笔记本电脑上的触摸板类似于用于操作台式机的外接鼠标。它们执行外部鼠标可以执行的所有功能。制造商还为您的笔记本电脑添加了额外的触摸板手势,以使操作更加方便。说实话,如果不是两指滚动手势(scroll gesture),使用触摸板滚动将是一件非常困难的事情。但是,您也可能会遇到一些错误。我们为您带来了一份有用的指南,它将教您如何修复触摸板滚动(Touchpad scroll)无法在Windows 10上运行的问题。
如何修复触摸板滚动在 Windows 10 上不起作用(How to Fix Touchpad Scroll Not Working on Windows 10)
较旧的笔记本电脑在触摸板的最右端包含一个微小的滚动条,但是从那时起,机械(scroll bar)滚动条(scroll bar)已被手势控制所取代。在您的笔记本电脑中,手势和由此产生的滚动方向也可以自定义。
您的 Windows 10 笔记本电脑可能包含触摸板手势(touchpad gestures),例如,
- (Swipe)用两根手指水平或垂直滑动以在相应方向滚动
- 通过用你的两根手指,捏合缩小,伸出来放大,
- 垂直滑动(Swipe)三指以检查 Windows 上的所有活动应用程序或最小化所有应用程序,
- 通过水平滑动三指等在活动应用程序之间切换。
如果这些常用手势中的任何一个突然停止工作,这可能会让您非常恼火,这可能会影响您的整体工作效率。让我们看看您的触摸板滚动(touchpad scroll)无法在Windows 10上运行的原因。
为什么两个手指滚动在 Windows 10 中不起作用?
(Why Two Finger Scroll Not Working in Windows 10?
- 您的触摸板驱动程序可能已损坏。
- 您最新构建或更新的Windows中一定存在一些错误。
- 您 PC 上的外部第三方应用程序可能会弄乱您的触摸板并提示异常行为。
- 您可能不小心使用热键或粘滞键禁用了触摸板。
许多报告表明,包括两指滚动(two-finger scroll)在内的触摸板手势在安装新的Windows 更新(Windows update)后通常会停止工作。解决此问题的唯一方法是回滚到以前的Windows 或等待修复(Windows or wait)触摸板错误(touchpad bug)的新更新发布。阅读我们的指南,了解在Windows 10上(Windows 10)停止自动更新(Stop Automatic Updates)的 5 种方法,以防止安装更新,无需您的批准即可完全避免此类问题。
在本文中,我们将重点介绍最常用的触摸板手势,即两指滚动(two-finger scroll),并为您提供解决上述问题的多种方法。
注意:(Note:)同时,您可以使用键盘上的pgup和pgdn或箭头键(arrow keys)进行滚动。
方法一:基本故障排除(Method 1: Basic Troubleshooting)
在通过其他方法修复触摸板滚动(Touchpad scroll)不起作用Windows 10问题之前,您可以遵循以下一些基本步骤。
1.首先,重启(restart) 你的笔记本电脑(your laptop),检查触摸板是否开始正常工作。
2. 然后,尝试使用您各自的触摸板热键(Touchpad hotkeys)重新启用触摸板。
注意:(Note: )触摸板键(touchpad key)通常是功能键(Function keys)之一,即 F3、F5、F7或F9。它标有一个矩形触摸板图标(rectangular touchpad icon),但此图标因您的笔记本电脑制造商而异。
3.安全模式(Safe Mode)是只加载系统应用程序和驱动程序的模式。阅读我们关于如何(How)在Windows 10中启动(Boot)到安全模式(Safe Mode)的文章,并检查您的触摸板滚动(touchpad scroll)是否正常工作。如果是这样,请实施方法 7(Method 7)以摆脱引起问题的应用程序。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)在Windows 10中退出安全模式(Safe Mode)的2种方法(Ways)
方法二:启用滚动手势(Method 2: Enable Scroll Gesture)
如前所述,Windows 10 为您提供了自定义触摸板手势的余地,以适应您的工作流程。同样,您也可以根据需要手动禁用或启用手势。同样,用户也可以手动禁用他们不需要或不经常使用的任何手势。让我们确保首先启用两指滚动。
注意:(Note: )根据笔记本电脑中采用的触摸板技术(touchpad technology),您可以在Settings本身或Mouse Properties中找到此选项。
1. 同时按下Windows + I keys打开Windows 设置(Windows Settings)。
2. 单击设备(Devices)设置,如图所示。
3. 转到左侧窗格中的触摸板。(Touchpad )
4. 在右侧窗格中,在滚动和缩放(Scroll and zoom)部分下,标记选项拖动两指滚动( Drag two fingers to scroll, )和捏合缩放( Pinch to zoom),如下图所示。
5. 打开滚动方向(Scrolling direction)菜单并选择您喜欢的选项:
- 向下运动向上滚动(Down motion scrolls up)
- 向下运动向上滚动(Down motion scrolls up)
注意:(Note: )大多数制造商也有自己的专有应用程序来自定义触摸板手势。例如,华硕(Asus)笔记本电脑提供华硕智能手势(Asus Smart Gesture)。
方法 3:更改鼠标指针(Method 3: Change Mouse Pointer)
与其他修复相比,此特定修复成功的机会较低,但它确实解决了某些用户的问题,因此值得一试。以下是如何通过更改指针来修复触摸板滚动无法正常工作的 Windows 10。(Touchpad scroll)
1. 点击Windows 键(Windows key),输入控制面板(Control Panel),然后点击打开(Open)。
2. 设置 View by > Large icons并单击鼠标(Mouse)。
3. 导航到鼠标属性(Mouse Properties)窗口中的指针(Pointers )选项卡。
4A。打开方案(Scheme )下的下拉列表并选择不同的指针。
5. 单击应用(Apply )保存更改并选择确定(OK)退出。
检查您的滚动手势(scroll gesture)现在是否有效。如果没有,请尝试下一个解决方案。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)在Windows 10上关闭触摸板(Touchpad)的5种方法(Ways)
方法 4:更新触摸板驱动程序(Method 4: Update Touchpad Driver)
损坏(Corrupt)或过时的触摸板驱动程序可能是此问题的原因。由于驱动程序有助于运行手势等功能,因此最好对其进行更新以解决触摸板滚动(Touchpad scroll)不起作用的Windows 10问题。
1. 单击开始(Start)并键入设备管理器(device manager),然后按Enter 键(Enter key)。
2. 双击鼠标和其他指针(Mice and other pointing) 设备(devices)将其展开。
3. 右键单击要更新的触摸板驱动程序( touchpad driver),然后从菜单中选择更新驱动程序。(Update driver )
注意:(Note:)我们以更新HID 兼容鼠标(HID-compliant mouse)驱动程序为例。
4. 选择自动搜索驱动程序(Search automatically for drivers)选项以自动更新驱动程序。
注意:(Note:)如果您已经下载了最新版本,请单击浏览我的计算机以查找驱动程序(Browse my computer for drivers)以找到并安装下载的驱动程序。
5. 最后,更新触摸板驱动程序(touchpad driver)后,重新启动(restart)您的电脑。
方法 5:回滚驱动程序更新(Method 5: Rollback Driver Updates)
如果最新版本的驱动程序损坏或不兼容,您始终可以将驱动程序恢复到以前的版本。要修复触摸板滚动(Touchpad scroll)不起作用的问题,请按照以下步骤执行回滚驱动程序功能(Rollback Driver feature):
1. 启动设备管理器(Device Manager )并展开鼠标和其他指针设备(Mice and other pointing devices) ,如方法 4(Method 4)所示。
2. 右键单击您的触摸板驱动程序(Touchpad driver)并从上下文菜单(context menu)中选择属性(Properties ),如下图所示。
3. 转到驱动程序(Driver)选项卡并单击回滚驱动程序(Roll Back Driver )以将当前版本更改为以前的版本。
注意:(Note:)如果“回滚驱动程序”(Roll Back Driver)按钮显示为灰色,则说明驱动程序文件尚未更新,或者您的 PC 无法保留原始驱动程序文件。
4. 在Driver Package rollback中,给出Why are you rolling back 的原因?(Why are you rolling back?)并单击是(Yes)确认。
5. 现在,系统将提示您重新启动 PC。这样做。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在 Windows 10 上修复鼠标延迟
方法6:重新安装触摸板驱动程序(Method 6: Reinstall Touchpad Driver)
如果更新或回滚更新后问题仍然存在,请重新安装触摸板驱动程序(touchpad driver),如下所示:
1. 按照方法 6( Method 6)中的说明导航到Device Manager > Mice and other pointing devices > Properties。
2. 单击驱动程序(Driver )选项卡并选择卸载设备(Uninstall Device),如图所示。
3. 单击卸载(Uninstall)设备( Uninstall Device)提示中的卸载进行确认。
注意:(Note:)选中删除此设备的驱动程序软件(Delete the driver software for this device)选项以从系统中永久删除驱动程序文件。
5. 访问您的触摸板驱动程序(Touchpad driver) 制造网站(manufacturing website)(例如Asus)并下载(download)驱动程序设置文件。
6.安装(Install)下载的驱动设置(driver setup)文件并检查您的问题是否已修复。
专业提示:在兼容模式下安装触摸板驱动程序(Pro Tip: Install Touchpad Driver in Compatibility Mode)
如果正常安装驱动程序无法解决触摸板滚动(Touchpad scroll)无法正常工作的Windows 10问题,请尝试在兼容模式下(compatibility mode)安装它们。
1. 右键单击您在上述步骤 5(Step 5 above)中下载的驱动程序设置文件(driver setup file),然后选择Properties。
2. 转到兼容性(Compatibility )选项卡。选中标记为以兼容模式运行此程序(Run this program in compatibility mode for)的框。
3. 在下拉列表中,选择Windows 版本(Windows version )7 或 8。
4. 单击Apply > OK以保存这些更改。
5. 现在,运行安装文件( run the setup file)来安装驱动程序。
注意:(Note:)如果特定Windows 版本的(Windows version)驱动程序安装(driver installation)无法解决问题,请卸载驱动程序并尝试更改Windows 版本(Windows version)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复鼠标滚轮(Fix Mouse Wheel)无法正确滚动
方法 7:卸载应用程序(Method 7: Uninstall Apps)
继续前进,让我们确保第三方应用程序不会干扰您的笔记本电脑触摸板并导致手势不起作用。卸载最近安装的第三方程序并执行正常启动可能会修复触摸板滚动(Touchpad scroll)无法正常工作的Windows 10问题。为此,您必须按照方法 2 中的说明引导至安全(Method 2)模式(Safe Mode)。然后,按照以下步骤操作:
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key),键入应用程序和功能(apps and features),然后单击打开(Open)。
2.选择出现故障的应用程序(malfunctioning app),然后单击卸载(Uninstall)按钮。
4. 根据安装日期继续卸载应用程序,直到找到并删除损坏的第三方应用程序。
- 修复(Fix Computers)Windows 10中未出现在网络上的计算机(Network)
- 如何在Windows 10中禁用(Windows 10)鼠标加速(Mouse Acceleration)
- 修复(Fix)带有光标问题(Cursor Issue)的Windows 11黑屏(Black Screen)
- 修复罗技鼠标双击问题(Fix Logitech Mouse Double Click Problem)
希望本文能帮助您修复Touchpad 滚动无法正常工作的 Windows 10(Touchpad scroll not working Windows 10)。那么,哪种方法最适合您?此外,如果您对本文有任何疑问/建议,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
Fix Touchpad Scroll Not Working on Windows 10
Toυchpаds on your laptops are analogous to the external mouse that аre used to operate desktops. These perform all the functiоns that an externаl mоuse can executе. Manufacturers also incorporated additiоnal touchpad gestures to your laptop to make things even more convenient. Truth be told, scrolling using your touchpad would hаve bеen а very difficult dеed if not for the two-finger scroll gesture. But, you may encounter some errors too. We bring to you a helpful guide that will teach you hоw to fix Touchpad scroll not working on Windows 10 issue.
How to Fix Touchpad Scroll Not Working on Windows 10
Older laptops contained a tiny scroll bar at the extreme right end of the touchpad, however, the mechanical scroll bar has been replaced by gesture controls since then. In your laptop, the gesture and the resulting scrolling direction can be customized as well.
Your Windows 10 laptop may include touchpad gestures such as,
- Swipe horizontally or vertically with your two fingers to scroll in the respective direction
- By using your two fingers, pinch in to zoom out and stretch out to zoom in,
- Swipe your three fingers vertically to check all the active applications on your Windows or minimize all of them,
- Switch between active applications by swiping your three fingers horizontally, etc.
It can be quite infuriating for you if any of these regularly-used gestures suddenly stop working, this could affect your overall productivity in work. Let’s see the reasons why your touchpad scroll not working on Windows 10.
Why Two Finger Scroll Not Working in Windows 10?
Some of the most common reasons why your touchpad gestures stop working include:
- Your touchpad drivers might be corrupt.
- There must be some bugs in your latest Windows built or update.
- The external third-party applications on your PC might have messed up your touchpad and prompted abnormal behavior.
- You might have accidentally disabled your touchpad with hotkeys or sticky keys.
Numerous reports suggest that touchpad gestures, including the two-finger scroll, generally stop working after the installation of a new Windows update. The only way around this is to either roll back to a previous Windows or wait for the release of a new update with the touchpad bug fixed. Read our guide on 5 Ways to Stop Automatic Updates on Windows 10 to prevent installation of updates, without your approval to avoid such issues altogether.
In this article, we will be focusing on the most utilized touchpad gesture of all, viz the two-finger scroll, and also to provide you with multiple ways to resolve the said issue.
Note: Meanwhile, you can use the pgup and pgdn or arrow keys on your keyboard to scroll.
Method 1: Basic Troubleshooting
Here are some basic steps you can follow before going through the other methods to fix Touchpad scroll not working Windows 10 issue.
1. Firstly, restart your laptop and check if the touchpad starts functioning normally.
2. Then, try to re-enable touchpad by using your respective Touchpad hotkeys.
Note: The touchpad key is usually one of the Function keys i.e., F3, F5, F7, or F9. It is marked with a rectangular touchpad icon but this icon varies depending upon your laptop manufacturer.
3. Safe Mode is a mode in which only system applications and drivers are loaded. Read our article on How to Boot to Safe Mode in Windows 10 and check if your touchpad scroll works normally or not. If it does, implement Method 7 to get rid of trouble-causing apps.
Also Read: 2 Ways to Exit Safe Mode in Windows 10
Method 2: Enable Scroll Gesture
As mentioned earlier, Windows 10 gives you a leeway to customize touchpad gestures as you please to comfort your workflow. Similarly, you can also disable or enable gestures manually, according to your needs. Similarly, users are also permitted to manually disable any gesture they do not require or do not use frequently. Let’s make sure that the two-finger scroll is enabled in the first place.
Note: Depending on the touchpad technology employed in your laptop, you will either find this option within Settings itself or Mouse Properties.
1. Press the Windows + I keys together to the open Windows Settings.
2. Click Devices settings, as shown.
3. Go to Touchpad which is in the left pane.
4. On the right pane, under Scroll and zoom section, mark the options Drag two fingers to scroll, and Pinch to zoom, as depicted below.
5. Open the Scrolling direction menu and choose the option you prefer:
- Down motion scrolls up
- Down motion scrolls up
Note: Most manufacturers also have their own proprietary applications to customize touchpad gestures. For example, Asus laptops offer Asus Smart Gesture.
Method 3: Change Mouse Pointer
Compared to others, this particular fix has a lower chance of success but it has indeed resolved the issue for some users and, thus, worth a shot. Here’s how to fix your Touchpad scroll not working Windows 10 by changing the pointer.
1. Hit Windows key, type Control Panel, and click Open.
2. Set View by > Large icons and click on Mouse.
3. Navigate to the Pointers tab in the Mouse Properties window.
4A. Open the drop-down list under the Scheme and choose a different pointer.
4B. You can also choose pointer manually by clicking on the Browse… button.
5. Click Apply to save the changes and choose OK to exit.
Check if your scroll gesture is working now. If not, try the next solution.
Also Read: 5 Ways to Turn Off Touchpad on Windows 10
Method 4: Update Touchpad Driver
Corrupt or outdated touchpad driver could be the reason for this issue. Since the driver helps to run functionalities like gestures it would be best to update it to resolve Touchpad scroll not working Windows 10 issue.
1. Click on Start and type device manager, then hit the Enter key.
2. Double-click on Mice and other pointing devices to expand it.
3. Right-click on the touchpad driver you want to update, then choose Update driver from the menu.
Note: We have shown updating the HID-compliant mouse driver as an example.
4. Choose the Search automatically for drivers option to update the driver automatically.
Note: If you already downloaded the latest version then, click on Browse my computer for drivers to locate and install the downloaded driver.
5. Finally, after updating the touchpad driver, restart your PC.
Method 5: Rollback Driver Updates
You can always revert your driver to the previous version if the latest version of the driver is corrupt or incompatible. To fix Touchpad scroll not working issue, follow the below steps to execute Rollback Driver feature:
1. Launch Device Manager and expand Mice and other pointing devices as shown in Method 4.
2. Right-click on your Touchpad driver and select Properties from the context menu, as depicted below.
3. Go to Driver tab and click on Roll Back Driver to change your current version to the previous one.
Note: If the Roll Back Driver button is greyed out then, driver files haven’t been updated or your PC is not able to retain the original driver files.
4. In the Driver Package rollback, give the reason for Why are you rolling back? and click Yes to confirm.
5. Now, you will be prompted to restart your PC. Do so.
Also Read: How to Fix Mouse Lag on Windows 10
Method 6: Reinstall Touchpad Driver
If the issue persists even after the updating or rolling back the updates, then reinstall your touchpad driver, as follows:
1. Navigate to Device Manager > Mice and other pointing devices > Properties as instructed in Method 6.
2. Click on the Driver tab and select Uninstall Device, as shown.
3. Click Uninstall in the Uninstall Device prompt to confirm.
Note: Check the Delete the driver software for this device option to remove the driver files permanently from your system.
4. Restart your PC after uninstalling the driver.
5. Go to your Touchpad driver manufacturing website (e.g. Asus) and download the driver setup files.
6. Install the downloaded driver setup files and check if your issue is fixed or not.
Pro Tip: Install Touchpad Driver in Compatibility Mode
If normally installing the drivers didn’t resolve Touchpad scroll not working Windows 10 problem, try installing them in compatibility mode instead.
1. Right-click on the driver setup file you downloaded in Step 5 above and select Properties.
2. Go to the Compatibility tab. Check the box marked Run this program in compatibility mode for.
3. In the drop-down list, choose the Windows version 7, or 8.
4. Click on Apply > OK to save these changes.
5. Now, run the setup file to install the driver.
Note: If the driver installation with the particular Windows version does not fix the issue then, uninstall the driver and try changing the Windows version.
Also Read: Fix Mouse Wheel Not Scrolling Properly
Method 7: Uninstall Apps
Moving on, let’s ensure that a third-party application is not interfering with your laptop touchpad and causing the gestures to not work. Uninstalling the most recently installed third-party programs and performing a normal boot may fix Touchpad scroll not working Windows 10 issue. To do so, you must be booted to Safe Mode as mentioned in Method 2. Then, follow the steps below:
1. Hit the Windows key, type apps and features and click on Open.
2. Select the malfunctioning app and click on Uninstall button.
Note: We have shown Crunchyroll app as an example.
3. Confirm by clicking on Uninstall again.
4. Continue to uninstall the apps based on their installation dates until the corrupt third-party application has been found and removed.
Hope this article helped you to fix Touchpad scroll not working Windows 10. So, which method worked for you the best? Also, if you have any queries/suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.