2018年4 月 30 日,(April 30th)微软(Microsoft)发布了Windows 10的下一个主要更新:2018 年 4 月(April 2018) 更新(Update),代号为 Redstone 4(codename Redstone 4)。此次升级为之前的秋季创作者更新(Fall Creators Update)带来了多项新功能和许多生活质量改进。如果您想了解新功能以及是否值得在您的Windows 10计算机和设备上免费安装,请阅读以下文章:
什么是 Windows 10 April 2018 更新(Update)(以前称为 Spring Creators Update)?
Windows 10 April 2018 Update(以前称为 Spring Creators Update)是Windows 10的最新主要更新。它的版本为 1803(version 1803),内部版本为17133.1(build 17133.1),开发时使用的代号是Redstone 4。此更新延续了Microsoft(Microsoft)通过Fall Creators Update所做的工作。继续阅读以了解此版本中的新增功能:
1. 时间线显示并同步所有 Windows 10 设备上的活动
时间线(Timeline)功能在所有设置为同步其时间线的(Timeline)Windows 10设备上记录、同步和显示您的活动历史记录。按Windows+Tab或任务栏上的任务视图(Task View)按钮,您会看到今天早些时候、昨天等的活动。单击(Click)这些活动中的任何一个,您都可以从上次中断的地方恢复它们。因此,在使用多个Windows 10设备时, Timeline可以让您轻松地继续工作。
它仅同步您的 Windows 10 计算机和设备,并且适用于支持此功能的应用程序:Microsoft Edge、Microsoft Office 应用程序(Microsoft Office apps)、照片(Photos)、新闻(News)等。
Microsoft 计划将Timeline与移动应用程序集成,以增加此功能的实用性,并且您可以将 PC 与智能手机和平板电脑同步。
2. 就近分享,使用WiFi 或蓝牙(WiFi or Bluetooth)轻松发送和接收内容
Windows 10 April 2018 更新(Update)包括新的附近共享(Nearby Share)功能。有了它,您可以使用蓝牙或 WiFi与附近的其他(Bluetooth or WiFi)计算机和设备(computer and devices)共享内容(share content)(照片、视频)、链接和文件。
3. Quiet Hours更名为Focus Assist,变得更有用
Quiet Hours过去用于在特定时间间隔内(time interval)使通知静音。此功能现已重命名为Focus Assist,它可以在演示或玩游戏时自动开启。
4. 使用诊断数据查看器(Diagnostic Data Viewer),您可以查看 Windows 10 发送给Microsoft的数据(Microsoft)
在所有关于Windows 10数据收集系统的争议之后,微软(Microsoft)决定改进其方法并提供(approach and offer)尽可能多的透明度。因此,在Windows 10 April 2018 Update中,我们有一个新的诊断数据查看器(Diagnostic Data Viewer)应用程序,它以纯文本形式向您显示(plain text)Windows 10发送给Microsoft的所有诊断信息。您还可以删除从Windows 10收集的诊断数据。
为了补充这一新功能,微软(Microsoft)还增强了“设置”应用中的(Settings)隐私(Privacy)控件,以便您在使用Windows 10时获得更多的隐私(Windows 10)控制权和透明度(control and transparency)。
5. Microsoft Edge成为更好的网络浏览器(web browser)
Microsoft Edge已收到一长串改进和错误修复,成为比以前版本的Windows 10更好的浏览器。一些最显着的改进是:
- 可以通过单击声音图标来静音选项卡(sound icon)
- 现在打开新标签时会显示收藏夹栏
- 它可以跨设备同步信息,让您在 PC 和移动设备上使用Microsoft Edge更加有用
- 它提供了一种“无杂乱”的打印模式(printing mode),可以删除广告和其他不必要的项目。
- 它提供了更好的书签管理系统(bookmark management system),以及更好的电子书阅读体验。
- 它具有触摸板手势,对拥有精密触摸板(precision touchpad)的用户很有用。
6. 使用Fluent Design(Fluent Design)改进外观、透明度和显示效果
Fluent Design是一个亚克力风格的用户界面(user interface),具有在许多领域展示的显示效果。因此,Windows 10 April 2018 Update 中的许多元素看起来(Update look)比以前更好:开始菜单(Start Menu)、操作中心(Action Center)、设置应用程序(Settings app)、日历(Calendar)、任务栏、人脉应用程序(People app)、游戏栏(Game Bar)、触摸键盘和其他元素很少。
微软(Microsoft)正在放慢升级用户界面(user interface)的速度,以便越来越多的用户使用Fluent Design。
7.设置应用程序(Settings app)已扩展,包含更多控件和设置
设置(Settings)应用程序正在慢慢取代旧的控制面板(Control Panel),成为个性化和管理Windows的中心位置。在Windows 10 April 2018 更新(Update)中,它的外观得到了改进,包含更多 Fluent Design元素以及新的工具和功能。例如,您现在可以从“设置”设置(Settings)启动(Startup)应用程序,访问改进的音频控制、改进的“轻松访问”(Ease of Access)设置、升级到包含磁盘清理功能的(Disk Cleanup)Storage Sense ,等等。
8. Cortana通过(Cortana)Windows (Windows 10) 2018 年 4 月 10 日(April 2018) 更新(Update)变得更智能
Cortana获得了多项受欢迎的改进,包括改进的用户界面(user interface)。
9. 改进的游戏栏(Game bar),具有更好的外观和更多选项
游戏栏(Game Bar)已重新设计。它看起来更好,更具个性化,并且包括对新选项的访问,例如在录制游戏会话(gaming session)时将麦克风静音。此外,您现在可以将游戏模式(Game Mode)设置重置为默认值。
以前版本的Windows(Windows)和本地用户帐户(user account)的一个大问题是您忘记了密码。如果您没有密码重置盘,则重置用户(reset disk)密码和访问 Windows(password and access Windows)会很复杂。现在,当您在Windows 10 April 2018 Update中创建新用户帐户(user account)时,系统会要求您输入三个安全问题的答案。然后,当您忘记该用户的密码时,您可以正确回答这些问题并重置密码。
11. Windows Defender 安全中心(Defender Security Center)更有用
Windows Defender 安全中心(Windows Defender Security Center)已更新,包含更多安全工具和控件。它包含新的保护区域,如帐户保护(account protection)、设备安全(device security)以及设备性能和健康状况(device performance and health)。
12. HDR视频支持
微软(Microsoft)已决定在Windows 10中改进其(Windows 10)HDR 视频(HDR video)支持。如果您的PC 或设备(PC or device)的屏幕能够显示 300 尼特或更高,并且显卡支持PlayReady 硬件(PlayReady hardware)数字版权管理(用于受保护的内容),并且您的 PC 能够进行 10 位视频解码(video decoding),那么您可以启用HDR (HDR video)Windows (Windows 10)2018 年 4 月 10 日(April 2018)更新(Update)中的视频。您还需要校准显示器才能使用此功能。
官方的更改列表很长,我们的列表包括影响大多数用户的主要功能。但是, Windows 10 (Windows 10) April 2018 更新(Update)还有许多其他功能和更改:
- 一些蓝牙(Bluetooth)外围设备(如Surface Precision 鼠标(Surface Precision Mouse))现在可以一键配对。蓝牙(Bluetooth)配对体验总体上得到了质量改进。
- 改进了对高分辨率显示器的DPI缩放支持,以及更多用于覆盖(DPI)操作系统(operating system)和您正在使用的应用程序的DPI缩放行为的控件。
- 您可以在具有两个或更多视频卡的系统上获得单独的图形设置。最终用户现在可以直接从(end user)Settings控制哪个视频卡用于哪个游戏(或应用程序)。
- Windows Update可以防止您的 PC 在您不使用时进入睡眠(Sleep)模式,并且它需要完成更新。因此,它增加了在您不使用 PC 时完成更新的机会。
- 改进(Improved)了对后台数据传输、数据使用和数据限制的控制。当您使用蜂窝数据连接(data connection)时非常有用。
- 更轻松地设置Windows Hello,包括直接从登录屏幕。
- 字体现在通过“设置”(Settings)应用进行管理,并且可以从Microsoft Store安装。
- Microsoft Store现在可以托管存在于Android 和 iOS(Android and iOS)上的渐进式 Web 应用程序 (PWA)(Progressive Web Apps (PWA))。这对微软和应用程序开发人员(Microsoft and app developers)来说意义重大,因为这一举措可以增加应用商店(Store)中可用的应用程序数量。
- Windows 10 S 成为Windows的一种模式。从(From)现在开始,任何版本的Windows 10都可以在S 模式下(S mode)运行。更多细节可以在这里找到(found here)。
- Linux的(Linux)Windows 子系统(Windows Subsystem)以及一些高级系统管理(system administration)工具(如Windows Defender Application Guard、本机UNIX套接字、Hyper-V等)也有许多小的改进。
您是否会尽快安装 Windows 10 April 2018 更新?(Update)
现在您知道2018 年 4 月(April 2018) 更新(Update)引入的大部分新奇事物了。在结束本文之前,请在评论中与我们分享您是否打算安装它,只要它可用。或者,您更愿意等待几个月?在下面发表评论(Comment),让我们讨论。
12+ reasons why you should get Windows 10 April 2018 Update
On April 30th, 2018, Microsoft releases the next major update to Windows 10: April 2018 Updаte, which has the codename Redѕtone 4. The upgrade brings several new features and many quality-of-life improvements to the previous Fall Crеators Update. If you want to know what is new, and whether it is worth installing, for free, on your Windowѕ 10 cоmрuters and devices, read this article:
What is Windows 10 April 2018 Update (formerly known as Spring Creators Update)?
Windows 10 April 2018 Update (formerly known as Spring Creators Update) is the latest major update to Windows 10. It has the version 1803, the build 17133.1, and the codename used while developing it was Redstone 4. This update continues the work done by Microsoft with Fall Creators Update. Read on to see what is new in this release:
1. The Timeline shows and syncs activities on all your Windows 10 devices
The Timeline feature logs, syncs and displays the history of your activities, on all Windows 10 devices that are set to sync their Timeline. Press Windows+Tab or the Task View button on the taskbar and you see your activities from earlier today, yesterday, and so on. Click on any of these activities, and you can resume them from where you left off. As a result, Timeline makes it easy to continue your work, when using multiple Windows 10 devices.
It syncs only your Windows 10 computers and devices, and it works for apps that have support for this feature: Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Office apps, Photos, News, and so on.
Microsoft plans to integrate Timeline with mobile apps so that it increases the usefulness of this feature, and you can sync your PC(s) with your smartphone and your tablet.
2. Nearby sharing makes it easy to send and receive content using WiFi or Bluetooth
Windows 10 April 2018 Update includes a new Nearby Share feature. With it, you can share content (photos, videos), links, and files with other computer and devices that are nearby, using Bluetooth or WiFi.
There is also some bad news related to this feature: the Homegroup gets discontinued and replaced by this feature.
3. Quiet Hours is renamed Focus Assist and becomes more useful
Quiet Hours was used in the past to mute notifications during a specific time interval. This feature is now renamed to Focus Assist, and it can automatically turn itself on during presentations, or when playing games.
4. With Diagnostic Data Viewer you can view the data that Windows 10 sends to Microsoft
After all the controversy about Windows 10 data collection systems, Microsoft decided to improve its approach and offer as much transparency as possible. As a result, with Windows 10 April 2018 Update, we have a new Diagnostic Data Viewer app, that shows you, in plain text, all the diagnostic information Windows 10 sends to Microsoft. You can also delete the diagnostic data collected from Windows 10.
To complement this new feature, Microsoft has also enhanced the Privacy controls in the Settings app, so that you get more control and transparency of your privacy when using Windows 10.
5. Microsoft Edge becomes a better web browser
Microsoft Edge has received a very long list of improvements and bug fixes, becoming an even better browser than in previous versions of Windows 10. Some of the most notable improvements are:
- The possibility of muting tabs with a click on their sound icon
- The favorites bar is now shown when opening a new tab
- It can sync information across devices, making it more useful to use Microsoft Edge both on your PC and your mobile devices
- It offers a "clutter-free" printing mode that removes ads and other unnecessary items.
- It offers a better bookmark management system, as well as an improved experience for reading e-books.
- It has touchpad gestures that are useful to users that have a precision touchpad.
6. Improved looks, transparency and reveal effects with Fluent Design
Fluent Design is an acrylic-style user interface, with reveal effects that are showcased in many areas. As a result, many elements in Windows 10 April 2018 Update look better than they used to: the Start Menu, the Action Center, the Settings app, the Calendar, the taskbar, the People app, the Game Bar, the touch keyboard and a few other elements.
Microsoft is slowing upgrading the user interface so that more and more of it uses Fluent Design.
7. The Settings app has been expanded to include more controls and settings
The Settings app is slowly replacing the old Control Panel, as the central place for personalizing and administering Windows. In Windows 10 April 2018 Update, it receives an improved look, with more Fluent Design elements, as well as new tools and features. For example, you can now set your Startup apps from Settings, get access to improved audio controls, improved Ease of Access settings, an upgrade to Storage Sense that includes Disk Cleanup functions, and so on.
The management of language packs has also been improved, as well the delivery of Windows updates.
8. Cortana gets smarter with Windows 10 April 2018 Update
Cortana has received several welcome improvements, including an improved user interface.
You can now use her to create lists that sync across devices; it is easier to view your reminders, see Cortana's full list of skills and use them. You can also use her to play music on Spotify.
9. An improved Game bar with better looks and more options
The Game Bar has been redesigned. It looks better, it is more personalizable, and it includes access to new options, like muting your microphone while recording a gaming session. Also, you can now reset your Game Mode settings to their defaults.
Another useful feature is that your notifications, while gaming, are automatically stored for you by Cortana so that you are not bothered. You can review them later when you are done playing.
10. It is easier to recover user accounts when you forget their password
A big issue with previous versions of Windows and local user accounts was when you forgot your password. If you did not have a password reset disk, it was complicated to reset your user's password and access Windows. Now, when you create a new user account in Windows 10 April 2018 Update, you are asked to enter the answer to three security questions. Then, when you forget that user's password, you can answer these questions correctly and reset the password..
11. Windows Defender Security Center is more useful
The Windows Defender Security Center has been updated to include more security tools and controls. It contains new protection areas, like account protection, device security, as well as device performance and health.
12. HDR video support
Microsoft has decided to improve its HDR video support in Windows 10. If your PC or device has a screen able to display 300 nits or more, with a graphics card that supports PlayReady hardware digital rights management (for protected content), and your PC is capable of 10-bit video decoding, then you can enable HDR video in Windows 10 April 2018 Update. You also need to calibrate your display to use this feature.
Other changes and improvements that affect a lower number of users
The official list of changes is long, and ours includes the major features that affect the most users. However, there are many other features and changes coming with Windows 10 April 2018 Update:
- Some Bluetooth peripherals like the Surface Precision Mouse can now be paired with one click. The Bluetooth pairing experience has received quality improvements in general.
- Improved DPI scaling support for high-resolution displays, and more controls to override the DPI scaling behavior of the operating system and the apps that you are using.
- You get individual graphics settings on systems with two or more video cards. The end user can now control which video card gets used for which game (or app), straight from Settings.
- Windows Update can prevent your PC from going into Sleep mode when you are not using it, and it has an update to complete. As a result, it increases the chances of updates getting completed while you are not using your PC.
- Improved controls for background data transfers, data usage, and data limits. Very useful when you are on a cellular data connection.
- Easier setup for Windows Hello, including straight from the sign-in screen.
- Fonts are now managed from the Settings app and can be installed from the Microsoft Store.
- The Microsoft Store can now host Progressive Web Apps (PWA) that exist on Android and iOS. This is a big deal mostly to Microsoft and app developers, as this move can increase the number of apps available in the Store.
- Windows 10 S becomes a mode of Windows. From now on, any edition of Windows 10 can run in S mode. More details can be found here.
- There are also many small improvements for the Windows Subsystem for Linux, as well as for some advanced system administration tools like Windows Defender Application Guard, native UNIX sockets, Hyper-V, and more.
Will you install Windows 10 April 2018 Update as soon as it is available?
Now you know most of the novelties that are introduced by April 2018 Update. Before closing this article, share with us in a comment whether you plan to install it or not, as soon as it is available. Or, you prefer to wait for a few months? Comment below and let's discuss.