update, you could resize the Start Menu only horizontally and vertically. In Fall Creators Update, you can also resize it diagonally, which is a faster way of making the menu both wider and taller, or the other way around. Here are the details on how it works: How to change the size of the Start Menu in Windows 10.
4. You can see how your video cards are used in Task Manager
Windows 10 Fall Creators Update brings another useful feature: the Task Manager is now able to display how your video cards are used. It is a valuable tool if you want to know what apps are eating away your video performance. Gamers and video editors are going to be thrilled about it. For details about the new Task Manager, read this article that we published a while ago: 7 ways to keep tabs on your system performance with the Task Manager.
5. Windows Defender protects your important folders from ransomware
In Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, Windows Defender gets a security feature called "Controlled folder access." When enabled, you can use this tool to protect folders from any unauthorized access or changes by apps or programs. That ensures you of the fact that no malware can alter your essential files from folders such as Documents or Pictures. It is also a good thing that this tool also lets you include custom folders to the list of protection, besides the default protected folders. You can find more information about how this new safety feature works, here: Protect your files from ransomware with Controlled Folder Access and Windows Defender.
6. The Action Center is reorganized and looks better than before
The Action Center also get a revamped look that follows Microsoft's Fluent Design System. The way it is organized and the way it displays information is cleaner and thus easier to understand. We love the new version, and we think you will enjoy using it too.
7. You can control how much bandwidth is used to download and upload Windows 10 updates
The Windows 10 Settings app offers more control than before over how system updates are handled. You can now control how much bandwidth your PC is allowed to use for downloading and uploading updates, on a monthly basis. Furthermore, now you also get more detailed statistics on how your bandwidth is used for updating Windows 10. If you want to learn how to configure the bandwidth controls in Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, read this guide: How to control and view how your bandwidth is used for updates in Windows 10.
8. Microsoft Edge gets an official full-screen mode
It is weird, we know, but up until now, Microsoft Edge had no full-screen mode, although a workaround did exist. In Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, however, you can switch Microsoft Edge into full-screen just like you do with any other web browser: click or tap on a button or press the F11 key on your keyboard.
9. You can share files directly from the right-click menu in File Explorer
Yes, it is as easy as it sounds: when in File Explorer, you can right-click (or tap and hold if you use a touchscreen) on one or more files or folders. Then, use the sharing option from the contextual menu, to send those items to your contacts, using apps like Mail, Skype, Dropbox, Box or OneDrive.
We have described the entire process, in detail, in this tutorial: How to share files from File Explorer to apps like Mail, Skype, Dropbox, or OneDrive, in two steps.
10. You can link your Android or iPhone smartphone to your Windows 10 PC
By linking your smartphone to your PC, you can continue your work from one device to the other seamlessly. For instance, if you browse the web and read a website on your smartphone, you can switch to your Windows 10 PC and continue from where you were left off, using Microsoft Edge. The same process applies to reading and writing emails and using other apps developed by Microsoft. The only condition is that you must use Microsoft's apps on your smartphone with Android or iOS.
11. Storage Sense is a lot more powerful
Storage Sense can take care of your storage space by automatically deleting temporary files as well as files from your Downloads folder that have not been changed during the last 30 days. It is also able to remove previous Windows versions to regain space. To see more about how the new Storage Sense works, read:
12. You can ask Cortana to sign you out, shut down, restart or lock your Windows 10 PC
You no longer have to get out of bed or sit at your Windows 10 PC to do any of these things. If you have Cortana enabled, you can ask her to shut down your computer after you have finished watching the latest episode from your favorite TV series. Here are more details on how all that works: How to ask Cortana to lock, sign out, shut down or restart your Windows 10 PC.
13. Cortana can schedule and manage appointments
In Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, if you want to check your schedule and see whether you are free for the next hour, day or the entire week, or you have any appointments set, you can now ask Cortana about it. Say something like "Cortana, what's on my schedule?" or "Cortana, what's on my calendar today?" She will tell you everything you have programmed. To see what else you can ask her about your schedule, read this article: How to schedule and manage appointments with Cortana.
14. You can use the Settings app to configure how the Remote Desktop works
Up until the Fall Creators Update, you could configure the Remote Desktop settings only by using the old-school Control Panel. Now, Windows 10 includes most of those configuration options in its modern Settings app. This means that it is easier for people who use touch screens to work with Remote Desktop connections. If you want, you can learn more about how this works, in this tutorial: How to enable Remote Desktop Connections in all versions of Windows.
15. Gamers can quickly check their connection to Xbox Live services
Windows 10 Fall Creators Update brings a new tool targeted at gamers, called Xbox Networking. It offers information about your PC's latency, packet loss rate, and whether your home network is correctly configured for online play through Xbox Live services. Xbox Networking is designed to help you identify and resolve issues that prevent you from using voice chat and playing online multiplayer games with other Xbox Live users. Here is an article that explains in detail how it works: How to use Xbox Networking in Windows 10, to check your connection to Xbox Live.
Other features and improvements that are coming to Windows 10 Fall Creators Update
There are also other smaller improvements and tweaks that are coming to us in Windows 10 Fall Creators Update. Here are the most interesting of them:
- The power options battery icon from the system tray now displays a slider which you can use to switch between the available power modes
- Microsoft Edge allows you to pin websites to the taskbar
- Microsoft Edge includes a right-click option called "Read aloud." If you use it, Microsoft Edge can read the content of a web page aloud
- The scrollbars from Windows 10 windows get smaller when they are not used, to leave more space for what matters
- If you use an Android smartphone and you have Cortana installed on it, you can see missed calls on your Windows 10 PC also
- The About page from the Settings app now shows information about your Windows 10 PC's health
- You get a new feature called TruePlay which, although not functional at the moment, will most likely prevent cheating in multiplayer games
All these features and improvements are reasons why you should download and install Windows 10 Fall Creators Update as soon as you can. Do you like what is new in this Windows 10 release, or do you believe that Microsoft should have included more new things with it? Share your opinion in the comments section below.