可以很好地访问Windows PC 上的应用程序和信息的两个基本功能是开始(Start)和Cortana。您是否收到一条消息,指出严重错误“开始(Start)”菜单和Cortana无法正常工作?如果您搜索过Windows 10(Windows 10)严重错误“开始(Start)”菜单和Cortana无法正常工作,本文将是一个答案。本文中的方法将解决如何修复 Windows 10 中的严重错误的问题。阅读所有部分以很好地理解这个问题。
如何修复 Windows 10 严重错误开始菜单和 Cortana 无法正常工作(How to Fix Windows 10 Critical Error Start Menu and Cortana Aren’t Working)
在本文中,我们展示了所有可能的故障排除方法来修复Windows 10严重错误开始菜单(Start Menu)和Cortana无法正常工作的问题。
方法一:基本故障排除方法(Method 1: Basic Troubleshooting Methods)
首先尝试使用此处列出的基本故障排除方法。由于一个小故障, Start和Cortana可能会出现功能障碍。这里提到的方法可以解决问题。
1. 测试麦克风:(1. Test Microphone:) Cortana是一个由麦克风指挥的应用程序。通过在任何其他应用程序上使用它来检查您的麦克风是否处于工作状态。
2. 重启电脑:(2. Restart PC:) 一个小故障可能导致应用程序出现故障。重新启动您的 PC 可以清除RAM(RAM)中引起的故障,您可以重新使用 PC。您可以使用有关重新启动 PC的文章并尝试此方法来解决问题。
3. DISM 和 SFC 扫描:(3. DISM and SFC scans: )如果您的 PC 上有损坏的文件,它可能会阻止您使用“开始(Start)”和Cortana应用程序。要清除损坏的文件,您需要运行系统文件检查器扫描(System File Checker Scan),然后删除所有损坏的文件。要了解有关这些扫描的更多信息,请阅读我们的文章修复系统文件(repair system files)。
4. 执行 chkdsk 扫描:(4. Perform chkdsk scan: )如果您的 PC 上的驱动器和分区(Partition)中有任何损坏的文件,则应用程序开始(Start)和Cortana可能无法运行。此扫描将扫描您的分区(Partition)和驱动器中的任何恶意软件并将其清除。使用给定的链接阅读有关chkdsk 扫描的信息。(chkdsk scan)
5. 检查区域设置:(5. Check Region setting: )如果您的 PC 上设置的区域(Region)不符合您设备的位置,您可能需要更改您的 PC 上的区域(Region)设置。要更改 Region(change the Region),请按照给定链接中提供的步骤操作。
6. 从您的 PC 中卸载第三方防病毒软件:(6. Uninstall third-party Anti-Virus from your PC: )使用第三方防病毒(Anti-virus)软件可能会导致应用程序Start和Cortana无法正常工作。这种类型的软件会破坏Windows程序的功能。您需要卸载软件才能使用这些应用程序。您可以按照本文中的方法卸载软件(uninstall the software)。
7.创建另一个本地用户帐户:(7. Create another local user account: )有时长时间使用一个用户帐户会导致PC死机,您需要切换到另一个帐户。您可以创建另一个本地用户帐户并在一段时间后登录您现有的帐户。要了解有关创建本地用户帐户的(creating a local user account)更多信息,请单击提供的链接。
8. 在安全模式下对 PC 进行故障排除:(8. Troubleshoot PC in Safe Mode: )某些应用程序或驱动程序可能会干扰使用这些应用程序。您需要安全启动您的 PC,然后进行故障排除(Safe Boot your PC and then troubleshoot)以解决问题。您可以在本文中阅读有关故障排除过程的更多信息。
9. 检查 Windows 更新:(9. Check for Windows Updates: )您可能需要更新 PC 上的Windows才能使用基本应用程序。您可以按照本文中提到的步骤更新 Windows 。(update Windows)
10. 更新图形驱动程序:(10. Update Graphics Driver: )Start和Cortana等应用程序(Apps)提供视觉信息,需要适当的图形驱动程序(Graphics Driver)。由于Start和Cortana是需要适当且功能强大的图形驱动程序(Graphics Driver)才能运行的应用程序,因此过时的驱动程序可能会降低其性能。您可以使用该链接更新图形驱动程序(update your Graphics Driver)以使其正常运行。
11. 将 PC 恢复到以前的设置:(11. Restore PC to the previous Setting:) 一些新的应用程序或您的常规程序的更改可能会导致问题。您需要将 PC 恢复到功能更强大的设置。一些用户报告说Windows 11 无法支持基本的Windows程序。您可以通过以下链接恢复您的 PC 。(restore your PC)
12. 重置 PC:(12. Reset PC: )如果这些方法似乎都不适合您,您可能需要重置您的 PC。这将清除 PC 中的所有问题并重新提供给您。按照此链接中的说明重置您的 PC(Reset your PC)。
13 允许 Start 和 Cortana 通过防火墙:(13 Allow Start and Cortana through Firewall: )如果您的防火墙不允许使用Start和Cortana应用程序,则可能难以在您的 PC 上使用这些应用程序。使用链接中描述的方法允许防火墙上的应用程序。
14. 退出并重新登录帐户:(14. Sign out and Re-sign into the account:) 如果Start和Cortana应用程序长时间无法运行,您可以尝试退出当前使用的Profile,然后重新登录同一 Profile。如果您使用Microsoft帐户登录 PC,则需要注销并使用本地用户帐户。按Ctrl+ Alt+ Delete键并选择选项Sign out。一段时间后重新登录同一个人资料。
15. 避免使用平板模式:(15. Avoid using Tablet mode: )如果您在平板(Tablet)模式下使用 PC,您可能无法使用“开始(Start)”或Cortana应用程序。使用Windows 操作中心(Windows Action Center)禁用平板电脑(Tablet)模式。
16. 锁定任务栏:有时,如果(16. Lock Taskbar: )开始(Start)和Cortana应用程序隐藏在任务(Taskbar)栏中,您可能无法访问它们。您需要使Taskbar可见或 Lock the Taskbar。为此,请右键单击任务栏(Taskbar)上的空白区域,然后选择选项锁定任务栏(Lock the Taskbar)。
17.重新启动Windows资源管理器:(17. Restart Windows Explorer: )如果Windows资源管理器(Windows Explorer)卡住了,很可能它正在干扰你的开始(Start)和Cortana应用程序。您需要重新启动它才能使用这些应用程序。转到任务管理器(Task Manager),右键单击Windows 资源管理器(Windows Explorer)并选择重新启动(Restart )选项。
18. 取消隐藏 Cortana:(18. Unhide Cortana: )很多时候,Cortana不会显示在任务栏(Taskbar)上。您需要确保Cortana没有隐藏在任务栏中(Taskbar)。右键单击(Right-click)任务栏(Taskbar)上的空白区域,然后选择选项Show Cortana button。
方法 2:使用 Windows PowerShell(Method 2: Use Windows PowerShell)
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key),键入PowerShell,然后单击以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator)。
2. 输入命令并按Enter 键(Enter key)。
$manifest = (Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.WindowsStore).InstallLocation + '\AppxManifest.xml' ; Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register $manifest
5. 按Enter 键(Enter key)并等待一段时间。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何修复错误 0x80070002 Windows 10(How to Fix Error 0x80070002 Windows 10)
方法 3:使用命令提示符(Method 3: Use Command Prompt)
如果Start和Cortana作为插件安装在您的 PC 上,它们可能无法正常工作。您可以使用命令提示符(Command Prompt)中的命令清除此问题。
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key),键入cmd并单击以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator)选项。
2. 输入命令并按Enter 键(Enter key)。
ren %windir%\System32\AppLocker\Plugin*.* *.bak
方法 4:启用 Windows 搜索服务(Method 4: Enable Windows Search Service)
Windows Search是一项帮助您在 PC 上搜索应用程序的服务。由于Start和Cortana与此服务相关联,因此有必要保持此服务正常运行。
1. 同时按下Windows + R 键(keys)打开运行(Run)对话框。
3. 在列表中查找Windows Search并检查状态是否为Running。
4. 双击Windows 搜索(Windows Search )并单击开始(Start)按钮,然后单击确定(OK )按钮。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Windows 10 中修复损坏的注册表(How to Fix Corrupted Registry in Windows 10)
方法 5:重建索引(Method 5: Rebuild Index)
如果“开始(Start)”和Cortana应用长时间无法运行,您可能需要在 PC 上重新构建索引。这将使您可以使应用程序重新运行。按照以下步骤使用控制面板(Control Panel)重建索引并修复严重错误开始(Start)菜单和Cortana在(Cortana)Windows 10中不起作用。
1. 搜索控制面板(Control Panel)并启动应用程序。
2. 将类别(Category )设置为小图标(Small icons),然后单击索引选项(Indexing Options)。
3. 单击底部的修改按钮。(Modify )
4. 勾选C:\Program Files (x86)\ 并取消选择列表中的其他项目。单击(Click)确定按钮以确认(OK )您的选择。
5. 在索引(Indexing) 选项(Options)窗口中,单击高级(Advanced )按钮。
6. 转到下一个窗口中的索引设置选项卡。(Index Settings)单击(Click)窗口上的重建按钮。(Rebuild )
7. 单击重建索引(Rebuild Index)窗口上的确定(OK )按钮。
8. 单击关闭(Close )按钮并重新启动您的 PC。
方法 6:在注册表编辑器中增强 Start 的值(Method 6: Enhance Value of Start in Registry Editor)
注册表编辑器窗口中(Registry Editor Window)Start的值默认为最小,为 2。您可能需要增强此值以有效地使用Start来修复严重错误Start menu and Cortana are not working in Windows 10。
1.同时按下Windows+ R键打开(keys)运行(Run)对话框。
2. 输入regedit并点击OK按钮打开注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)。
3.在注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)中导航到以下位置路径(path)。
4. 双击开始(Start)字符串。
5. 双击列表中的开始(Start )并在数值数据(Value data)栏中输入数值4 。单击确定(OK )按钮以确认输入。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Windows 10 上的 Steam 损坏磁盘错误(Fix Steam Corrupt Disk Error on Windows 10)
方法 7:使用 Xaml 开始菜单注册表编辑器(Method 7: Use Xaml Start Menu Registry Editor)
您可以通过在注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)窗口中添加一个新条目来修复关键错误开始(Start)菜单和Cortana在Windows 10中无法运行,从而将其他条目用作(Windows 10)开始(Start)。
1.使用运行(Run)对话框打开注册表编辑器。(Registry Editor)
2. 转到注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)中的给定文件夹路径(path)。
3. 右键单击窗口的右窗格,将光标移到新建(New)选项上并选择DWORD (32-bit) Value。
4. 在列表中选择DWORD(32 位)值(DWORD (32-bit) Value)。输入EnablexamlStartMenu并按Enter 键(Enter key)。
本文处理严重错误 Start menu and Cortana are not working in Windows 10(critical error Start menu and Cortana aren’t working in Windows 10)的问题。它为您解答了如何修复 Windows 10 中的严重错误的问题。如果您正在寻找Windows 10严重错误“开始(Start)”菜单和Cortana无法正常工作的解决方案,您可以参考这篇文章。请(Kindly)提供您的建议,并随时在评论部分发表您的疑问。
Fix Windows 10 Critical Error Start Menu and Cortana Aren't Working
Two basic features to get good access to apрs and information on Windows PC are Start and Cortana. Have you got a message stating critical error Start menu and Cortanа aren’t working? Τhis аrticle will bе an answer if you have searched for Windows 10 critical error Start menu and Cоrtana arеn’t wоrking. The methods in this article will be solutions to the question of how to fix crіtical error in windows 10. Read all the sections to get a gоod understanding of this issυe.
How to Fix Windows 10 Critical Error Start Menu and Cortana Aren’t Working
In this article, we have shown all possible troubleshooting methods to fix Windows 10 critical error Start Menu and Cortana aren’t working issue.
Method 1: Basic Troubleshooting Methods
Try using the basic troubleshooting methods listed here at first. The Start and Cortana may be dysfunctional due to a small glitch. The methods mentioned here can solve the issue.
1. Test Microphone: Cortana is an app that is directed by the microphone. Check if your microphone is in working condition by using it on any other app.
2. Restart PC: A small glitch may have made the apps malfunction. Restarting your PC can clear the glitch caused in RAM and you can use the PC afresh. You can use the article on Restarting your PC and try this method to solve the issue.
3. DISM and SFC scans: If there are corrupt files on your PC, it can stop you from using the Start and Cortana apps. To clear the corrupt files, you need to run a System File Checker Scan and then delete all the corrupt files. To know more about these scans, read our article to repair system files.
4. Perform chkdsk scan: If there are any corrupt files in Drives and Partition on your PC, the apps Start and Cortana may not work. This scan will scan for any malware in your Partition and drives and clear it. Read about the chkdsk scan using the link given.
5. Check Region setting: If the Region set on your PC doesn’t comply with the location of your device, you may need to change the Region setting on your PC. To change the Region, follow the steps provided in the link given.
6. Uninstall third-party Anti-Virus from your PC: Using a third-party Anti-virus software can stop the apps Start and Cortana from working properly. This type of software disrupts the functioning of Windows programs. You need to uninstall the software to use these apps. You can uninstall the software by following the methods in this article.
7. Create another local user account: Sometimes using a user account for a long time can cause the PC to hang, you need to switch to another account. You can create another local user account and sign in to your existing account after some time. To know more about creating a local user account, click on the link provided.
8. Troubleshoot PC in Safe Mode: Certain applications or Drivers may interfere with using these apps. You need to Safe Boot your PC and then troubleshoot to fix the issue. You can read more about the troubleshooting process in this article.
9. Check for Windows Updates: You may need to update the Windows on your PC to use the basic apps. You can update Windows by following the steps mentioned in this article.
10. Update Graphics Driver: Apps like Start and Cortana provide visual information and require a proper Graphics Driver. Since Start and Cortana are apps that need a proper and functional Graphics Driver to function, an outdated driver can lower its performance. You can use the link to update your Graphics Driver for proper functioning.
11. Restore PC to the previous Setting: Some new applications or a change in your general program can cause the problem. You need to restore your PC to a setting in which it was much more functional. Some users have reported that Windows 11 wasn’t able to support basic Windows programs. You can restore your PC by following the link.
12. Reset PC: If none of the methods seem to be working for you, you may need to reset your PC. This will clear all the problems in the PC and give it to you afresh. Reset your PC by following the instructions in this link.
13 Allow Start and Cortana through Firewall: If the apps Start and Cortana aren’t permitted by your Firewall, it might be difficult to use the apps on your PC. Allow the apps on your Firewall by using the method described in the link.
14. Sign out and Re-sign into the account: If the Start and Cortana apps aren’t working for a long time, you can try signing out of the Profile you are currently using and then re-sign into the same profile. If you are logged in to your PC using a Microsoft account, you need to log out and use a local user account. Press the keys Ctrl+ Alt+ Delete and select the option Sign out. Re-sign in the same profile after some time.
15. Avoid using Tablet mode: If you are using your PC in Tablet mode, you may not be able to use the Start or Cortana apps. Disable the Tablet mode using the Windows Action Center.
16. Lock Taskbar: Sometimes, you may not be able to access the apps Start and Cortana if they are hidden in the Taskbar. You need to make the Taskbar visible or Lock the Taskbar. To do this, right-click on an empty space on the Taskbar and select the option Lock the Taskbar.
17. Restart Windows Explorer: If the Windows Explorer is stuck, it is quite possible that it is interfering with your Start and Cortana apps. You need to Restart it to use the apps. Go to Task Manager, right-click on Windows Explorer and select the Restart option.
18. Unhide Cortana: Many a time, Cortana is not displayed on the Taskbar. You need to make sure that Cortana is not hidden in the Taskbar. Right-click on an empty space on the Taskbar and select the option Show Cortana button.
Method 2: Use Windows PowerShell
PowerShell is used for the management of basic Windows programs. If the apps Start and Cortana aren’t working, you can try re-registering on the PowerShell using a simple command.
1. Hit the Windows key, type PowerShell and click on Run as administrator.
2. Type in the command and hit the Enter key.
$manifest = (Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.WindowsStore).InstallLocation + '\AppxManifest.xml' ; Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register $manifest
5. Press the Enter key and wait for some time.
You should be able to use the Start and Cortana apps now.
Also Read: How to Fix Error 0x80070002 Windows 10
Method 3: Use Command Prompt
If the Start and Cortana are installed as plugins on your PC, they may not be so functional. You can clear this issue using a command in Command Prompt.
1. Press the Windows key, type cmd and click on the Run as administrator option.
2. Type in the command and hit the Enter key.
ren %windir%\System32\AppLocker\Plugin*.* *.bak
Method 4: Enable Windows Search Service
Windows Search is a service that aids you to search for apps on your PC. Since Start and Cortana are associated with this service, it is necessary to keep this service functional.
1. Press the Windows + R keys simultaneously to open the Run dialog box.
2. Type services.msc and click on the OK button to launch the Services window.
3. Look for Windows Search in the list and check if the status is Running.
4. Double-click on Windows Search and click on the Start button and then on the OK button.
Note: This step is applicable only if the status isn’t Running.
Also Read: How to Fix Corrupted Registry in Windows 10
Method 5: Rebuild Index
If the Start and Cortana apps aren’t functional for a long time, you may need to re-build the index on your PC. This will let you make the apps function afresh. Follow these steps to rebuild index using Control Panel and fix critical error Start menu and Cortana aren’t working in Windows 10.
1. Search for Control Panel and launch the app.
2. Set the Category as Small icons, then click on Indexing Options.
3. Click on the Modify button at the bottom.
4. Tick C:\Program Files (x86)\ and deselect the other items in the list. Click on the OK button to confirm your selection.
5. In the Indexing Options window, click on the Advanced button.
6. Go to the Index Settings tab in the next window. Click on the Rebuild button on the window.
7. Click on the OK button on the Rebuild Index window.
8. Click on the Close button and Restart your PC.
Method 6: Enhance Value of Start in Registry Editor
The value of Start in Registry Editor Window is minimal by default and is as 2. You may need to enhance this value to use Start effectively to fix critical error Start menu and Cortana aren’t working in Windows 10.
1. Open the Run dialog box by pressing the keys Windows+ R keys simultaneously.
2. Type in regedit and click on the OK button to open the Registry Editor.
3. Navigate to the following location path in Registry Editor.
4. Double-click on Start string.
5. Double-click on Start in the list and enter the value 4 in the Value data bar. Click on the OK button to confirm the entry.
Also Read: Fix Steam Corrupt Disk Error on Windows 10
Method 7: Use Xaml Start Menu Registry Editor
You can use an additional entry as Start by adding a new entry to the Registry Editor window to fix critical error Start menu and Cortana aren’t working in Windows 10.
1. Open the Registry Editor using the Run dialog box.
2. Go to the given folder path in Registry Editor.
3. Right-click on the right pane of the window, and move your cursor over the New option and select DWORD (32-bit) Value.
4. Select DWORD (32-bit) Value in the list. Type in EnablexamlStartMenu and press the Enter key.
This article deals with the issue of critical error Start menu and Cortana aren’t working in Windows 10. It gave you the answer to the question of how to fix critical error in windows 10. If you are looking for a solution for Windows 10 critical error Start menu and Cortana aren’t working, you can refer to this article. Kindly provide your suggestions and feel free to post your queries in the comments section.