只要您的计算机安装了无线适配器,WLANSVC (WLAN AutoConfig) 服务就可以帮助您的计算机识别任何无线网络并连接到该(WLANSVC)网络。(WLAN AutoConfig)此服务识别必须连接到您的 PC 的特定网络并自动配置任何必要的设置。因此(Hence),连接最首选的无线网络以确保正确的互联网连接。但是,有时您可能会遇到Windows 10 PC 中的无线自动配置服务 wlansvc 没有运行(the wireless autoconfig service wlansvc is not running)问题,因此您无法无缝连接到无线网络。如果您面临同样的问题,那么您来对地方了!我们带来了一个完美的指南,可以帮助您修复Wlansvc没有运行问题。所以,继续阅读。
如何修复无线自动配置服务 wlansvc 未在 Windows 10 中运行(How to Fix the Wireless Autoconfig Service wlansvc Is Not Running in Windows 10)
如果你想解决Wlansvc没有运行的问题,你必须分析是哪个参数给你带来了麻烦。以下是在Windows 10(Windows 10)中导致此问题的一些原因。
- WLAN AutoConfig服务在您的计算机上被禁用。
- 您的 PC 中安装了过时的驱动程序。
- 网络设置已损坏。
- 无线适配器损坏或不兼容。
- 操作系统已损坏。
- 以前(Previous OS)的操作系统更新与Windows服务不兼容。
因此,现在继续下一部分,了解解决无线自动配置服务 wlansvc 未运行问题的故障排除步骤。
注意:(Note:)如果出现问题,请始终创建系统还原点以将系统还原到以前的版本。(create a system restore point)
方法一:启用无线局域网(Method 1: Enable WLAN)
在您进入其他方法之前,您必须确保您的设备上是否打开了无线服务。如果WiFi服务物理关闭或内置设置与设备不兼容,您将面临无线自动配置服务 wlansvc 未运行问题。但是,您可以按照说明的步骤启用WiFi或WLAN服务。(WLAN)
1. 同时按住Windows + I keys 打开Windows 设置(Windows settings)。
2. 点击网络和互联网(Network & Internet)。
3. 现在,在左窗格中单击Wi-Fi选项卡并切换Wi-Fi按钮。
4. 检查您是否已修复Wlansvc未运行问题。
方法 2:启用 WiFi 适配器(Method 2: Enable WiFi Adapters)
1.同时按Windows + R keys 运行(Run )对话框。
2. 现在,输入ncpa.cpl并按Enter 键(Enter key)打开Network Connections。
3. 现在,右键单击您的活动网络适配器并检查它是启用还是禁用。
4. 检查您是否已修复Wlansvc无法运行的问题。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Windows 无法自动检测此网络的代理设置(Fix Windows could not automatically detect this Network’s Proxy settings)
方法 3:运行网络疑难解答(Method 3: Run Network Troubleshooter)
您的 Windows 10 PC 有一个内置工具来解决任何 Internet 连接问题。您可以使用相同的工具来分析常见的网络问题,一旦完成故障排除过程,您将能够修复无线自动配置服务 wlansvc 未运行问题。学习(Learn)并实施我们的 Windows 10 网络连接问题疑难解答指南中的步骤,以使用Windows 网络适配器(Windows Network Adapter)疑难解答解决所有与网络相关的问题。
完成该过程后,您可以修复计算机上的Wi-Fi网络、以太网(Ethernet)连接和 Internet 适配器中出现的所有网络问题。检查您是否已修复无线自动配置服务 wlansvc 未运行问题。
方法三:开启无线自动配置服务(Method 3: Enable Wireless AutoConfig Service)
WLAN AutoConfig服务有一个内置模块,使您的计算机能够发现任何新网络。作为网络故障排除过程的结果,您可能会发现WLAN AutoConfig服务被禁用,这就是您面临Wlansvc未运行问题的原因。因此,请检查您的设备上是否禁用了此服务,如果是,请按照以下步骤重新启动它。
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key)并键入Services,然后单击Run as administrator。
2. 滚动并搜索WLAN AutoConfig Service 并双击它。
注意:(Note:)您也可以右键单击WLAN 自动配置服务(WLAN AutoConfig Service)并从下拉列表中选择属性选项。(Properties)
3.现在,选择启动类型(Startup type)为自动(Automatic)。
3A。当服务状态(Service status)不是运行时,然后选择开始(Start)按钮。
3B。当服务状态(Service status)为Running时,选择Stop按钮几分钟,然后重新启动。
4. 最后,单击Apply > OK 以保存更改。现在,您将修复无线自动配置服务 wlansvc 未运行的问题。
方法四:启动Wlansvc服务(Method 4: Start Wlansvc Service)
除了图形用户界面(Graphical User Interface)方法外,您还可以从命令提示符启用Wlansvc服务。(Wlansvc)可以通过您必须具有管理权限的MS-DOS(Microsoft 磁盘操作系统)命令来实现。(Microsoft Disk Operating System)这些命令与您计算机的操作系统以及与命令行一起运行的软件交互。在本指南中,我们演示了如何从Windows版本的Vista及更高版本的命令提示符启动Wlansvc服务。(Wlansvc)
1. 按Windows 键 (Windows key )并键入命令提示符(Command Prompt ),然后单击以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator)。
2. 现在,一一键入以下命令,并在每个命令后按 Enter 键。(Enter key )
3. 然后,要启动无线接口的服务,键入以下命令并按Enter 键(Enter key)。
set autoconfig enabled=yes interface="Type the Name of Wireless Network Connection"
注意:(Note: )建议用户在上述命令中输入无线连接的名称,而不是输入无线网络连接的名称。(Type the Name of Wireless Network Connection )请参阅下面给出的示例。
4.最后,检查你是否修复了无线自动配置服务 wlansvc 没有运行的问题。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) [已解决] Windows 检测到硬盘问题([SOLVED] Windows detected a hard disk problem)
Method 5: Reset TCP/IP
TCP(传输控制协议(Transmission Control Protocol))对于您的计算机是强制性的,因为它通过 Internet建立规则(rules)和标准程序。(standard)TCP/IP协议负责数据包的移动性。如果过程中存在冲突,重置协议以及 IP 地址将帮助您解决无线自动配置服务 wlansvc 未运行问题。按照(Follow)我们关于如何解决 Windows 10 上的网络连接问题的指南来重置 TCP/IP。
方法 6:修复损坏的文件(Method 6: Repair Corrupt Files)
如果您的 Windows 10 计算机有任何损坏或损坏的系统配置文件,您将面临无线自动配置服务 wlansvc 未运行的问题。这也会导致您的计算机出现故障,从而导致性能故障。幸运的是,您可以使用计算机的内置实用程序修复这些损坏的文件,即系统文件检查器(System File Checker)和部署映像服务和管理(Deployment Image Servicing and Management)。请按照我们关于如何在 Windows 10 上修复系统文件(How to Repair System Files on Windows 10)的指南执行操作,以修复计算机上所有损坏的文件。
通过运行命令修复损坏的文件后,检查是否已修复无线自动配置服务 wlansvc 未运行问题。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Windows 10 上设置 VPN(How to set up a VPN on Windows 10)
方法 7:更新 WLAN 驱动程序(Method 7: Update WLAN Driver)
设备驱动程序在计算机的硬件和(Device)操作系统(Operating System)之间建立连接链接。此外,错误或损坏的驱动程序会导致Wlansvc无法运行问题。许多用户报告说更新WLAN驱动程序帮助他们解决了这个问题。建议您更新WLAN驱动程序以提高网络适配器的可靠性,修复兼容性问题,并解决无线自动配置服务 wlansvc 未运行问题。请按照(Follow)我们关于如何在 Windows 10 上更新网络适配器驱动程序(How to Update Network Adapter Drivers on Windows 10)的指南进行操作。
更新后,检查是否修复了无线自动配置服务 wlansvc 没有运行的问题。
方法 8:重新安装 WLAN 驱动程序(Method 8: Reinstall WLAN Driver)
必须重新安装不兼容的驱动程序才能修复Wlansvc无法运行的问题。建议您仅在无法通过更新获得任何修复时重新安装设备驱动程序。重新安装驱动程序的步骤非常简单,您可以使用第三方应用程序或手动完成。按照我们的指南如何在 Windows 10 上卸载和重新安装驱动(How to Uninstall and Reinstall Drivers on Windows 10)程序以在 Windows 10 计算机中重新安装驱动程序。
重新安装网络驱动程序后,检查您是否已修复无线自动配置服务 wlansvc 未运行问题。
方法 9:回滚 WLAN 驱动程序(Method 9: Roll Back WLAN Drivers)
当您回滚驱动程序时,所有当前版本的硬件设备都将被卸载,并且以前安装的驱动程序将安装在您的 PC 上。当任何新的驱动程序更新不适用于您的计算机时,此功能将非常有用。按照我们关于如何在 Windows 10 上回滚驱动程序(How to Rollback Drivers on Windows 10)的指南中的说明操作,以修复无线自动配置服务 wlansvc 未运行问题。
在您的 Windows 10 电脑安装了以前版本的驱动程序后,检查您是否修复了无线自动配置服务 wlansvc 没有运行的问题。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Windows 10 中未在网络上显示的计算机(Fix Computers Not Showing Up on Network in Windows 10)
方法 10:删除以前的 Windows 更新(Method 10: Delete Previous Windows Updates)
Windows 10 计算机中的少数Windows更新组件可能会导致Wlansvc无法运行问题。因此(Hence),要解决此问题,请考虑按照以下说明删除以前的Windows更新。
1. 同时按下Windows + R keys 打开运行对话框(Run dialog box)。
2.输入 appwiz。cpl(appwiz. cpl )并按Enter 键(Enter key)打开Programs and Features。
3. 单击左侧窗格中的查看已安装更新(View installed updates )。
4. 现在,搜索最新更新并选择卸载(Uninstall )选项。
5. 如果有任何提示,请确认并重新启动您的 PC。现在,您将解决问题。
方法 11:重置网络设置(Method 11: Reset Network Settings)
尽管更新了WLAN驱动程序并卸载了最近的更新,但如果这些方法都无法帮助您修复无线自动配置服务 wlansvc 未运行问题,请尝试重置网络设置。为此,请按照我们关于如何在 Windows 10 上重置网络设置(How to Reset Network Settings on Windows 10)的指南进行操作。
方法 12:执行系统还原(Method 12: Perform System Restore)
在许多情况下,最新的 Windows 更新破坏了计算机的无线机制。如果您的 Windows 10 PC 的当前版本干扰了现有的网络配置架构,您将面临所讨论的问题。系统还原(System Restore)会将计算机恢复到正常工作的版本,而不会出现任何错误。为此,请按照我们关于如何在 Windows 10 上使用系统还原(How to use System Restore on Windows 10)的指南进行操作,并按照演示执行说明。
恢复 Windows 10 PC 后,检查您是否已解决问题。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复以太网没有有效的 IP 配置错误(Fix Ethernet Doesn’t Have a Valid IP Configuration Error)
方法 13:全新安装 Windows 10(Method 13: Clean Install Windows 10)
如果这些方法都没有帮助您解决无线自动配置服务 wlansvc 未运行问题,那么您需要全新安装您的Windows 操作系统(Windows Operating System)。为此,请按照我们的指南如何执行 Windows 10 的全新安装中的说明执行步骤(How to do a Clean Install of Windows 10)
如果没有WLANSVC ( WLAN AutoConfig ) 服务,您将无法连接到无线网络,但现在您将解决无线自动配置服务 wlansvc 未运行的(the wireless autoconfig service wlansvc is not running)问题。继续访问我们的页面以获取更多很酷的提示和技巧,并在下面留下您的评论。此外,如果您对本文有任何疑问/建议,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
Fix the Wireless Autoconfig Service wlansvc Is Not Running in Windows 10
The WLANSVC (WLAN AutoConfig) servіce helps your сomputеr to identify any wireless network and connect to the ѕame as long as your computer has a wirеless adapter instаlled to it. This serviсe identifies which pаrticulаr network has to be connected to your PC and automatically сonfigures any necessary settings. Hence, the most preferred wireless network is conneсted tо еnsure proper internet connectіvitу. Βut, sometimes you may facе the wireless autoconfig service wlansvc is not running problem in your Windows 10 PC and thus you cannot connect to a wireless network seamlessly. If you are facing the same, you are at the right place! We bring a perfect guide that will help you fix Wlansvc not running issue. So, continue reading.
How to Fix the Wireless Autoconfig Service wlansvc Is Not Running in Windows 10
If you want to solve Wlansvc is not running issue, you have to analyze which parameter is causing you the trouble. Here are some reasons that cause this issue in Windows 10.
- WLAN AutoConfig service is disabled on your computer.
- Your PC has outdated drivers installed in it.
- Network settings are corrupt.
- The wireless adapter is corrupt or incompatible.
- Operating System is corrupt.
- The Previous OS update is incompatible with Windows services.
So, now move ahead to the next section to learn the troubleshooting steps to resolve the wireless autoconfig service wlansvc is not running issue.
In this section, we have compiled a list of methods that will help you resolve the wireless autoconfig service Wlansvc is not running issue. Follow them in the same order to attain perfect results.
Note: Always create a system restore point to restore your system to its previous version if something goes wrong.
Method 1: Enable WLAN
Before you step into other methods, you must make sure whether the wireless service is turned on your device. If the WiFi service is physically turned off or if the inbuilt settings are incompatible with the device, you will face the wireless autoconfig service wlansvc is not running issue. Yet, you can enable WiFi or WLAN services by following the steps as instructed.
1. Press and hold Windows + I keys together to open Windows settings.
2. Click on Network & Internet.
3. Now, in the left pane click on the Wi-Fi tab and toggle on the Wi-Fi button.
4. Check if you have fixed Wlansvc is not running issue.
Method 2: Enable WiFi Adapters
Also, you must ensure whether the wireless adapters in your device are enabled to ensure proper internet connectivity. Follow the below-mentioned steps to enable WiFi adapters on your computer.
1. Launch the Run dialog box by pressing Windows + R keys simultaneously.
2. Now, type ncpa.cpl and hit Enter key to open Network Connections.
3. Now, right-click on your active network adapter and check whether it is enabled or disabled.
3A. Select Enable if the network adapter is disabled.
3B. If the network adapter is already in Enable status, switch to the next method.
4. Check if you have fixed Wlansvc not running issue.
Also Read: Fix Windows could not automatically detect this Network’s Proxy settings
Method 3: Run Network Troubleshooter
Your Windows 10 PC has an inbuilt tool to troubleshoot any internet connectivity issues. You can use the same tool to analyze common network issues and once you have completed the troubleshooting process, you will be able to fix the wireless autoconfig service wlansvc is not running issue. Learn and implement the steps in our guide to Troubleshoot Network Connectivity Problems on Windows 10 to fix all network-related issues by using the Windows Network Adapter troubleshooter.
Once you have completed the process, you can fix all network issues occurring in Wi-Fi networks, Ethernet connections, and internet adapters on your computer. Check if you have fixed wireless autoconfig service wlansvc is not running issue.
Method 3: Enable Wireless AutoConfig Service
The WLAN AutoConfig services have an inbuilt module that enables your computer to discover any new network. As a result of the network troubleshooting process, you may find that WLAN AutoConfig services are disabled and that’s the reason why you face Wlansvc is not running issue. So, check if this service is disabled on your device, if so start it over again by following the below-mentioned steps.
1. Hit the Windows key and type Services and click on Run as administrator.
2. Scroll and search for WLAN AutoConfig Service and double-click on it.
Note: You can also right-click on WLAN AutoConfig Service and select the Properties option from the drop-down list.
3. Now, choose the Startup type as Automatic.
3A. When the Service status is not Running, then select the Start button.
3B. When the Service status is Running, select the Stop button for a few minutes and start it again.
4. Finally, click on Apply > OK to save the changes. Now, you would have fixed wireless autoconfig service wlansvc is not running issue.
Method 4: Start Wlansvc Service
Apart from the Graphical User Interface method, you can enable the Wlansvc service from the command prompt also. It is possible through MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System) commands for which you must have administrative rights. These commands interact with the OS of your computer and with the software that functions with the command lines. In this guide, we have demonstrated how to start the Wlansvc service from the command prompt for Windows versions of Vista and above.
1. Press the Windows key and type Command Prompt and click on Run as administrator.
2. Now, type the following commands one by one and hit Enter key after each command.
3. Then, to start the service for the wireless interface, type the following command and hit Enter key.
set autoconfig enabled=yes interface="Type the Name of Wireless Network Connection"
Note: Users are advised to type the name of the wireless connection within quotation symbols in place of Type the Name of Wireless Network Connection in the above command. Refer to the example given below.
4. Finally, check if you have fixed wireless autoconfig service wlansvc is not running issue.
Also Read: [SOLVED] Windows detected a hard disk problem
Method 5: Reset TCP/IP
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is mandatory for your computer since it establishes rules and standard procedures over the internet. TCP/IP protocols work in chores that are responsible for the mobility of data packets. If there is a conflict in the process, resetting the protocol along with the IP address will help you fix the wireless autoconfig service wlansvc is not running issue. Follow our guide on How to Troubleshoot Network Connectivity Problems on Windows 10 to reset TCP/IP.
After implementing the steps, check if you can fix Wlansvc not running issue or not.
Method 6: Repair Corrupt Files
If your Windows 10 computer has any corrupt or damaged system configuration files, you will face wireless autoconfig service wlansvc is not running issue. This also leads to malfunctioning of your computer thereby causing performance failure. Fortunately, you can repair these corrupt files by using the inbuilt utilities of your computer namely, System File Checker and Deployment Image Servicing and Management. Follow our guide on How to Repair System Files on Windows 10 and implement the steps as demonstrated to repair all the corrupt files on your computer.
After repairing the corrupt files by running the commands, check if you have fixed wireless autoconfig service wlansvc is not running issue.
Also Read: How to set up a VPN on Windows 10
Method 7: Update WLAN Driver
Device drivers establish a connection link between the hardware and Operating System of your computer. Also, faulty or corrupt drivers lead to Wlansvc not running issue. Many users have reported that updating WLAN drivers have helped them fix the issue. You are advised to update WLAN drivers to improve the reliability of your network adapters, fix compatibility issues, and resolve the wireless autoconfig service wlansvc is not running issue. Follow our guide on How to Update Network Adapter Drivers on Windows 10 to do so.
After updating, check if you have fixed wireless autoconfig service wlansvc is not running issue.
Method 8: Reinstall WLAN Driver
Incompatible drivers must be reinstalled to fix Wlansvc is not running problem. You are advised to reinstall device drivers only if you cannot attain any fix by updating them. Steps to reinstall drivers are very easy and you can do so by using a third-party application or manually. Follow our guide How to Uninstall and Reinstall Drivers on Windows 10 to reinstall drivers in your Windows 10 computer.
After reinstalling network drivers, check if you have fixed wireless autoconfig service wlansvc is not running issue.
Method 9: Roll Back WLAN Drivers
When you roll back your drivers, all the current versions of the hardware device will be uninstalled and previously installed drivers will be installed on your PC. This feature will be very helpful when any new driver update does not work well with your computer. Follow the steps as instructed in our guide on How to Rollback Drivers on Windows 10 to fix the wireless autoconfig service wlansvc is not running issue.
After your Windows 10 computer has installed the previous version of drivers, check if you have fixed wireless autoconfig service wlansvc is not running problem.
Also Read: Fix Computers Not Showing Up on Network in Windows 10
Method 10: Delete Previous Windows Updates
Few Windows update components in your Windows 10 computer may cause Wlansvc not running issue. Hence to fix the problem, consider deleting previous Windows updates as instructed below.
1. Press the Windows + R keys simultaneously to open the Run dialog box.
2. Type appwiz. cpl and hit Enter key to open Programs and Features.
3. Click on View installed updates in the left pane.
4. Now, search for the most recent update and select the Uninstall option.
5. If there are any prompts, confirm them and restart your PC. Now, you would have fixed the problem.
Method 11: Reset Network Settings
Despite updating WLAN drivers, and uninstalling recent updates try resetting the network settings if none of the methods have helped you fix the wireless autoconfig service wlansvc is not running issue. To do so, follow our guide on How to Reset Network Settings on Windows 10.
Method 12: Perform System Restore
There are many circumstances where the latest Windows update has broken the wireless mechanism of your computer. If the current version of your Windows 10 PC interferes with the existing architecture of network configurations, you will face the discussed problem. System Restore will bring back the computer to the version where it was working without any errors. To do so, follow our guide on How to use System Restore on Windows 10 and implement the instructions as demonstrated.
After restoring your Windows 10 PC, check if you have fixed the issue.
Also Read: Fix Ethernet Doesn’t Have a Valid IP Configuration Error
Method 13: Clean Install Windows 10
If none of the methods have helped you fix the wireless autoconfig service wlansvc is not running issue, then you need to clean install your Windows Operating System. To do so, implement the steps as instructed in our guide How to do a Clean Install of Windows 10
Without WLANSVC (WLAN AutoConfig) services, you could not connect to a wireless network, but now you would have fixed the wireless autoconfig service wlansvc is not running issue. Keep visiting our page for more cool tips & tricks and leave your comments below. Also, if you have any queries/suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.