你想为你最喜欢的网站使用插件并且没有这样做吗?您是否面临Chrome插件无法正常工作的问题?有时,当您上网时, Google Chrome浏览器可能会崩溃。(Google Chrome)这可能是由于某些Chrome插件无法正常工作而发生的。阅读本文以解决Chrome 插件(Chrome Plugins)无法在Windows 10中运行的问题。全文基于about:plugins。此外,您将获得有关如何访问 chrome 插件的答案。
如何修复 Chrome 插件在 Windows 10 中不起作用(How to Fix Chrome Plugins Not Working in Windows 10)
下面列出了插件或扩展程序无法在Google Chrome上运行的可能原因。(Google Chrome)如果您已确定问题的原因,则可以轻松解决问题。
Google Chrome 中的故障:(A glitch in Google Chrome: )作为一个基本点,如果Google Chrome应用程序出现故障,它可能无法正常运行并且可能不支持插件或扩展。
过时的谷歌浏览器:(Outdated Google Chrome:)使用过时的谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)可能不支持使用更新的插件。
损坏的已安装扩展:(Corrupt installed extensions: )如果您从一些未经授权的第三方网站安装了插件或扩展,则扩展可能已损坏。这可能不支持您使用Google Chrome上的插件。
实验性设置的干扰:(Disruptions from experimental settings: )您在Google Chrome上执行的一些实验性设置可能会干扰您使用扩展程序。
过时(Outdated Windows:)的 Windows:如果Windows 操作系统过时,它可能不支持(Windows OS)Google Chrome上的任何功能的运行。
损坏的 Google Chrome 用户配置文件:Google Chrome(Corrupt Google Chrome user profile:) 中(User)的(Google Chrome)用户配置文件会保存您浏览次数最多和最喜欢的网站。如果用户个人资料文件夹损坏,您可能无法使用Google Chrome的任何功能。
插件和扩展具有相同的目的:让您轻松访问网站。但是,插件在版本 57(Version 57)及之后的Google Chrome上不可用。因此,您可以将扩展用于相同目的。您可以从Google Chrome网上商店安装扩展程序。您可能会问如何访问Chrome插件。您可以轻松导航到Chrome上的(Chrome)扩展(Extensions)页面。
方法一:重启 Chrome(Method 1: Restart Chrome)
您可能需要在 PC 上强制重启 Google Chrome(force restart Google Chrome)以清除应用程序中的故障。请按照我们关于如何在 Windows 10 中结束任务(How to End Tasks in Windows 10)的指南进行操作。然后,重新启动(restart)Chrome 应用程序。
方法二:更新 Chrome(Method 2: Update Chrome)
过时的浏览器可能不支持扩展或插件。要修复错误和问题,您必须将Google Chrome更新到最新版本。请按照以下步骤操作。
1. 按Windows键。键入Google Chrome并启动它。
2.在地址栏中输入(address bar )chrome://settings/help直接启动关于 Chrome(About Chrome)页面。
3A。如果谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)更新到最新版本,它会显示Chrome 是最新的(Chrome is up to date)。
3B。如果有新的更新可用,浏览器会自动将浏览器更新到最新版本。单击(Click) 重新启动(Relaunch)以重新启动浏览器。
4. 最后,使用最新版本重新启动(relaunch) 浏览器。(the browser)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Chrome 中不支持此插件的错误(Fix This Plugin is Not Supported error in Chrome)
方法三:清除浏览器数据(Method 3: Clear Browser Data)
缓存、cookie 和历史文件等浏览数据的异常聚合使用了不必要的Internet资源。这也可能会限制插件运行。因此,请执行以下说明并删除浏览数据以消除此错误。阅读我们关于如何在 Google Chrome 中清除缓存和 Cookie(How to Clear Cache & Cookies in Google Chrome)的指南并清除浏览数据。
方法 4:更新扩展(如果适用)(Method 4: Update Extension (If Applicable))
Google Chrome中的所有扩展程序都会自动更新。但请注意,这些自动更新仅在Chrome安排时才会发生。有时这些调度也可能会延迟。因此,请按照以下步骤手动检查和更新扩展。
1.从Windows Search启动Google Chrome浏览器。
2.在Chrome 网址栏中输入(Chrome web address bar)chrome://extensions并按Enter。
3. 在扩展(Extensions)页面上,打开(turn on)显示屏幕右上角的开发人员模式(Developer mode)切换开关。
4. 现在,单击更新(Update)选项,如图所示。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何修复无法在 Chrome 中打开的 PDF(How to Fix PDFs Not Opening in Chrome)
方法 5:禁用浏览器扩展(如果适用)(Method 5: Disable Browser Extensions (If Applicable))
您在Google Chrome(Google Chrome)浏览器上安装的网络扩展程序可能会阻止插件工作。要禁用 Web 扩展,请在您的 PC 上执行下面提到的步骤。
1. 打开谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome ),点击上一个方法中的三个垂直点(three vertical dots)。
2. 单击列表中的更多工具(More tools)。在它旁边的下拉列表中,单击Extensions。
3.关闭(Turn off)您用于Google Chrome应用程序的(Google Chrome)网络扩展(web extensions)的切换开关。这里以Google Meet Grid View为例。
注意:(Note: )如果网络扩展不是必需的,您可以通过单击“删除(Remove )”按钮将其删除。在这里您可以访问Chrome插件。
方法 6:重新安装扩展程序(如果适用)(Method 6: Re-install Extensions (If Applicable))
1.从Windows 搜索(Windows Search)打开Chrome 浏览器(Chrome browser )。
2. 在地址栏中,输入chrome://extensions,然后按Enter 键(Enter key)。
3. 单击Google Meet Grid View扩展的“删除(Remove)”选项以将其卸载。
4. 再次单击确认弹出窗口中的删除(Remove)。
5. 现在,返回Chrome 网上应用店(Chrome Web Store)。
注意:(Note:)要安装其他扩展,请访问Chrome 扩展页面(Chrome Extension page)并搜索它们。
6. 单击添加到 Chrome(Add to Chrome)按钮。
7.在Add Google Meet Grid View确认弹出窗口中单击Add extension 。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何删除 Chrome 主题(How to Remove Chrome Themes)
方法 7:重置实验设置(Method 7: Reset Experimental Settings)
1.像之前的方法一样启动Chrome 。
3. 点击重置所有(Reset all)按钮重置谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)上的实验设置。
4. 现在,单击重新启动(Relaunch)按钮。
方法 8:更新 Chrome 组件(Method 8: Update Chrome Components)
您的Google Chrome(Google Chrome)上的组件需要更新以允许您访问和使用Chrome插件或扩展程序。按照以下说明更新Chrome组件。
1.如前所述启动谷歌浏览器。(Google Chrome)
3A。如果组件已过时,请分别单击每个组件上的检查更新按钮。(Check for update)
另请阅读: (Also Read: )修复 Chrome 阻止下载问题(Fix Chrome Blocking Download Issue)
方法 9:禁用 JavaScript(Method 9: Disable JavaScript)
JavaScript用于改进Google Chrome,但这种改进可能会对插件或扩展程序造成干扰。阅读有关此主题的文章以在 Google Chrome 上禁用 JavaScript 。
方法 10:删除 Google Chrome 应用程序文件夹(Method 10: Delete Google Chrome App Folders)
Google Chrome应用程序上的缓存文件可能会干扰您在Google Chrome应用程序上使用您的插件。您需要删除文件才能使用Google Chrome上的扩展程序。请按照以下步骤操作。
1. 同时按下Windows + R 键(keys)启动运行(Run)对话框。
2. 然后输入%localappdata%\Google\Chrome\User Data\并点击OK按钮打开AppData文件夹。
4. 同样,删除PepperFlash文件夹。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何修复 Chrome 不断崩溃(How to Fix Chrome Keeps Crashing)
方法 11:重置浏览器设置(Method 11: Reset Browser Settings)
重置浏览器会将其恢复为默认设置,并且您可以修复所讨论的错误的可能性更大。首先(First),按照以下步骤重置谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)。
1.如前所述启动谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)。
2.如上方法所述,点击三点图标。(three-dotted )
3. 现在,选择设置(Settings )选项。
4. 在这里,单击左窗格中的高级设置,然后选择(Advanced )重置和清理(Reset and clean up )选项。
5. 现在,单击将设置恢复为原始默认值(Restore settings to their original defaults )选项,如下所示。
6. 现在,通过单击如图所示的重置设置(Reset settings )按钮确认提示。
方法 12:创建新的用户配置文件(Method 12: Create New User Profile)
Chrome配置文件主要用于维护书签、扩展程序、主题和设置。用户通常有不同的个人资料来区分个人和工作相关的浏览。通过新的 chrome 配置文件使扩展工作没有害处。如果用户配置文件在Google Chrome上损坏,您可以尝试使用以下任一方法创建新的用户配置文件,以修复Chrome插件无法正常工作的问题。
选项 I:重命名默认文件夹(Option I: Rename Default Folder)
1. 同时按下Windows + R keys启动运行(Run )对话框。
2.%localappdata%\Google\Chrome\User Data\并点击OK按钮打开AppData文件夹。
4. 将文件重命名为Default-Bak并按Enter键为Google Chrome创建新的用户配置文件。
5. 启动谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复以太网没有有效的 IP 配置错误(Fix Ethernet Doesn’t Have a Valid IP Configuration Error)
选项二:创建新的 Chrome 配置文件(Option II: Create New Chrome Profile)
要创建新的 chrome 配置文件,请按照以下步骤操作。
1.如前所述打开Google Chrome 浏览器。(Google Chrome browser)
2. 点击头像(profile picture),如图。
3. 然后,选择突出显示的添加(Add)选项以创建新配置文件。
4. 单击没有帐户的继续(Continue without an account)。
注意(Note):单击登录(Sign in)以使用您的Gmail帐户登录。
5. 在这里,通过添加您想要的名称、(desired name,) 头像和主题颜色来自定义您的个人资料(profile picture, and theme color)。
6. 现在,点击完成,(Done, )如下图所示。
注意:(Note: )如果您不想要此用户的桌面快捷方式,请取消选中为此用户创建桌面快捷方式(Create a desktop shortcut for this user)选项。
7. 现在,使用新的 chrome 配置文件和Google Meet网格视图修复扩展启动Google 会议。(Google meeting)
方法 13:更新 Windows(Method 13: Update Windows)
Windows 更新(Windows update)可以修复您计算机中的任何错误和错误更新。Microsoft发布频繁更新以修复Chrome插件无法正常工作的问题。因此(Hence),请确保您使用的是Windows 操作系统(Windows Operating System)的更新版本,如果有任何更新正在等待执行,请使用我们的指南如何下载和安装 Windows 10 最新更新(How to Download and Install Windows 10 Latest Update)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Chrome 中通过 HTTPS 启用 DNS(How to Enable DNS over HTTPS in Chrome)
方法 14:运行 SFC 和 DISM 扫描(Method 14: Run SFC and DISM Scans)
如果您的 PC 上有任何恶意软件文件,它可能会阻止您使用Google Chrome上的插件或扩展程序。要检查恶意软件文件,请运行 SFC 和 DISM 扫描(run SFC and DISM scans)以轻松访问 Chrome 插件。
我们希望本文对您有所帮助,并且您能够修复无法在Windows 10上运行的(Windows 10)Chrome 插件(Chrome plugins not working)。由于这篇文章是关于:插件,它一定帮助你解决了这个问题。请(Please)在下面的评论部分告诉我们您对文章的建议或疑问。另外,让我们知道你接下来想学什么。
Fix Chrome Plugins Not Working in Windows 10
Do you wіsh to use plugins for your favorіte website and fail to do so? Dо you facе Chrome plugins not working issue? Ѕometimes the Google Chrome brоwser may get сrashed while yоu are surfing the internet. This may occur due to some Chrome plυgіns not working. Read this article tо resolve Chrome Рlugins not working in Windows 10 problem. The entire text is based on abоut: plugins. Also, you will get an answer for how to access chrome plugins.
How to Fix Chrome Plugins Not Working in Windows 10
The possible reasons the plugins or extensions may not work on Google Chrome are listed below. If you have identified the reason for the issue, you can easily resolve the problem.
A glitch in Google Chrome: As a base point, if there is a glitch on the Google Chrome app, it may not be functional and may not support plugins or extensions.
Outdated Google Chrome: Using outdated Google Chrome may not support using the updated plugins.
Corrupt installed extensions: If you have installed the plugins or extensions from some unauthorized third-party websites, the extension may be corrupt. This might not support you using the plugins on Google Chrome.
Disruptions from experimental settings: Some of the experimental settings you performed on Google Chrome may disrupt you from using the extensions.
Outdated Windows: If the Windows OS is outdated, it may not support the functioning of any of the functions on Google Chrome.
Corrupt Google Chrome user profile: User profile in Google Chrome saves your most viewed and favorite websites. If the user profile folder is corrupt, you may not be able to use any function of Google Chrome.
Plugins and extensions serve the same purpose: to give you easy access to the websites. However, plugins aren’t available on Google Chrome on and after Version 57. So, you can use the extensions for the same purpose. You can install the extension from the Google Chrome web store. You might ask how to access Chrome plugins. You can easily navigate to the Extensions page on Chrome.
Method 1: Restart Chrome
You may need to force restart Google Chrome on your PC to clear the glitches in the app. Follow our guide on How to End Tasks in Windows 10. Then, restart the Chrome app.
Method 2: Update Chrome
Outdated browsers might not support extensions or plugins. To fix the bugs and problems, you have to update Google Chrome to the latest version. Follow the below steps.
1. Press the Windows key. Type Google Chrome and launch it.
2. Type chrome://settings/help in the address bar to directly launch the About Chrome page.
3A. If Google Chrome is updated to its latest version, it will show Chrome is up to date.
3B. If a new update is available, the browser will automatically update the browser to the latest version. Click Relaunch to restart the browser.
4. Finally, relaunch the browser with its latest version.
Also Read: Fix This Plugin is Not Supported error in Chrome
Method 3: Clear Browser Data
Abnormal aggregation of browsing data such as caches, cookies, and history files uses an unnecessary amount of Internet resources. This might also restrict plugins from functioning. Thus, implement the instructions below and delete the browsing data to get rid of this error. Read our guide on How to Clear Cache & Cookies in Google Chrome and clear the browsing data.
Wait till the unwanted data gets removed. Once done, close the Chrome application. Relaunch it and check if you can establish a secure connection.
Method 4: Update Extension (If Applicable)
All the extensions in Google Chrome are updated automatically. But note that these automatic updates happen only when Chrome schedules it. It is also possible sometimes that these scheduling may be delayed. Therefore, manually check and update the extension by following the steps.
1. Launch the Google Chrome browser from Windows Search.
2. Type chrome://extensions in the Chrome web address bar and hit Enter.
3. On the Extensions page, turn on the toggle for the Developer mode present in the upper right corner of the display screen.
4. Now, click on the Update option as shown.
Also Read: How to Fix PDFs Not Opening in Chrome
Method 5: Disable Browser Extensions (If Applicable)
The web extensions you have installed on your Google Chrome browser may have prevented plugins from working. To disable the web extensions, execute the steps mentioned below on your PC.
1. Open Google Chrome and click on the three vertical dots as done in the previous method.
2. Click on More tools in the list. In the drop-down list next to it, click on Extensions.
3. Turn off the toggle for the web extensions you are using for your Google Chrome app. Here, Google Meet Grid View is taken as an example.
Note: If the web extension is not essential, you can delete them by clicking on the Remove button. Here you can access Chrome plugins.
Method 6: Re-install Extensions (If Applicable)
If the update and re-enable methods did not work, try to re-install the extension. Follow to do the same.
1. Open Chrome browser from Windows Search.
2. In the address bar, type chrome://extensions, and press Enter key.
3. Click on the Remove option for the Google Meet Grid View extension to uninstall it.
4. Again, click on Remove on the confirmation popup.
5. Now, go back to the Chrome Web Store.
Note: To install other extensions, visit the Chrome Extension page and search for them.
6. Click on the Add to Chrome button.
7. Click on Add extension in the Add Google Meet Grid View confirmation popup.
Also Read: How to Remove Chrome Themes
Method 7: Reset Experimental Settings
The experimental settings may have disrupted the normal working process of the plugins. Reset them to resolve the Chrome plugins not working issue. Follow the below steps to access Chrome plugins and reset experimental settings.
1. Launch Chrome as done in the previous method.
2. Type chrome://flags/ in the search bar and hit Enter.
3. Click on the Reset all button to reset the experimental settings on Google Chrome.
4. Now, click on the Relaunch button.
Method 8: Update Chrome Components
The components on your Google Chrome need to be updated to allow you to access Chrome plugins or extensions and use them. Follow the below instructions to update Chrome components.
1. Launch Google Chrome as done earlier.
2. Type chrome://components/ in the search bar and hit Enter.
3A. If the component is outdated, click on the Check for update button on each component individually.
3B. If the component is updated, you will see a status Up-to-date.
Also Read: Fix Chrome Blocking Download Issue
Method 9: Disable JavaScript
JavaScript is used to improve Google Chrome, but this advancement can cause disturbance to the plugins or extensions. Read the article on this topic to disable JavaScript on Google Chrome.
Method 10: Delete Google Chrome App Folders
The cache files on the Google Chrome app may have caused disturbance to use your plugins on the Google Chrome app. You need to delete the files to use the extensions on Google Chrome. Follow the below steps.
1. Press Windows + R keys together to launch the Run dialog box.
2. Then type %localappdata%\Google\Chrome\User Data\ and click on the OK button to open the AppData folder.
3. Select the file ShaderCache and press the Delete key to delete the cache file.
4. Similarly, delete the PepperFlash folder.
Also Read: How to Fix Chrome Keeps Crashing
Method 11: Reset Browser Settings
Resetting the browser will restore it to its default settings, and there are more possibilities that you can fix the discussed error. First, follow the below-mentioned steps to reset Google Chrome.
1. Launch Google Chrome as done earlier.
2. Click on the three-dotted icon as said in the above method.
3. Now, select the Settings option.
4. Here, click on the Advanced setting in the left pane and select the Reset and clean up option.
5. Now, click on the Restore settings to their original defaults option as depicted below.
6. Now, confirm the prompt by clicking on the Reset settings button as depicted.
Method 12: Create New User Profile
Chrome profiles are significantly used to maintain bookmarks, extensions, themes, and settings. Users often have different profiles to segregate personal and work-related browsing. There is no harm in making extensions work via a new chrome profile. If the user profile is corrupt on Google Chrome, you can try creating a new user profile using either of the following methods to fix Chrome plugins not working issues.
Option I: Rename Default Folder
1. Press Windows + R keys together to launch the Run dialog box.
2. Type %localappdata%\Google\Chrome\User Data\ and click on the OK button to open the AppData folder.
3. Right-click on the file Default and select the option Rename in the menu.
4. Rename the file as Default-Bak and press the Enter key to create a new user profile for Google Chrome.
5. Launch Google Chrome.
Also Read: Fix Ethernet Doesn’t Have a Valid IP Configuration Error
Option II: Create New Chrome Profile
To create a new chrome profile, follow the steps mentioned below.
1. Open the Google Chrome browser as done earlier.
2. Click on the profile picture as shown.
3. Then, select the Add option as highlighted to create a new profile.
4. Click on Continue without an account.
Note: Click on Sign in to log in using your Gmail account.
5. Here, customize your profile by adding your desired name, profile picture, and theme color.
6. Now, click on Done, as shown below.
Note: If you do not want a desktop shortcut for this user, uncheck the Create a desktop shortcut for this user option.
7. Now, launch Google meeting with the new chrome profile and the Google Meet grid view fix extension.
Method 13: Update Windows
Any bugs and faulty updates in your computer can be fixed by Windows update. Microsoft releases frequent updates to fix Chrome plugins not working issues. Hence, make sure whether you are using the updated version of the Windows Operating System, and if any updates are pending in action, use our guide How to Download and Install Windows 10 Latest Update.
Also Read: How to Enable DNS over HTTPS in Chrome
Method 14: Run SFC and DISM Scans
If there are any malware files on your PC, it may stop you from using the plugins or extensions on Google Chrome. To check for the malware files, run SFC and DISM scans to access Chrome plugins easily.
We hope that this article was helpful and you were able to fix Chrome plugins not working on Windows 10. Since the article is about: plugins, it must have helped you to resolve the issue. Please let us know your suggestions or queries on the article in the comments section below. Also, let us know what you want to learn next.