您是否有一台全新的计算机,需要在其上安装和配置所有内容:从操作系统(operating system)到驱动程序、应用程序、插件等等?您是否需要从“旧”计算机中删除所有内容并从头开始重新安装?如果这两个问题的答案是肯定的,那么你很幸运!在设置了许多计算机(旧的和全新的)之后,我们创建了一个您必须经历的步骤清单,以便获得最佳体验:在尽可能少的时间内以安全的方式避免(太多)崩溃. 本文分享了您需要经过的优化步骤列表,以使一切正常运行。
步骤 1(Step 1)。安装操作系统(operating system)(Windows 10、Windows 8.1、Windows 7 和/或其他)- 强制
首先(First)要做的事情:您需要安装主操作系统(operating system)。如果您有任何次要的,则可以保留这些,直到您完成在主要的上设置所需的所有内容,以使事情变得更容易。由于您正在阅读我们,您可能使用的是Windows 10、Windows 8.1 或 Windows 7 的版本。为了帮助您,我们发布了几个安装指南,涵盖了许多可能的安装场景:
- 如何使用(Using)零售媒体或(Media Or)ISO 映像(ISO Image)安装Windows 10
- 如何在您的计算机上安装(Your Computer)Windows 8.1 RTM
- 如何立即将您的Windows 8.1(Windows 8.1) 或 Windows 7(Or Windows 7) PC 升级到Windows 10 !(Right)
- 如何从其他网络(Network)计算机安装任何版本(Version)的Windows
如果您有一台名牌计算机,那么该计算机的制造商很可能已经为您完成了操作系统的安装。(operating system)幸运(Lucky)你!😉
如果您的互联网连接在您选择的(internet connection)操作系统(operating system)的安装过程中正常工作,请不要犹豫,配置您的网络连接(network connection)(为其分配正确的网络位置配置文件(network location profile))或您的家庭组。
步骤 2(Step 2)。检查是否启用了系统还原(System Restore)并创建还原点(restore point)- 推荐
- 仔细检查系统还原(System Restore)是否已启用,并且
- 手动创建还原点。
Windows 10、Windows 8.1 和Windows 7的默认行为(default behavior)是在安装更新、驱动程序和应用程序之前创建还原点 - 如果启用了系统还原。(System Restore)如果在设置过程中(setup process),某些东西弄乱了您的计算机,您不必重新开始。您只需将系统恢复到工作时的某个点,然后仔细检查该点之后的步骤。
什么可以很快搞砸你的电脑?好问题有很多可能的答案,取决于你的电脑、你的操作系统(operating system)、你的知识和注意力(knowledge and attention span)。但是,最有可能的候选者是:安装不正确或旧的驱动程序、安全解决方案(尤其是旧的和/或不兼容的、并行安装和使用的多个安全解决方案),有时还有Windows 更新(Windows Updates)。举个例子,Windows 10 可能会自动为您的某个硬件组件(hardware component)安装错误的更新或错误的驱动程序,或者 Windows 7 错误地决定您需要为您实际上没有的某些硬件组件(hardware component)安装更新- 它发生了对我们不止一次,在不同的计算机上。
步骤 3(Step 3)。为计算机的硬件组件安装缺少的驱动程序 - 强制
可以让Windows 更新(Windows Update) 为大多数计算机硬件组件推荐和安装驱动程序,但不是全部。(recommend and install drivers)对于显卡驱动程序(尤其是为游戏设计的驱动程序),您应该在显卡制造商的网站上找到最新版本(它将是AMD/ATI或NVIDIA)。您需要在制造商的网站上查找更新驱动程序的其他一些硬件组件包括:网卡(如果您无法连接到 Internet)、打印机、扫描仪、键盘和鼠标(如果您使用的是品牌,则尤其如此对于游戏玩家,他们往往需要安装额外的软件)。
Windows 7(Windows 7)和Windows 8.1,尤其是Windows 10,在查找和安装大多数其他组件的最新驱动程序方面做得很好:鼠标、触摸板、键盘、网卡(network card)(无线或以太网(wireless or Ethernet))、声卡、网络摄像头、打印机、扫描仪、主板相关驱动。为确保您没有错过任何组件,请检查设备管理器(Device Manager)和本教程:使用设备管理器查找(Device Manager)Windows中缺少的驱动程序和隐藏设备。
- 您将能够尽快使用系统的所有硬件功能;
- 您还没有一个安全解决方案(security solution),它可能会干扰驱动程序的安装,或者为了安装成功执行而请求大量批准而惹恼您。(driver or annoy)
在下一步之前这样做的缺点是什么?除非您喜欢Microsoft Edge 或 Internet Explorer(Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer)并将其中之一用作您的主要Web 浏览器(web browser),否则您还没有安装您最喜欢的浏览器。
注意:(NOTE:)如果您有品牌计算机,制造商可能已经为您完成了此步骤。但是,值得仔细检查是否确实安装了所有最新驱动程序。此外,您可能想要搜索更新的驱动程序版本,尤其是您的显卡(video card)。
第 4 步(Step 4)。安装所有重要的Windows 更新(Windows Updates)- 强制
您必须安装哪些更新?这个问题的答案很简单:所有服务包(例如Windows 8.1更新和Windows 7 Service Pack 1),所有标记为重要的更新,并从可选更新列表中检查Windows为您的硬件组件推荐的驱动程序。如果您使用的是Windows 10,则应安装所有主要更新,如周年更新(Anniversary Update)或创作者(Creators) 更新(Update)(将于 2017 年春季推出)。
- 它可以立即保护您的系统,并且您在执行后续步骤时不太可能遇到安全问题;
- 它消除了在安装和/或使用以后安装的软件时出现问题的可能性。某些应用程序只有在安装了“兼容性更新(compatibility update)”后才能正常运行,而其他应用程序只能在最新版本的Windows上运行。
步骤 5(Step 5)。安装您的首选/主要网络浏览器 - 强制
您可能没有使用Microsoft Edge(或Internet Explorer)作为您的主要网络浏览器(web browser)。至此,您肯定急于获得您最喜欢的浏览器并开始使用它。你还在等什么?去获取您的主浏览器并将其安装在您的Windows 计算机上(Windows computer)。
步骤 6(Step 6)。为重要硬件组件进行BIOS 和固件更新-(BIOS and firmware updates)可选(Optional)(仅限(Geeks)Geeks )
此步骤适用于那些具有更高级技术技能和信心的人。确保从系统中获得最大性能的最佳方法之一是更新最重要的硬件组件的BIOS and/or固件。我们建议您查找主板和显卡的(video card)BIOS更新。安装它们可以帮助您修复错误、提高性能或提高它们与其他设备和硬件功能的兼容性。
正如部分标题(section header)中所说- 此步骤是可选的,建议那些知道BIOS 升级(BIOS upgrade)需要什么的人使用。
为什么是现在而不是以后?最好在没有安装和启用任何安全解决方案的情况下进行(security solution)BIOS更新,因为它消除了任何冲突的可能性,无论多么小。
步骤 7(Step 7)。安装良好的安全解决方案(security solution)- 强制
您可能想知道 - 为什么建议这么晚才安装安全解决方案?(security solution)如果您已经安装了所有重要的Windows 更新(Windows Updates),那么您已经拥有了一个非常安全的系统(secure system)。因此,除非您在到达这一点之前访问阴暗的网站,否则您是安全的。此外,等待更多时间来安装安全解决方案(security solution)可以避免在安装和设置其他内容时进行额外点击的麻烦 - 这取决于您选择的解决方案及其要求您确认所有内容(或什么都不做)的习惯。🙂
不知道在安全解决方案方面要安装什么?不要犹豫,阅读本指南:适用于Windows设备的最佳防病毒软件是什么?(antivirus software)我们涵盖了所有重要的安全供应商。
为什么现在而不是以后呢?在开始在 Internet 上搜索所需的所有软件之前,最好先安装您的安全解决方案。(security solution)这可以帮助您保持安全,以防您最终访问一些阴暗的网站,为您提供惊人的优惠或“免费”应用程序供下载。
步骤 8(Step 8)。安装插件、播放器和运行时环境 - 可选
在过去,您需要安装大量插件、播放器和运行时环境,才能毫无问题地浏览和使用您想要的一切。然而,在当今的互联网中,Windows 10或Windows 8.1等新操作系统,以及(Windows 8.1)Google Chrome、Mozilla Firefox、Opera或Microsoft Edge等新网络浏览器,已经拥有它们所需的插件,以便让您自由浏览网络。此外(Furthermore),具有许多安全漏洞的软件,如臭名昭著的Flash Player 或 Java Runtime(Flash Player or Java Runtime),不再那么常用了。
这就是为什么不再强制执行此步骤的原因。但是,如果您确实需要像Adobe Flash Player这样的特殊插件,您应该立即安装它并确保它始终是最新的,以便您获得最新的安全更新。另外,请确保此时您已安装防病毒软件,并且它会扫描您从 Internet 下载的所有内容。您不想让勒索软件伪装成Adob(Adobe) e的Flash Player。
步骤 9(Step 9)。垃圾软件(Crapware)删除 - 品牌系统的强制要求
如果您从 HP、Dell、Acer、Lenovo等制造商处购买品牌系统,则无需执行步骤1(number 1)和 3,因为您的计算机制造商已经为您完成了这些步骤。然而,这是有代价的:制造商还安装了一些您永远不需要或使用的软件/膨胀软件。通常(Often),该软件使您的系统使用起来很烦人,而且安全性不如预期。此外,它占用了可用于其他应用程序的宝贵存储空间。(storage space)花时间删除您不需要或不想使用的所有内容。在此步骤中,我们提供了一些有用的指南:
- 在Windows(Windows)中删除桌面程序和现代应用程序的8种方法(Ways)
- 如何在 3 个步骤中使用PowerShell删除(PowerShell)默认的 Windows 10(Default Windows 10) 应用程序(Apps)
- 如何使用PC Decrapifier、SlimComputer 或 Decrap删除(SlimComputer Or Decrap)Crapware
步骤 10(Step 10)。安装您需要的应用程序和游戏 - 强制
此时,您拥有一个最新且安全的系统。可以开始浏览网页以下载并安装您需要的所有应用程序。此外,打开Windows 应用商店(Windows Store)并安装您要使用的现代应用程序。从现在开始,确保您的安全解决方案(security solution)处于活动状态并实时保护您。
步骤 11(Step 11)。配置您的操作系统(operating system)、驱动程序和应用程序 - 强制
- 在您的操作系统(operating system)上:用户帐户、您的图书馆、网络和共享设置(Network and Sharing settings)以及家庭组(Homegroup)等。
- 您最常使用的硬件组件的驱动程序:视频卡、打印机、扫描仪、网络摄像头、键盘、鼠标等。
- 您最常使用的应用程序。
How to setup a system from scratch: the best order for installing everything
Do уou have a brand new computer on which уou need to inѕtall and configure everything: starting from the operating system to drivers, applications, plugins and so on? Do you need tо delete everything from an "old" computer and reinstall all from scratch? If the answer is yes to either of these questions, then you аre in luck! After ѕetting up many computers (both old and brand new), we created a checklist of ѕteps you mυst go through, in order to haνe the best еxperience possible: without (toо many) crashes, in the least possible time and in a securе way. This article shareѕ the optimіzed list of stepѕ you need to go thrоugh, in order to have everything working correctly.
Step 1. Install the operating system (Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, and/or others) - Mandatory
First things first: you need to install the main operating system. If you have any secondary ones, those can be left until you finish everything you need to set up on your main one, to make things easier. Since you are reading us, you probably use a version of Windows 10, Windows 8.1 or Windows 7. To help you out, we published several installation guides which cover many of the possible installation scenarios:
If you have a brand-name computer, the installation of the operating system is very likely to have been already done for you by the manufacturer of that computer. Lucky you! 😉
If your internet connection works during the installation of the operating system of your choice, don't hesitate to configure things like your network connection (assign the right network location profile to it) or your Homegroup.
Step 2. Check if System Restore is enabled and create a restore point - Recommended
This step might seem surprising to many people but it doesn't make it less important. If there's a time when things are likely to fail, it's when you setup your computer for the first time and install everything you need to use. To be on the safe side, it is important to:
- double check that System Restore is enabled and
- create a restore point manually.
The default behavior of Windows 10, Windows 8.1 and Windows 7 is to create restore points before you install updates, drivers, and applications - if System Restore is enabled. If during the setup process, something manages to mess up your computer, you do not have to start all over again. You simply restore the system to a point when it worked and double check the steps which followed after that point.
What can mess up your computer very fast? Good question with lots of possible answers, depending on your computer, your operating system, your knowledge and attention span. However, the most likely candidates are: installing incorrect or old drivers, security solutions (especially old and/or incompatible ones, multiple security solutions installed and used in parallel) and, sometimes, Windows Updates. To given you an example, Windows 10 may automatically install a buggy update or a bad driver for one of your hardware components, or Windows 7 incorrectly decides you need to install an update for some hardware component you don't actually have - it happened to us more than once, on different computers.
Step 3. Install missing drivers for the computer's hardware components - Mandatory
It is OK to have Windows Update recommend and install drivers for most of your computer's hardware components, but not for all. When it comes to video card drivers (especially ones designed for gaming) you should go for the latest version found on the website of your card's manufacturer (it will be either AMD/ATI or NVIDIA). Some other hardware components for which you will want to look for newer drivers on the manufacturer's website include: network cards (if you had trouble connecting to the internet), printers, scanners, keyboards and mice (this is especially true if you are using brands for gamers, which tend to require additional software installed).
Both Windows 7 and Windows 8.1, but especially Windows 10, will do a good job at finding and installing the latest drivers for most of your other components: mouse, touchpad, keyboard, the network card (wireless or Ethernet), sound card, webcam, printer, scanner, motherboard-related drivers. To make sure you have not missed any component, check Device Manager and this tutorial: Find missing drivers & hidden devices in Windows, with Device Manager.
Why do this step now rather than later? Here are some reasons:
- You will be able to use all your system's hardware capabilities sooner rather than later;
- You don't yet have a security solution which might interfere with the installation of the driver or annoy you with requesting lots of approvals in order for the installation to be executed successfully.
The downside to doing this before the next steps? Unless you like Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer and use one of them as your main web browser, you don't yet have your favorite browser installed.
NOTE: If you have a brand-name computer, this step is probably already done for you by the manufacturer. However, it is worth double-checking that all latest drivers are indeed installed. Also, you might want to search for newer driver versions, especially for your video card.
Step 4. Install ALL the important Windows Updates - Mandatory
What updates must you install? The answer to this question is easy: all service packs (e.g. the Windows 8.1 update and the Windows 7 Service Pack 1), all updates marked as important and, from the list of optional updates, check the drivers Windows recommends for your hardware components. If you are using Windows 10, you should install all the major updates like the Anniversary Update or the Creators Update (coming in the spring of 2017).
Why do this now rather than later? For a couple of very good reasons:
- It secures your system immediately and you are less likely to encounter security problems when working on the next steps;
- It eliminates the likelihood of having issues with installing and/or using software installed later. Some applications work properly only if a "compatibility update" is installed, while others work only on the latest version of Windows.
Step 5. Install your preferred/main web browser - Mandatory
You may not be using Microsoft Edge (or Internet Explorer) as your main web browser. By this point, you are surely anxious to get your hands on your favorite browser and start using it. So... what are you waiting for? Go get your main browser and install it on your Windows computer.
Why do this now and not later? You have to install your main browser before installing any browser plugins and you will also be able to use it to download the stuff you need in the next steps.
Step 6. Make BIOS and firmware updates for important hardware components - Optional (Geeks Only)
This step is for those with more advanced technical skills and confidence. One of the best ways to make sure you get the maximum performance from your system is to update the BIOS and/or firmware of the hardware components that matter most. We recommend that you look for BIOS updates for the motherboard and the video card. Installing them can help you fix bugs, squeeze more performance or improve their compatibility with other devices and hardware features.
As it says in the section header - this step is optional and recommended to those who know what a BIOS upgrade entails.
Why now and not later? It is good to make BIOS updates without having any security solution installed and enabled because it eliminates the possibility of any conflict, no matter how minor.
Step 7. Install a good security solution - Mandatory
You might wonder - why recommend installing a security solution so late? If you have installed all the important Windows Updates, you already have a pretty secure system. So, unless you visit shady websites before you get to this point, you are safe. Also, waiting a bit more to install a security solution saves you the trouble of making additional clicks when installing and setting up the other stuff - depending on the solution you go for and its habit of asking you to confirm everything (or nothing). 🙂
Don't know what to install in terms of security solutions? Don't hesitate to read this guide: What is the best antivirus software for Windows devices?. We covered all important security vendors.
Why do this now and not later? It is good to install your security solution before you start searching the internet for all the software you need. This helps you stay secure in case you end up on some shady website, offering you amazing deals or "free" apps for download.
Step 8. Install plugins, players and runtime environments - Optional
In the old days, you needed to install quite a handful of plugins, players and runtime environments, in order to be able to browse and use everything you wanted, without problems. However, in today's internet, new operating systems like Windows 10 or Windows 8.1, and new web browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, or Microsoft Edge, already have the plugins they need in order to let you browse the web freely. Furthermore, software with many security flaws, like the infamous Flash Player or Java Runtime, are not so commonly used anymore.
That's why this step is no longer mandatory to perform. However, if you really need a special plugin like Adobe Flash Player, you should install it now and make sure it is always up-to-date so that you get the latest security updates for it. Also, make sure that, at this point, you have an antivirus installed and that it scans everything you download from the internet. You don't want to get ransomware disguised as Adobe's Flash Player.
Step 9. Crapware removal - Mandatory for brand-name systems
If you purchased a branded system from manufacturers like HP, Dell, Acer, Lenovo and so on, you won't have to go through steps number 1 and 3, as they have already been done for you by the manufacturer of your computer. However, this comes at a price: the manufacturer has also installed some software/bloatware you will never need or use. Often, this software makes your system annoying to use and less secure than it could be. Also, it is occupying precious storage space that you can use for other apps. Take the time to remove everything you do not need or you don't want to use. We have some guides that you will find useful at this step:
Step 10. Install the applications and games you need - Mandatory
At this point, you have an up-to-date and secure system. It is OK to start browsing the web to download and install all the applications you need. Also, open the Windows Store and install the modern apps that you want to use. From now on, make sure that your security solution is active and protecting you in real time.
Step 11. Configure your operating system, drivers, and applications - Mandatory
This step doesn't have to be last. Configuring things can be done in parallel with all the other steps. To help you want, here's a checklist of what you should not forget to configure:
And… you are done!
Wow... we finally managed to get to the finish line. This is a long list, isn't it? Fortunately, you need to go through these steps only once. Dedicate a few hours, pay attention to what you are doing and everything will be fine. Before you go, tell us what do you think. Is this the optimal order of things? Is this the best approach? We're looking forward to your input.