行车(Dash)记录仪在过去几年中越来越受欢迎,驱动程序对其硬件规格和功能(hardware specs and features)越来越挑剔。最近,我们有机会使用并测试了MIO(MIO)制造的一款最新的高端行车记录仪MiVue (dash cam)786 (MiVue 786)WiFi。这是一款优雅的行车记录仪(dash cam),可以录制 1080p 视频,通过WiFi传输,如果需要,甚至可以在Facebook 上播放。(Facebook)这是我们对该设备的评论:
MIO MiVue 786 WiFi:它对谁有好处?
MIO MiVue 786 WiFi是一款出色的行车(dash cam)记录仪,适合以下驾驶者:
- 想要一台能够以全高清 1080p(Full HD 1080p)分辨率录制视频的车载摄像头(car camera),在白天和夜间都具有良好的图像质量(image quality)
- 需要在驾驶时收到有关安全摄像头的通知
- 想要一个具有WiFi(dash cam)和 Facebook 广播功能的行车记录仪(WiFi and Facebook broadcasting features)
- 想要一个制作精良且外观漂亮的行车记录仪(dash cam),并准备花更多钱
关于MIO MiVue 786 (MIO MiVue 786) WiFi有很多好话要说:
- 它具有优雅的设计和坚固的制造质量(build quality)
- 以全高清 1080p(Full HD 1080p)分辨率以 140 度角录制视频
- 它有一个触摸屏
- 它的索尼视频(Sony video)传感器在白天提供良好的图像质量(image quality),在夜间也能在弱光下提供
- 它可以提醒您道路上的安全摄像头,还可以显示您的行驶速度
- 它有一个WiFi 芯片(WiFi chip),连同适用于Android 和 iOS的(Android and iOS)MiVue Pro 应用程序(MiVue Pro app),让您可以将视频片段传输到您的智能手机或平板电脑(smartphone or tablet),甚至在 Facebook 上进行直播
- 它还提供有用的安全功能,例如前方碰撞警告系统(Forward Collision Warning System)( FCWS )、车道偏离警告系统(Lane Departure Warning System)( LDWS ) 和疲劳警报(Fatigue Alert)(FA)
- MIO MiVue 786 WiFi行车(WiFi dash)记录仪比其他行车记录仪更贵
- 默认包装(default package)应该包含一张 microSD 卡和一根USB转(USB)mini USB 电缆(USB cable)。
MIO MiVue 786 行车记录仪(MIO MiVue 786) 是我们迄今为止使用过的同类产品中(dash cam)最好的。它花费了很多钱,但它的高端规格和一流的功能(specs and top-notch features)弥补了这一点。它有一个触摸屏,它有 WiFi 和GPS ,它可以在(GPS)Facebook 上(Facebook)广播,并且捆绑了很多安全功能。更不用说它看起来有多好!如果您想要所有这些,并且有足够的钱购买它,那么您将不会后悔您的选择。MIO MiVue 786是一款出色的行车(dash cam)记录仪!
拆箱MIO MiVue 786 WiFi行车记录仪(WiFi dash)
MIO MiVue 786 WiFi(WiFi dash)行车记录仪装在一个看起来不错的光面盒子里。与大多数MIO(MIO)设备一样,使用的原色是黑色和橙色。在包装的正面和侧面,您都可以从各个角度看到行车记录仪的图片。(dash cam)在包装盒的背面和底部,您可以找到有关MIO MiVue 786 WiFi(WiFi dash)行车记录仪的主要功能和规格的信息。作为第一印象,该设备看起来优雅而现代。
包装内包含行车(dash cam)记录仪、吸盘(suction mount)、汽车打火机电源充电器(car lighter power charger)、快速入门指南(start guide)、保修文件以及任何MIO 设备的 20 (MIO device)% discount(如果您注册了行车(dash cam)记录仪) 。
MIO MiVue 786 WiFi 行车记录仪采用外观精美的包装盒,包含您所期望的所有配件。当我们看到行车记录仪时,我们的第一印象是一款优雅且制作精良的高级设备。(The MIO MiVue 786 WiFi dash cam arrives in a premium looking box, with all the accessories you would expect. Our first impression when looking at the dash cam was that of a premium device that is both elegant and well-made.)
MIO MiVue 786 WiFi行车(WiFi dash)记录仪不大,但也不小。它的高度为 2.07 英寸(52.5 毫米),宽度为 3.46 英寸(87.8 毫米),深度为 1.26 英寸(31.9 毫米)。虽然它不是重型设备,但它比其他类似的行车记录仪稍重,(dash cam)重 3.53 盎司(100 克)。就像大多数行车记录仪一样, MIO MiVue (dash cam)786 (MIO MiVue 786) WiFi借助末端带有吸盘(suction cup)的旋转支架固定在您汽车的挡风玻璃上。为了从您的汽车获取电力,行车记录仪(dash cam)使用连接到汽车打火机端口(car lighter port)的迷你USB 充电器(USB charger). 电缆长度为 140 英寸(355 厘米),足以让您将摄像头放置在挡风玻璃上的任何位置。
行车记录仪使用Sony 2 MegaPixel IMX 323 视频传感器(video sensor),可提供1920 x 1080像素的(x 1080)全高清(Full HD)录制分辨率,每秒 30 帧。它具有 f/1.8 的光圈和 140 度的宽镜头视角。视频使用H.264 编解码器以(H.264 codec).MP4格式录制,还包括音频。
要查看行车记录仪记录的内容并配置其设置,MIO MiVue 786 WiFi(dash cam)行车(WiFi dash)记录仪提供 2.7 英寸触摸屏。它还包括一个 Wi-Fi 芯片、GPS、3 轴重力传感器(G-sensor)和一个容量为 240 mAh 的电池。
没有可用的内部存储器(memory storage),但您可以添加最大容量为 128GB的微型SD 卡。(SD card)值得注意的是,不幸的是,标准包装中没有捆绑 micro SD 卡(SD card),您必须单独购买。
如果您想查看所有官方功能和规格,您应该访问此网页:MIO MiVue 786 WiFi。
MIO MiVue 786 WiFi 具有在汽车行车记录仪世界中名列前茅的功能。它的规格在纸上听起来不错,应该提供优质的体验。(The MIO MiVue 786 WiFi has features that rank it high in the world of car dash cameras. Its specifications sound good on paper and should provide a premium experience.)
驾驶时使用MIO MiVue 786 WiFi(WiFi dash)行车记录仪
MIO MiVue 786 WiFi行车(WiFi dash)记录仪由塑料制成,但它是一种外观和感觉都坚固的优质塑料。如果你看它的屏幕,相机有一个宽的矩形形状,如果你从侧面看它,它有一个梯形形状。在发现镜头的一侧,您可以看到网格状图案顶部的MIO 标志,而相当大的镜头被(MIO logo)橙色装饰(orange accent)包围。只要(Just)看看下面的图片,你就知道它看起来有多好。
MIO MiVue 786 WiFi(WiFi dash)行车记录仪上唯一的物理按钮位于右侧。它也是行车记录仪上唯一一个橙色的东西(dash cam)。🙂(dash cam)如果您按下它,行车记录仪将开始紧急记录(emergency recording)。
靠近紧急录制按钮,还有 micro SD 卡(SD card)插槽。在另一边,您可以找到迷你USB 端口(USB port)和AV 插孔(AV jack),如果您想在更大的屏幕上观看行车记录仪记录的内容,可以使用它们。(dash cam)
MIO MiVue 786 WiFi是一款宽屏行车记录仪,但它的高度并不大。因此,如果您将其放置在靠近后视镜(rearview mirror)的位置,它不会影响您在道路上的视野。这对您的安全是件好事。
挡风玻璃支架(windshield mount)很坚固,可以牢固地固定行车记录仪,尽管在不使用MiVue (dash cam)786 (MiVue 786) WiFi时很容易将其从支架中取出。这是一件好事。
从积极的一面来看,我们不得不提到电缆很长的事实。您可以将其放置在汽车挡风玻璃顶部、乘客A 柱(A-pillar)下方(将挡风玻璃固定到位的位置)、汽车地板(car floor)上,最后将其插入点烟器端口(cigarette lighter port)。
当它连接到汽车 12(car 12) 伏电源(Volts power)端口时,行车记录仪(dash cam)会在您启动汽车时自动启动。您不必在每次上路时手动开始录制。启动后几分钟,行车记录仪(dash cam)切换到黑色,而不是显示前面的道路,这可能会让人分心,而是显示日期和时间(date and time),以及当前速度。
我们发现配置MIO MiVue 786 WiFi是一项简单的任务:菜单简单,触摸屏反应灵敏。
MIO MiVue 786 WiFi以 1080p全高清分辨率(Full HD resolution)录制视频,白天和晚上的视频质量都很高。行车记录仪(dash cam)支持WDR ((WDR)宽动态范围(Wide Dynamic Range)),这意味着当天的视频看起来非常非常好。这是一个示例视频:
视频传感器(video sensor)还能够在弱光下拍摄高质量的视频。正如您在下面的视频中看到的那样,即使在夜间,也可以识别道路上其他汽车的车牌。
使这款行车(dash cam)记录仪与众不同的最重要的事情之一是它配备了GPS 芯片(GPS chip)和WiFi(WiFi one)芯片。它使用其GPS记录您的汽车移动速度,并通知您有关安全摄像头的信息。拥有它是一件好事,尤其是当您的速度往往超过限速(speed limit)时。
WiFi芯片(WiFi chip)很有趣。行车记录仪通过名为 MiVue Pro 的应用程序使用它连接到您的 iPhone、iPad 或 Android 设备,并(dash cam)让(MiVue Pro)您做(iPad or Android device)以下三件事:
- 在您的智能手机或平板电脑(smartphone or tablet)上观看由行车(dash cam)记录仪实时录制的视频;
- 将视频(Transfer video)片段从行车记录(dash cam)仪传输到您的智能手机或平板电脑(smartphone or tablet);
- 在Facebook 上(Facebook)直播。
我们在 iPhone SE 和Motorola Nexus 6上测试了这些功能。观看视频并在Facebook 上(Facebook)播放它们在两个平台上都运行良好。
然而,尽管将视频从行车记录仪(dash cam)传输到我们的智能手机进展顺利并且没有问题,但下载时间很长。原因如下:行车(dash cam)记录仪默认录制时长为 3 分钟的视频,这样的视频文件(video file)大小在 350 到 400 MB 之间。使用WiFi将一段 3分钟的视频(minute video)下载到您的智能手机大约需要 8 分钟。
MIO MiVue 786 WiFi还(WiFi)配备高级驾驶员辅助系统(Advanced Driver Assistance Systems)( ADAS ):车道偏离警告系统(Departure Warning System)( LDWS )、疲劳警报(Fatigue Alert)(FA) 和前方碰撞警告系统(Forward Collision Warning System)( FCWS )。这些可能是有用的功能,特别是如果您在高速公路上长时间驾驶。在我们测试此行车记录仪时所行驶的国道上,(FCWS)我们发现前方碰撞警告系统(Forward Collision Warning System)( FCWS(dash cam)) 对我们的喜好来说有点太敏感了。它经常弹出说我们离我们前面的汽车太近了,所以我们更愿意禁用这个功能。
还值得注意的是,在紧急情况下,如果 3 轴G-Sensor检测到运动的突然变化,MIO MiVue 786 WiFi(WiFi dash)行车记录仪会自行启动自动记录。这是一个很好的功能,以防发生事故。幸运的是,我们没有去测试它。🙂
MIO Mivue 786 WiFi 是一款功能丰富的行车记录仪。我们喜欢它的设计、稳健性和硬件性能。很难不喜欢它:它配备了触摸屏、WiFi 芯片和 GPS 传感器、先进的驾驶安全功能,以及在 Facebook 上直播的能力。这就是我们所说的高科技行车记录仪。(The MIO Mivue 786 WiFi is a dash cam that has a lot to offer. We like its design, its robustness and hardware performance. It is hard not to like it: it comes with a touchscreen, a WiFi chip and a GPS sensor, advanced driving safety features, and the ability to live broadcast on Facebook. That is what we call a high-tech dash cam.)
可用于MIO MiVue 786 WiFi行车记录仪的软件(WiFi dash)
将视频从MIO MiVue 786 WiFi(WiFi dash)行车记录仪传输到计算机的最简单、最快捷的方法是将microSD 卡(microSD card)插入读卡器(card reader)。但是,您也可以使用USB转迷你USB 数据线(USB cable)将行车记录仪(dash cam)直接连接到您的计算机。
然后,您可以使用文件管理器(file manager)(例如文件资源管理器)或 MIO(File Explorer or MIO)自己的MiVue 管理器工具(MiVue Manager tool)。如果您选择使用这个,对于每个录制的视频,您还可以查看录制日期、您的汽车的速度、方向、高度、经纬度以及(latitude and longitude)拍摄角度等详细信息。如果你出了事故,你的车就被撞了。如果您愿意,还可以使用MiVue Manager在(MiVue Manager)Facebook或 YouTube 上分享视频。
我们喜欢使用 MiVue Manager 来浏览使用行车记录仪录制的视频,即使感觉相当简单。(We enjoyed using MiVue Manager for browsing the videos recorded with the dash cam, even if it feels rather simple.)
您对MIO MiVue 786 WiFi(WiFi dash)行车记录仪有何看法?
MIO MiVue 786 WiFi(WiFi dash)行车记录仪是一款外观精美的高端产品,并提供许多有趣的功能。我们喜欢使用它,我们相信任何购买它的人都会这样做。你同意我们的观点,还是不这么认为?不要忘记您可以在下面的评论部分分享您的意见。
MIO MiVue 786 WiFi review: A premium dash cam with high-end specs
Dash cams have grown in popularity in the lаst few years, and drіvers are becoming morе critical about their hardware specs and features. Recently, we had the opportunity to uѕe and test one of the latest hіgh-end dash cams manufactured by MIO, the MiVue 786 WiFi. Іt is an elegаnt dash cam that can record videоs in 1080p, transmit them over WiFi and even broadcaѕt them on Facebook if уou want. Here is our review for this device:
MIO MiVue 786 WiFi: Who is it good for?
The MIO MiVue 786 WiFi is a good dash cam for drivers who:
- Want a car camera that records videos in Full HD 1080p resolution, with good image quality both in daylight and during the night
- Need to get notified about safety cameras while driving
- Desire a dash cam with WiFi and Facebook broadcasting features
- Want a well-built and good-looking dash cam, and are ready to spend more
Pros and cons
There are many good things to say about the MIO MiVue 786 WiFi:
- It has an elegant design and a solid build quality
- Records videos at 140 degrees angles, in Full HD 1080p resolution
- It has a touch screen
- Its Sony video sensor offers good image quality during day but also in low light, during the night
- It can alert you about safety cameras on the road, and can also display your driving speed
- It has a WiFi chip and together with the MiVue Pro app for Android and iOS, lets you transfer video footage to your smartphone or tablet, and even broadcast live on Facebook
- It also offers useful safety features such as a Forward Collision Warning System (FCWS), a Lane Departure Warning System (LDWS) and a Fatigue Alert (FA)
As negatives, there are just two things we can point out:
- The MIO MiVue 786 WiFi dash cam is more expensive than other dash cams
- The default package should have bundled a microSD card and an USB to mini USB cable.
The MIO MiVue 786 dash cam is the best of its type that we have used until now. It costs quite a lot of money, but it makes up for it with its high-end specs and top-notch features. It has a touchscreen, it has WiFi and GPS, it can broadcast on Facebook, and bundles quite a few safety features. Not to mention how good it looks! If you want all that, and you have the money to purchase it, you will not regret your choice. MIO MiVue 786 is an excellent dash cam!
Unboxing the MIO MiVue 786 WiFi dash cam
The MIO MiVue 786 WiFi dash cam comes in a glossy box that looks good. The primary colors used are black and orange, just like on most MIO devices. Both on the front and on the sides of the package, you can see pictures of the dash cam from various angles. On the back and the bottom of the box, you can find information about the main features and the specifications of the MIO MiVue 786 WiFi dash cam. As a first impression, this device looks elegant and modern.
Inside the package, you have the dash cam, a suction mount, the car lighter power charger, a quick start guide, the warranty documents and a 20% discount for any MIO device, if you register your dash cam.
The MIO MiVue 786 WiFi dash cam arrives in a premium looking box, with all the accessories you would expect. Our first impression when looking at the dash cam was that of a premium device that is both elegant and well-made.
Hardware specifications
The MIO MiVue 786 WiFi dash cam is not large, but it is also not small. It has a height of 2.07 inches (52.5 mm), a width of 3.46 in (87.8 mm), and a depth of 1.26 in (31.9 mm). Although it is not a heavy device, it is slightly heavier than other similar dash cams, weighing 3.53 ounces (100 grams). Just like most dash cams, the MIO MiVue 786 WiFi stays on your car's windshield with the help of a rotating mount with a suction cup on its end. To get its power from your car, the dash cam uses a mini USB charger that connects to the car lighter port. At 140 inches (355 centimeters), the cable is long enough to let you place the camera anywhere on your windscreen.
The dash cam uses a Sony 2 MegaPixel IMX 323 video sensor that provides a Full HD recording resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels at 30 frames per second. It has an aperture of f/1.8 and a wide lens viewing angle of 140 degrees. The videos are recorded in .MP4 format using the H.264 codec, and also include audio.
To see what the dash cam records and also to configure its settings, the MIO MiVue 786 WiFi dash cam offers a 2.7-inch touchscreen. It also includes a Wi-Fi chip, GPS, 3-axis G-sensor, and a battery with a capacity of 240 mAh.
There is no internal memory storage available, but you can add a microSD card with a maximum capacity of 128GB. It is worth noting that, unfortunately, there is no micro SD card bundled in the standard package, and you have to purchase it separately.
If you want to check all the official features and specs, you should visit this webpage: MIO MiVue 786 WiFi.
The MIO MiVue 786 WiFi has features that rank it high in the world of car dash cameras. Its specifications sound good on paper and should provide a premium experience.
Using the MIO MiVue 786 WiFi dash cam while driving
The MIO MiVue 786 WiFi dash camera is made of plastic, but it is a high-quality plastic that looks and feels robust. The camera has a wide rectangular form, if you look at its screen, and a trapezoidal shape if you look at it sideways. On the side where the lens is found, you can see the MIO logo on top of a grid-like pattern, while the fairly large lens is surrounded by an orange accent. Just take a look at the picture below, and you see how good it looks.
The only physical button on the MIO MiVue 786 WiFi dash cam is found on the right side. It is also the only other thing that is orange on the dash cam. 🙂 If you press on it, the dash cam starts an emergency recording.
Close to the emergency recording button, there is also the micro SD card slot. On the other side, you can find the mini USB port and also an AV jack, which you can use if you want to watch what the dash cam records on a bigger screen.
MIO MiVue 786 WiFi is a dash cam with a wide screen, but it does not have a big height. So, if you position it close to your rearview mirror, it cannot impair your view on the road. That is a good thing for your safety.
The windshield mount is solid and keeps the dash cam securely attached, although it is fairly easy to take the MiVue 786 WiFi out of the mount when you are not using it. That is a good thing.
On the positive side of things, we have to mention the fact that the cable is quite long. You can place it on the car's windscreen top side, down the passenger A-pillar (the one that holds the windshield in place), on the car floor and, in the end, plug it in the cigarette lighter port.
When it is connected to the car 12 Volts power port, the dash cam starts automatically when you start the car. You do not have to manually start recording each time you go on the road. A few moments after it starts, the dash cam switches to black and, instead of showing the road ahead, which can be a bit distracting, displays the date and time, and the current speed.
We found that configuring the MIO MiVue 786 WiFi is an easy task: the menus are simple, and the touchscreen is responsive.
MIO MiVue 786 WiFi records video in 1080p Full HD resolution and the quality of the footage is high both during the day and the night. The dash cam supports WDR (Wide Dynamic Range), and that means that day videos look really, really good. Here is a sample video:
The video sensor is also capable of filming good quality videos in low light. As you can see in the video below, the number plates of other cars on the road can be identified, even when during the night.
One of the most important things that make this dash cam different from others is the fact that it sports a GPS chip and a WiFi one. It uses its GPS to record the speed with which your car is moving and also to notify you about safety cameras. It is a good thing to have, especially if you tend to go faster than the speed limit.
The WiFi chip is interesting. The dash cam uses it to connect to your iPhone, iPad or Android device, through an app called MiVue Pro, and lets you do these three things:
- Watch the video that is being recorded by the dash cam, live, on your smartphone or tablet;
- Transfer video footage from the dash cam to your smartphone or tablet;
- Broadcast live on Facebook.
We tested these features on an iPhone SE and a Motorola Nexus 6. Watching the videos and broadcasting them on Facebook worked well on both platforms.
However, although transferring videos from the dash cam to our smartphones went well and without issues, the download times were long. Here's why: the dash cam records videos with a length of 3 minutes by default and such a video file is between 350 and 400 MB in size. Downloading one 3 minute video to your smartphone using WiFi takes about 8 minutes.
The MIO MiVue 786 WiFi also comes with Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS): Lane Departure Warning System (LDWS), Fatigue Alert (FA) and Forward Collision Warning System (FCWS). These can be useful features to have, especially if you are driving long hours on highways. On the national roads on which we drove when testing this dash cam, we found that the Forward Collision Warning System (FCWS) is a bit too sensitive for our liking. It popped up a bit too often saying that we are too close to the car in front of ours, so we preferred to disable this feature.
It is also worth noting that, in an emergency, if the 3-axis G-Sensor detects sudden changes in motion, the MIO MiVue 786 WiFi dash cam starts an automatic recording on its own. This is a feature that is good to have in case of an accident. Fortunately, we did not get to test it. 🙂
The MIO Mivue 786 WiFi is a dash cam that has a lot to offer. We like its design, its robustness and hardware performance. It is hard not to like it: it comes with a touchscreen, a WiFi chip and a GPS sensor, advanced driving safety features, and the ability to live broadcast on Facebook. That is what we call a high-tech dash cam.
The software available for the MIO MiVue 786 WiFi dash cam
The easiest and fastest way to transfer videos from the MIO MiVue 786 WiFi dash cam to a computer is to plug the microSD card into a card reader. However, you can also use a USB to mini USB cable to connect the dash cam directly to your computer.
Then, you can either use a file manager such as File Explorer or MIO's own MiVue Manager tool. If you choose to use this one, for each of the videos recorded, you can also see details such as the date when they were recorded, the speed, direction, altitude, latitude and longitude of you car, as well as the angle from which your car was hit if you were in an accident. MiVue Manager can also be used to share videos on Facebook or YouTube if you want.
We enjoyed using MiVue Manager for browsing the videos recorded with the dash cam, even if it feels rather simple.
What is your opinion about the MIO MiVue 786 WiFi dash cam?
The MIO MiVue 786 WiFi dash cam is a high-end product with good looks and has plenty of interesting features to offer. We loved using it, and we are sure that anyone who buys it will do too. Do you agree with us, or do think otherwise? Do not forget that you can share your opinions in the comments section below.