多个系统进程负责您 PC 上的操作。这些系统进程控制着每一个小细节……从登录您的 PC 到加载您的网络浏览器。cftmon.exe和ntoskrnl.exe等进程是Windows操作系统中的重要组件,用于创建允许您阅读此页面的用户界面。
不幸的是,并非在您的 PC 上运行的每个系统进程都是友好的。一些进程是恶意软件,而其他进程可以被禁用。但是,您可能没有听说过的一个重要系统进程是 taskeng.exe,它在系统任务调度中起着重要作用。这是您需要知道的一切。

taskeng.exe进程(taskeng.exe ),也称为任务计划程序引擎(Task Scheduler Engine )或任务计划程序服务(Task Scheduler Service),是某些版本的Windows操作系统中的重要组件。顾名思义,此进程和系统服务在安排常规任务的能力中发挥作用。
例如,如果您希望您的 PC 自动关闭,或运行定期防病毒扫描,您可以使用任务计划来执行此操作。通常,taskeng.exe 将在后台运行,几乎不使用系统进程,在任务运行时偶尔会出现峰值。
但是,根据您的Windows 10版本,taskeng.exe 可能根本没有安装(taskeng.exe might not be installed at all)。虽然旧版本Windows 10的用户在他们的 PC 上报告 taskeng.exe,但新版本的操作系统完全没有它,任务调度完全围绕任务计划程序(Task Scheduler )管理控制台插件构建。

Taskeng.exe本身可以安全运行,但在某些情况下,它可能由于不安全的操作(例如基本恶意软件或间谍软件感染)而运行。例如,恶意软件可以使用Windows 10中的(Windows 10)任务(Task)调度将数据发送回中央服务器。
当taskeng.exe进程开始随机弹出时,您可以得到线索,通常在黑色命令行窗口中。如果您担心,可以检查计划任务并(如有必要)使用任务计划程序(Task Scheduler)工具禁用一些更常见的任务。
如何从Windows 10中删除Taskeng.exe(Taskeng.exe From)
如果您的Windows 10版本安装了 taskeng.exe,则无法将其删除。正如我们所提到的,taskeng.exe 是一个重要的系统组件,删除它可能会导致您的 PC 变得不稳定或完全停止工作,让您几乎没有选择(除了重新安装 Windows 10(reinstall Windows 10))。
如果您的Windows 10版本没有安装 taskeng.exe,您仍然可以使用任务计划程序(Task Scheduler)检查计划运行的任务。在这里,您可以找到可能开始在您的 PC 上运行的恶意任务的痕迹。
在大多数情况下,禁用这些任务(包括其他计划任务,如User_Feed_Synchronization)将解决 taskeng.exe 和Windows任务计划的常见问题。如果您无法禁用任务,则需要扫描恶意软件(scan for malware)以确保您的 PC 可以安全使用。
Taskeng.exe会导致高 CPU(Taskeng.exe Cause High CPU)、RAM或其他高系统资源使用率(High System Resource Usage)吗?
在大多数情况下,taskeng.exe 进程处于非活动状态,在Windows 10的后台运行而没有做太多的回报。但是,由于计划运行的任务类型,taskeng.exe 会不时报告CPU或RAM使用率过高。(RAM)
您可以使用任务计划程序(Task Scheduler )工具检查可能正在运行的任务,如下所述。如果您确定恶意软件不是原因,那么它可能指向损坏的操作系统。损坏(Corrupted)的系统文件可能会导致CPU或RAM使用率过高,因此您需要检查系统文件(check your system files)是否完好无损。
- 为此,请右键单击开始(Start)菜单并选择Windows PowerShell (Admin)选项。

- 在Windows PowerShell终端窗口中,键入sfc /scannow 并按回车键。这将运行系统文件检查器(System File Checker )工具来检查Windows系统文件是否存在损坏的文件(如果是,则自动修复它们)。

- 运行 SFC 后,键入chkdsk /r 并回车。这将运行检查磁盘实用程序(Check Disk utility)来扫描(并修复)可能阻止Windows正常工作的潜在文件系统错误。您需要通过点击Y来批准启动级别扫描,然后输入(enter), 以批准该过程。

如果系统文件检查器(System File Checker)和检查磁盘(Check Disk)实用程序发现并修复错误,您可能会发现taskeng.exe 在Windows 任务管理器中报告的高(Windows Task Manager)CPU或RAM使用率随着时间的推移而减少。但是,如果没有,您需要查看任务计划程序(Task Scheduler)以找出可能正在运行的任务并停止它们。
任务计划程序(Task Scheduler )允许Windows用户启用或禁用计划任务——taskeng.exe 进程负责的任务(取决于您的Windows版本(Windows))。虽然 taskeng.exe 无法禁用或删除,但您可以使用任务计划程序(Task Scheduler)禁用或删除正在运行的任务。
即使您的 PC 缺少 taskeng.exe 进程,您也可以使用任务计划程序(Task Scheduler)工具查看和编辑计划任务。这可以帮助您诊断和修复高CPU或RAM使用率。
它还可能表明您的 PC 存在更大的问题,包括潜在的顽固恶意软件感染(stubborn malware infection)。
- 要打开任务计划程序(Task Scheduler),请右键单击开始(Start)菜单并选择运行(Run)选项。或者,按键盘上的Windows + R keys 。

- 在“运行”(Run)对话框中,键入taskschd.msc,然后选择“确定(OK)”运行它。

- 片刻之后,任务计划程序(Task Scheduler )窗口将打开。从这里,您将能够在您的 PC 上查看Microsoft和第三方服务和应用程序使用的计划任务列表。例如,Adobe Acrobat 更新任务(Adobe Acrobat Update Task )计划在每天和每次登录后运行。这些任务由右侧的类别分隔(例如,Microsoft用于由Windows或Office服务计划的任务)。

- 已知某些任务会导致常见问题,例如 taskeng.exe 随机弹出。其中包括User_Feed_Synchronization和OfficeBackgroundTaskHandlerRegistration任务。要查看这些,请从菜单中选择View > Show Hidden Tasks

- 一旦隐藏任务可见,搜索类别以找到这些条目(例如,OfficeBackgroundTaskHandlerRegistration可以在Task Scheduler Library > Microsoft > Office 文件夹中找到)。要禁用它,请右键单击该任务并选择禁用(Disable )选项。

如果您希望对计划任务进行故障排除,您应该在发现问题时调查哪些任务正在运行(例如,在启动时、登录期间或在固定时间或日期之后)。例如,如果任务在每天晚上 8 点运行,并且与 taskeng.exe 报告高CPU或RAM使用率相吻合,那么您可以禁用它。
重要的 Windows 维护提示
如果您的 PC 上没有 taskeng.exe 和svchost.exe等进程, (svchost.exe)Windows将无法运行。但是,正如我们所提到的,您不能禁用或删除每个进程。如果您担心真实性,请检查可执行文件的文件位置以查看它是否位于Windows文件夹中或扫描您的 PC 以查找恶意软件。
检查恶意软件只是您应该定期执行的重要系统维护任务的一部分。您可以首先更新 Windows(keeping Windows updated),以确保您的 PC 安装了最新的错误修复和功能。如果您的 PC 看起来有点慢,请不要忘记接下来检查(check the performance)您的硬件性能。
What Is Taskeng.exe and Is It Safe?
Several system processeѕ are responsible for the actions on уour PC. These system processеs control every little detail… from signing in to уour PC to loading uр your web browser. Processes like cftmon.exe and ntoskrnl.exe are vital components in the Windows operating system for creating the user interface that allows you to read this very page.
Unfortunately, not every system process running on your PC is friendly. Some processes are malware, while others can be disabled. One important system process that you may not have heard of, however, is taskeng.exe, which plays an important part in system task scheduling. Here’s everything you need to know.

What Is Taskeng.exe and Is It Safe?
The taskeng.exe process, also known as the Task Scheduler Engine or Task Scheduler Service, is a vital component in some versions of the Windows operating system. As the name suggests, this process and system service plays a part in the ability to schedule regular tasks.
For instance, if you want your PC to switch off automatically, or to run a regular antivirus scan, you could use task scheduling to do this. Usually, taskeng.exe will operate in the background with little to no system process usage, with occasional spikes when a task is running.
Depending on your version of Windows 10, however, taskeng.exe might not be installed at all. While users of older versions of Windows 10 report taskeng.exe on their PC, newer versions of the operating system lack it entirely, with task scheduling entirely built around the Task Scheduler management console plug-in.

Taskeng.exe itself is safe to run, but in some cases, it may be running due to actions that wouldn’t count as being safe (such as basic malware or spyware infections). For instance, malware can use Task scheduling in Windows 10 to send data back to a central server.
You can get a clue when the taskeng.exe process starts popping up randomly, usually in a black command line window. If you’re worried, you can check the scheduled tasks and (if necessary) disable some of the more common tasks using the Task Scheduler tool.
How to Remove Taskeng.exe From Windows 10
If your version of Windows 10 has taskeng.exe installed, then it isn’t possible to remove it. As we’ve mentioned, taskeng.exe is a vital system component, and removing it may cause your PC to become unstable or stop working entirely, leaving you with few options (other than to reinstall Windows 10).
If your version of Windows 10 doesn’t have taskeng.exe installed, then you can still check what tasks are scheduled to run by using the Task Scheduler. This is where you’ll find traces of rogue tasks that could start running on your PC.
In most cases, disabling these tasks (including other scheduled tasks like User_Feed_Synchronization) will solve common issues with taskeng.exe and Windows task scheduling. If you can’t disable a task, then you’ll need to scan for malware to ensure your PC is safe to use.
Can Taskeng.exe Cause High CPU, RAM or Other High System Resource Usage?
Most of the time, the taskeng.exe process is inactive, running in the background of Windows 10 without doing much in return. However, from time to time, taskeng.exe will report high CPU or RAM usage due to the kind of tasks that are scheduled to run.
You can check what tasks might be running using the Task Scheduler tool, as explained below. If you’re sure that malware isn’t the cause, then it could point to a corrupted operating system. Corrupted system files can play a part in causing high CPU or RAM usage, so you’ll need to check your system files are intact.
- To do this, right-click the Start menu and select the Windows PowerShell (Admin) option.

- In the Windows PowerShell terminal window, type sfc /scannow and hit the enter key. This will run the System File Checker tool to check Windows system files for corrupted files (and if so, fix them automatically).

- After you run SFC, type chkdsk /r and hit enter. This will run the Check Disk utility to scan for (and fix) potential file system errors that could prevent Windows from working correctly. You’ll need to approve a boot level scan by hitting Y, then enter, to approve the process.

If the System File Checker and Check Disk utilities find and fix errors, you may find that the high CPU or RAM usage that taskeng.exe reports in Windows Task Manager reduces over time. If it doesn’t, however, you’ll need to check out the Task Scheduler to find out what tasks might be running and stop them instead.
Using the Task Scheduler
The Task Scheduler allows Windows users to enable or disable scheduled tasks—the very tasks that the taskeng.exe process is responsible for (depending on your version of Windows). While taskeng.exe can’t be disabled or removed, you can use the Task Scheduler to disable or remove running tasks instead.
Even if your PC lacks the taskeng.exe process, you’ll be able to view and edit scheduled tasks using the Task Scheduler tool. This can help you diagnose and fix high CPU or RAM usage.
It can also point to bigger problems with your PC, including a potential stubborn malware infection.
- To open the Task Scheduler, right-click the Start menu and select the Run option. Alternatively, press the Windows + R keys on your keyboard.

- In the Run dialog box, type taskschd.msc, then select OK to run it.

- After a few moments, the Task Scheduler window will open. From here, you’ll be able to view a list of scheduled tasks on your PC, used by Microsoft and third-party services and apps. For instance, the Adobe Acrobat Update Task is scheduled to run every day and after each sign in. These are separated by categories on the right (For instance, Microsoft for tasks scheduled by Windows or Office services).

- Some tasks are known to be responsible for common issues, such as taskeng.exe popping up randomly. These include the User_Feed_Synchronization and OfficeBackgroundTaskHandlerRegistration tasks. To view these, select View > Show Hidden Tasks from the menu.

- Once hidden tasks are visible, search through the categories to find these entries (For example, OfficeBackgroundTaskHandlerRegistration can be found in the Task Scheduler Library > Microsoft > Office folder). To disable it, right-click the task and select the Disable option.

If you’re looking to troubleshoot scheduled tasks, you should investigate which tasks are running when you spot an issue (e.g. on startup, during sign in, or after a regular time or date). For instance, if a task runs at 8pm each day, and that coincides with taskeng.exe reporting high CPU or RAM usage, you can then disable it.
Important Windows Maintenance Tips
Without processes like taskeng.exe and svchost.exe on your PC, Windows wouldn’t work. As we’ve mentioned, however, you can’t disable or remove every process. If you’re worried about authenticity, check the file location of the executable file to see if it sits in the Windows folder or scan your PC for malware.
Checking for malware is just one part of the important system maintenance tasks that you should perform on a regular basis. You can start by keeping Windows updated to ensure your PC has the latest bug fixes and features installed. If your PC seems a little slow, don’t forget to check the performance of your hardware next.