Netflix无疑是彩电发明以来娱乐业最突出的发展。坐在家里欣赏最好的电影和电视节目的能力甚至威胁到传统电影的存在。为了让经典影院的情况变得更糟,为观众带来更好的体验,Netflix现在允许人们观看 4K 电影,以确保最佳的观看体验。如果您想使用您的Netflix帐户创建完美的家庭影院,那么这里有一篇文章可帮助您了解如何以高清或超高清流式传输 Netflix。(how to stream Netflix in HD or Ultra HD.)

如何以高清或超高清流式传输 Netflix(How to Stream Netflix in HD or Ultra HD)
如何将 Netflix 更改为超高清?(How do I change Netflix to Ultra HD?)
在您开始篡改您的Netflix帐户的播放设置之前,了解您遇到视频质量不佳的原因以及您的订阅计划是否与此有关至关重要。默认情况下,Netflix 上的视频质量由您接收的带宽速度控制。(the video quality on Netflix is controlled by the bandwidth speed you are receiving. )连接速度越快,质量就越好。
其次,Netflix上的流媒体质量取决于您的订阅套餐。在四个订阅计划中,只有一个支持超高清。(From the four subscription plans, only one supports Ultra HD.)既然您已经熟悉了Netflix上视频质量背后的机制,那么您可以通过以下方式制作Netflix HD或Ultra HD。
方法 1:确保您具有所需的设置(Method 1: Ensure you have the Required Setup)
从以上段落中,您可能已经意识到以超高清观看(Ultra HD)Netflix并不是最简单的任务。为了增加您的麻烦,您需要具有与 4K 视频兼容的设置。以下是在Ultra HD(Ultra HD)中流式传输时需要牢记的一些事项。
1. 您需要有一个 4K 兼容的屏幕(1. You need to have a 4K compatible screen):您必须专门检查您的设备规格表并确定您的电视、笔记本电脑或移动设备是否能够流式传输 4K。平均而言,大多数设备的最大分辨率为 1080p;因此,请确定您的设备是否支持超高清(Ultra HD)。
2. 你需要一个 HEVC 编解码器:(2. You need to have an HEVC codec: )HEVC编解码器是一种视频压缩标准,它可以在相同的比特率下提供更好的数据压缩和更高的视频质量。在大多数设备上,4K 可以在没有HEVC的情况下运行,但它会消耗太多数据,如果你有每日互联网上限,那就更糟糕了。您可以联系服务专家,看看您是否可以在您的设备上安装HEVC编解码器。
3.您需要快速的网络连接:(You require a fast net connection: ) 4K 视频不会在较差的网络上流式传输。要使Netflix Ultra HD正常运行,您需要至少 25mbps 的互联网速度。您可以在Netflix批准的互联网速度测试公司Ookla或fast.com上检查您的速度。
4. 你的电脑应该有一个强大的显卡:(4. Your PC should have a powerful graphic card: )如果你想在你的电脑上流式传输 4K 视频,你应该有一个Nvidia 10系列显卡或英特尔 i7 处理器。您的显示器不仅应支持 4K,还应具有HCDP 2.2和 60Hz 的刷新率。
5. 你应该看 4K 电影:(5. You should be watching a 4K movie: )不用说你看的电影或片段应该支持 4K 观看。如果你打算看的标题在Ultra HD(Ultra HD)中看不到,之前采取的所有奢侈措施都将毫无用处。
方法 2:更改为高级计划(Method 2: Change to a Premium plan)
确保满足所有要求后,您需要检查您的订阅计划是否支持 4K。为此,您必须访问您的帐户设置并相应地升级您的计划。
1.在您的 PC 上打开Netflix 应用程序。(Netflix app)
2. 在应用程序的右上角,单击三个点。(click on the three dots.)
3. 会出现几个选项。从列表中,单击“设置”。(click on ‘Settings.’)

4. 在标题为“帐户”的面板中,单击“帐户详细信息”。(click on ‘Account Details.’)您现在将通过默认浏览器重定向到您的Netflix帐户。(Netflix)

5. 查找标题为“计划详细信息(Plan Details)”的面板。如果计划显示“ Premium Ultra HD ”,那么您就可以开始了。

6. 如果您的订阅套餐不支持Ultra HD,请单击更改计划(Change plan) 选项。
7. 在这里,选择最下方的选项(select the lowermost option),然后单击继续。(click on Continue.)

8. 您将被重定向到支付门户,您需要支付一些额外费用才能获得 4K 流媒体质量。
9. 完成后,您将能够在Netflix上享受(Netflix)超高清(Ultra HD)并以最佳质量观看电影。
注意:(Note: )您也可以使用智能手机访问您的帐户设置。只需(Just)打开应用程序并点击右上角的头像,然后点击“帐户”。(Account.)'完成后,程序与上述程序相同。(Once)
另请阅读: (Also Read: )修复 Netflix 错误“无法连接到 Netflix”(Fix Netflix Error “Unable to Connect to Netflix”)
方法 3:更改 Netflix 的播放设置(Method 3: Change Netflix’s Playback Settings )
更改Netflix(Netflix)上的订阅计划并不总是足以确保高质量的流媒体。Netflix为其用户提供了一个视频质量选项列表,并允许他们选择最适合他们要求的设置。如果你的画质设置为自动或低,那么画质自然会很差。以下是通过更改一些设置以高清或超高清流式传输 Netflix 的方法:(stream Netflix in HD or Ultra HD)
1.按照上述步骤,您首先需要打开与您的(open the Account settings)Netflix帐户关联的帐户设置。
2. 在“帐户(Account)”选项中,向下滚动直到到达“个人资料和家长控制”(‘Profile and Parental Control’ )面板,然后选择要更改其视频质量的帐户。(select the account)

3. 在“播放设置”(‘Playback Settings’)选项前面,单击更改。(click on Change.)

4. 在“每屏数据使用量”(‘Data usage per screen’)菜单下,选择高。(select High.) 这将迫使您的Netflix帐户以全质量播放视频,尽管带宽较差或互联网速度较慢。

5. 您应该能够根据您的设置和计划以高清或超高清流式传输(Ultra HD)Netflix 。
方法 4:更改 Netflix 视频的下载质量(Method 4: Change Download Quality of Netflix Videos)
Netflix的一大优点是您可以下载 4K 电影和节目,确保您获得无互联网和带宽问题的无缝观看体验。但是,在下载之前,请确保将下载设置设置为高。以下是通过更改下载设置以超高清流式传输 Netflix 视频的方法:(stream Netflix videos in Ultra HD)
1.单击( Click on the three dots)Netflix应用右上角的三个点,然后打开设置。(Settings.)
2. 在设置(Settings)菜单中,转到标题为下载(Downloads)的面板,然后单击视频质量。(click on Video Quality.)

3. 如果质量设置为“标准(Standard)”,您可以将其更改为“高”并提高在(‘High’)Netflix上下载的视频质量。
常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs))
Q1。Netflix 上的高清和超高清有什么区别?(Q1. What’s the difference between HD and Ultra HD on Netflix?)
视频(Video)质量取决于手头素材的分辨率,并以像素为单位。高清视频的分辨率为1280p x 720p;全高清(Full HD)视频的分辨率为 1920p x 1080p,超高清(Ultra HD)视频的分辨率为 3840p x 2160p。从这些数字可以明显看出,超高清(Ultra HD)的分辨率要高得多,并且素材提供了更大的深度、清晰度和色彩。
Q2。将 Netflix 升级到超高清是否值得?(Q2. Is it worth it to upgrade Netflix to Ultra HD?)
升级到超高清(Ultra HD)的决定完全取决于您。如果您设置了 4K 观看,那么投资是值得的,因为Netflix上越来越多的影片支持 4K。但如果你的电视分辨率是 1080p,那么在Netflix上购买高级订阅套餐将是一种浪费。
Q3。如何更改 Netflix 上的流媒体质量?(Q3. How do I change the streaming quality on Netflix?)
您可以通过从您的帐户(Account)更改视频播放设置来更改Netflix上的流媒体质量。您还可以尝试升级您的Netflix订阅计划以观看超高清(Ultra HD)视频。
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够以高清或超高清流式传输 Netflix( stream Netflix in HD or Ultra HD)。如果您对本文仍有任何疑问,请随时在评论部分提出。
How to Stream Netflix in HD or Ultra HD
Netflix is inarguably the most prominent development in the entеrtainment industry since the invention of color television. The ability to sit at home and enjoy the finest moviеs and TV shows has even threatened the existence of traditional cinema. Τo make things worse for classiс theatres and better for viewers, Netflix now allows people to watch films in 4K, enѕυring the optimal viewing experience. If yоu want to create the perfect home theatre with your Netflix aсcount, then here’s a post to help you find out how to stream Netflix in HD or Ultra HD.

How to Stream Netflix in HD or Ultra HD
How do I change Netflix to Ultra HD?
Before you go about tampering with the playback settings of your Netflix account, it is crucial to understand why you are experiencing poor video quality and if your subscription plan has something to do with it. By default, the video quality on Netflix is controlled by the bandwidth speed you are receiving. The faster the connectivity, the better the quality.
Secondly, the streaming quality on Netflix depends on your subscription package. From the four subscription plans, only one supports Ultra HD. Now that you are acquainted with the mechanisms behind video quality on Netflix, here’s how you can make Netflix HD or Ultra HD.
Method 1: Ensure you have the Required Setup
From the above paragraph, you might have realized that watching Netflix in Ultra HD is not the easiest of tasks. To add to your troubles, you need to have a compatible setup with 4K videos. Here are a few things you need to keep in mind to stream in Ultra HD.
1. You need to have a 4K compatible screen: You will have to specifically check your device spec sheet and determine if your TV, laptop, or mobile is capable of streaming 4K. On average, most devices have a maximum resolution of 1080p; therefore, find out if your device supports Ultra HD or not.
2. You need to have an HEVC codec: HEVC codec is a video compression standard that offers much better data compression and higher video quality for the same bit rate. On most devices, 4K can be run without HEVC, but it will drain way too much data and is especially bad if you have a daily internet cap. You can contact a service expert to see whether you can install the HEVC codec on your device.
3. You require a fast net connection: 4K videos will not stream on a poor network. For Netflix Ultra HD to function properly, you need a minimum internet speed of 25mbps. You can check your speed on Ookla or, an internet speed test company approved by Netflix.
4. Your PC should have a powerful graphic card: If you wish to stream 4K videos on your PC, you should have an Nvidia 10 series graphics card or an intel i7 processer. Your display should not only support 4K but also have HCDP 2.2 and have a refresh rate of 60Hz.
5. You should be watching a 4K movie: It goes without saying that the movie or footage you watch should support 4K viewing. All the extravagant measures taken before will be of no use if the title you plan on watching cannot be seen in Ultra HD.
Method 2: Change to a Premium plan
Once you have ensured that you have all the requirements in place, you need to check if your subscription plan supports 4K. To do this, you will have to access your account settings and upgrade your plan accordingly.
1. Open the Netflix app on your PC.
2. On the top right corner of the app, click on the three dots.
3. A few options will appear. From the list, click on ‘Settings.’

4. In the panel titled Accounts, click on ‘Account Details.’ You will now be redirected to your Netflix account through your default browser.

5. Look for the panel titled, ‘Plan Details.’ If the plan reads ‘Premium Ultra HD,’ then you are good to go.

6. If your subscription package does not support Ultra HD, click on the Change plan option.
7. Here, select the lowermost option and click on Continue.

8. You will be redirected to a payment portal, where you will have to pay a little extra to get 4K streaming quality.
9. Once done, you will be able to enjoy Ultra HD on Netflix and watch movies in the finest quality possible.
Note: You can also access your account settings using your smartphone. Just open the app and tap on your avatar in the top right corner and then tap on ‘Account.’ Once done, the procedure is identical to the one mentioned above.
Also Read: Fix Netflix Error “Unable to Connect to Netflix”
Method 3: Change Netflix’s Playback Settings
Changing the subscription plan on Netflix isn’t always enough to ensure high streaming quality. Netflix gives its users a list of video quality options and allows them to choose a setting that best suits their requirements. If your quality is set to auto or low, then the picture quality will naturally be poor. Here’s how you can stream Netflix in HD or Ultra HD by changing a few settings:
1. Following the steps mentioned above, you first need to open the Account settings associated with your Netflix account.
2. Within the Account options, scroll down until you reach the ‘Profile and Parental Control’ panel and then select the account whose video quality you want to change.

3. In front of the ‘Playback Settings’ option, click on Change.

4. Under the ‘Data usage per screen’ menu, select High. This will force your Netflix account to play videos in full quality despite poor bandwidth or slow internet.

5. You should be able to stream Netflix in HD or Ultra HD based on your setup and plan.
Method 4: Change Download Quality of Netflix Videos
One of the best things about Netflix is that you can download 4K movies and shows, ensuring that you have a seamless viewing experience free from internet and bandwidth issues. Before downloading, however, make sure that your download settings are set to high. Here’s how you can stream Netflix videos in Ultra HD by changing their download settings:
1. Click on the three dots on the top right corner of your Netflix app and open the Settings.
2. In the Settings menu, go to the panel titled Downloads and click on Video Quality.

3. If the quality is set to ‘Standard,’ you can change it to ‘High’ and improve the video quality of downloads on Netflix.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. What’s the difference between HD and Ultra HD on Netflix?
Video quality is determined by the resolution of the footage at hand and is measured in pixels. The resolution of videos in HD is 1280p x 720p; the resolution of videos in Full HD is 1920p x 1080p and the resolution of videos in Ultra HD is 3840p x 2160p. From these numbers, it is obvious that the resolution is much higher in Ultra HD, and the footage provides greater depth, clarity, and color.
Q2. Is it worth it to upgrade Netflix to Ultra HD?
The decision to upgrade to Ultra HD depends solely on you. If you have the set up to watch in 4K, then the investment is worth it, because more and more titles on Netflix are coming with 4K support. But if the resolution of your TV is 1080p, then buying the premium subscription package on Netflix will be a waste.
Q3. How do I change the streaming quality on Netflix?
You can change the streaming quality on Netflix by changing the video playback settings from your Account. You can also try upgrading your Netflix subscription plan to watch videos in Ultra HD.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you were able to stream Netflix in HD or Ultra HD. If you still have any queries regarding this article, then feel free to ask them in the comments section.