如果不是Windows 睡眠模式功能(Windows Sleep Mode feature),您将花费更多时间查看蓝色平铺徽标和启动加载动画。它使您的笔记本电脑和台式机保持开机状态,但处于低能耗状态(energy state)。因此,它使应用程序和Windows 操作系统(Windows OS)保持活动状态,让您在喝完咖啡(coffee break)后立即恢复工作。睡眠模式通常在Windows 10上完美运行,但是,一旦出现蓝月亮,它就会让人头疼。在本文中,我们将引导您了解睡眠模式的正确电源设置以及(sleep mode)解决Windows 10 睡眠模式(sleep mode)不工作问题的其他修复程序。
如何修复 Windows 10 睡眠模式不起作用(How to Fix Windows 10 Sleep Mode Not Working)
有时,您可能会在不知不觉中禁用睡眠模式功能(Sleep Mode feature),然后认为它不再工作。另一个非常常见的问题是 Windows 10 在预定义的空闲时间后无法自动进入睡眠状态。大多数与睡眠模式相关的问题是由于:
- 电源设置配置错误
- 来自第三方应用程序的干扰。
- 或者,过时或损坏的驱动程序。
可以通过从Windows 电源菜单(Windows Power Menu)中选择所需的选项来使 PC 进入睡眠状态,同时关闭笔记本电脑盖使其自动进入睡眠状态。此外,Windows 计算机可以配置为在设置的空闲时间后自动进入睡眠状态以节省电量。要将系统从睡眠中唤醒(To wake up)并恢复运行,只需移动鼠标(move the mouse)或按(or press any key)键盘上的任意键即可。
方法 1:运行电源疑难解答(Method 1: Run Power Troubleshooter)
如果手动调整电源设置尚未证明有效,请使用内置电源故障排除(Power troubleshooter)程序来解决此问题。该工具会检查您的所有电源计划(power plan)设置和系统设置,例如显示和屏幕保护程序(display & screensaver),以优化电源使用(power usage),并在需要时自动重置它们。以下是如何运行它:
1. 同时按Windows + I 键(keys)打开 Windows设置(Settings)。
2. 单击更新和安全(Update & Security)设置,如图所示。
3. 导航到左侧窗格中的疑难解答选项卡。(Troubleshoot )
4. 向下滚动到右侧窗格中的查找并修复其他问题(Find and fix other problems)部分。
5. 选择电源(Power)疑难解答并单击运行疑难解答(Run the troubleshooter )按钮,突出显示。
6. 故障排除程序完成扫描和修复后,将显示所有检测到的问题及其解决方案的列表。按照屏幕上的说明(on-screen instructions)应用上述修复。
方法 2:禁用屏幕保护程序(Method 2: Disable Screensaver)
1. 打开 Windows设置(Settings)并点击个性化(Personalization),如图所示。
2. 移至锁定屏幕(Lock screen)选项卡。
3. 滚动到底部并单击右侧窗格中的屏幕保护程序设置(Screen saver settings)。
4. 单击屏幕保护程序(Screen Saver)下拉菜单并选择无(None),如图所示。
5. 单击Apply > 确定(OK)以保存更改并退出。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)修复计算机在Windows 10中无法进入睡眠模式(Sleep Mode)
方法三:运行 powercfg 命令(Method 3: Run powercfg Command)
如前所述,第三方程序和驱动程序也可能通过重复发送电源请求导致Windows 10 睡眠模式不工作问题。(sleep mode)值得庆幸的是, Windows 10(Windows 10)操作系统中提供的 powercfg 命令行工具可用于找出确切的罪魁祸首并执行必要的操作。以下是如何执行它:
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key),键入命令提示符(Command Prompt),然后单击以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator)。
2 、输入powercfg -requests,按回车键(Enter key)执行,如图。
在这里,所有字段都应为None。如果列出了任何活动电源请求(power request),取消应用程序或驱动程序(application or driver)发出的电源请求(power request)将使计算机毫无问题地进入睡眠状态。
3. 要取消电源请求(power request),请执行以下命令(command):
powercfg -requestsoverride <CALLER_TYPE>“<NAME>”<REQUEST>
注意:(Note:) 将(Replace)CALLER_TYPE替换为PROCESS,将NAME替换为 chrome.exe ,并将 REQUEST 替换为EXECUTION ,(EXECUTION)因此命令将是powercfg -requestsoverride PROCESS “chrome.exe” EXECUTION,如下图所示。
注意:(Note: )执行powercfg -requestsoverride /?获取有关命令及其参数的更多详细信息。而且。下面列出了一些其他有用的 powercfg 命令:
powercfg -lastwake:此命令报告上次唤醒系统或阻止其进入睡眠状态的原因。
powercfg -devicequery wake_armed:显示唤醒系统的设备。
方法四:修改睡眠设置(Method 4: Modify Sleep Settings)
首先,让我们确保您的 PC 可以进入睡眠状态。Windows 10允许用户自定义电源按钮(power button)操作以及关闭笔记本电脑盖(laptop lid)时发生的情况。已知某些第三方应用程序和恶意软件会扰乱电源设置并在用户不知情的情况下对其进行修改。您的兄弟姐妹或您的一位同事也可能更改了睡眠设置。以下是如何验证和/或修改睡眠设置以修复Windows 10 睡眠模式(sleep mode)无法正常工作的问题:
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key),键入控制面板(Control Panel),然后单击打开(Open)。
2.在这里,设置View by > Large icons,然后单击电源选项(Power Options),如图所示。
3. 在左侧窗格中,单击选择电源按钮的功能(Choose what the power buttons do )选项。
注意:在少数 Windows 10 PC 上,它可能会显示为选择电源按钮的(Choose what the power button) 作用(does)。
4.为On battery和Plugged in下的当我按下 sleep button(When I press the sleep button)选项时选择Sleep action 作为Do nothing,如下图所示。
5. 单击保存更改(Save changes)按钮并关闭窗口。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)修复PC打开但没有显示
方法 5:设置睡眠定时器(Method 5: Set Sleep Timer)
1. 启动控制面板并按照(Control Panel)方法 4(Method 4)中的说明打开电源选项(Power Options)。
2. 单击左窗格中的选择何时关闭显示(Choose when to turn off the display)选项,如图所示。
3. 现在,将空闲时间选择为从不(Never)用于将计算机置于睡眠状态(Put the computer to sleep)下的电池(On battery )和插入(Plugged in)部分,如下图所示。
注意:(Note: )On battery和Plugged in的默认值分别为 30 分钟和 20 分钟。
方法 6:禁用快速启动(Method 6: Disable Fast Startup)
此解决方案主要适用于不支持快速启动且无法入睡的旧系统。顾名思义,快速启动(Fast Startup)是一项 Windows 功能,它通过保存内核映像(kernel image)并将驱动程序加载到hiberfil.sys文件来加速系统启动过程。(system boot process)尽管该功能似乎确实有益,但许多人却持不同意见。阅读为什么需要在Windows 10中禁用(Windows 10)快速启动(Fast Startup)?在这里并实施给定的步骤:
1. 进入控制面板(Control Panel)>电源选项(Power Options)>按照方法 4(Method 4)中的说明选择电源按钮的功能(Choose what the power buttons do)。
2. 单击更改当前不可用(Change settings that are currently unavailable)的设置以解锁关机设置(Shutdown settings)部分。
注意:(Note:)在用户帐户控制(User Account Control)提示中单击是。(Yes)
3.取消选中打开快速启动选项(推荐)(Turn on fast startup option (recommended) )选项
4. 单击保存更改(Save Changes)按钮使更改生效。
注意:(Note: )确保在关机设置(Shutdown settings)下选中睡眠(Sleep)选项。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在您的 PC上创建(Your PC)Windows 10 睡眠定时器(Sleep Timer)
方法 7:禁用混合睡眠(Method 7: Disable Hybrid Sleep)
混合睡眠是大多数用户不知道的电源状态。(power state)该模式是两种独立模式的组合(combination),即休眠模式和睡眠模式(Hibernation mode and Sleep mode)。所有这些模式本质上都将计算机置于省电状态,但有一些细微的差别。例如:在睡眠模式下(sleep mode),程序保存在内存中,而在休眠状态下,它们存储在硬盘上。因此,在混合睡眠中,活动程序和文档同时保存在内存和硬盘上。
台式计算机默认启用(enabled by default)混合睡眠,每当桌面进入睡眠状态时,它会自动进入混合睡眠状态。以下是如何禁用此功能以修复Windows 10 睡眠模式(sleep mode)无法正常工作的问题:
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key),键入Edit power plan,然后按 Enter 键(Enter key)。
2. 点击更改高级电源设置( Change advanced power settings)选项,如图所示。
3. 在“电源选项(Power Options)”窗口中,单击“睡眠(Sleep )”旁边的+ icon将其展开。
4. 单击允许混合睡眠(Allow hybrid sleep)并为电池(On battery)和插入(Plugged in)选项选择值关闭。(Off)
方法 8:禁用唤醒定时器(Method 8: Disable Wake Timers)
要在Windows 10(Windows 10)中退出睡眠模式,您通常需要按任意键或稍微移动鼠标。但是,您也可以创建一个计时器以在特定时间自动唤醒计算机。
注意:(Note:)在提升的命令提示符(elevated command prompt)下执行命令powercfg /waketimers以获取活动唤醒计时器列表。
您可以从任务计划程序应用程序中删除单个唤醒计时器,或从(Task Scheduler application)高级电源设置窗口(Advanced Power Settings Window)中禁用所有它们,如下所述。
1. 导航至Edit Power Plan > Power Options > Sleep,如方法 7(Method 7)所示。
2. 双击允许唤醒定时器(Allow wake timers )并选择:
禁用(Disable )电池供电(On battery)选项
重要的唤醒定时器仅(Important Wake Timers Only)适用于插入(Plugged in)
3. 现在,展开多媒体设置(Multimedia settings)。
4. 在这里,确保电池(On battery)和插入(Plugged in)选项都设置为共享媒体时(When sharing media )允许计算机进入睡眠状态(Allow the computer to sleep),如下图所示。
5. 单击Apply > OK以保存更改。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Windows 11上更改(Windows 11)屏幕亮度(Screen Brightness)
方法 9:重置电源设置(Method 9: Reset Power Settings)
运行电源疑难解答(power troubleshooter)将为大多数用户解决睡眠模式(sleep mode)问题。幸运的是,您还可以选择自行处理并将所有电源设置重置为默认状态(default state)。请按照以下步骤通过重置电源(Power)设置来修复Windows 10 睡眠模式无法正常工作的问题:(sleep mode)
1. 像之前一样转到Edit Power Plan > Change advanced power settings > Power Options。
2. 单击下图中突出显示的恢复计划默认值按钮。( Restore plan defaults)
3. 将出现要求确认(requesting confirmation)操作的弹出窗口。单击(Click)是立即(Yes )恢复电源设置。
方法 10:更新 Windows(Method 10: Update Windows)
由于某些Windows(Windows)版本(尤其是2020 年5 月和 2020 年 9 月(May and September))中存在错误,去年有大量关于睡眠模式问题的报告。如果您很长时间没有更新系统,请按照以下路径进行操作:
1. 同时按下Windows + I keys打开 Windows 设置(Settings)。
2. 从给定的磁贴中单击更新和安全(Update & Security )。
3. 在Windows 更新(Windows Update )选项卡中,单击检查更新(Check for updates)按钮,如图所示。
4A。如果有可用的更新(Updates available),请单击立即安装(Install now )按钮并重新启动您的 PC。
4B。如果没有可用的更新,您将收到一条消息,说明您是最新(You’ re up to date)的,如图所示。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何阻止鼠标和键盘(Mouse and Keyboard)从睡眠模式唤醒Windows
修复 Windows 10 睡眠模式不起作用的其他解决方案
(Additional Solutions to Fix Windows 10 Sleep Mode Not Working
- 您也可以先将Windows 10启动到安全模式,然后尝试让系统进入睡眠状态。如果您成功执行此操作,请根据安装日期一个接一个地开始卸载第三方程序( uninstalling third-party programs),直到睡眠模式问题不复存在。
- 此问题的另一个潜在解决方法是更新Windows 10上的所有设备驱动程序。
- 或者,断开(disconnecting)过敏鼠标以及其他外围设备(peripherals)的连接,以防止在睡眠模式下随机唤醒应该可以工作。如果键盘上的某个键损坏或打字设备(typing device)过时,它可能不会随机将您的系统从睡眠中唤醒。
- 此外,scanning your system for malware/viruses并删除它们已经帮助了许多用户。
专业提示:防止设备从 USB 唤醒(Pro Tip: Prevent Device Wake Up from USB)
1. 右键单击开始(Start )菜单,键入并搜索设备管理器(Device Manager)。点击打开(Open)。
2. 双击通用串行总线控制器(Universal Serial Bus Controllers)将其展开。
3. 再次双击USB Root Hub驱动程序以打开其属性(Properties)。
4. 导航到电源管理(Power Management)选项卡并取消选中标题为允许此设备唤醒计算机(Allow this device to wake the computer)的选项。
- 修复 .NET 运行时优化服务高 CPU 使用率(Fix .NET Runtime Optimization Service High CPU Usage)
- 如何修复调试器检测到的错误
- 如何在 Windows 10 中启用 Telnet
- 如何测试电源
希望以上方法可以帮助您解决Windows 10 睡眠模式无法正常工作(Windows 10 sleep mode not working)的问题。继续访问我们的页面以获取更多很酷的提示和技巧,并在下面留下您的评论。
Fix Windows 10 Sleep Mode Not Working
Yoυ would spend a lot more time loоking at the bluе-tiled logo and the startup loading animation if it wasn’t for Windows Sleep Mоde feature. It keeps your laptoрs & desktops powered on but in a low еnergy state. It thus keeps the applicatiоns & Windows OS active allowing you to get right back to work after taking a quick coffee break. Sleep mode usuаlly works flawlessly on Windows 10, however, once in a blue moon, it can prompt a headache. In this article, we will be walking you through the correct power settings for sleeр mode and other fixes for resolving Windows 10 sleep mode not working іssue.
How to Fix Windows 10 Sleep Mode Not Working
Sometimes, you may disable the Sleep Mode feature unknowingly & then think it’s no longer working. Another very common issue is that Windows 10 fails to go to sleep automatically after the pre-defined idle time. Most sleep mode-related issues arise due to:
- misconfiguration of Power settings
- interference from third-party applications.
- or, outdated or corrupt drivers.
PC can be put to sleep by choosing the desired option from the Windows Power Menu while closing the laptop lid puts it to sleep automatically. Additionally, Windows computers can be configured to automatically fall asleep after a set idle time to save power. To wake up the system from sleep and get back to action, simply move the mouse around or press any key on the keyboard.
Method 1: Run Power Troubleshooter
If manually adjusting the power settings hasn’t proved fruitful yet, use the built-in Power troubleshooter to resolve this problem. The tool checks all your power plan settings and system settings such as display & screensaver to optimize power usage and automatically resets them if needed. Here’s how to run it:
1. Press Windows + I keys simultaneously to open Windows Settings.
2. Click Update & Security settings, as shown.
3. Navigate to the Troubleshoot tab in the left pane.
4. Scroll down to the Find and fix other problems section in the right pane.
5. Select the Power troubleshooter and click on the Run the troubleshooter button, shown highlighted.
6. Once the troubleshooter has finished running its scans and fixes, a list of all the detected issues and their solutions will be displayed. Follow on-screen instructions that appear to apply said fixes.
Method 2: Disable Screensaver
If you are still facing this issue, you will need to check the screensaver settings or disable it altogether. It might seem like an odd fix but many users have resolved power issues by simply switching off their beloved bubble screensaver and we recommend you do the same.
1. Open Windows Settings and click on Personalization, as shown.
2. Move to the Lock screen tab.
3. Scroll to the bottom and click Screen saver settings in the right pane.
4. Click the Screen Saver drop-down menu and choose None as depicted.
5. Click Apply > OK to save changes and exit.
Also Read: Fix Computer Won’t Go to Sleep Mode in Windows 10
Method 3: Run powercfg Command
As mentioned earlier, third-party programs and drivers can also cause Windows 10 sleep mode not working issues by repeatedly sending power requests. Thankfully, powercfg command-line tool available in Windows 10 OS can be used to figure out the exact culprit and carry out necessary actions. Here’s how to execute it:
1. Press the Windows key, type Command Prompt, and click on Run as administrator.
2. Type powercfg -requests and press Enter key to execute it, as shown.
Here, all the fields should read None. If there are any active power requests listed, canceling the power request made by the application or driver will allow the computer to fall asleep without any problem.
3. To cancel the power request, execute the following command:
powercfg -requestsoverride <CALLER_TYPE>“<NAME>”<REQUEST>
Note: Replace the CALLER_TYPE as PROCESS, NAME as chrome.exe, and the REQUEST to EXECUTION so the command would be powercfg -requestsoverride PROCESS “chrome.exe” EXECUTION as illustrated below.
Note: Execute powercfg -requestsoverride /? to obtain more detail about the command and its parameters. Moreover. a few other useful powercfg commands are listed below:
powercfg -lastwake: This command reports about what woke up the system or prevented it from going to sleep last time.
powercfg -devicequery wake_armed: It displays devices that wake up the system.
Method 4: Modify Sleep Settings
First, let’s ensure that your PC is allowed to fall asleep. Windows 10 allows users to customize the power button actions and also what transpires when the laptop lid is closed. Certain third-party applications and malware are known to mess with power settings and modify them unbeknownst to the user. The sleep settings could also have been changed by your sibling or one of your co-workers. Here’s how to verify and/or modify sleep settings to fix Windows 10 sleep mode not working issue:
1. Hit the Windows key, type Control Panel, and click on Open.
2. Here, set View by > Large icons, then click Power Options, as shown.
3. On the left pane, click on Choose what the power buttons do option.
Note: On few Windows 10 PC, it may be displayed as Choose what the power button does.
4. Select Sleep action as Do nothing for When I press the sleep button option under both On battery and Plugged in, as illustrated below.
5. Click on the Save changes button and close the window.
Also Read: Fix PC Turns On But No Display
Method 5: Set Sleep Timer
For most users, sleep mode problems are caused due to sleep timer values being set too high or Never. Let’s dive into power settings once again and reset the sleep timer to its default values, as follows:
1. Launch Control Panel and open Power Options as instructed in Method 4.
2. Click on Choose when to turn off the display option in the left pane, as shown.
3. Now, select the idle time as Never for Put the computer to sleep option under both On battery and Plugged in sections, as illustrated below.
Note: The default values are 30 minutes and 20 minutes for On battery and Plugged in respectively.
Method 6: Disable Fast Startup
This solution primarily applies to older systems that do not support fast startup & are failing to fall asleep. As the name implies, Fast Startup is a Windows feature that speeds up the system boot process by saving a kernel image and loading drivers onto the hiberfil.sys file. While the feature does seem beneficial, many argue otherwise. Read Why You Need To Disable Fast Startup In Windows 10? here and implement the given steps:
1. Go to Control Panel > Power Options > Choose what the power buttons do as instructed in Method 4.
2. Click on Change settings that are currently unavailable to unlock the Shutdown settings section.
Note: Click Yes in User Account Control prompt.
3. Uncheck the Turn on fast startup option (recommended) option
4. Click on the Save Changes button to bring the changes into effect.
Note: Make sure the Sleep option is checked under Shutdown settings.
Also Read: How To Create Windows 10 Sleep Timer On Your PC
Method 7: Disable Hybrid Sleep
Hybrid sleep is a power state that most users are unaware of. The mode is a combination of two separate modes, namely, Hibernation mode and Sleep mode. All these modes essentially put the computer in a power-saving state but have a few minute differences. For example: In sleep mode, the programs are saved in memory while in hibernation, they are stored on the hard drive. As a result, in hybrid sleep, active programs and documents are saved on both, memory and hard drive.
Hybrid sleep is enabled by default on desktop computers and whenever a desktop is put to sleep, it automatically enters the hybrid sleep state. Here’s how to disable this feature to fix Windows 10 sleep mode not working issue:
1. Press the Windows key, type Edit power plan, and hit Enter key.
2. Click on Change advanced power settings option, as shown.
3. In the Power Options window, click on the + icon next to Sleep to expand it.
4. Click Allow hybrid sleep and choose the values Off for both On battery and Plugged in options.
Method 8: Disable Wake Timers
To exit sleep mode in Windows 10, you normally need to press any key or move the mouse around a bit. However, you can also create a timer to automatically wake the computer at a specific time.
Note: Execute the command powercfg /waketimers in an elevated command prompt to acquire a list of active wake timers.
You can delete individual wake timers from within the Task Scheduler application or disable all of them from the Advanced Power Settings Window as discussed below.
1. Navigate to Edit Power Plan > Power Options > Sleep as shown in Method 7.
2. Double-click on Allow wake timers and choose:
Disable option for On battery
Important Wake Timers Only for Plugged in
3. Now, expand Multimedia settings.
4. Here, ensure both On battery and Plugged in options are set to Allow the computer to sleep for When sharing media as illustrated below.
5. Click on Apply > OK to save changes.
Also Read: How to Change Screen Brightness on Windows 11
Method 9: Reset Power Settings
Running the power troubleshooter will fix sleep mode issues for most users. If not, try to fix MoUSO Core Worker Process in Windows 10. Fortunately, you can also choose to take matters into your own hands and reset all power settings to their default state. Follow these steps to fix Windows 10 sleep mode not working issue by resetting Power Settings:
1. Go to Edit Power Plan > Change advanced power settings > Power Options as earlier.
2. Click on the Restore plan defaults button shown highlighted in the pic below.
3. A pop-up requesting confirmation of the action will appear. Click on Yes to immediately restore power settings.
Method 10: Update Windows
Reports of sleep mode issues were aplenty last year due to bugs present in certain Windows builds especially May and September 2020. In case, you haven’t updated your system in a long time, head down the following path:
1. Hit the Windows + I keys simultaneously to open Windows Settings.
2. Click Update & Security from the given tiles.
3. In the Windows Update tab and click on Check for updates button, as shown.
4A. Click the Install now button if there are any Updates available & restart your PC.
4B. If there are no updates available then, you will get the message stating You’ re up to date, as shown.
Also Read: How to stop Mouse and Keyboard from waking Windows from sleep mode
Additional Solutions to Fix Windows 10 Sleep Mode Not Working
- You can also boot Windows 10 into safe mode first and then try to put the system to sleep. If you are successful in doing so, start uninstalling third-party programs one after the other based on their installation dates until the sleep mode issues cease to exist.
- Another potential fix for this issue is updating all device drivers on Windows 10.
- Alternately, disconnecting a hypersensitive mouse, along with other peripherals, to prevent random wake-ups in sleep mode should work. If one of the keys on your keyboard is broken or if the typing device is archaic, it might not randomly wake up your system from sleep.
- Moreover, scanning your system for malware/viruses and removing them has helped many users.
Pro Tip: Prevent Device Wake Up from USB
To prevent a device from waking up the system, follow the given steps:
1. Right-click on the Start menu, type & search Device Manager. Click on Open.
2. Double-click on Universal Serial Bus Controllers to expand it.
3. Again, double-click on the USB Root Hub driver to open its Properties.
4. Navigate to the Power Management tab and uncheck the option titled Allow this device to wake the computer.
Hope the above methods helped you resolve Windows 10 sleep mode not working issue. Keep visiting our page for more cool tips & tricks and leave your comments below.