许多用户报告说WiFi选项未在Windows 10的网络(Network)和 Internet 设置中显示。当您的 PC 上未运行一项或多项所需服务时,您可能会遇到此问题。此外,如果您的计算机中存在过时的驱动程序、损坏的文件、用户配置文件中的故障、过时的Windows 操作系统(Windows OS)和TCP/IP冲突,您将面临WiFi选项消失的Windows 10问题。不过,有很多故障排除方法可以帮助您解决相同的问题。那么,继续往下看吧!

如何修复 Windows 10 中未显示的 WiFi 选项(How to Fix WiFi Option Not Showing In Windows 10)
在本节中,我们编制了一系列简单有效的故障排除方法,可帮助您修复WiFi选项消失的Windows 10问题。按照指示遵循它们以获得更快的结果。
注意:(Note:)如果出现问题,请始终确保创建系统还原点以还原 PC。(system restore point)
方法 1:基本故障排除步骤(Method 1: Basic Troubleshooting Steps)
在尝试任何其他方法之前,请遵循这些简单的技巧。有时您可能很幸运,只需单击一下即可修复网络连接问题中缺少的WiFi 。
- 重启电脑。
- 关闭(Turn)其他无线设备,如蓝牙(Bluetooth)扬声器、Alexa和其他类似设备。
- 重新启动(Reboot)路由器或在必要时将其重置。
- 检查WiFi卡是否连接正确。按照(Follow)给定的点检查您的网络连接。
- 如果您的 PC 没有内置无线网卡,因此您使用外部WiFi卡,请确保该卡连接正确且牢固,以修复Windows 10中未显示(Windows 10)WiFi选项。
- 此外,运行 ping 测试以检查 Internet 连接。

另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复网络连接错误 0x00028002(Fix Network Connection Error 0x00028002)
方法二:开启 WiFi(Method 2: Enable WiFi)
1. 同时按住Windows + I keys 打开Windows 设置(Windows settings)。
2. 现在,单击网络和 Internet(Network & Internet )选项,如图所示。

3. 现在,在左窗格中单击Wi-Fi选项卡并切换Wi-Fi按钮。

方法 3:启用网络适配器(Method 3: Enable Network Adapter)
有时,如果您的 PC 上未启用 Wi-Fi 适配器,您将面临WiFi选项未显示错误。但是,有一些简单的说明可以在您的计算机上启用WiFi 。
Windows + R keys 导航到运行(Run )对话框。
2. 现在,输入ncpa.cpl并按Enter 键(Enter key)。

3. 现在,右键单击您的活动网络适配器(network adapter)并检查它是启用还是禁用。

4. 检查您是否已修复WiFi未在Windows 10中显示错误已修复。
另请阅读:(Also Read: )修复 Windows 10 Netwtw04.sys 蓝屏错误(Fix Windows 10 Netwtw04.sys Blue Screen Error)
方法4:禁用飞行模式(Method 4: Disable Airplane Mode)
启用飞行(Airplane)模式将禁用WiFi、蓝牙(Bluetooth)、蜂窝模式、所有无线电服务等。因此,建议您禁用飞行模式以修复Windows 10问题中未显示的WiFi选项。通常,键盘上有一个专用键来启用或禁用飞行(Airplane)模式。点击键执行相同操作或执行下面列出的说明。
1. 同时按住Windows + A keys 打开操作中心(Action Center)。检查飞行模式(Airplane mode )是否打开。

2A。如果飞行模式(Airplane mode )已打开,请单击设置将其关闭。

2B。如果未开启飞行模式,请跳至下一个方法。(Airplane mode )
注意:(Note: )通过同时单击Windows + I keys 打开设置(Settings ),然后像在方法 3 中一样单击网络和 Internet。现在,从左侧窗格中选择飞行模式并关闭飞行模式设置。(Network & Internet as you did in Method 3. Now, choose Airplane mode from the left pane and turn off the Airplane mode setting. )

方法 5:重新启动 Windows 资源管理器进程(Method 5: Restart Windows Explorer Processes)
一些用户报告说,重新启动Windows 资源管理器(Windows Explorer)进程将有助于解决WiFi选项消失的Windows 10问题。按照下面列出的说明执行相同操作。
1. 同时按下Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys打开 任务管理器(Task Manager)。
2. 在进程(Processes )选项卡中,单击Windows 资源管理器(Windows Explorer )并选择重新启动(Restart )按钮。

3. 现在,Windows 资源管理器(Windows Explorer)重新启动和网络连接中缺少WiFi的问题现在将得到修复。
方法 6:运行网络疑难解答(Method 6: Run Network Troubleshooter)
要解决各种互联网连接问题,您可以在需要时使用Windows 10(Windows 10) PC中提供的内置工具。通过使用Windows网络疑难解答工具,您可以分析和诊断任何常见的网络相关问题。这是一个系统的过程,当逐步实施时,将帮助您修复Windows 10中未显示的(Windows 10)WiFi选项问题。按照(Follow)我们关于如何解决 Windows 10 上的网络连接问题的指南,了解基本的故障排除步骤,以使用Windows 网络适配器(Windows Network Adapter)疑难解答解决所有与网络相关的问题。

您可以使用这些步骤来诊断Windows 10 PC 中的Wi-Fi连接、以太网(Ethernet)和所有网络适配器。最后,检查您是否有固定的WiFi选项未显示问题。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何修复 Firefox 不加载页面(How to Fix Firefox Not Loading Pages)
方法 7:打开网络发现(Method 7: Turn On Network Discovery)
有时,当您不小心关闭了Windows 10 PC 中的网络(Network)发现功能时,您将面临WiFi选项消失的问题。但是,您可以按照以下步骤打开网络发现选项。(turn on the Network Discovery option)
1. 点击Windows 键(Windows key)并输入控制面板(Control Panel)。然后,单击打开(Open)。

2. 然后,将 View by设置 为 Category并单击 Network and Internet。

3. 现在,单击网络和共享中心(Network and Sharing Center),如图所示。

4. 现在,单击更改高级共享设置(Change advanced sharing settings )链接,如图所示。

5. 现在,选中打开网络发现(Turn on network discovery)旁边的框,并确保您还选中了打开网络连接设备的自动设置(Turn on automatic setup of network connected devices )选项,如突出显示。

6. 最后,点击保存更改(Save changes)。检查您是否已修复WiFi未在Windows 10中显示的问题。
方法 8:修复损坏的文件(Method 8: Repair Corrupt Files)
当您的Windows 10 PC 受到任何恶意软件攻击时,您的整个数据都将受到威胁。此外,如果您没有正确关闭您的 PC,并且您的计算机有不完整的Windows更新组件,您将面临WiFi选项未显示在Windows 10问题中。
然而,所有损坏的配置文件都可以通过修复它们来解决。Windows 10 计算机具有内置工具,例如系统文件检查器(System File Checker)和部署映像服务和管理(Deployment Image Servicing and Management )实用程序,可帮助您修复未显示问题的WiFi选项。
阅读我们在 Windows 10 上修复系统文件(to Repair System Files on Windows 10)的指南,并按照说明的步骤修复所有损坏的文件。

一旦您修复了 PC 上的所有损坏文件。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Windows 10 上设置 VPN(How to set up a VPN on Windows 10)
Method 9: Reset TCP/IP
有时,冲突的TCP/IP设置可能会导致WiFi未在Windows 10中显示问题。重置TCP/IP设置将重置所有Internet 协议设置(Internet Protocol Settings),例如DNS 服务器条目、IP 值、子网掩码条目(DNS server entries, IP values, Subnet mask entries, )等等。因此,如果这些设置中有任何损坏的条目,它们都将设置为默认值,从而修复WiFi选项消失的Windows 10问题。
按照我们的 Windows 10 网络连接问题故障排除指南,了解重置TCP/IP设置的基本故障排除步骤。

执行这些步骤后,检查是否可以修复WiFi未在Windows 10中显示的问题。
方法 10:启动 WLAN AutoConfig 服务(Method 10: Start WLAN AutoConfig Service)
每当您启动Windows 10 PC 时,都会在后台运行大量服务。其中之一是负责WiFi服务的(WiFi)WLAN AutoConfig服务。如果此服务被禁用,您可能会遇到Windows 10问题中未显示(Windows 10)WiFi选项,您需要按照以下说明重新启动服务。
1. 点击Windows 键(Windows key )并键入服务(Services),如图所示。然后,单击以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator)。

2. 现在,搜索WLAN AutoConfig Service并双击它。
注意:(Note: )您也可以右键单击WLAN 自动配置服务(WLAN AutoConfig Service )并从下拉列表中选择属性选项。(Properties )

3.现在,选择启动类型(Startup type)为自动(Automatic)。
3A。如果服务状态(Service status)不是正在运行,则单击开始(Start)按钮。
3B。如果服务状态(Service status)为正在运行(Running),请单击停止(Stop)按钮一会儿,然后重新启动。

4. 最后,单击Apply > OK 以保存更改。现在,您将修复WiFi选项消失的Windows 10问题。
方法 11:从 Wlansvc 文件夹中删除所有文件(Method 11: Delete All Files from Wlansvc folder)
Wlansvc (WLAN AutoConfig 服务)( (WLAN AutoConfig service) )文件夹中的文件负责查找Windows PC 周围的任何无线网络。如果此文件夹中有任何损坏或不兼容的文件,您将面临WiFi未在Windows 10中显示的问题。要解决此问题,请停止WLAN AutoConfig 服务(WLAN AutoConfig service),从文件资源管理器(File Explorer)中删除Wlansvc文件夹,然后重新启动该服务。如果这没有帮助,请阅读我们关于修复无线自动配置服务 wlansvc 未在 Windows 10 中运行的(Fix the Wireless Autoconfig Service wlansvc Is Not Running in Windows 10)指南。这里有一些关于相同的说明。
1. 重复方法 11 中的步骤 1 - 2(Steps 1 – 2 )并右键单击WLAN AutoConfig Service(on WLAN AutoConfig Service)。
2. 如果服务状态(Service status)为正在运行(Running),请单击停止(Stop)按钮。否则,跳到步骤 3。

3. 现在,同时按住Windows + E keys打开Windows Explorer。
4. 导航到给定位置并同时按下Ctrl + A keys选择所有文件夹。

5. 现在,单击删除(Delete)按钮,如上面的屏幕截图所示。如果在删除过程中提示您输入管理员凭据,请输入密码并继续。
6. 现在,关闭服务(Services)窗口并重新启动您的 PC。
7.再次(Again),启动服务(Services)窗口并选择启动类型(Startup type)为自动(Automatic),就像您之前在上述方法中所做的那样。

8. 最后,单击Apply > OK以保存更改。
检查WiFi选项是否消失Windows 10问题是否已解决。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) [已解决] Windows 检测到硬盘问题([SOLVED] Windows detected a hard disk problem)
方法 12:启用基本服务(Method 12: Enable Essential Services)
为了避免和防止在您的 PC 中发生的Windows 10问题中未显示(Windows 10)WiFi选项,一些基本服务必须处于活动状态。当这些服务中的任何一个出现问题时,您将在连接到WiFi网络时遇到一些冲突。以下是检查基本服务是否在您的 PC 上运行的一些说明。
1.按照上述方法打开服务窗口。(Services )

2. 现在,向下滚动并搜索Windows EventLog服务。
3. 检查服务状态(Status )。

3B。如果Status未设置为Running,请右键单击该服务并选择Start(not)选项(Start )。

4. 对以下服务也重复这些步骤。
- 远程过程调用 (RPC)(Remote Procedure Call (RPC))
- Windows更新(Windows Update)
- DHCP 客户端(DHCP Client)
- 网络连接设备自动设置(Network Connected Devices Auto-Setup)
- 网络连接代理(Network Connection Broker)
- 网络连接(Network Connections)
- 网络连接助手(Network Connectivity Assistant)
- 网络列表服务(Network List Service)
- 网络位置感知(Network Location Awareness)
- 网络设置服务(Network Setup Service)
- 网络存储接口服务(Network Store Interface Service)
最后,检查您是否修复了Windows 10问题中未显示的WiFi选项。
方法 13:禁用省电模式(Method 13: Disable Power Saving Mode)
如果您在Windows 10(Windows 10)计算机中启用了省电模式,您的网络适配器可能会自动关闭。这导致WiFi未在Windows 10问题中显示。我们建议您按照以下说明禁用省电模式。
1.通过在Windows 10搜索菜单中键入设备管理器并单击打开来启动(Open)设备管理器(Device Manager )。

2. 现在,双击网络适配器(Network adapters )部分。

3. 然后,右键单击您的网络适配器(Network adapter )并选择属性(Properties )选项,如图所示。

4. 然后,切换到网络适配器属性窗口中的(Network adapter properties )电源管理(Power Management )窗口,取消选中允许计算机关闭此设备以节省电源(Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power)旁边的框。

5. 最后,点击OK保存更改。
检查您是否已修复WiFi选项消失的Windows 10问题。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Windows 无法自动检测此网络的代理设置(Fix Windows could not automatically detect this Network’s Proxy settings)
方法 14:更新 Windows(Method 14: Update Windows)
要解决任何常见的 Internet 连接问题,例如网络连接中缺少WiFi,您必须确保您的 PC 是否已更新到最新版本。Microsoft发布定期更新以修复以前更新版本中的任何错误更新和错误。此外,更新 Windows(updating Windows)将解决任何恶意攻击,并始终让您的 PC 更安全。按照我们的指南更新 Windows 操作系统(update Windows Operating System)并在您的Windows 10系统中实施说明。

更新您的Windows 10 PC 后,检查您是否已修复WiFi选项消失的Windows 10问题。
方法 15:禁用 Microsoft WiFi Direct 虚拟适配器(Method 15: Disable Microsoft WiFi Direct Virtual Adapter)
Microsoft WiFi Direct Virtual Adapter用于共享网络连接或更快地传输文件。但此WiFi Direct 虚拟适配器(WiFi Direct Virtual Adapter)可能会在其他网络适配器之间引入混淆,从而导致WiFi选项未在Windows 10问题中显示。建议您通过执行我们关于如何在 Windows 10 中禁用 WiFi Direct(How to Disable WiFi Direct in Windows 10)的指南中讨论的步骤来禁用Microsoft WiFi Direct 虚拟适配器(Microsoft WiFi Direct Virtual Adapter)

禁用WiFi Direct Virtual Adapter后,检查您是否已修复WiFi选项未显示问题。
方法 16:更新 Wifi 驱动程序(Method 16: Update Wifi Driver)
不过,如果您在尝试所有这些变通方法后遇到WiFi未在Windows 10中显示的问题,建议您更新(Windows 10)WiFi驱动程序。此外,更新网络驱动程序将提高调制解调器的可靠性并提高网络速度。因此(Hence),建议您更新计算机中的WiFi驱动程序,以提高网卡的可靠性,解决兼容性问题,并最终修复网络连接丢失WiFi的问题。请按照(Follow)我们关于如何在 Windows 10 上更新网络适配器驱动程序(How to Update Network Adapter Drivers on Windows 10)的指南进行操作。

方法 17:重新安装 Wifi 驱动程序(Method 17: Reinstall Wifi Driver)
如果更新WiFi驱动程序并没有为您提供修复,请尝试重新安装它们以解决损坏的文件。重新安装WiFi驱动程序非常简单,您可以按照如何在 Windows 10 上卸载和重新安装驱动程序(How to Uninstall and Reinstall Drivers on Windows 10)中讨论的说明进行操作。重新安装网络驱动程序后,检查您是否已修复WiFi选项未显示问题。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复家庭共享 YouTube 电视不起作用(Fix Family Sharing YouTube TV Not Working)
方法 18:通过组策略启用 WiFi 图标(Method 18: Enable WiFi icon via Group Policy)
如果您遇到WiFi选项消失的问题,则可能是组策略(Group Policy)编辑器中的错误修改。要通过组策略(Group Policy)编辑器启用WiFi图标,请按照下面列出的说明进行操作。
1. 同时按住Windows + R keys 打开运行(Run )对话框。
2. 键入gpedit.msc并同时按Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys以打开具有管理权限的本地组策略编辑器。(Local Group Policy Editor )

3. 现在,导航到User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Start Menu and Taskbar文件夹。

4. 在右窗格中,向下滚动并双击从开始菜单中删除网络图标(Remove Network icon from Start Menu)。
5. 然后,单击禁用(Disabled )单选按钮并选择Apply > OK 以保存更改。

方法 19:手动添加 Wi-Fi 网络(Method 19: Manually Add Wi-Fi Network )
尽管如此,您还没有获得任何未在Windows 10中显示的(Windows 10)WiFi选项的修复,您可以按照以下说明手动添加WiFi网络。
1. 点击Windows 键(Windows key )并输入WiFi设置。然后,单击打开(Open)。

2. 现在,单击管理已知网络(Manage known networks ),如图所示。

3. 然后,单击添加新网络(Add a new network)。

4. 然后,填写网络名称(Network name )及其安全类型(Security type )字段,然后单击保存(Save)。

另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Windows 10 中未在网络上显示的计算机(Fix Computers Not Showing Up on Network in Windows 10)
方法 20:重置网络设置(Method 20: Reset Network Settings)
如果您在尝试所有这些方法后无法修复WiFi选项未显示,请重置所有网络设置。(WiFi)此方法将所有网络设置安装为其默认设置,并将所有网络组件设置为默认设置。为此,请按照我们关于如何在 Windows 10 上重置网络设置的指南进行操作(How to Reset Network Settings on Windows 10)

方法 21:全新安装 Windows 10(Method 21: Clean Install Windows 10)
如果这些方法都没有帮助您修复Windows 10(Windows 10)中未显示的 WiFi问题,那么您需要全新安装您的操作系统。为此,请按照我们指南中的说明执行 Windows 10 的全新安装(to do a Clean Install of Windows 10)。
使用以太网(Ethernet)电缆而不是Wifi确实很难管理。但现在,您肯定会修复未在 Windows 10问题中显示的 WiFi 选项。(WiFi option not showing in Windows 10)继续访问我们的页面以获取更多很酷的提示和技巧,并在下面留下您的评论。让我们知道您希望我们接下来探索哪个主题。
Fix WiFi Option Not Showing in Windows 10
Many users have reportеd the WiFi oрtion not showing in Windows 10 in Network and Internet Settings. Yoυ may face this issue when one or more required services аre not running on yoυr PC. Also, if thеre are outdated drivers, corrupt files, glitches in the user profile, outdated Windows OS, and TCP/IP conflicts in your computer, yoυ will face WiFі oрtion disappearеd Windows 10 issue. Nеvеrtheless, there are plenty of troubleshooting methods that will help you fix the same. So, continue reading bеlow!

How to Fix WiFi Option Not Showing In Windows 10
In this section, we have compiled a list of simple and effective troubleshooting methods that will help you fix WiFi option disappeared Windows 10 problem. Follow them as instructed to attain quicker results.
Note: Always ensure you create a system restore point to restore your PC if something goes wrong.
Method 1: Basic Troubleshooting Steps
Before trying any other methods, follow these simple hacks. Sometimes you might be lucky enough that you can fix WiFi missing from network connections issues within simple clicks.
- Reboot PC.
- Turn off other wireless devices like Bluetooth speakers, Alexa, and other similar devices.
- Reboot your router or reset it if necessary.
- Check if WiFi card is Connected Properly. Follow given points to check your network connection.
- If your PC does not come with a built-in wireless card and so you use an external WiFi card, make sure the card is connected properly and firmly to fix WiFi option not showing in Windows 10.
- Also, run a ping test to check the internet connectivity.

Also Read: Fix Network Connection Error 0x00028002
Method 2: Enable WiFi
If you cannot see WiFi in the Taskbar, you can enable it from the settings menu as instructed below.
1. Press and hold Windows + I keys together to open Windows settings.
2. Now, click on Network & Internet option as shown.

3. Now, in the left pane click on the Wi-Fi tab and toggle on the Wi-Fi button.

Method 3: Enable Network Adapter
Sometimes, if the Wi-Fi adapters are not enabled on your PC, you will face WiFi option not showing error. But, there are a few simple instructions to enable WiFi on your computer.
1. Navigate to the Run dialog box by pressing Windows + R keys together.
2. Now, type ncpa.cpl and hit Enter key.

3. Now, right-click on your active network adapter and check whether it is enabled or disabled.
3A. Click on Enable if the status is disabled.
3B. If the status is already in Enable, move to the next method.

4. Check if you have fixed WiFi not showing in Windows 10 error is fixed.
Also Read: Fix Windows 10 Netwtw04.sys Blue Screen Error
Method 4: Disable Airplane Mode
Enabling Airplane mode will disable WiFi, Bluetooth, cellular mode, all radio services, etc. Thus, you are advised to disable airplane mode to fix WiFi option not showing in Windows 10 issue. Usually, there is a dedicated key on your keyboard to enable or disable Airplane mode. Hit the key to do the same or implement the below-listed instructions.
1. Press and hold Windows + A keys together to open Action Center. Check if the Airplane mode is turned on.

2A. If Airplane mode is turned on, click on the setting to turn it off.

2B. If the Airplane mode is not turned on, skip to the next method.
Note: Open Settings by clicking Windows + I keys together and click on Network & Internet as you did in Method 3. Now, choose Airplane mode from the left pane and turn off the Airplane mode setting.

Method 5: Restart Windows Explorer Processes
Some users have reported that restarting Windows Explorer processes will help to resolve WiFi option disappeared Windows 10 issue. Follow the below-listed instructions to do the same.
1. Hit the Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys together to open Task Manager.
2. In the Processes tab, click on Windows Explorer and select the Restart button.

3. Now, Windows Explorer restarts and WiFi missing from network connections issue will be fixed now.
Method 6: Run Network Troubleshooter
To fix various internet connectivity issues, you can use the inbuilt tool provided in Windows 10 PC whenever needed. By using the Windows network troubleshooter tool, you can analyze and diagnose any common network-related issues. It is a systematic process, when implemented step by step, will help you fix WiFi option not showing in Windows 10 issue. Follow our guide on how to Troubleshoot Network Connectivity Problems on Windows 10 to learn basic troubleshooting steps to fix all network-related issues by using Windows Network Adapter troubleshooter.

You can use these steps to diagnose Wi-Fi connections, Ethernet, and all network adapters in your Windows 10 PC. Finally, check if you have fixed WiFi option not showing issue.
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Method 7: Turn On Network Discovery
Sometimes, when you have accidentally turned off the Network discovery feature in your Windows 10 PC, you will face WiFi option disappeared issue. Yet, you can turn on the Network Discovery option by following the below-mentioned steps.
1. Hit the Windows key and type Control Panel. Then, click on Open.

2. Then, set the View by as Category and click on Network and Internet.

3. Now, click on Network and Sharing Center as depicted.

4. Now, click on Change advanced sharing settings link as shown.

5. Now, check the box next to Turn on network discovery and make sure you also check Turn on automatic setup of network connected devices option as highlighted.

6. Finally, click on Save changes. Check if you have fixed WiFi not showing in Windows 10 issue.
Method 8: Repair Corrupt Files
When your Windows 10 PC is subjected to any malware attack your entire data will be under threat. Also, if you do not turn off your PC properly and if your computer has incomplete Windows update components, you will face WiFi option not showing in Windows 10 issue.
Yet, all the corrupt configuration files can be resolved by repairing them. Windows 10 computer has inbuilt tools like System File Checker and Deployment Image Servicing and Management utilities that will help you fix WiFi option not showing problem.
Read our guide to Repair System Files on Windows 10 and follow the steps as instructed to repair all your corrupt files.

Once you have repaired all the corrupt files on your PC.
Also Read: How to set up a VPN on Windows 10
Method 9: Reset TCP/IP
Sometimes, conflicting TCP/IP settings may contribute to WiFi not showing in Windows 10 problem. Resetting TCP/IP settings will reset all the Internet Protocol Settings like DNS server entries, IP values, Subnet mask entries, and a lot more. So, if there are any corrupt entries in these settings, all of them will be set to default thereby fixing WiFi option disappeared Windows 10 issue.
Follow our guide to Troubleshoot Network Connectivity Problems on Windows 10 to learn basic troubleshooting steps to reset TCP/IP settings.

After implementing the steps, check if you can fix WiFi not showing in Windows 10 issue or not.
Method 10: Start WLAN AutoConfig Service
A ton of services will run in the background whenever you boot your Windows 10 PC. One among them is the WLAN AutoConfig service which is responsible for WiFi services. If this service is disabled, you may face WiFi option not showing in Windows 10 issue and what you need to do is to restart the service as instructed below.
1. Hit the Windows key and type Services as shown. Then, click on Run as administrator.

2. Now, search for WLAN AutoConfig Service and double-click on it.
Note: You can also right-click on WLAN AutoConfig Service and select the Properties option from the drop-down list.

3. Now, choose the Startup type as Automatic.
3A. If the Service status is not Running, then click on the Start button.
3B. If the Service status is Running, click on the Stop button for a while and Start it again.

4. Finally, click on Apply > OK to save the changes. Now, you would have fixed WiFi option disappeared Windows 10 issue.
Method 11: Delete All Files from Wlansvc folder
The files in Wlansvc (WLAN AutoConfig service) folder are responsible to find any wireless network around your Windows PC. If there are any corrupt or incompatible files in this folder, you will face WiFi not showing in Windows 10 issue. To resolve the problem, stop WLAN AutoConfig service, delete the Wlansvc folder from File Explorer and start the service again. If this doesn’t help, read our guide on Fix the Wireless Autoconfig Service wlansvc Is Not Running in Windows 10. Here are some instructions regarding the same.
1. Repeat Steps 1 – 2 in Method 11 and right-click on WLAN AutoConfig Service.
2. If the Service status is Running, click on the Stop button. Else, skip to Step 3.

3. Now, press and hold Windows + E keys together to open Windows Explorer.
4. Navigate to given location and select all the folders by pressing Ctrl + A keys together.

5. Now, click on the Delete button as shown in the above screenshot. If you are prompted with admin credentials during the deletion, type the password and proceed on.
6. Now, close the Services window and restart your PC.
7. Again, launch the Services window and choose the Startup type as Automatic as you did earlier in the above method.

8. Finally, click on Apply > OK to save the changes.
Check if the WiFi option disappeared Windows 10 issue is resolved or not.
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Method 12: Enable Essential Services
To avoid and prevent WiFi option not showing in Windows 10 issue occurring in your PC, few essential services must have active status. When there is a problem with any of these services, you will face several conflicts in connecting to a WiFi network. Here are a few instructions to check if the essential services are running on your PC.
1. Open Services window as instructed in above methods.

2. Now, scroll down and search for the Windows EventLog service.
3. Check the Status of the service.
3A. If the Status is set to Running, right-click on the service and select the Stop option. Wait for a while and then click on Start again.

3B. If the Status is not set to Running, right-click on the service and select the Start option.

4. Repeat these steps for the below services also.
- Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
- Windows Update
- DHCP Client
- Network Connected Devices Auto-Setup
- Network Connection Broker
- Network Connections
- Network Connectivity Assistant
- Network List Service
- Network Location Awareness
- Network Setup Service
- Network Store Interface Service
Finally, check if you have fixed WiFi option not showing in Windows 10 issue.
Method 13: Disable Power Saving Mode
Your network adapters may shut down automatically if you have enabled power-saving mode in your Windows 10 computer. This leads to WiFi not showing in Windows 10 issue. We advise you to disable power saving mode as instructed below.
1. Launch Device Manager by typing it in the Windows 10 search menu and clicking on Open.

2. Now, double-click on the Network adapters section.

3. Then, right-click on your Network adapter and select the Properties option as shown.

4. Then, switch to the Power Management window in the Network adapter properties window and uncheck the box next to Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power.

5. Finally, click on OK to save the changes.
Check if you have fixed WiFi option disappeared Windows 10 issue.
Also Read: Fix Windows could not automatically detect this Network’s Proxy settings
Method 14: Update Windows
To fix any common internet connectivity issues like WiFi missing from network connections, you must ensure whether your PC is updated to its latest version. Microsoft releases periodic updates to fix any faulty updates and bugs in previous update releases. Also, updating Windows will resolve any malicious attacks and always keeps your PC on the safer side. Follow our guide to update Windows Operating System and implement the instructions in your Windows 10 system.

After updating your Windows 10 PC, check if you have fixed WiFi option disappeared Windows 10 issue.
Method 15: Disable Microsoft WiFi Direct Virtual Adapter
Microsoft WiFi Direct Virtual Adapter is used to share the network connection or to transfer files more quickly. But this WiFi Direct Virtual Adapter may introduce confusions between other network adapters, thereby causing WiFi option not showing in Windows 10 issue. You are advised to disable Microsoft WiFi Direct Virtual Adapter by implementing the steps as discussed in our guide on How to Disable WiFi Direct in Windows 10

After disabling WiFi Direct Virtual Adapter, check if you have fixed WiFi option not showing issue.
Method 16: Update Wifi Driver
Still, if you are facing WiFi not showing in Windows 10 issue after trying all these workarounds, you are advised to update the WiFi driver. Also, updating the network drivers will improve the reliability of the modem and increases the network speed. Hence, you are advised to update WiFi drivers in your computer to increase the reliability of the network card, resolve compatibility issues, and finally fix WiFi missing from network connections issue. Follow our guide on How to Update Network Adapter Drivers on Windows 10 to do so.

Method 17: Reinstall Wifi Driver
If updating WiFi drivers, does not give you a fix, then try reinstalling them to resolve corrupt files. Reinstalling WiFi drivers are very easy and you can do so by following the instructions as discussed in How to Uninstall and Reinstall Drivers on Windows 10. After reinstalling network drivers, check if you have fixed WiFi option not showing issue.
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Method 18: Enable WiFi icon via Group Policy
If you are facing WiFi option disappeared issue, there might be an erroneous modification in the Group Policy editor. To enable the WiFi icon via Group Policy editor, follow the below-listed instructions.
1. Press and hold Windows + R keys together to open the Run dialog box.
2. Type gpedit.msc and press Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys together to open Local Group Policy Editor with administrative rights.

3. Now, navigate to User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Start Menu and Taskbar folder.

4. In the right pane, scroll down and double-click on the Remove Network icon from Start Menu.
5. Then, click on the Disabled radio button and select Apply > OK to save the changes.

Method 19: Manually Add Wi-Fi Network
Still, you did not attain any fix for WiFi option not showing in Windows 10, you can manually add your WiFi network as instructed below.
1. Hit the Windows key and type WiFi settings. Then, click on Open.

2. Now, click on Manage known networks as shown.

3. Then, click on Add a new network.

4. Then, fill in the Network name and its Security type fields and click on Save.

Also Read: Fix Computers Not Showing Up on Network in Windows 10
Method 20: Reset Network Settings
If you cannot fix WiFi option not showing after trying all these methods, then reset all network settings. This method installs all the network settings to its default settings and all the network components are set to the default settings. To do so, follow our guide on How to Reset Network Settings on Windows 10

Method 21: Clean Install Windows 10
If none of the methods have helped you fix WiFi not showing in Windows 10 issue, then you need to clean install your Operating System. To do so, implement the steps as instructed in our guide to do a Clean Install of Windows 10.
It is really difficult to manage with an Ethernet cable instead of Wifi. But now, you would have fixed WiFi option not showing in Windows 10 issue for sure. Keep visiting our page for more cool tips & tricks and leave your comments below. Let us know which topic you want us to explore next.